View Full Version : Is Eastenders that crap?

18-07-2007, 23:15
We've been doing email letters to those members that haven't visited for a while. The number of replies we've had saying the reason they don't visit anymore is because EE has gone downhill. No other soap/drama is mentioned - just EE.

I must confess that I've stopped watching it as well as all the grit seems to have disappeared only to be replaced with Harry Potter (no offence) story lines.

18-07-2007, 23:19
No offence intended here, I just think with all the new technology and things today, people are becoming harder to please where tv is concerned (me included. Watching older shows and even older episodes of the soaps, they were quite simple, but people enjoyed them because they weren't as fussy as they hadn't seen what tv could do..

If this makes any sense to anyone :lol:.

18-07-2007, 23:30
No offence intended here, I just think with all the new technology and things today, people are becoming harder to please where tv is concerned (me included. Watching older shows and even older episodes of the soaps, they were quite simple, but people enjoyed them because they weren't as fussy as they hadn't seen what tv could do..

If this makes any sense to anyone :lol:.

Probably more because they were well written and had a lot more thought put into them.

18-07-2007, 23:41
EE was really rubbish a few years ago but it has improved dramatically now and has gone from strength to strength in my opinion. The Stella storyline is just fantastic and one of the best storylines EE have had in a long while. Sophie Thompson is a fantastic actress and the whole abuse storyline has been handled realistically and very sensitively. It really portrays a sensitive and upsetting issue in a really mature way.

The characters, EE have now have been far better than a few years ago in my opinion. We have quite a few strong actors/actresses in the cast and at the moment, i think the cast is very tight and strong. A few years ago, we had the Ferrierias, Shirley and they even scrapped the barrel of bringing the Mitchell Brothers back (and even lost its realism with Phil getting out of that robbery!) and bringing Dirty Den back from the dead which was a total disaster in my opinion so i think characters have improved dramatically.

Louise Berridge, if i remember rightly, axed all the good characters like Barry, Natalie etc so all these were gone and replaced with the Ferrieras etc. She thought of awful storylines such as the cardboard funfair disaster and i still cringe at the line "Get Den Watts, he'll know what to do!" and that Shirley and her cat storyline was just really bad too - EE's lowest point, i would say! This is where EE was crap in my opinion.

But now, it's in a really good state. Like i said, Stella storyline is fantastic, and Stacey and Bradley have a brilliant chemistry as a couple and i've started enjoying the Stax storyline. EE have a strong cast full of good actors and actresses, and now these characters just need to be developed. They also have started injecting humour in the show with Stella singing Barbie girl, the new character Heather, Patrick/Yolande and Bradley buying condoms from the Minute Mart as prime examples. They've started getting a good balance between humour and drama, compared to a few years ago where the majority of storylines were depressing. So at the moment, i wouldn't say it was crap. But if you asked me back in the Berridge era, i would say it was crap!

Chloe O'brien
19-07-2007, 00:17
I lost interest in EE a few years ago not because of the storylines but because I was a full-time student with a young baby and the only time I could do my studying in peace was when the soaps were on,so I stopped watching them during the week and caught up with the omnibus at the weekends. Now with a change in technolgy in the amount of tv channels that are available viewers don't have to watch Corrie at 7.30 or EE at 8. They can choose to watch the episode at 10pm or even the next again day. Even viewers who don't watch it can still keep up with what is going on as the spoilers are posted on every magazine. I don't think the viewing figures show an accurate number of viewers as they are usually based on the time the show originally was aired they do not take into account the number of viewers who watch the repeats on Sunday.

Another reason why figures from programmes are down may be because it's supposed to be Summer (coughs) I know I watch less television during the summer than I would do in the winter. If EE wants to gain the millions of viewers it used to have in the days of Den and Angie one suggestion would be to cut back on the number or episodes that goes out each week and stop revealing up and coming spoilers weeks in advance. Remeber when Dennis Rickman was killed on the new year's eve show everyone new it was happening about 5 months before it was shown. It had to be the worst kept secret in the history of EE. If viewers didn't know what was going to happen it may encourage more viewers to tune back in.

