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26-07-2007, 17:17
Was snooping around, missing lost and came across this lot.. not really spoilers but a good indication of what might be coming up
(taken from the official lost forum)

1) The REASON why Kate is NOT in jail during the future (flash-forward) story WILL be explained in the first 2 episodes

2) Penny will play a big role in the first 4 episodes and/or later

3) MORE deaths on the way

4) MORE new Losties will be introduced

5) We WILL get a Danielle flashback but it will leave use wanting more.....the episode will explain some of the questions that the fans have asked at live events and forums...

6) Many of the Losties who left the island WILL have a future story (flash-forward) and it will be SHOCKING to see what has happened since they left the island.....this will help us understand a little of WHY Jack really wants to go back

7) Still MANY flashback stories on the LOSTIES have yet to be closed

8) Jacob is the NEW monster (he will be seen in many episodes but not explained) and the monster will be explained (sort of)

9) The history of the island WILL be explained but unsure if that means about the "natives" or the island itself....

10) The Ruins and the "Temple" mentioned by Ben will be the explored by Locke

11) Michael & Walt and also.......Libby WILL return BUT don't expect much of their stories until mid-season

30-07-2007, 20:49
Im soooooo excited for season 4 but still have such a long wait

11-08-2007, 10:14
Episode 4.01: Title Unknown
Airdate: February 2008

08/05 - Here is a little more about Russell: He is said to be fascinated by magic and mystery even if he works in a world of science. The role is a recurring that may end up to be a series regular. Source: SpoilerFix.com
08/01 - First up is the recurring character of Russell, described as a brilliant mathematician in his late thirties who is "capable of great insights and has a tremendous knowledge across various scientific fields." Unfortunately, he tends to be too direct for his own good, and as a result, his personal relationships don't always add up. Russell is scheduled to turn up in Episode 1. Source: The Ausiello Report
08/01 - [A new character], possibly extending the rest of the season, and perhaps next season, [is] Russell, a brilliant mathematician in his late 30's. Name may change of course. Source: secretagentman @ TWoP

11-08-2007, 10:14
Airdate: February 2008

08/05 - The role of Charlotte could become a regular. Source: SpoilerFix.com
08/01 - Also recurring is Charlotte, a hot twentysomething who is said to be "precocious, loquacious and funny... a very successful academic who also knows how to handle herself in the real world." Interestingly, she, too, has a tough time relating to people. Beneath the surface, there's "lots of repressed and pent-up emotions." [Charlotte debuts in Episode 2.] Source: The Ausiello Report
08/01 - [A new character], possibly extending the rest of the season, and perhaps next season, [is] Charlotte, an attractive, athletic academic. Name may change of course. Source: secretagentman @ TWoP

17-08-2007, 11:36
08/15 - The only bit of info I can add about [the] role [of Arthur Stevens] is that the character will be between 40 and 60 years old. Source: SpoilerFix BuddyTV Spoilers Chat
08/13 - Also appearing in 401 and 402, with possibly more eps down the line, is Arthur Stevens. He is a ruthless corporate recruiter, tall and thin, with a chilling prescence.

17-08-2007, 11:37
08/12 - Carlton Cuse and Damon Lidelof reveal: Who is on that frieghter and are they good or bad is a significant part of next years' show. [...] If Naomi was lying about working for Penny... who says there even is a boat? Source: The Official Lost Magazine, Issue #12

29-08-2007, 12:53
Will there be any cast changes this season on Lost?
Aside from the newbies we announced last week (much thanks to Korbi for that scoop!), Entertainment Weekly is now reporting that Grindhouse’s Jeff Fahey will join the island crew this year. I can also tell you that although I'd heard a while back we’d be seeing a little less of Matthew Fox this season, so far there are no signs of any “Jack-off” days on the production schedule So, we’ll see.

29-08-2007, 14:53
Several new actors joining the cast of Lost for its fourth season have been named in various reports.

TV Guide states that The Wire and former Oz star Lance Reddick has been cast in the recurring role of Arthur Stevens, described as a "corporate recruiter who is smart, capable and ruthless". They also report that Sopranos actor Ken Leung has been cast in an unknown role.

