View Full Version : CSI New York - Season 4 - Spoilers and Rumours

03-07-2007, 23:07
Please post all spoilers and rumours for Season 4 here...:thumbsup:

Chloe O'brien
06-07-2007, 20:52
I've seen a rumour over on one of the American sites about the opening episode of the new Miami season, but nothing for NY or Vegas yet. Filming should begin for all three soon as they begin in September in the US so we'll have to keep our eyes opened for gossip.

06-07-2007, 22:42
Me too Kath (posted it already too :D :thumbsup: )

They're keeping the other two very quiet at the mo, so eyes will be kept a peeled at this end too :D

Chloe O'brien
10-07-2007, 11:35
The fourth season of CSI: New York starts with Mac returning to the city and jumping into a case that isn't quite what it seems.
According to CSI Files sources, the episode starts with Mac on his way back to New York from London. Unshaven and with a lipstick kiss on his cheek, Mac has to rush to catch his flight and barely makes it to the gate in time. When his plane arrives in Manhattan, Mac is directed to look out the window. Below, he sees the bloodstained face of the Statue of Liberty.
At the crime scene, Mac finds Stella and Flack with the body of Damion Bragg, who was discovered with a piano wire nearby. Back at the lab, Adam is given a piece of metal that Sid pulled out of the victim's throat. While he tries to figure out what the metal is, Kelly Novak, the new lab tech, is able to tell Stella the exact note the piano wire plays and the type of piano that it came from. The two lab techs enjoy some playful competitiveness that hints at their personal relationship outside of work.
When Adam figures out that the metal plate is part of a music box, Stella is able to trace the box back to a pianist named Nova Kent. Stella and Danny enter when the beautiful 24-year-old is doing the sound check for a concert and Danny voices the opinion that he hopes she isn't the killer. Nova says that she has never met Damion Bragg. Stella is annoyed when the young woman is distracted by a flower delivery: black tulips. Nova is shocked to see them.
A visit to Damion Bragg's apartment causes Stella to recall the murder of a young woman that occurred exactly a year before in the same building. When they enter the apartment, they find a second victim. This man, however, is not dead.
Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. "Can You Hear Me Now?" is expected to air September 26, 2007.

11-07-2007, 10:31
Question: Any news on CSI: NY's fourth season?— Kerry
Ausiello: They're adding two new recurring characters: A female lab tech/possible love interest for Adam, and a "hip and charming" forged-documents expert who may catch Stella's eye.

Chloe O'brien
11-07-2007, 23:43
I hope we see more of Adam the lab rat this season he was brilliant in season 3

23-07-2007, 13:01
Kerr Smith ex Jack from Dawson's Creek is joining the cast a recurring character a love interest for Stella

01-08-2007, 10:25
Question: You said you had "some good news for Danny/Lindsay-shippers." Spill, please!— Rian
Ausiello: Wow, I can't get anything past you guys. According to CSI: NY exec producer Pam Veasey, they will start off the season very much an item. "They are together and their relationship is happy and interesting," she tells me. "And, at some point, which we haven't decided yet, there will be a bump in the road — like any relationship." Veasey adds that unlike a certain high-profile romance on another CSI show, Danny and Lindsay won't be going out of their way to keep their romance a secret from their coworkers. "We're not going to make a big deal about whether people know or don't know," she says. "They played that very well on CSI [with Sara and Grissom]. It's more about seeing that they have this mutual respect. They'll have moments that they share, things that the audience shares with them, but mostly they'll continue to do their jobs and enjoy working together. And then, ultimately, we'll find a little skip in there somewhere."

Chloe O'brien
01-08-2007, 22:49
Urrghh please don't tell me they're going to snogging the face of each other on screen. It will put me off my chinese and glass of wine on a saturday night. :sick:

02-08-2007, 13:16
Urrghh please don't tell me they're going to snogging the face of each other on screen. It will put me off my chinese and glass of wine on a saturday night. :sick:

Really I don't get all this kissing stuff. They are at work (or should be!). They should be professional, I know many couples who work together and none would kiss at work.

I am not so into getting into a series that concentrates on the CSIs life out of work - the work is what I am interested in.

02-08-2007, 13:43
Really I don't get all this kissing stuff. They are at work (or should be!). They should be professional, I know many couples who work together and none would kiss at work.

I am not so into getting into a series that concentrates on the CSIs life out of work - the work is what I am interested in.

Totally agree with there - I have always loved CSI for the detective and forensic work, not for any kind of personal relationships that may or may not happen between CSI's (that goes for Vegas, Miami and New York).

To me, it spoils it - yes they all have personal lives, and yes, quite often you will have your "inter-office" relationships, but I'm not watching it for that.

I just hope they leave it mostly in the background as New York is really coming up as being my fave of the three and that would just spoil it for me.

03-08-2007, 12:26
The third episode of the fourth season finds the CSI: New York team investigating a famous gang of robbers.