19-07-2007, 00:47
Sometimes i feel EE is rubbish and not even worth thinking about once it has ended but there are other days when i think wow that was quite amazing and there are of course the days where it has been an ok episode but if i had missed it then it wouldn't make much of a difference but regardless of this i will still watch it and will continue to do do

19-07-2007, 07:47
I dont care if I see it or not now, I think the last time I really watched it regularly was when Pauline died. Then they had that rubbish story when Joe fell out the window and that did it for me.

19-07-2007, 07:58
I've always watched Eastenders - even when it went through it it's really awful period which has already been mentioned. I too think that now it is really strong again.

Unfortunately critics like Ally Ross et al just continue to slag it off all the time, I guess if people who switched off read the reviews then they will be of the opinion that it hasn't improved and wont bother trying to get into it again.

It definately seems to me as though lately it has got a really biased and unfair press in alot of places. Corrie doesn't get the same bad reviews although, of the two it has definately been weaker (in my opinion) of late.

It's just not fashionable to like Eastenders anymore.

19-07-2007, 08:09
I am a relatively new EE fan,, so I never saw the older programs except for some clips that are available ,,
I think that EE is drowning, due to all the spoilers available out there, and screen shots of rehersals, all this has sort of ruined it, people view the spoilers then they are under the assumption that ah nah not gonna watch it cos it sounds/looks like crap,
I agree with Chloe we knew Dennis was gonna die long before it happened,, that is where the spoilers go too far,,So when they say SHOCKING, EXPLOSIVE, MIND BOGGLING episodes, we are like HO HUM yea,, whatever,,
I love East Enders, but there are times , where I feel they( writers ) are not even TRYING any more,,
I have to call it MISERABLEENDERS cos no one is ever happy ( for long )
I will contiune watching it, until BBC pulls the plug on it ( if that ever happens )

19-07-2007, 08:55
As someone who has watched EE since day one I can honestly say that in my opinion it is complete CRAP nowadays. The rot started when they dumbed it down to cater for a younger audience. Overall the writing is woeful. There is no continuity to storylines or characters. They seem to change characters personalities overnight just to suit whatever luvvie happens to be writing that episode. There have been numerous ill researched and ill thought out storylines. Kidneygate, Cardboard Funfair, The football/basketball storyline, Dots cancer, Return from the dead Den, Phil Mitchell corrupting the whole of the Metropolitan Police, Barrys death and 1 day cremation over a public holiday. The obsession with things like Shannis and the present unbelivable love triangle also spring to mind. The producers have turned it into the Mitchell show starring that 'brilliant' actress Babs Windsor famous for such classics as Carry On Flashing your Tits. EE have some fantastic REAL actors who are being criminally underused just to promote the latest explosive sensational two day wonder story. The way EE is now it should be moved to Cbeebies as that seems to be the audience they are catering for. True there have been the odd relatively good episode but when compared with the anount of dross they pale into obscurity, What used to be DON'T MISS TV now has become DON'T BOTHER TV

19-07-2007, 08:58
I agree about it not being happy but you put up with that as thats what eastenders has become its still ok. I personally think it went downhill when they introduced more epsides, i think that was a mistake. I remember when it was 2 a week tuesday and thursday then int went to three and now 4 i think its too much. Should be quality not quantitiy.

19-07-2007, 09:02
We've been doing email letters to those members that haven't visited for a while. The number of replies we've had saying the reason they don't visit anymore is because EE has gone downhill. No other soap/drama is mentioned - just EE.

I hardly think the fact that EE has become rubbish is a reason to leave Soap Boards. Unlike some boards which are overrun with EE obsessives Soap Boards caters for a wide range of discussions on the varied face of British Soaps. Anyone who has left because of the rubbish that EE has become is daft because there is more to SB than EE. There are plenty of boards where if you joined them you would swear EE is the gretest show in the universe. Maybe they should put on their rose tinted glasses and join there.

19-07-2007, 09:04
EE has improved so much in the past 6 months with the introduction of Stella, May, Denise and Shirley.. they are strong actresses and carry out there storylines really really well.. It is coming back to where it use to be. I agree with Jodi, spoilers are too readily available but they don't actually do watching it justice. You read it, think "this is going to be crap, I am not going to watch" but the reality of how it is done is totally different.

