View Full Version : Dementia Documentry

08-08-2007, 17:28
What do you think about the Dementia Documentry that is going to air tonight?

For those who haven't heard much about it, it follows a couple of years in the life of a couple. The man was diagnosed with Alzheimirs, and it follows how the illness progressed, and how it affected the couples relationship and life.

I think its so brave of them to do this. Its something that people dont tend to know much about, unless they know someone with it. Nearly everyone knows what cancer, heart disease etc does, but not this. Its about time people know more about it, as its an awfull disease, which affects so many people. I've got experience of people with dementia, and find it hard when people dont take it that seriously. Its not just a case of sometone forgetting a few things, who you are, etc. Its worse than that. Hopefully a few more people will watch this, and appriciate what its like for the family, when someone has dementia, and what it actually does.

Jessie Wallace
08-08-2007, 19:53
I'll be watching it, and will be recording it for work too.

08-08-2007, 22:43
I caught the last half hour of this and it was so heartbreaking. It must be a horrible way to die and for the family to watch him slowly lose control of his body and functions. I can understand why his sons didn't want to know if they had the gene after watching their father suffer and knowing their fate.

I didn't realise Alzheimer's did that. My brother in law's granddad has Alzheimer's and although his isn't as advanced as the man's in the film it's still upsetting to hear and watch him lose his faculties.

Jessie Wallace
08-08-2007, 22:53
We've have many residents with Alzheimirs and it is just horrible to watch them go through this diease.
In fact i'm now sitting here wondering how and why i do my job, well not so much why, that's kinda obvious, but the how, hmm.... run's off for some kleenex.

09-08-2007, 08:35
All week I have been saying to my partner I'm watching a programme on Wednesday at 9pm....so what happens I get comfy and fall asleep! hopefully it will be repeated soon as I am gutted that I never watched it