View Full Version : How do you keep fit?

08-08-2007, 17:31
What do you do to keep fit?

I do running everyday, for about 20 minutes. And i bike for about 60 minutes, every other day. I dont want to loose weight, i just like to keep toned up, and it means i can eat what i want, without feeling guilty about it :p

08-08-2007, 18:04
I walk for an hour every day on my paper round and i usually go on my little sister's trampoline occasionally to give myself some exercise. :thumbsup:

09-08-2007, 07:56
I run around after 3 children all day :D :p

Other than that, I haven't the energy at the mo :lol:

09-08-2007, 09:52
I run around after 3 children all day :D :p

Other than that, I haven't the energy at the mo :lol:

I like your exercise regime Em.. I wish to join your gym.. Just one question: does running after 2 children burn the same calories?? :rotfl::rotfl:

I walk to and from work every day and run after the 2 kids at home.. At weekends I go shopping or walking with the kids, other than that don't have time for gyms, exercise etc...

09-08-2007, 11:54
I walk everywhere, walking connor to school gives me a lot of exercise. I also go tu Curves 3 days a week.

Chloe O'brien
10-08-2007, 00:07
I do a lot of walking as running around after Marley,but apart from that not a lot as I don't have the time to join a gym. We have a sports centre at the college and staff can join for £50 a year. I used to use it when I was a student but again it's finding the time to go to there.

10-08-2007, 00:20
I am really bad at the whole keeping fit thing :p.

I walk around quite a lot though. Up town, down another town (hour walk), to bus stops, a lot of walking in work, apparently sweeping and mopping burns some calories... dunno if that's true, but if it is, then that too.. and well that's about it. Supposed to be starting to play tennis with a mate soon, dunno if it will go ahead though. I just can't be assed though to be honest.. I know that's bad, but ah well :p.

11-08-2007, 15:36
I Sail on a little lake so putting in lots of tacks (when you turn the boat you have to jump to the otherside of the boat and switch sides) helps me keep fit, i also ruin around the lake in the park thats nice and i can't drive so i walk every where, into town etc.

Jessie Wallace
11-08-2007, 22:33
Keep fit your having a laugh!!!
I keep by walking from my front door to the car, and from my car to the sweet shop and visa versa!!!! (She say's popping anothing sherbert lemon in her mouth)
But although i actually have walking and keeping fit and all the rubbish, i do a LOT of running around at work up and down 4 flight's for stair to answer bells and stuff

di marco
13-08-2007, 20:54
i walk most places unless itll take way too long to walk, play netball 2 - 3 times a week and go trampolining when i can though hoping to make it a regular thing from september. also im planning on going to the gym from september. also i do dancing once a week

14-08-2007, 23:24
I started to cycle into work, but with the weather we've been having that plan got quickly shelved.

I've started to eat more healthily (http://www.whfoods.com) which has suddenly given me more energy. Had to go to the gym today just cause I felt hyper. I'm planning on take tennis lessons, going to boxercise and playing badminton during the week which should help.

15-08-2007, 11:26
I started to cycle into work, but with the weather we've been having that plan got quickly shelved.

I've started to eat more healthily (http://www.whfoods.com) which has suddenly given me more energy. Had to go to the gym today just cause I felt hyper. I'm planning on take tennis lessons, going to boxercise and playing badminton during the week which should help.

....Where are you playing tennis?

15-08-2007, 20:50
I started to cycle into work, but with the weather we've been having that plan got quickly shelved.

I've started to eat more healthily (http://www.whfoods.com) which has suddenly given me more energy. Had to go to the gym today just cause I felt hyper. I'm planning on take tennis lessons, going to boxercise and playing badminton during the week which should help.

....Where are you playing tennis?

Lintithgow Sports Centre. The tennis lessons are £20

16-08-2007, 09:58
I play badminton when I can as I love it. I do lots of walking at work but still try and take my dog out for nice walks on my day off. My husband gets to walk our dog daily, but even though shes 13 this year she will walk for miles.

I eat as healthily as possible and drink plenty of water - makes a huge difference.

18-08-2007, 19:25
I try to get healthily and I do alot of dacning to keep me fit. I dance now 3 times a week