I have been watching EE since day one. It became habit during the down period where it was on in the background but I wasn't really watching but now I can't wait for the next episode to come on. Davey said it best in his post

As for contacting those who left who said EE is bad, convince them EE is not the only thing on this boards. I come here to see other things like the music, Lost but I feel a lot of people only see this as an EE site cause it started when the EE forum closed. We just need to advertise this as "more than just another Soap forum" and emphasise to people who have left, there is more to this than EE.

19-07-2007, 09:18
It will come as no surprise to learn that I largely agree with Alan. I have also watched EE from the beginning. I will say however, that I do think it has slightly improved over the last couple of months and hopefully this trend might continue. The Stella/Ben storyline is a good example of the improvement but the Stacey/Max rubbish is just dire. I also thought the Dawn/Rob/May storyline was just so unbelieveable in the way it was carried out that I couldn't identify with it at all and had no sympathy with anyone and didn't really care what happened.

I don't think it is a common ailment amongst soaps as Coronation Street has always maintained a high standard. Even when there are no "explosive" storylines, eg Tracey Barlow, they seem to keep it ticking over much better than EE with good believable storylines and much much better humour. Eastenders has some brief flashes of humour but for the most part it is of the great clunking fist variety that you can see coming a mile off.

Eastenders continuity is also woeful. As I have mentioned elswewhere, what's happend to the Club? It used to be a central part of everyone's social life, now no-one goes there or even mentions it.

Having said all that, I do still watch it and I hope the current improving trend can continue. Some of the new(ish) characters have great potential, Sean, Shirley, Heather, to name just a few.

I am an eternal optimist!:)

19-07-2007, 09:22
EE has improved so much in the past 6 months with the introduction of Stella, May, Denise and Shirley.Two of whom have left now and still the Poison Dwarf lives on. We are left with the worrying prospect of the retun of the Prima Donna that is Letitia Dean. I read on here of how great EE has become yet when I decide to dip in and watch a much hyped episode I just discover its the same old tired nonsense that it has become over the years.

Dont get me wrong. I REALLY do wish EE was back to its glory days when it and Corrie were fighting it out for top spot. Those were the days when it was unmissable and not unwatchable. Those were the days when I wouldnt have went on holiday without setting the video (remember videos) to tape two weeks of EE which I would have had to watch before unpacking the cases

19-07-2007, 09:26
EE has improved so much in the past 6 months with the introduction of Stella, May, Denise and Shirley.. they are strong actresses and carry out there storylines really really well.. It is coming back to where it use to be.

I have been watching EE since day one. It became habit during the down period where it was on in the background but I wasn't really watching but now I can't wait for the next episode to come on. Davey said it best in his post

I agree Shiv, although i havent watched from the beginning i have seen almost every episode be it on UKGold or on the internet or videos my mum has of it and i do think there was a period of about a year that i would have it on but i wouldn't really be paying attention as there were far more interesting things to be doing, however i do think recently it has improved and i do actually sit and watch it now and although there are the occasional boring episode over all it has got back to how it used to be.

19-07-2007, 09:30
I think those who brand it boring are the ones who haven't watched for a while so it kind of makes their opinion worthless. They are still entitled to opinions. They are saying why they dont watch it anymore

I also noticed alot of people have a problem with the show purely because they have an issue with other fans of it so diss it to score points. Its nothing to do with the quality of it.

Your last remark is absolute nonsense, I criticise EE because it is in my opinion rubbish not because I have an issue with fans of it. In fact there are many genuine fans on here who I get on very well with and enjoy great discussions with them about the merits or otherwise of EE

19-07-2007, 09:31
Looking at here and Digital Spy. I'd say Corrie was the one people are not watching. No one seems to be talking about it yet EE is still creating discussion. Only 6 people replied to the Corrie episode thread on DS last nigth while EE and Emmerdale get over page 3 each episode.The viewing figure prove otherwise.:rolleyes:

