View Full Version : Holby Quotes

08-08-2007, 12:44
There's threads like this already on soapboards, just thought I'd make one for Holby :)

Discussing Joeseph's questioning by the police.
Sam: Come on Faye, dish the dirt...
Faye: What about?
Sam: Squeaky clean Joseph Byrne being beaten with rubber hoses as we speak!

29-02-2008, 22:03
Philip Lawler: Sorry, I’m just overexcited, you see you have that effect on men.

Connie: Yeah well try and contain yourself

Phillip Lawler: Yeah, I was hoping the two of us, working together like this that um, we’d get a lot closer.

Connie: *laughs* Ahh…that’s what I love about you Philip, when you dream, you dream big

29-02-2008, 22:12
Wooo great thread :D :cheer:.

29-02-2008, 23:46
Faye: I’m not a phoney
Jac: Really, the whole goldilocks, the butter wouldn’t melt the sudden appearance of a crucifix!
Faye: I went to church
Jac: Oh you’re so lovely
Donna: Look, one of us is going to have to take the rap for this
Jac: What, for the stupidest most obviously flammable mistake, in the book.
Maddy: I need a bed for a couple of hours
Mark: Hmmm…let me fashion one out for you from these cleanliness action plans

02-03-2008, 01:36
Spence: They assured me it was wild salmon!

(Or something like that :lol: The wild salmon joke was a funny running theme :lol:)

02-03-2008, 02:19
Loved the ending of the wild salmon debate :lol:

Spence: Tadaa........obviously we're not ditching the wild salmon because it's ah -
Ric: unflattering to our skin tone, make us look like beauticians, no no no no
Spence: But this erm..
Ric: Moss green?
Spence: Fern?
Ric: Racing green?
Spence: Steel blue....Gives us just that little more..
Ric: Gravitas..

08-03-2008, 01:18
Jac: the good news is it's in german
Connie: and the bad news?
Jac: it's in german

08-03-2008, 02:18
Sam to Maria: You've been really quite wonderful.

Me and Kasple decided that that was a good banner quote :p.

08-03-2008, 02:36
Maria to Sam: Stupid idea right, I mean you must be crazy busy, I mean I'm crazy busy we don't even have time to go to the loo let get a coffee, that was a stupid idea

08-03-2008, 17:35
Ohhh I Love This Thread I Have Loads Of Quotes Cause I'm Holby Quote Obsessed:lol:

Gina: I have to go to switzerland and if I cant wait three months I have to go today. The biggest problem isnt the physical its up here, I keep waking up wondering which part of my body is going to stop working next.
Connie: Maybe your legs dont work so well but your still you, you cut yourself, your still you. Even if you cant breath by yourself and you have to communicate by winking and a computer you will still be Gina.
Maybe you just have to adjust your expectations.
Gina: Even when Im a brain in a jar
Connie: OK where you draw the line thats up to you
Gina: If I draw it now my troubles end and my shackels fall away and I get my elli back, I just wont be there to enjoy it.
Connie: Please, please think about this carefully
Gina: I've thought about nothing else for months, this is right Connie, its exactly right. All I need from you is confirmation to Liberte and a flight one way, and a hotel for one night
Connie: You cant just disappear, you have got to tell elliot something.
Gina: I'll tell him I'm going on a trip with a friend.
Connie: And what happens when you dont come back?
Gina: Oh for heavens sake connie what more can I do? Please.

one of my fav quotes by Connie And Gina:Dx

Diane: Wheres my patient?

Jess: Bay 4

Alex: & mine

Jess: Bay 4

Alex: Our patients are in bed together?

08-03-2008, 17:50
:lol: Yay another contributor keep the HOlby quotes coming :p

Love all the old Holby quotes - One of my favourites of all time :p :

Medical student: Grovel
Jac: It's not in my nature
Medical student: It's good for the soul
Jac: I don't have one

11-03-2008, 22:30
Ohhh I Love This Thread I Have Loads Of Quotes Cause I'm Holby Quote Obsessed:lol:

Diane: Wheres my patient?

Jess: Bay 4

Alex: & mine

Jess: Bay 4

Alex: Our patients are in bed together?

- What exactly happened after this? I can't remember...was it one paitient or two?

12-03-2008, 22:49
I'm Baccccccccck!