Meanwhile, E Online claims that Saving Private Ryan actor Jeremy Davies will be starring in eight episodes of the fourth season, whilst English actress Rebecca Maden - best known for US show Justice - will also be featuring prominently.

29-08-2007, 16:07
how on Earth are they gonna write all of these people into it!???

29-08-2007, 16:11
how on Earth are they gonna write all of these people into it!???
Assume Flash forwards will account for some of them to be written in

29-08-2007, 16:15
how on Earth are they gonna write all of these people into it!???
Assume Flash forwards will account for some of them to be written in

I dont think I like all this flash forward stuff, it just seems too strange for my liking, I dont like being told whats happening in the futre when i dont know whats going on in the present, it's confusing enough in the state it was, without adding flash forwards to the proceedings

12-10-2007, 17:08
Lost Castaways Found by Fisher Stevens

Fisher Stevens by Jemal Countess/WireImage.com

It's amazing that fancy satellite phone didn't... Short Circuit. Fisher Stevens is joining ABC's Lost in the recurring role of Minkowski, a mysterious character alluded to several times toward the end of last season and ultimately heard over the phone when Jack (stupid, impetuous Jack) made contact with Not Penny's Boat.

The name Minkowski, the Hollywood Reporter notes, could be an allusion to German mathematician Hermann Minkowski, whose concept of a fourth dimension, time, played into Einstein's theory of special relativity

Minkowski, Einstein, Asimov... What's with all the flippin' science in my column today?!

18-10-2007, 10:04
Exclusive: Lost Rescues Denis Leary's TV Wife!

Is Rescue Me's Tommy Gavin about to suffer yet another personal tragedy? Reliable sources close to Lost confirm to me exclusively that Andrea Roth — aka Denis Leary's long-suffering spouse on Rescue Me — is joining the cast in a recurring role. Details about her character are being kept under wraps, but a recent Lost casting notice went out for a female character in her mid-thirties described as "a tough, no-nonsense and beautiful" therapist who has a tendancy to be "overly controlling and obsessive." Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

Although I haven't been able to confirm the exact number of Lost episodes Roth will appear in, I imagine she'll be able to fulfill her commitment and still return to Rescue Me — that is, if there is a Rescue Me to return to. FX hasn't officially renewed the show for a fifth season. Assuming that it will be back, production will likely resume in early '08 — which would leave Roth plenty of time to squeeze in a juicy little arc on Lost.

29-10-2007, 10:12
Cover them eyes!
If spoilers aren't your bag, run for the hills now. This edition of Tube Talk contains an unprecedented number of teasers all related to one of the most addictive and enigmatic series of recent times, Lost!

And now, the end is near...
Earlier this year it was confirmed that Lost will conclude at the end of its sixth season in May 2010. Seasons four to six will each comprise sixteen episodes, airing uninterrupted from February to May from 2008 to 2010 in both the US and the UK. Sky One has secured the UK rights to Lost for the remainder of its run.

On the island, off the island
After the shock conclusion of the finale - in which we learned that Kate and Jack both make it off the island - the series will now feature both flashbacks AND flashforwards. "Moving forwards, you'll get a mix," explains exec producer Carlton Cuse. "Every week will hopefully be a guessing game as to not just who will be focused on, but when we're focusing on them."

As for how they get off the island, Jack's radio call to a nearby freighter will play an important part right through season four. "The situation is going to be very intense this year," Cuse adds, warning: "Charlie wrote on his hand 'not Penny's boat', and the message he wrote on his hand was very important."

News of Charlie's death will reach the islanders in the premiere and, as you'd expect, the magnitude of his passing will be huge - not least for his psychic pal Desmond. "Desmond will have to deal with the after-effects and the guilt of [Charlie's death]," says co-exec producer Damon Lindelof. "He will question whether or not Charlie would have made this sacrifice, had he not told him that was what he was going to do. He will question the role he played in Charlie's death."

The Beginning of the End
... is the title of the fourth season premiere, which has been confirmed to have multiple flashbacks and/or flashforwards. These include both Sawyer, who is caught up in a police car chase, and fan favourite Hurley. Surely this means at least one of them makes it off the island?

Hello strangers!
Season four will see the return of several characters from seasons past, beginning with Harold Perrineau as Michael, who was last seen at the end of season two sailing away with son Walt. He rejoins the cast as a series regular from early on in season four.