19-07-2007, 09:31
Dont get me wrong. I REALLY do wish EE was back to its glory days when it and Corrie were fighting it out for top spot. Those were the days when it was unmissable and not unwatchable. Those were the days when I wouldnt have went on holiday without setting the video (remember videos) to tape two weeks of EE which I would have had to watch before unpacking the cases

Totally agree here Alan.. there was time when I was like that too and I would have 3 people taping it, just incase one person forgot :rotfl:

However, from looking at spoilers and other discussion here, EE has seemed to give itself and slap around the head, sacked dead wood and are taking on Actors that are not only good but can greatly improve it while moving the whole focus away from the Mitchel's so the show is not 100% reliant on them. Plus they are bring back more focus on older characters like Dot and Pat.... I think they had a major wake up call and it will take a while for it to get back to where is was.. I am sure it will be back fighting with Corrie again.

19-07-2007, 09:36
Dont get me wrong. I REALLY do wish EE was back to its glory days when it and Corrie were fighting it out for top spot. Those were the days when it was unmissable and not unwatchable. Those were the days when I wouldnt have went on holiday without setting the video (remember videos) to tape two weeks of EE which I would have had to watch before unpacking the cases

Totally agree here Alan.. there was time when I was like that too and I would have 3 people taping it, just incase one person forgot :rotfl:

However, from looking at spoilers and other discussion here, EE has seemed to give itself and slap around the head, sacked dead wood and are taking on Actors that are not only good but can greatly improve it while moving the whole focus away from the Mitchel's so the show is not 100% reliant on them. Plus they are bring back more focus on older characters like Dot and Pat.... I think they had a major wake up call and it will take a while for it to get back to where is was.. I am sure it will be back fighting with Corrie again.I hope you are right Shiv but personally I have seen little or no evidence of it. Perhaps ther have been so many false dawns and each new producer promises so much and in the end delivers very little. They are let down by poor writing and continuity of characters and storylines

19-07-2007, 09:37
Looking at here and Digital Spy. I'd say Corrie was the one people are not watching. No one seems to be talking about it yet EE is still creating discussion. Only 6 people replied to the Corrie episode thread on DS last nigth while EE and Emmerdale get over page 3 each episode.The viewing figure prove otherwise.:rolleyes:

No they don't.

Go and get me the proof to back up your facts if you can. EE is up from last year and is only a few thousand behind Corrie.

Please stop this now.. this is not EE Vs corrie issue.. It is a question about whether we think EE is crap or not.. Everyone is entitled to their opinon. There is not need to be agressive to anyone on this site.

19-07-2007, 09:38
I think the general standards of soaps have decreased all around, Eastenders is no better or worse than any of the other soaps. The demand for more episodes a week has had an effect on quality. Back in the day when Eastenders was "compulsive viewing" there were only 2 episodes a week. Times have changed, and so has the tone of the show. I for one still enjoy it, and always will. Corrie and Emmerdale had their years of dullness, and pulled themselves back, Eastenders is starting to do the same.

19-07-2007, 09:40
Didn't the Bill do the opposite, they were on quite a bit during the week if I remember and they were losing viewer, they dropped down to twice a week and have gotten their ratings back.. Maybe EE should go back to 2 days a week.. Leaving people wanting more and more

19-07-2007, 09:48
Didn't the Bill do the opposite, they were on quite a bit during the week if I remember and they were losing viewer, they dropped down to twice a week and have gotten their ratings back.. Maybe EE should go back to 2 days a week.. Leaving people wanting more and moreI think you are refferring to the Bill when it went 4 or 5 nights a week but they changed the format to half hour episodes instead of the 1 hour ones they have now.

Perhaps cutting EE to twice weekly would help it improve. They havent got the writers or the cast for the episodes they are doing now yet are talking abouty 5 nights a week.

19-07-2007, 09:48
Didn't the Bill do the opposite, they were on quite a bit during the week if I remember and they were losing viewer, they dropped down to twice a week and have gotten their ratings back.. Maybe EE should go back to 2 days a week.. Leaving people wanting more and more

Yeah that might actually work but i think we need EE to go back to how it was in 2001 to work - i say 2001 there are probably other years but i remember the reaction to the "You ain't my muvva" storyline in 2001 where people couldn't wait for the next episode and would make sure they we're back home from being out (be it with friends or out with kids etc) before EE began, you don't find people coming home early for EE (or in some cases not going out until after EE) now and the show is missing that tension from 2001 that would keep viewers on the edge of their seats all the time.