Ric- 'Well that was all very smart'
'Getting Jordan to come to the function. Than when things want aray, he was there saving the day and
impressing Lord Byrne. It all went acording to plan.'

Connie- 'Well, having some maniac try to blow me up wasn't exactly part of the plan.'

Ric- 'For a moment, I did wonder whether you'd arranged that.'

Connie- 'I dont know whether to be flatered or not'

(Both look at Lord Byrne and Nic Jordan shaking hands)

Ric- 'well, it looks like you got what you wanted'

Connie- 'Things haven't worked out to badly for you either'

Ric- 'I dont know about that'
'but I am a much nicer person than you are'

(Connie smiles)

Connie to Chrissie after they successfully set him up: "That's the bravest thing I've ever seen":wub:
Nicest thing connie has ever said to chrissie i think!

12-03-2008, 22:53
Awww, Connie's great :D :p

From todays episode, found it amusing :p
Joseph: I'm calling the police......as soon as I can get a signal *cue phone waving*

12-03-2008, 22:54
HR Woman: Ah... Mrs Beauchamp...I wondered if you'd had a chance to do the appraisal forms?
Connie: No.. I was busy saving lives.
HR Woman: They're important..
Connie: Go away.
HR Woman: Appraisals are the key...
Connie: Ok I'll give you your appraisals... Elliot Hope: Mad Genius. Stuart McElroy: Smart ****. No Eye for Detail. Sam Strachan: Immature, but sound. Joseph Byrne... door knock Come...

Sam: I have a reputation to keep.
Chrissie: I shall spred the word that you're fantastic in bed.:lol: :wub:

Connie: Connie The Barbarian, Ice Queen, Queen Of Hearts, MR Beauchamp, Bucher Beauchamp, Mrs Thatcher, Killer Queen, Anymore suggestions?

Sam: Connie... Please, please don't go back to Hamburg, whatever it takes- do it.. I.. I don't want Grace that far away.
Connie: I'm not going to Hamburg. Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated
Sam: You've got to take this seriously.
Connie: What would you and your comrads have me do?
Connie: Yes you and your brothers in arms from Darwin. Sulking down on AAU
Sam: I'm not a part of that and if ... If he's made you think that... He's outsmarted you.
Connie: Well then... why are you hiding down there?
Sam: Because I'm furious at you.
Connie: What have I ever done to antagonise you?... Oh please don't tell me this is about the boarding school thing again...
Sam: She's NOT going to boarding school.
Connie: Well you know what, I'm sorry, her names down...
Sam: Yeah? Over my dead body.
Connie: Well Sam... If it comes to that...

12-03-2008, 22:58
Donna- "Aw, were you an orphan?"
Jac- "Well there you go then Donna, something else for you to gossip about!"

Like omgz that quote is like awwww:(

12-03-2008, 23:42
:lol: LOVE the Connie quotes :p Hilarious :rotfl: Poor Jac :( But she isn't an orphan! :eek: Remember Spence telling her that her father was proud of her?

One of my favourites :p

Maddy: Oh by the way, I’ve seen Linden in the locker room. In a thong, with a rose between the cheeks of his bum, you better get down there.

13-03-2008, 13:13
:lol: LOVE the Connie quotes :p Hilarious :rotfl: Poor Jac :( But she isn't an orphan! :eek: Remember Spence telling her that her father was proud of her?

One of my favourites :p

Maddy: Oh by the way, I’ve seen Linden in the locker room. In a thong, with a rose between the cheeks of his bum, you better get down there.

Nope when he say that?:eek: think i missed that!!
and when did she say that? was it by any chance aimed at donna| :p

13-03-2008, 17:34
Nope when he say that?:eek: think i missed that!!
and when did she say that? was it by any chance aimed at donna| :p

Sure it was the same episode where Donna said Jac was an orphan....before that bit :p and yeah it was :lol:

27-03-2008, 19:18
Joseph: 'I was accusing her of murder'
Faye: 'Joseph, relax, I mean I wouldn’t blame you if you murdered her yourself!'

14-05-2008, 23:29
Sam: So, you've knocked Faye up you dirty old dog
Joseph: What? no no..it's a..patient
Sam: Come off it Joey boy
Joseph: Alright it's Faye

Sam: It's a kid not the antichrist

15-05-2008, 17:05
:rotfl: Love the Joseph/Sam quotes :lol:.