Meanwhile Walt will also be back in some form, and the issue of his unnatural growth will be "addressed". Says Lindelof: "As for Walt, we've always known Malcolm was going to grow faster than we could shoot the show. And we planned for it. Trust us. Please trust us."

Cynthia Watros has signed up to appear in multiple episodes next season to wrap up Libby's mysterious backstory. As the character was killed off by Michael towards the end of season two, the explanation of her connection with multiple castaways will be entirely posthumous. The execs explain: "There's really one significant missing piece to Libby's story. We saw in the season [two] finale that she met with Desmond, she gave him his boat, and we know that her husband died — and then we know that subsequent to that, she spent some time in a mental institution, the same one as Hurley. The question the audience wants answered is, 'How did she get from A to B — from Desmond to the mental institution?' We know the answer to that question, but the only way to tell that story is through another character's flashback, and that character would have to be another character on the show who is not among the beach dwellers."

And the newbies...
The cast will also be welcoming fresh blood next season, with a whole host of new characters joining the fray and hoping they won't be the next Nikki or Paolo. (Poor, poor Nikki and Paolo!)

Fisher Stevens (Short Circuit) will play the mysterious Minkowski, who has been mentioned several times previously and was actually heard responding to Jack when he made contact with the freighter last season. Ken Leung has joined as a "brilliant mathematician" named Russell, who is "capable of great insights and has a tremendous knowledge across various scientific fields". Jeremy Davies has signed on for an eight-episode arc playing Daniel, a man who may have come to rescue the islanders.

Season four tidbits
In a flashforward airing in the fourth episode of the new season, Kate faces trial for her pre-island crimes, including charges of murder and assault. A very much together Jack comes to support her as a hostile crowd chant "murderer!" in the face of her "not guilty" plea. We also find out if Kate is pregnant.

The Simpsons-style, four-toed statue has a "very important" significance and will finally be addressed next season. "The four-toed statue is something we will get to next season," promises Cuse. "Sometimes we're surprised by the things people get fixated on. We tried to answer a fair number of questions this year, but that's one we just didn't get to."

We will also see "a lot more" of Jacob, whoever - or whatever - he may be. Says Cuse: "We do know how Jacob will be depicted. Notice the careful wording of my answer. And no, Jacob did not appear before he was met by Locke."

Amidst all the gloom there may be some cause for celebration for the islanders. By current rate they have been stranded for around 100 days following their September 22, 2004 crash - meaning that Christmas may be celebrated early on in the new season!

29-10-2007, 13:07
Apparently we fund out if Kate is pregnant in episode 4.
And yay Im glad Micheal is back, I never liked him but after everything Im glad hes back

30-10-2007, 10:41
10/29 - Carlos, a journalist, reveals: The 1st page of what I read was the production sheet, call sheet or something named like that - I can't remember precisely the right term. In this page, you can find the episode's number and name - in this case, #403 - The Economist, but of course it can be a provisory title. [...] That's where I also got Ken Leugn's character name (Miles) and the information confirming that Jeremy Davies will play Faraday, and Rebecca Mader, Charlotte. That's where I also got the name Elsa, Sayid's girlfriend in his flashforward... The next pages were scripts for episode's scenes. And that's the most important information I could find there: "The Economist" will have Sayid as a main character, and will show his after-island life. We'll be in Germany, and his girlfriend is called Elsa. [...] She seemed very intrigued about Sayid's kinda secret job. He refuses to talk about it, even to her... On the island, there will be a scene in which some losties will go to "Othersville" and will notice some noises. Kate (not Juliet!) will realize that the noise is coming from a house - pointed in the script as Juliet's house, and she'll go and check it. Then, she notices that the sound is coming from the closet; and finally finds Hurley stuck inside. Locke and Sayid are disagreeing about the best way to discover more about the "new visitors": while Sayid wants to go to the ship with Charlotte and appears that she'll get a boat to get back to their HQ, Locke prefers to trust in Ben, who said that he's got a spy on the boat. [...] Freckles will want to go to somewhere - not mentioned on the excerpt I read - but Sawyer, even not wanting her to go, won't stop her; but will also show her his disappointment... Source: Lost Spoilers
09/11 - Dante: 40s, Italian businessman, knows the fun of a little competition, affable, friendly but with a secret. Must have an authentic Italian accent / speak some Italian.