19-07-2007, 09:54
Vicks. Know you are a big EE fan but 2001 is nothing compared to the EE of the 80's.. now there was a show that could not be missed.. highest rating ever for a soap was when Den handed Angie the divorce paper.. now that was edge of your seat, jaw dropping TV.. If I remember rightly it got about 16 million viewers

19-07-2007, 10:08
Vicks. Know you are a big EE fan but 2001 is nothing compared to the EE of the 80's.. now there was a show that could not be missed.. highest rating ever for a soap was when Den handed Angie the divorce paper.. now that was edge of your seat, jaw dropping TV.. If I remember rightly it got about 16 million viewers

Yeah i know that the Den/Angie years were watched by loads of people and Kat/Zoe stuff probably didn't touch them but i mentioned it because i remember viewers reactions to that where as i only know by viewing figures how viewers reacted to Den/Angie but i have heard the 80s was a big time for EE

19-07-2007, 10:49
i think eastenders is now gone well past its sell by date,theres been one or two good storylines,but the majority are boring,i never missed an episode tillthis year,now i can't be bothered watching or visiting spoiler boards cos some of the spoilers are even boring or hype up the episode to be better than it is,i'd say 2006-2007 has been the worst i've ever seen,a few good episodes like the dr may storyline padded out with recycled scripts for everyone else,i have stopped visiting other boards to read up on enders,but still visit soapboards cos theres a lot more to it,theres threads for some really good dramas ie 24 and plenty more

19-07-2007, 11:11
It always seems to be written really haphazardly, they just bring in a storyline out of the blue, then when it's over they forget about it and it doesn't flow. I think if it just stopped making everything that happens in it so random and out of the blue it would be miles better :D


19-07-2007, 16:45
Eastenders drags everything on for way too long. I know its meant to be making it more "realistic", but it just makes it get dull. Compare it to the Aussie Soaps, where something is ALWAYS happening. As soon as a story ends, bang, something else happens. In the same episode, sometimes. They have a much faster pace, and although its not "realistic" its more entertaining, which is what i want from a soap.

Chloe O'brien
19-07-2007, 18:30
Another mistake that I think EE made was the level of young actors they had introduced into the show. The turning point would have been when Joe Wicks first joined the show and he was splashed all over the press as the new heartthrob of EE, then when his contract expired Matthew Rose was linedup as the new EE pin-up. Then came the influx of bringing in loads of new young actors who didn't have any acting experience behind them. EE idea was if some young actors didn't fit in they got rid of them and bought in a load of new young people. What they should have done is introduced some young actors but made sure they had some experience behind them. Its better to have a handful of talented actors than 20 airbrushed planks of wood on the telly every night.

When EE first began Todd Carty and Letisha Dean where only 16 and 17 years of age but they had appeared in grange hill and other programmes before EE. I'm not saying that all the young actors are dreadful Joe Absolm has made a career for herself since leaving the square so has Charlie Wicks but the biggest majority of the young actors who have appeared and left the show have disapeared of the face of the earth. We never hear of the Di Marco kids, the Ferriars or Mickey's sister Demi and her boyfriend. These young people were handed a golden opprotunity to appear in one of the best known tv shows in the world and they have just wasted the chance because when they left or where sacked by EE they were unable to get another acting job elsewhere because other tv shows where choosing young stars with talent.

I hope EE does improve and they have a great chance with Christopher Ellison appearing in the show. Let's hope they use their braincells and sign him up for the long term and use him and keep him as a baddie, unless it will be up to the Mr Beetroot and his poison dwarf of a mother to hog the storylines again. How many times can the veiwers watch Ian Beale havign his head stuck down the toilet.

