View Full Version : *First fic-casualty*

08-08-2007, 01:00
Couldn't sleep, computer was there, seemed like a good idea at the time, it's not that good :p It's set like more of a story than a script, just find it easier to write that way :)


Maggie had the inability to walk past a high street store or boutique and resist popping in and have a quick nose at all the bargains on offer, especially when there was a sale on. She’d decided to walk to work that day to clear her head, and was going to be late if she wasn't careful.
“You can never have enough shoes” she murmured to herself, as she eyed up a pair of half price gorgeous blue wedges through the window of a shop. Looking at her watch, she walked in and picked one of them up, looking closely at the beaded design. Closing her eyes, she pictured herself wearing them with her favourite black dress..
She wished she’d been wearing it that night. She knew how it flattered her shape and made her appear slimmer. She’d felt so plain and frumpy in the old clothes she wore for work. But he didn't seem to care about that...he'd taken her mind off everything that had happened that day.

She was beginning to wonder if he really cared about her. She hadn’t had a letter, phonecall or email from him for two weeks, since he’d been travelling in Thailand, and hadn’t seen him for two months, after that night. She remembered the morning after, standing by the door in her dressing gown; he'd said "I'll be back when I've had a break from this place, don't worry Mags, I will". She really believed he meant it, that he'd changed, that he loved her.
She suddenly opened her eyes, snapping back to reality. Maggie realised she’d been standing with the wedge in her hands for a while; embarrassed, she mumbled "sorry" to the shop assistant who was staring at her and shakily, she put it down on its stand and backed out of the shop.

*2 minutes later*

Maggie knew she'd spent to long in that stupid shop. Walking as fast as she could down the highstreet, she looked at her watch; "dammit!" she cried, instantly regretting it as passers by glanced warily at her as if she was mad.

08-08-2007, 09:44
Ohhh I Love This:wub: It's Maggie. And Of Course It's Not Crap.

08-08-2007, 19:24
Yeah i agree it's really good, and even better that it's about Maggie.

09-08-2007, 12:44
Part 2::)

Kelsey watched Maggie rush down the corridor. She exchanged a smile as Maggie walked quickly past the staffroom. Her hand shook as she put down her mug of coffee. She got up and closed the door. She couldn’t let anyone come near her at the moment. She wasn’t ready to. The loos had been busy so she'd had to come here.
She turned around and put her back against the lockers. She slid down and wedged her foot under the door, so no-one could get in. She opened her bag and took a deep breath.
“Harry! You’re back! How was the holiday?!” Maggie exclaimed.
“Fine thanks, sorry to leave you guys in the lurch like that” he replied, smiling at her, “Tunisia is beautiful this time of year, kids loved it.” He paused. “I really needed that break”
“Glad to hear it, I…” She stopped mid-sentence, sensing the sadness that was still in Harry’s voice. “Right, well, I…need a break…do you want tea?” she asked tentatively.
“No, I’m fine thanks for asking, I better say hello to the rest of the team! Catch you later.” Still smiling at her, Harry spotted Guppy past the double doors, turned around and walked briskly to catch up with him.

Maggie turned the handle to the staffroom. She frowned and called to Tess; “Has anyone locked the staffroom?”
“Not that I know of…” Tess replied, while she signed a discharge form
“Oh…because I can’t…get in…” Maggie’s voice trailed off as she realised Tess was too rushed to even register what she said. “The door must be jammed” she muttered under her breath. Glancing down the corridor, she decided to get a tea at the vending machine, not quite the same, but she didn’t have the patience to wait.

As she walked back to cubicles, she glanced at the staffroom, and decided to do something about the damned door. “Charlie!” she shouted across reception “can you help me with this door?”
“Sure, what’s up?” he asked as he walked over
“Door won’t open” she replied
“Oh I’m sure it’s just a little stuck… You know how temperamental that stupid door is, and you don’t have the strength I do”
Maggie laughed “yeah, I wish I had your arms of steel” she joked.
Trying to keep his feelings for Maggie check, he smiled and turned his head away as he tried the door handle. He leaned against the door and managed to open it up a few inches. “I don’t it’s stuck, I think something’s in the way! Seriously how hard did you push this door? Why don’t you try looking through the gap?”
“Not that hard, I was having my break, I thought I’d just leave it for the cleaners or whoever sorts these things” Maggie admitted as she looked worriedly into his eyes. She bent down and peered through the gap. “Charlie” she said urgently “Charlie it’s not something it’s someone! Whoever it is they’ve managed to wedge their shoe under the door, I have… no idea… how…” She lay on her side, and as she focused she saw a face tilted back at an angle and gasped as she realised who it was “It’s Kelsey!”

Next part will be in 2 weeks (when im back from hols) :ninja: :D