30-10-2007, 10:42
10/14 - Kate pleads not guilty to a laundry list of crimes, including murder, assault and weapons charges. Source: Hawaii Blog
10/14 - The woman we saw on the balcony is called Susan and she is one of the lawyers on Kate's trial. Source: Lost Spoilers
10/14 - Down in the underground parking lot for the capitol building, near the guard booth and lower entrance off Miller St., a clean-shaven, leather-jacket wearing Jack has a brief conversation with the striking, poised Kate we saw at the end of Season 3. Jack steps away from an older, brown pickup truck, not unlike the one Locke drove in one of his flashbacks, to talk to Kate. There's some awkwardness, but there are also some smiles. Eventually, Jack helps Kate get into a yellow taxi cab, and watches as it drives away. Does this basement parking lot scene come before or after her chaotic courtroom arrival, or even in the same year? Source: Hawaii Blog
10/06 - Lost took over much of the Capitol District in downtown Honolulu today, including parts of the Hawaii State Capitol and the nearby Laniakea YWCA. Deep inside the Capitol, a police interrogation. Across the street, a courtroom. But out front, it was a madhouse. It was the trial of Kate Austen, and it was a flash forward. For Episode 4 of Season 4, the Capitol building played a Los Angeles courthouse this morning in a scene so dramatic it was reported to real newsrooms around Honolulu. Action is called. Kate arrives in a black Lincoln Town Car, with Los Angeles police cruiser and motorcycle escorts. A mob of people, plus journalist and TV news crews (news vans from channel 6 and 19 were on the scene), are waiting. The people boo, hiss, shout "Murderer!" from behind the barricades as Kate is ushered inside. At first blush, it sounds like it could be a flashback, relating to one of Kate's many pre-crash crimes. But I have it on good authority that it was indeed a flash forward. although that fact may not be readily apparent as the story unfolds! Source: Hawaii Blog
10/03 - They're currently shooting Episode 4, and multiple sources confirm that it's a Kate-centric outing that features flashbacks and/or flash-forwards. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
09/26 - Lost Spoilers offers us a summary of the spoilers revealed in the latest podcast: We will find out if Kate is pregnant around episode 4.04 set to air in March 2008. Source: Lost Podcasts
09/17 - An upcoming episode (4.04?) will feature characters Mark Forrester, a corporate type cocky man in his 40s; Arthur Galzethron, the 60-year-old president of a corporation; and Melissa Waters, a confident business woman in her 40s.

30-10-2007, 10:42
10/02 - RAY: 40s-50s, any ethnicity, psychiatrist, cold, professional type who can do what's necessary to get the job done. ALFRED: 40s-50s, Caucasian, British, cool and calm under pressure, knows his place in society and knows how to handle members of the upper classes. BANNERMAN: Mid 40s, any ethnicity, narcoleptic, can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, but has an important piece of information to tell. A very smart technician by trade. BILLY: Mid to late 20s, Caucasian, British, a good buddy to have, willingly to listen but won't take too much gruff before he'll knock you in line. FOLEY: 40s - 50s, any ethnicity, British, physically fit, tough task master, unrelenting. A performance reminiscent of R. Lee Ermey in "Full Metal Jacket". LARSON: Late 20s - 30s, any ethnicity, smart, dangerous but capable of charm and humor. Tough military type. Follows orders and doesn't question them. Possible recurring character. KEAMY: Late 20s - 30s, any ethnicity, dangerous, physical - a great tactician, loyal friend and the last enemy you ever want. Military type. Follows orders and doesn't question them. Possible recurring character. Source: Lost Spoilers
10/02 - 4.05 could be Desmond-centric. Lost of British soldier types. Also in the eps and possibly recurring, Ray, a coldly professional psychiatrist.