19-07-2007, 18:58
Another mistake that I think EE made was the level of young actors they had introduced into the show. The turning point would have been when Joe Wicks first joined the show and he was splashed all over the press as the new heartthrob of EE, then when his contract expired Matthew Rose was linedup as the new EE pin-up. Then came the influx of bringing in loads of new young actors who didn't have any acting experience behind them. EE idea was if some young actors didn't fit in they got rid of them and bought in a load of new young people.

It wasnt just the young inexperienced actors that dragged the show down to its present level but some who were just brought in because they were ''FIT!!!!!!!!!'' :rolleyes: despite the fact that they couldnt act their way out of a wet paper bag. cough Denis Woodman cough

I hope EE does improve and they have a great chance with Christopher Ellison appearing in the show. Let's hope they use their braincells and sign him up for the long term and use him and keep him as a baddie, unless it will be up to the Mr Beetroot and his poison dwarf of a mother to hog the storylines again. How many times can the veiwers watch Ian Beale having his head stuck down the toilet.As you say they have a great chance with Christopher Ellison (Big Frank Burnside) to get the ailing soap back on the rails. I agree keep him as a baddie and dont ruin his chararcter as happened the last two Bill members who arrived in E17. Hopefully the poison dwarf and the Beetroot Dogger wont turn it into Mitchellenders again at the expense of other much superior actors

19-07-2007, 19:07
The way forward for EE now I think is for them to drop the show down to 2 nights a week, reduce the episodes so there's more of a chance of a lot more quality shining through, also promote the show a lot - i noticed this has happened lately with adverts on the BBC and in magazines with the slogan "There's More To Eastenders" - they should keep this up and promote it a lot to attract new viewers or past viewers back to the show. Finally, as many of you have said, spoilers do spoil some episodes of EE so they should reduce the amount of spoilers they release and try a lot harder to keep plots and different endings a secret (like Emmerdale did with Tom King's killer) - i personally think this is the way forward.

19-07-2007, 19:35
The way forward for EE now I think is for them to drop the show down to 2 nights a week, reduce the episodes so there's more of a chance of a lot more quality shining through, also promote the show a lot - i noticed this has happened lately with adverts on the BBC and in magazines with the slogan "There's More To Eastenders" - they should keep this up and promote it a lot to attract new viewers or past viewers back to the show. Finally, as many of you have said, spoilers do spoil some episodes of EE so they should reduce the amount of spoilers they release and try a lot harder to keep plots and different endings a secret (like Emmerdale did with Tom King's killer) - i personally think this is the way forward.I agree with you about the two nights a week idea. There has been a great deal of advertising of EE to try and attract viewers to return. I dipped in a few weeks back at the invite of another member on here. Unfortuneatley I found it really hadnt improved enough for me to resume watching it. I will give it another whirl when Christopher Ellison returns.

19-07-2007, 23:45
Yeah i know that the Den/Angie years were watched by loads of people and Kat/Zoe stuff probably didn't touch them but i mentioned it because i remember viewers reactions to that where as i only know by viewing figures how viewers reacted to Den/Angie but i have heard the 80s was a big time for EE

80s EE was simply brilliant. Den and Angie, the Fowlers (Pauline and Arthur, Lou, Michelle), Beales (Kathy and Pete, Ian), Punk Mary, Sue Osman, James Wilmott Brown, Dr Legg, Dot and Ethel, Nick, Simon, David and Pat Wicks. Unmissable television, and every time I watch an episode from then, it's still just as brilliant now. I'm sure there's a few clips around the web of 80s EE somewhere (and of course the 90s classics and stuff upto a few years ago).

20-07-2007, 09:29
Yeah i know that the Den/Angie years were watched by loads of people and Kat/Zoe stuff probably didn't touch them but i mentioned it because i remember viewers reactions to that where as i only know by viewing figures how viewers reacted to Den/Angie but i have heard the 80s was a big time for EE

80s EE was simply brilliant. Den and Angie, the Fowlers (Pauline and Arthur, Lou, Michelle), Beales (Kathy and Pete, Ian), Punk Mary, Sue Osman, James Wilmott Brown, Dr Legg, Dot and Ethel, Nick, Simon, David and Pat Wicks. Unmissable television, and every time I watch an episode from then, it's still just as brilliant now. I'm sure there's a few clips around the web of 80s EE somewhere (and of course the 90s classics and stuff upto a few years ago).