"You Only Die Once" starts with a couple getting ready to heat things up, tearing at each other's clothes in the darkness of a penthouse apartment. The man is revealed to be Flack, his date a beautiful young socialite named Devon Maddox. They are interrupted when they hear a noise coming from the next room. Flack asks Devon whether she has a roommate who would be responsible for the sound, and when she shakes her head, he reaches for his gun.

Flack goes down the hall and sees a light on in the bedroom. When he enters the room, gun drawn, he sees a thief balancing on the window ledge, fifty stories from the ground. Flack notices the scar on the man's cheek, but he doesn't get to the window before the other man makes his move. Flack is forced to watch as the thief rappels down the side of the building.

Flack runs out of the bedroom, grabbing his cell phone and telling Devon to call 9-1-1. She seems surprised by the fact that she's had a break-in, but Flack doesn't have time to contemplate her reaction. Instead, he hurries toward the elevator and calls in that he is in pursuit. On the street, Flack sees the thief and his lookout climbing into a black car. He yells for them to stop, but they speed off, forcing him to borrow a cab to stay in the chase.

When dawn comes, we find that the news is all over the story of the latest robberies committed by the James Bond Gang. Flack's chase proved unsuccessful and the thief is still at large. Lindsay and Stella process the bedroom of Devon's penthouse as Flack looks on. Flack describes the thief to Stella and tells her that the car he was driving looked like a Lamborghini.

In the background, Devon is talking enthusiastically on her cell phone about the robbery. Flack wonders aloud if she is in shock or if her reaction is strange. Stella informs him that being robbed by the James Bond Gang will get Devon invited to a lot of events. Proving this point, Devon hangs up her phone and walks over to lean on Flack, informing him that they're on the guest list for a fundraiser. Stella notices something strange about the bedroom: the lights are on. She doesn't understand why a thief would break in during the night and turn on the lights. It's one more question to add to their list of mysteries.

Flack gets a phone call and heads to a different crime scene. Moving past the onlookers and the crime scene tape, he approaches a body. Mac and Hawkes are already here to process, and when they turn the body over, Flack immediately recognizes the scar on the man's cheek. Their thief is now a murder victim.

"You Only Die Once" is expected to air October 10, 2007.

03-08-2007, 12:32
Nice plenty of Flack in this episode :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

03-08-2007, 13:23
Nice plenty of Flack in this episode :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

And hopefully a lot more of him meaning not just his pretty face aswell :wub: :D

Chloe O'brien
03-08-2007, 19:39
We want more Flack time yeah. Although his date doesn't appear to be squeaky clean and upset that her home has been broken into.

Chloe O'brien
16-08-2007, 11:04
The fourth episode of CSI: New York finds Mac trying to solve the case of a man who confesses to murder and then dies, but things become complicated when they learn that his supposed victim is still alive.

Times Up begins with a man running naked down the street. Panicked, he mutters nonsense under his breath as he darts through traffic and past shocked pedestrians. He is wearing a strange helmet and has electrical wires and gauges across his head, chest and arms. Stumbling around a corner, he catches sight of Mac and Flack about to enter the precinct. Seeing Mac's badge, the man hurries toward them, covered in blood and clearly on death's door. As he clings to Mac in his final moments, the man confesses to the murder of Kevin Moody, a college student at Chelsea University. With his last breath, he whispers something in Mac's ear.

Flack and several uniformed officers rush down the hall in the Chelsea University dorms. Flack forces his way through the door of a specific room and hurries inside. There is no body, no sign of a struggle. The sound of a shower running draws Flack's attention, and he bursts into the bathroom, much to the surprise of its occupant. Flack has found Kevin Moody, but despite their John Doe's murder confession, the young man is alive and well.

Mac and Hawkes process the John Doe, looking at the deep wound on his neck and the contraption he was wearing. Hawkes wonders aloud whether the man might have been insane. Mac sees Flack arrive with Kevin Moody and suggests that they ask him first. Looking at the body, Moody claims that he's never seen the man before. Mac tells him about the murder confession. Moody says that the man was obviously mistaken, but Mac corrects him. Technically, he explains, they wouldn't know for sure until the following day. Their John Doe told Mac that he had travelled through time, and that he had killed Kevin Moody in the future.

Meanwhile, Danny and Stella work with Detective Angell on the case of a college student who died in a deli. The waitress tells Angell that the young woman seemed to be having a spontaneous orgasm right before she died, drawing the attention of the other patrons. The busboy says that there was a young man sitting across from her in the booth--a young man who made a run for it when her ecstasy turned into agony and she began to take her final, panicked breaths.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown. "Time's Up" is expected to air October 17, 2007.

16-08-2007, 12:37
Sounds fab!

(And i don't just mean the spontaneous bits, lol!)

16-08-2007, 12:41
I can't wait for the new series of NY - more so than Vegas if I'm honest.

Looks like lots of Flack time coming up which I definitely won't complain about - more brilliant stories and this one certainly looks like an interesting one to say the least :thumbsup:

16-08-2007, 13:24
I agree re. Flack and NY - but what on earth has happened to Miami!!!