30-10-2007, 10:43
10/14 - Chandley Price - mid 30s to early 40s. Female. She is tough, no-nonsense and beautiful in an unadorned way. She is a therapist by profession and yet could benefit from some therapy herself. The qualities that make her a leader and effective at seeing into other people also cause her problems in her own life -- she can be overly controlling and obsessive. Her strength of personality is undeniable. Recurring role

30-10-2007, 10:43
10/21 - Huston - 50s, male, Caucasian, weathered face, salt and pepper hair, a man who immediately commands great authority but someone you don't want to cross. He has a job to do and he doesn't allow anything to get in his way - even the death of his employees. Guest star. Doctor - Male, early 30s, Korean. Professional and accomplished, a calming presence in times of crisis. Working his regular shift, he gets more than he bargained for. Must be able to speak Korean. Shopkeeper - Male, Korean, any age. Pleasant, eager to please the customer and make a sale, cool under stress, able to deal with difficult customers and keep them happy. Must be able to speak Korean. Regina - Late-20s to early 30s, any ethnicity. Tough, formidable, someone who could take an order and execute it flawlessly but who is now a shell of her former self; nervous and paranoid

18-12-2007, 18:44
Look at this pic from the promo, Naomi is still alive:

07-01-2008, 08:37
[The first image we will see is a giant pile of fruit.] And we think it's on the island, because why wouldn't there be a giant pile of fruit on the island? We hear a rumbling, maybe it's the helicopter, but no. There's a bang! and the fruit explodes. A car comes piling through the fruit. It's a car chase. WHAT?! A car chase on the island?!? No, it's a car chase, FROM THE FUTURE. Ok, it's a flash-forward, but yeah. We see the cops chasing a car and eventually the car spins out of control, crashing into a building or something. The cops tell the driver to get out of the car and it's... Hurley! Why the hell was he running? And he's alive! He made it off the island!

02-02-2008, 19:50
BAM! A pile of mangoes is suddenly smashed to bits as a Camaro blasts through them. Many police squad cars follow, and it's a freeway chase through Los Angeles. The car slams into a dead end, and the cops close in on the driver. Out of the car steps Hurley? But this isn't the chill "Hey, dude!" Hurley we know and love. He's sweating, nervous and wild-eyed. And as the cops cuff Hurley, he shouts, "Don't you know who I am? I'm one of the Oceanic Six!"

WHOOSH to the island where we drop back in right where we left off: Naomi has a knife hilt sticking out of her back, Ben is tied to a tree, bruised and beaten, and Jack has called the freighter. His walkie squawks it's Hurley from the beach. Jack tells him the freighter people are on their way, and he hears whoops of celebration over the walkie. Jack says the group is heading back to the beach.

Kate returns and tells Jack that Locke has disappeared. She can't find any sign of him. Jack tells her if he comes back, Jack would kill him. Kate realizes Jack means it. Before the group leaves, Ben asks Rousseau for a favor. They don't have much time he wants her to take Alex and get as far away from there as possible because they're all going to die.

On the beach, Jin and Sayid finish collecting guns from the dead Others who attacked them when Desmond returns without Charlie. Desmond tells everyone they have to warn Jack that Naomi lied, that the freighter people aren't who they said they are. Hurley asks where's Charlie. Desmond's face drops, and he says he's sorry. Everyone reacts, saddened by the news, but Hurley is shocked. It crushes him.

WHOOSH to an interrogation room where Hurley is questioned by a detective. The detective plays security video of Hurley in a convenience store. We see Hurley react to someone, run out, then tear out of the parking lot, which leads to the high-speed freeway chase. The detective wants to know whom Hurley saw that made him run like that. Hurley denies seeing anyone.

The detective tries another tactic. He tells Hurley he knew someone on Oceanic flight 815. It was his old partner, Ana Lucia Cortez. Hurley becomes very uncomfortable and says sorry, he never met her. Of course we know Hurley did know Ana Lucia, so why is he lying? The detective leaves the room, and in the two-way mirror Hurley sees an aquarium and someone floating in it. It's Charlie! Hurley freaks out, terrified, and screams for help. The detective bursts back in and asks if Hurley's trying to get tossed in the nut house. Relief washes over Hurley, and he thanks the detective.

WHOOSH back to the beach, where a debate about warning Jack takes place. Sawyer is about to use his walkie when Sayid tells them that the freighter people are probably monitoring their communications. Hurley yanks the walkie out of Sawyer's hand and throws it into the ocean. He tells them they better get going. You don't wait with warnings, you warn.