I have seen alot of the 80s episodes already baring a few and they we're good i agree, Den was a legend (i think alot of people we're dissapointed when he came back that he wasn't as good) but simply because i wasn't old enough for the 80s when it was on i would say that EE needs to get back up to the level of tension and entertainment that was keeping viewers glued to the show and in many cases feel like something was missing if an episode had been misses just like they had in the 90s and early 00s

20-07-2007, 14:52
Yeah i know that the Den/Angie years were watched by loads of people and Kat/Zoe stuff probably didn't touch them but i mentioned it because i remember viewers reactions to that where as i only know by viewing figures how viewers reacted to Den/Angie but i have heard the 80s was a big time for EE

80s EE was simply brilliant. Den and Angie, the Fowlers (Pauline and Arthur, Lou, Michelle), Beales (Kathy and Pete, Ian), Punk Mary, Sue Osman, James Wilmott Brown, Dr Legg, Dot and Ethel, Nick, Simon, David and Pat Wicks. Unmissable television, and every time I watch an episode from then, it's still just as brilliant now. I'm sure there's a few clips around the web of 80s EE somewhere (and of course the 90s classics and stuff upto a few years ago).

I have seen alot of the 80s episodes already baring a few and they we're good i agree, Den was a legend (i think alot of people we're dissapointed when he came back that he wasn't as good) but simply because i wasn't old enough for the 80s when it was on i would say that EE needs to get back up to the level of tension and entertainment that was keeping viewers glued to the show and in many cases feel like something was missing if an episode had been misses just like they had in the 90s and early 00sWell having watched the classic EE of the Den and Angie era its really easy to see why it has lost so many viewers. It really was unmissable then. Nowadays its just a pale imatation of its former glory.

It seems the majority of posters agree with that on this thread. Even Shiv getting three friends to tape it for her. Nowadays I would find it difficult to get three friends who even watch it.

20-07-2007, 15:38
Yeah i know that the Den/Angie years were watched by loads of people and Kat/Zoe stuff probably didn't touch them but i mentioned it because i remember viewers reactions to that where as i only know by viewing figures how viewers reacted to Den/Angie but i have heard the 80s was a big time for EE

80s EE was simply brilliant. Den and Angie, the Fowlers (Pauline and Arthur, Lou, Michelle), Beales (Kathy and Pete, Ian), Punk Mary, Sue Osman, James Wilmott Brown, Dr Legg, Dot and Ethel, Nick, Simon, David and Pat Wicks. Unmissable television, and every time I watch an episode from then, it's still just as brilliant now. I'm sure there's a few clips around the web of 80s EE somewhere (and of course the 90s classics and stuff upto a few years ago).

I have seen alot of the 80s episodes already baring a few and they we're good i agree, Den was a legend (i think alot of people we're dissapointed when he came back that he wasn't as good) but simply because i wasn't old enough for the 80s when it was on i would say that EE needs to get back up to the level of tension and entertainment that was keeping viewers glued to the show and in many cases feel like something was missing if an episode had been misses just like they had in the 90s and early 00sWell having watched the classic EE of the Den and Angie era its really easy to see why it has lost so many viewers. It really was unmissable then. Nowadays its just a pale imatation of its former glory.

It seems the majority of posters agree with that on this thread. Even Shiv getting three friends to tape it for her. Nowadays I would find it difficult to get three friends who even watch it.

I totally agree EE is not as good as it has been in the past, while it is getting better than it has been the last year we all know it can even better and we know this because it has been before

20-07-2007, 15:41
yeah the point here is that people left cause EE is crap but in has vastly improved in the past few months compared to what it was and there is a return for people who have tuned out.. EE is getting better.

