View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 15th and 15th August

02-08-2007, 08:18
15 August

PCs Emma Keane (Melanie Gutteridge) and Diane Noble (Kaye Wragg) are patrolling through a park when they discover a woman, Tina Wilson (Bronagh Gallagher), has been attacked. Tina is taken to hospital where DS Phil Hunter (Scott Maslen) and DC Grace Dasari (Amita Dhiri) question her. Tina tells the officers the last thing she can remember was getting into a cab after spending the day at the Majestic Casino. She soon realises that the handbag with her winnings was taken in the attack.

Grace and Phil head to the casino, where they meet the helpful owner, Louis Dreyfuss (Michael Brandon). Whilst checking the CCTV, to note the number of Tina’s cab, the detectives are informed that her empty handbag has been found – as well as a bloodied knife with her prints all over it.

Phil and Grace visit Tina again where she confesses that after being raped five years ago, she carried the knife for protection and remembers stabbing the attacker. Further investigation proves that the casino barman, Billy Campbell (Neil McNulty) and Tina’s cab driver David Kinney (Ben Nealon) had previously been in business together until they had gone bust. Phil and Grace later find out that another woman had been attacked near the casino after a big win and in both cases, Billy had called for a taxi as the women were feeling dizzy. And David was the cab driver on both occasions.

Positive that Billy and David have been working together, an undercover sting is arranged in the casino where Emma is used as bait. Pretending to be drunk, she allows Billy to call her a cab which soon arrives. However, when events take a surprising turn, Emma finds herself in danger…

Back at the station, Sergeant Callum Stone (Sam Callis) and PC Dan Casper (Chris Jarvis) attend a domestic disturbance call where they find Clare Turner (Lucinda Millward) screaming at her live in-nanny, Sarah Miles (Lucy Shaw). She claims to have found drugs in Sarah’s belongings and wants her out.

Sarah is taken back to Sun Hill for questioning and tells Stone that the drugs belong to Sarah’s husband Mark (Dan Fredenburgh) - who strongly denies all knowledge.

Later that day Stone is called back to the Turners where he finds Clare throwing Sarah’s belongings out on the street. Sarah admits to Stone that Clare must have found out about the affair she was having with her husband. She is adamant the drugs don’t belong to her and, angry that Mark denied they were his, tells Stone that she knows where Mark keeps his stash.

Stone persuades her to meet up with Mark while the officers lie in wait, ready to pounce. However, when Mark turns up and tells Sarah that he’s left his wife, her resolve begins to weaken and it looks as though the operation could backfire…

16 August 2007

PCs Reg Hollis (Jeff Stewart) and Tony Stamp (Graham Cole) respond to a call where a panicked Doug Harrison (Roderick Smith) has reported that his elderly mother Rose (Jean Boht) has disappeared with his five-month-old granddaughter. There is extra concern for the baby’s safety as Rose suffers from Alzheimer’s and is often confused.

The officers are quickly briefed and PC Will Fletcher (Gary Lucy) is put forward to act as the Family Liaison Officer. Turning up at the Harrisons', Doug is frosty towards Will when he attempts to talk to the baby’s mother Sandy (Sarah Easton). After much persuasion, Will gets Sandy to open up to him a little when she admits Rose may have been upset over an argument Sandy had with Doug the night before about Danny Hegarty (Henry Everett), the baby’s father.

Later, Will questions Danny and discovers he was Sandy’s school teacher when she became pregnant. He tells Will that he is applying for custody of the baby as Sandy can’t cope, but swears he has nothing to do with the baby’s disappearance. Hopes are soon raised when Rose is seen wandering across a busy road looking bewildered. However, when Reg and Tony attend the scene and discover the bundle in her arms is only an old coat, the race is on to find the baby before it's too late…

Elsewhere, DS Phil Hunter (Scott Maslen) visits Louis Dreyfuss’s (Michael Brandon) casino. He is surprised when Dreyfuss again offers him the chance to become his private detective particularly as he suspects his beautiful young wife Monica (Eglantine Rembauvile) may be having an affair.

Although Phil turns his offer down, he is intrigued when he sees Monica talking to a hostile man outside the casino. He soon finds out the mystery man is Joe Brennan (Ben Joiner), a criminal wanted for drug dealing.

Phil follows Monica and Joe to a car park where he witnesses Monica handing drugs over to Joe. Phil talks to Monica once she is alone and she confesses that Joe is blackmailing her: Monica explains that when she met Dreyfuss she was working for Joe, attracting rich people to play dodgy poker games and she is terrified that Dreyfuss will find out about her past. Phil arranges an undercover sting where he arrests Brennan, but Monica is still worried about losing Dreyfuss. When Phil later talks to Dreyfuss, he admits he knew about Monica all along but thought she was worth losing money for. Again, he makes Phil the very tempting offer of keeping an extremely close eye on his beautiful wife…

Finally fed-up with working with Sergeant Callum Stone (Sam Callis), PC Dan Casper (Chris Jarvis) decides he had had enough, and he leaves Sun Hill to start a new life in sunny Ibiza… No great loss there then

Looks like two
Kiddiecop Free Episodes:thumbsup:

02-08-2007, 15:18
i didnt realise dan left. i dont think he will be missed that much!
great to see jean boht in an episode, she is a good actress.
is this the start of phils leaving storyline?

02-08-2007, 18:45
is this the start of phils leaving storyline?

Could possibly be. He always has liked doing his own thing with a disregard for the rules so a private detective job would suit him down to the ground.

03-08-2007, 15:15
Hi there again. Where is the private D thing coming from?

03-08-2007, 19:06
Hi there again. Where is the private D thing coming from?

does neil like sam now that phils leaving

04-08-2007, 13:28
Hi there again. Where is the private D thing coming from?

From the first post:

Elsewhere, DS Phil Hunter (Scott Maslen) visits Louis Dreyfuss’s (Michael Brandon) casino. He is surprised when Dreyfuss again offers him the chance to become his private detective particularly as he suspects his beautiful young wife Monica (Eglantine Rembauvile) may be having an affair.

Although Phil turns his offer down, he is intrigued when he sees Monica talking to a hostile man outside the casino. He soon finds out the mystery man is Joe Brennan (Ben Joiner), a criminal wanted for drug dealing.

04-08-2007, 17:53
Hi there again. Where is the private D thing coming from?

From the first post:

Elsewhere, DS Phil Hunter (Scott Maslen) visits Louis Dreyfuss’s (Michael Brandon) casino. He is surprised when Dreyfuss again offers him the chance to become his private detective particularly as he suspects his beautiful young wife Monica (Eglantine Rembauvile) may be having an affair.

Although Phil turns his offer down, he is intrigued when he sees Monica talking to a hostile man outside the casino. He soon finds out the mystery man is Joe Brennan (Ben Joiner), a criminal wanted for drug dealing.

The title of the thread says "Bill Spoilers 15th and 15th August." Are these episodes for the 14h and 15th or 15th and 16th?

is there going to be any love triangles coming up in the bill

06-08-2007, 23:08
looks like the old phil is coming back! didn't realise Dan was leaving but i can't say i'll miss him he hasn't had hardly any stories.

13-08-2007, 15:45
can anyone answer my question:angel: