View Full Version : Elyes Gabel To Leave

irish eyes
31-07-2007, 23:02
From Holby.TV

Elyes Gabel to Leave
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Following The Sun's announcement, holby.tv can confirm that actor Elyes Gabel is to leave CASUALTY.

Elyes, who has played SHO Guppy Sandhu for three years, has decided to quit the show - his last major storyline being that of Guppy's recent downfall into drug abuse.

The actor now plans to concentrate on music having been part of a 'funky folk' group who are about to start recording tracks. He added, 'I'm going to put my music out, do some gigging and earn my stripes as a musician rather than take advantage of the small name I've developed in the acting industry.'

Elyes has enjoyed a number of fantastic storylines during his time on the show including racial abuse and the death of his father, however his latest drug storyline has been challenging and he has been pleased the subject has been tackled.

'Anybody can get hooked on drugs. It's a social dependency but then it becomes more than that, it becomes a life support mechanism almost, and that's where it leads to addiction.

'To not acknowledge that is almost intentionally going away from things that are happening in society. Guppy's just completely knackered and searching for a way out, because he wants to do his job well. He's virtually getting no sleep, having to do all these intricate procedures, dealing with patients, studying for exams and then he goes out. He's having a turbulent time.'

He concludes, 'He's searching for something, almost like a crutch to lean on and help him get through this period.'

31-07-2007, 23:19
Nooooo! I don't want him to leave, he's ace.
Not sure about the band though :hmm:

samantha nixon
31-07-2007, 23:22
At last, I think Elyes is a good actor but I cant stand Guppy, he is an anooying character. Hopefully he will do well in his band

31-07-2007, 23:23
:crying: My Guppy :(. I hope he doesn't die!!!

Haha I can't imagine him in a band :p

01-08-2007, 10:36
:crying: My Guppy :(. I hope he doesn't die!!!

Haha I can't imagine him in a band :p

Maybe he ODs on coke.
Any news on when he will be leaving our screens?

irish eyes
01-08-2007, 11:55
He leaves in this Saturdays episode apparently.

01-08-2007, 17:07
i really like guppy but his drug storyline has been annoying. he was fine one week and a drug addict the next!! typical tv!!
shame he's going though.

01-08-2007, 17:29
aww, i like Guppy, it will be sad when he leaves. I thought he has been a good character. I don't like this storyline at theminute

irish eyes
03-08-2007, 13:50
Sorry about saying he leaves this Saturday, Holby.TV have confirmed he leaves in episode 5 of the new series.

03-08-2007, 22:35
It still sucks :( I liked his character, before he started in this whole drugs thing...I hope they don't kill him off! Leave a space so he can come back someday :)

04-08-2007, 13:23
Last episode tonight before the break so after then there will only be five more episodes with him in :(