20-07-2007, 15:49
I dont think EE is so bad that you should stop using a forum, maybe if it was a forum just about Eastenders but not somewhere like this

20-07-2007, 15:50
I dont think EE is so bad that you should stop using a forum, maybe if it was a forum just about Eastenders but not somewhere like this

Like saying "I am not going to the shopping center cause Primark is crap".. one shop/soap doesn't make a center/forum

20-07-2007, 16:12
I respect your opinion but how boring would something be if everyone agreed with it?? And not every chat about EE is been knocked.
I am a huge EE fan, never miss it but even I can agree that it is not great, and I am willing to listen to critisim. I don't get upset if someone says something back about EE, it is a soap at the end of the day.
There is many more people talking on the EE forum who really like it than those who dislike it. I have been on to other forums and I found them bitchy if you didn't "like" a soap that other did.. I didn't stay long on that cause I want to here different opinion and not be bitched at for liking or not liking (as most cases were) a soap

20-07-2007, 16:13
I dont think EE is so bad that you should stop using a forum, maybe if it was a forum just about Eastenders but not somewhere like this
Its no excuse at all to stop posting. This forum is about a lot more than EE. Anyone can see that. The people who claim they left because the felt it wasnt EE orientated any more should not use that as an excuse for leaving. If they thought so much about EE they should be able to sustain an argument for their favourite soap. Granted it is difficult to justify some of the pap that is EE but at least they could have tried before flouncing off in a huff. There are plenty of EE fans on here who can put up a decent argument for THEIR favourite soap without having to resort to name calling and dragging up Britains top soap into the argument.

20-07-2007, 16:32
There is a difference between people giving it critism and people being bad about it just for the sake of it.

People have seen through it and moved away.

There is no need to blame on one person.. so you don't like this person opinion so what.. don't respond to it... there are others here who have made good points. One person should not be a reason to move away.
Nothing has been said personally about anyone,just the soap.

20-07-2007, 17:32
I think Walford Queen also caused a lot of damage.
Yes I agree with you on that point. However in spite of her continuous efforts it still goes from strength to strength:moonie:

Oh I see the Daleks have been in:banned:

20-07-2007, 19:51
I haven't been that interested in it since 2005, where it had the problem of losing 4 of the best cast members in the space of a week. The odd storyline, such as the current one, have been good, but I find the episodes have a lot less of a memorable script these days. I won't miss it tonight, but last week I think I missed 3 of the 4 episodes and wasn't bothered about it.

22-07-2007, 12:07
I mean take EastEnders right now. Its easy the best soap of the lot yet certain poster{s} will disagree. If you don't like a show because you favour another fair enough but don't use it as a reason to trol.

Why is it being a troll to come on and say that you think a particular soap is not as good as another one? Are we not all entitled to opinions and to express them? Along with others on this board I always watch Eastenders and have since the beginning. I think that entitles me to have some sort of opinion on the programme and to make comparisons. I used to think it was the best but now I don't. A short while ago I thought Eastenders was absolutely dire but I continued to watch in the hope it would improve and I agree with many on here who say it has improved recently. I hope it continues to do so. If it gets back to how it was in the early days and becomes the best again will that then disqualify me from commenting on Coronation Street (or any other soap) simply because I don't believe they are the best any more?

Many contributors to this board watch a lot of soaps. They can't think that all of them are the best. Does that make them all trolls when they are commenting on the soaps they don't think are as good as others?

22-07-2007, 13:52
I mean take EastEnders right now. Its easy the best soap of the lot yet certain poster{s} will disagree. If you don't like a show because you favour another fair enough but don't use it as a reason to trol.

Why is it being a troll to come on and say that you think a particular soap is not as good as another one? Are we not all entitled to opinions and to express them? Along with others on this board I always watch Eastenders and have since the beginning. I think that entitles me to have some sort of opinion on the programme and to make comparisons. I used to think it was the best but now I don't. A short while ago I thought Eastenders was absolutely dire but I continued to watch in the hope it would improve and I agree with many on here who say it has improved recently. I hope it continues to do so. If it gets back to how it was in the early days and becomes the best again will that then disqualify me from commenting on Coronation Street (or any other soap) simply because I don't believe they are the best any more?

Many contributors to this board watch a lot of soaps. They can't think that all of them are the best. Does that make them all trolls when they are commenting on the soaps they don't think are as good as others?Michael Wilson was an imaginary friend :rolleyes: invented by you know who to back up her argument hence the Daleks came in and exterminated