21-05-2008, 01:09
Loved this scene :p

Maddy: Repeat after me - Maddy Young is a Geeniuss!
Sam: You didn't
Maddy: Did!
Sam: NO what tonight?
Maddy: Yep
Sam: Who did you get them from
Maddy: Short bloke in Radiology
Sam (to Maria): Ah! And you wanted to kill him as well.
Maddy: What?
Sam: It's just the um..oh you know the um..oh nothing..It's brilliant! (To Maria) Hey er we'll have the drink tomorrow, yes?
Maria: Yeah *Walks out of the room*
Maddy and Sam: ARRHHHHHHHH!
Sam: Ahhh you legend
Maddy: I know!

The way Maddy said I know just cracked me up :lol:

21-05-2008, 17:09
:rotfl: I liked it too.

Btw... who were they seeing haha??

21-05-2008, 17:10
I think it was some gig, they didn't specify who :p

27-05-2008, 01:21
[Joseph is hanging around the women's toilets]
Lady Byrne: Joseph, what are you doing darling
Joseph: Nothing
Lady Byrne: You look decidedly shifty for a man who's doing nothing doesn't he
Elliot: Crisp?

27-05-2008, 16:15
:lol: Elliot made me laugh with the crisps.
Good quote :cheer:.

03-06-2008, 21:21
Something like this..

Elliot and Connie..
Elliot: Take you and Sam for example... did it get... in the way of work?
Connie: I got pregnant Elliot..


Loved the whole convo!

03-06-2008, 21:23
Great quote :D You gotta love Elliot :lol:

I got to listen to that convo again I didn't hear all of it :p

09-06-2008, 18:12
Ric has pulled a drunk Abra out of bed for an emergency operation. (From the episode where they're in Ghana).

Abra: I'm really not sure about this, I'm not really a qualified electrician

*shocks the patient*

Abra: CLEAR!

11-06-2008, 19:04
Abra: "Okay, so your dad falls off a roof. Boo hoo. Everybody's sad. Get over it."
:rotfl: :rotfl:

13-06-2008, 01:02
Faye: I'm coming with you.
Jac & Joseph: NO!

Carl: From now on I own you. Now GIVE.

Jac: I thought you were waiting for Joseph?
Faye: What?
Jac: Only I'm finished now and I thought I'd buy you a drink clear the air.
Faye: Uh..er..No.

18-06-2008, 23:47
Joseph: Who's Lucas?
Linden: Isn't that Lucas?
Joseph: No that's Lewis.

Faye: What if our presence upsets her?
Joseph: Why did you tamper with the brakes?

Jayne: Great. Now I'm going to burn in hell and feel depressed.

24-06-2008, 21:05
Thought there was some good quotes tonight! With Joseph and Linden.

Linden: I'll drive on the way back. You nearly killed us 3 times!

Joseph (taking about John McClane): What he say? Hippy Kyak.
:rotfl: :rotfl: That cracked me up the most!! and when he said Hippy Kyak again later on.. that's so going on a banner of him when Kasple does caps 8-) :p

Joseph: My friend here is ex-SAS. And I also have erm... skills.

24-06-2008, 21:10
Joseph: My friend here is ex-SAS. And I also have erm... skills.

^ Loved that one :lol:

Great quotes tonight, can't remember most of them :p Linden and Joseph are a hilarious double act, loved when they were wondering through that house, Joseph picked up some metal thing and Linden picked up an umbrella :rotfl:

A quote from near the end...
Lucas: You didn't tell me he was disabled
Faye: You didn't ask! :rolleyes: :lol:

25-06-2008, 17:56
Some more :p

Dr Rose: If he does start rambling on about waking up during the operation, just tell him it's a common experience.

Joseph: Terrible drivers in Capetown
Linden: I'll drive on the way back, you nearly killed us three times
Joseph: None of those were my fault
Linden: Jumping a red light is kind of your fault

Joseph: Faye made me watch a film the other night, I'm not sure if you've heard of it. Die hard.

Linden: I take it you know the murder rate is ten times more than Harlem here
Joseph: I didn't. I'm so pleased you chose this moment to inform me

Joseph: Look I promise you the height won't kill you...wheras the hoodlums might.

Linden: We'd been shot at, beaten up, robbed and chased, and somehow he greeted Faye like his grandmother at church.

25-06-2008, 18:01
Joseph: My friend here is ex-SAS. And I also have erm... skills.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I nealry wet myself when he sad that :lol:

02-07-2008, 00:10
Jac: I thought I was doing the right thing
Joseph: Oh, really? Would that be the stalking or the snooping

Maddy: Have you seen rent?!?!? Stupid question...

Joseph: She said she was sorry...and I think she meant it.

13-07-2008, 22:23
Ric: What do you want me to do, call an exorcist?!

15-07-2008, 22:05
Maddy: I've never seen one that big before.
Sam: Yeah, that's what all the girls say.

15-07-2008, 22:18

Joseph: I'm David Bailey.
Lola: .. It's Blaine.

19-07-2008, 10:34
Donna: The eagle has landed.

19-08-2008, 02:36
Joseph: It's not the Byrne way we tend to just smile politely and act as if nothing happened
Faye: How wonderfully repressed

The Tans:
Is there something wrong with her
I think she's simple

08-10-2008, 20:52
Quote spam :angel:

Jayne: This meeting is silly in fact this meeting is b****y ridiculous

Jayne: If you want to stop this operation you go in there and pull the plug yourselves. Sew them back together and give them back to their parents! :rotfl:

Jayne: Screw you and screw your board

Donna: What are you waiting for get involved!
Kyla: Because he's a pilot
Donna: Yes because he's a pilot

Kyla: He's not an airline pilot
Donna: Oh no what does he fly..not one of those microlite things that look like a bicycle with wings.

Jayne: So frankly if the devil himself had given me the money I would've taken it!

Kyla: He was just being friendly
Maddy: That's what Monica said about Clinton

16-10-2008, 14:43
Dr Greene: I love these kids. they come in here cut to pieces, we stitch them back together and then they go straight out again to their gangs and their knives.
Ric: He sustained these injuries falling through a greenhouse.
*long pause*
Dr Greene: Probably out stealing tomatoes. :lol:

20-10-2008, 16:20
Lola - shut up and hug me *then her and ric kissed" how i squeeed!:wub:

Abra: Myabe if we could start again, it never happend, it was just some horrid nightmare, I could make you see yourself through my eyes, and then you'd start to understand why i love you so much and you could teach me to be human. :wub:

21-10-2008, 19:22
Dr Greene is amazing :lol: Think we need a Dr Greene Appreciation thread soon :rotfl:.

21-10-2008, 19:37
*Nods* definitely :D :p Kill DaishaFaye and give him more screentime. :lol:

Lola - shut up and hug me *then her and ric kissed" how i squeeed!:wub: Eee I liked that bit. :D

04-11-2008, 00:38
Dr Greene: Typical. You go weeks without a nutter and then two turn up on the same day.

Joseph: What's wrong with a walking holiday?

18-11-2008, 21:02
Donna: You know I'm surprised Connie even recognises Grace. Makes you wonder why some people have kids

Jac: ET phone home.

Sam: Honestly we're not laughing...its just..the shock.:rotfl:

18-11-2008, 21:48
Was that all in one conversation?
:lol: I much watch on the Iplayer

18-11-2008, 22:08
Lmaoooo Abbie, no that wasn't all in one convo :rotfl: Would have been funnier if it were

18-11-2008, 22:10
Oh right then :lol: I thought it sounded odd so what was sam laughing at, and why is jac saying ET phone home? :p

18-11-2008, 23:40

Jac babysat Daisha's baby for a while and she said it when Daisha first handed him over.

And Sam was laughing at Jamie electrocuting himself in theatre. :p

You have to watch on iplayer! Defib boxing. :rotfl:

30-11-2008, 00:57
Joseph: Do you know what I want?
Jac: Yes you said, a baby
Joseph: No
Jac: God your so fickle, go on then
Joseph: I want an uncomplicated relationship
Jac: That is a poor lonely hearts pitch

Analeese: Kids, can we have a bit of focus please? What is this, sexual tension?

Jac: Not tonight Josephine, huh?

Joseph: You're taking Mr Frisby up to theatre?
Jac: No, we're going for a Chinese and then we're off clubbing.

Analeese: (about Jac) She's standing there scrubbing her hands like Lady Macbeth.

01-06-2009, 19:18
Dan: I would've sent a card but I couldn't find the sorry you've been stabbed section..

Dan: Why does no-one ever stab anaesthetists?

11-01-2010, 11:47
"They're easier to fix. Other people. Other people are easier to fix. That's the answer to why." - Jac