View Full Version : Sam and Phil

02-08-2007, 14:44
Just a few quick Q's...( Im a reasonably new devotee of tb, only saw romania in may, but ive been doing an awful lot of surfing re tb and sam phil/lisa scott and the storyline...)

....when sam miscarried stu's baby, was she upset as of the miscarriage in general; she thought it may have been her last chance at motherhood; she knew she wasnt in love with him but always was with Phil; the baby wasnt phils;;; - or all of these?

and was she ever in love with stu - or did she just think she was?

02-08-2007, 14:55
Detbarb.. welcome to the boards.. there is a big Phil/Sam discussion thread here.. http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=53842