As they trek through the jungle at night, Hurley falls behind and gets lost. It's dark and creepy. Afraid, Hurley runs to catch up and stumbles upon the clearing with the cabin. Around the cabin is a line of white ash. And there's no doubt about it it's officially spooky. Hurley approaches the cabin and peers through the window. In the darkness he sees a man sitting in a chair. But suddenly another man pops up in the window right in front of Hurley! Hurley screams and takes off running through the jungle into another clearing and the cabin is there right in front of him! Hurley backs away, muttering to himself it isn't real and runs into Locke!

WHOOSH to Hurley at Santa Rosa enjoying Connect Four with another patient. Hurley is obviously happy to be there and happy to take his meds. An orderly tells Hurley he has a visitor, and Hurley meets Matthew Abbadon. Abbadon tells Hurley he's an attorney for Oceanic Airlines and offers Hurley an "upgrade" from Santa Rosa. But Hurley gets a strange vibe from Abbadon, a sense that something is wrong. He doesn't want to talk to Abbadon, but he slams Hurley with a simple question: are they still alive? Hurley freaks out and calls for help. By the time the orderlies rush over to help, Abbadon is gone.

Later, Hurley has another visitor Charlie. Charlie asks Hurley not to run like he did in the convenience store. Charlie tells him there's something he has to do now, and Hurley knows it. They need Hurley. They need him. But Hurley doesn't want to listen. He closes his eyes and wills Charlie to disappear. When he opens them, Charlie's gone. WHOOSH back to the island. Jack and Rousseau follow Naomi's blood trail and discover that it dead ends. Rousseau realizes Naomi fooled them and doubled back. Jack reaches for the sat-phone to call the freighter and realizes it's gone. Ben tells Jack he saw Kate lift it off Jack when she hugged him. Cut to Kate following the real trail when she gets a call from Minkowski. He is impatient and senses Kate is lying. Kate hangs up on him and feels a drop of blood fall on her. She looks up into the tree and Naomi drops down right on top of her! In a flash, Naomi has the knife pressed against Kate's throat and demands the phone. Kate quickly explains what happened, that they would never do anything to hurt Naomi. Naomi talks to Minkowski and lies, covering for the survivors. She just asks him to tell her sister that she loves her, and then she dies.

Hurley catches up to his group in the clearing with the hulking shell of the cockpit behind them a memory of who they were and how they got there. Locke is with Hurley, and Sawyer is immediately on guard. Locke says he's there to do the same thing they are to warn Jack. Again. And maybe this time he'll have better luck with their support. Then Jack's group enters the clearing, and everyone is reunited. Hurley breaks the news about Charlie to Claire, and she is devastated. But before everyone can take in the tragedy --

BAM! Jack attacks Locke! Locke struggles to get his gun, but Jack torques it out of Locke's hand and he actually pulls the trigger! The suddenness of it surprises everyone. Jack is completely ready to kill Locke! But click. The gun isn't loaded. Locke maintains that everything he's done was in the best interest of them all. Kate joins the group and tells them Naomi died and that a team is coming to get them. Locke warns them that when the freighter people show up, they all better be far from here.

And then Locke gives them a choice. If they want to live, go with him to the barracks. If not, stay with Jack. Jack tells Locke no one is going with him, but then Hurley speaks up. He reminds them about Charlie. The last thing Charlie did was warn them the freighter people weren't who they said they were. Hurley tells Jack he's not listening to him. He's going to listen to his friend, and he goes to Locke's side.

Slowly everyone makes a choice. Claire joins Locke's side. And then Rousseau, Alex, Karl, and Ben. However, Rose stays with Jack. Even though she didn't want to leave the island, she isn't going anywhere with a man who threw a knife into Naomi's back and killed her. Sayid also stays with Jack, as does Juliet. Then Sawyer crosses over to Locke's group. Kate asks him why, and he says he's doing the same thing he's always done. Surviving. Kate stays with Jack. Locke tells them they know where to find them if anyone changes their mind. Locke and his group leave.

