View Full Version : Week 30

irish eyes
06-07-2007, 12:07
Lord Byrne begins proceedings to divorce Lady Byrne, and is pulling strings for Jac to get Diane's old position, in this week's episode of the hospital drama. Joseph is frustrated that his father never helped him in any way. Lord Byrne's faith in Joseph is put to the test when he declares that Joseph can operate on him after he suffers a stroke. Despite initial success, Lord Byrne takes a turn for the worse and Joseph runs out.

Elliot is called to identify a body which could be his son's. He asks Maddy to cancel a seminar he is due to attend, and she decides to go to the course in his place. Caught out by Jayne, Maddy faces disciplinary proceedings.

Meanwhile, Abra warns Ric that Thandie is bad news.

10-07-2007, 16:33
ooo sounds like a dramatic week in Holby! :eek:

Poor Elliot! I hope he doesn't lose his son! After Gina that would be soo sad :crying:

Lord Byrne and Jac still *shudder* but him having a stroke, wonder what she will make of it? Will she stick around? :hmm: Poor Joeseph :(

10-07-2007, 17:09
Lord Byrne and Jac still *shudder* but him having a stroke, wonder what she will make of it? Will she stick around? :hmm: Poor Joeseph :(

What will she do? :hmm: I'm not sure she will stay, she's not exactly the cuddly type when things go wrong.

10-07-2007, 22:14
I think she will stay... just to up her career.. cause she'll probably think that he won't last much longer lol!!

Poor Elliot.. hope it's not James.

Haha, my spoiler-free life lasted about a week :lol:

11-07-2007, 17:08
I think she will stay... just to up her career.. cause she'll probably think that he won't last much longer lol!!

Oh yeah I forgot, he has life insurance and a pension. She'll have a claim in for those before he's cold.

18-07-2007, 21:57
A bit more:
Jac goes ballistic when Joseph scuppers her chances of promotion.
Elliot's asked to identify a body in the mortuary. Is it his son, James?

18-07-2007, 21:59
I watched the video on the bbc website and paused it...it really looks like james...:crying: I hope i'm wrong! :(

18-07-2007, 22:03
It does, well from the curly hair that I can see. I really hope its not, Elliot has been through too much to have his son commit suicide.