WHOOSH to the Santa Rosa gym where Hurley plays basketball, and this time he's visited by Jack. Jack saw Hurley on the news and stopped by to see if he's okay. Hurley asks if Jack has talked to anyone claiming to be from Oceanic. Jack is confused, but Hurley moves on. He knows Jack is really there to see if he went nuts and was going to tell. Jack asks point blank is he? The real question is tell what, but that is for another episode. Hurley apologizes for going with Locke and says he should've stayed with Jack. Then he says they didn't do the right thing. It wants them to go back, but Jack is insistent they are never going back.

WHOOSH to the island as Jack and Kate start back to the beach camp when they hear a helicopter overhead. A spotlight shines down on them, and they can see it. But the chopper is in trouble. It struggles to stay in the air but then someone jumps out! Jack and Kate take off running and find the jumper on the ground unbuckling his chute. He sees them and smiles. "Are you Jack?".


13-02-2008, 10:49
Exclusive: Lost Boss Outlines Revised Season 4 Plan

Make no mistake, out of all the shows whose fate has been left dangling in the wind by the just-concluded writers' strike, the one we're most concerned about is Lost. Good thing, then, that the sixth fifth fourth third second first call Lost executive producer Carlton Cuse made after meeting with ABC execs this evening to finalize the new plan for Season 4 was to, yep, you guessed it, Variety Hollywood Reporter Entertainment Weekly Golf Digest Mac Addict me!

Welcome back!
Carlton Cuse: It's good to be back. It'll be even better tomorrow when the writers all start rolling in and we start getting to work... pending the vote, of course.

What came out of your meeting with ABC today?
Cuse: Damon [Lindelof] and I are going to try and make five more episodes before the end of May, which is ambitious. But, we've found ourselves in situation where we had eight episodes of story planned, and we're going to try to fit that into five hours of the show. Even though it's going to be very hard to execute, we felt like any less would be doing a disservice to the story we had planned. We really want to give the fans the best possible experience and ending that we can to Season 4.

Any chance that the first of the five episodes will air the week after that last pre-strike episode— thus eliminating any scheduling gap?
Cuse: No, there's probably going to be four weeks between the airing of the first batch of episodes and our new episodes.

What will happen to the three "lost" episodes? Will they roll over into next season's 16, or will they vanish forever?
Cuse: Damon and I remain committed to producing the 40 additional hours of the show that we promised. We haven't figured out exactly when we'll put those other three on, but we're not eliminating them from the show. You will get those three episodes downstream.

I know it's early, but have you decided what will have to get cut from this season's arc in order to accelerate things? Are we going to lose some flashbacks and/or flash-forwards?
Cuse: All those conversations will take place tomorrow when we actually start talking about story.

Is it possible that some guest actors you were planning to use before the strike may no longer be available now? Like, for example, Andrea Roth?
Cuse: Yeah, there are a lot of issues that have to get sorted out. We're also in the middle of pilot season... We're kind of figuring out what has happened to all of our actors who have gone on to do other things. Literally, there are cobwebs on the couches in the writers' room. Call me in a couple of days and I should have more answers for you.

OK, last question: Have you come up with a code word for this season's top-secret cliffhanger?
Cuse: [Laughs] Not yet. That's a very good point. We'll have to get on that. If you have any ideas, Mike, let us know.

(BTW, I was joking in my intro. I'm pretty sure I was Carlton's first. Wait, that came out wrong... )

18-02-2008, 08:10
In Episode 4 we find out if Kate is pregnant

Episode 4 features an amazing twist that is one of the best endings ever seen. It concerns a romantic relationship. Sawyer/Kate fans will not be happy!

Sawyer and Kate have a falling out, Sawyer doesn't take the whole baby thing well. Jack and Kate have some extremely touching moments but it doesn't end well. Kate finally is free from the law and that is because of "him". The ending is not what is great for shippers. The episode is. The ending has more to do with who gets off the island.

Kate shows romantic interest in future Jack, but it turns out there's another special person in her life already. Someone who was on the plane, but didn't have a ticket.

This is a big one,
The "he" Kate referred to is a 3 or 4 year-old Aaron, whom she is raising.

Source lostpedia

19-02-2008, 16:26
Rebecca Mader Interview

When do you have to report back on set?
Rebecca Mader: I have a feeling we'll be going back into production in about a month. But no one's called me yet.

What have you done during your downtime?
Mader: I moved. I got a new apartment. I went home to London and spent time with my family. And now I'm really bored and ready to go back to work. [Laughs]

Was it frustrating to have to stop in the middle of the season like that?
Mader: Yeah. I wasn't ready to stop working. I was having the time of my life.

Was that the general feeling among the cast?
Mader: I think some of the other kids were like, "Whatever...." But I think because I was new, and this is new and exciting for me, I didn't really want to stop.

Is everyone being nice to you?
Mader: They're so cool. They're such wickedly funny, cool people. They were very welcoming. It was really easy for me to slip in. They get my silly, stupid sense of humor. The downtime is really, really enjoyable.

Are friends and family pestering you to reveal to them the mysteries to Lost?
Mader: All the time, yeah. They think I'm lying when I tell them I don't know what's going to happen. They're like, "I hate you! You're so well trained! That's not fair — we're friends! I promise I won't tell anyone!" I'm like, "I don't have the answer. I really don't. I swear on my dog's life I don't have the answer." They don't believe me.

But you do know what you shot. Is it hard to keep that stuff secret?
Mader: It is hard, because there are a couple of really, really good episodes coming up. Charlotte does some really juicy stuff.

So... what is your primary reason for being on the island?
Mader: I look in the mirror and ask myself that question every day: "Who am I?" [Laughs]

How long until we get an answer to that question?
Mader: I don't know how they're going to play it out. I want to know. I want to go back to work and find out so I can tell you.

Yes, please call me.
Mader: I will.

There was a bit of a media frenzy over the summer surrounding the casting of your role — due, in large part, to Kristen Bell turning it down. Did you follow all that?
Mader: [Laughs] I didn't know when I was going through the whole audition process. It wasn't until after I got the job that I heard those rumors. Friends of mine would say, "Kristen Bell was up for your part and turned it down." And I'm like, "Did she?"

It's odd, because you wouldn't think you and Kristen Bell would be going after the same roles.
Mader: [Laughs] Never in a million years. We look nothing alike at all. It's pretty funny.

When you went in to audition, were you aware that the character was supposed to be...
Mader: ...Blonde and small? [Laughs]

Yeah. And have an American accent?
Mader: I do American accents all the time. I played an American attorney on Justice. I'm always ready to bust that out if it needs to be done. When I prepared the audition piece in my head, I was ready to go either way. So when I met Damon and Carlton, I went in speaking my own accent and they were like, "We like it this way."

Were you ever tempted to send Kristen a big bouquet of flowers?
Mader: [Laughs] I was going to do a Kiss-o-Gram or something. [Singing] "Thank you, Kristen... for turning it down."

Have you heard anything about a potential romance for Charlotte?
Mader: I've been trying to figure out who I want that to be.

Maybe Sawyer?
Mader: That's what my friends are hoping. But I don't know.

I'll plant that seed with Damon and Carlton.
Mader: Please do. Say the fans are really asking for it.

20-02-2008, 13:53
Question: Pre-strike, Cynthia Watros was slated to return to Lost as Libby in the second half of the season. Now that we're probably only getting five of this season's back eight, is there any word on whether she still figures into the plans?— Brian
Ausiello: Libby actually pops up in the final pre-strike episode (now airing in late April), and the original plan was for her to return for at least one or two more this season. Whether or not that's still happening is an open question. I imagine that's one of many issues Team Darlton is hammering out as we speak.
Question: More Lost scoopage, please! — Barb
Ausiello: You've probably seen this clip from tomorrow's episode of Chef Locke delivering two eggs over easy to Ben in solitary. Well, wait until you see the breakfast he whipped up for his other prisoner. Hint: It's bursting with flavor and, if digested properly, quite the appetite suppressant.
Question: Do we know anything about Andrea Roth's character on Lost — aside from her being a shrink? — Toby
Ausiello: I don't know if we know anything, but I know that she plays somebody from Juliet's past in the March 6 episode.
Question: What can you tell us about the character dying on Lost? Have they been on the show since the beginning?— Bonasi
Ausiello: Yes, this person is an original 815er. And as far as major Lost deaths go, this one veers from tradition in one significant way.

03-06-2008, 19:41

Season has now finished. All episodes can be discussed here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=75771).