The recent episodes have horatio almost a caricature of himself - all the s-l-o-w-l-y talking to the camera asides and the walking into the sunset.

I though it was supposed to be a representation of real life, not an inept representation of a good TV show.

16-08-2007, 13:28
I'm sure I read somewhere that he can't look people straight on due to an eye condition or something, though could be wrong. I don't know though - something is going wrong with Miami...

22-08-2007, 21:16
The crew of CSI: New York looks into the death of a woman who was leading a double life online.

"Down the Rabbit Hole" finds the New York CSIs investigating the murder of a woman named Cheryl. She has been shot to death and is found with a tick on her body and an action figure nearby. When they look into Cheryl's life in the hopes of finding clues about her death, the team discovers that she had been participating in Second Life as her online alter ego, Venus.

Second Life is an internet phenomenon that allows users to build a new identity for themselves. Represented by three-dimensional avatars, the users are then able to interact with one another, buy virtual land and create businesses. Second Life has its own economy which can be translated into real world profits for members. Business in Second Life may be lucrative for some users, but others use the service to develop deep personal relationships. In "Down the Rabbit Hole", this is the case for Cheryl and another member, Ricky O'dell.

The action figure that is found with Cheryl's body leads them to Ricky. When he first sees detectives at his office, Ricky runs. Once he is caught and brought in for questioning, Stella and Danny ask him about Cheryl. Ricky claims that he has never met her, but he has no trouble identifying a picture of Cheryl's Second Life avatar, Venus. He also identifies the action figure as one that he made so that Venus would recognize him. The pair had been planning to get married in Second Life and were going to meet in the real world, but Ricky chickened out at the last minute.

Stella and Danny aren't convinced. He was planning to meet a woman who ended up dead, he owns a gun and he ran from police when they tried to question him. It all seems very suspicious. Ricky finally admits that he decided not to meet Cheryl in real life because he has multiple sclerosis. In Second Life, he could live a full life and fall in love, but in the real world, he is dying and didn't want to start a relationship knowing how it would end. They ask him about the gun he bought, and he points out that he is young and has a bleak future. He bought the gun for himself, not to hurt anyone else.

Mac and Flack watch the interrogation from the other side of the glass, and Flack notices that Mac seems exhausted. When he asks about the last time Mac slept, the other man claims that he is fine. After a moment, he shares something with Flack: Peyton has decided to stay in London. Back in the interrogation room, Ricky begins to ask his own questions. He wants to know if Venus is in trouble for something. Stella has to tell him that the woman he loves has been murdered, but Ricky doesn't believe her. She can't be dead, he says, because he had been talking to her in Second Life when the detectives first arrived to question him. If he is telling the truth, Mac wants to know why someone is using the avatar of a dead woman.

22-08-2007, 21:18

Peyton has decided to stay in London

Is she going to come back though as I thought I'd read that she wasn't leaving??

*runs off to scour the net for some more info*

03-09-2007, 08:19
Danny and Lindsay go out of town to investigate a spooky murder while Mac and Stella stay behind to deal with a zombie.

"Boo" begins with two grave diggers shoveling dirt into a grave. The older man tells his young counterpart the meaning of the phrase "saved by the bell," explaining that it was a means to ensure that someone who had been buried was actually dead. If they were alive, the bell that had been attached to their hand by a string would ring, letting the people working the graveyard shift know to dig them back up.

The younger man freaks out when he hears the distinct sound of a bell ringing, but he isn't amused when the older man starts to laugh and pulls a bell out of his pocket. Suddenly, a hand erupts from the grave they are filling in, grabbing the older man's ankle and causing him to yell for help. The younger man flees as a zombie pushes his way out of the grave. The same zombie becomes part of a group moving through Times Square. People run away, screaming, as the zombies advance up Broadway.

Meanwhile, Danny drives through Long Island with Lindsay in the passenger seat. They pass a sign proclaiming that they are entering the Village of Amityville. Children in their Halloween costumes are trick-or-treating, but Danny and Lindsay head for the sight of crime scene tape and flashing lights. As they get out of the car and approach the house, Chief Benson walks up to them, clearly upset by what has occurred.

Danny and Lindsay have been called in because the local team is busy with another case. The Duncan family has been murdered--the bodies of the mother, father and two sons are in the house, but the family's daughter is missing. Chief Benson shows them a picture of the Duncan family and points out the missing girl, Reena. He tells them that there is no sign of breaking and entering, and that this is looking like a murder-suicide with the father wielding the gun. He tells them that the media will be all over this case because the house is considered cursed: more than thirty years ago, a man shot himself there, and a few days later his daughter disappeared. Chief Benson dismisses the idea of a curse, saying that there has to be another explanation for Gil Duncan to murder his own family.

As they look through the house, Lindsay hears something. When she follows the sound, she finds a wall leaking blood. Spooked, she calls to Danny and aims his flashlight at the wall when he arrives. She tells him to be quiet, and they hear the sound of a person moaning. Danny retrieves a crowbar and rips at the wall. When they tear the materials away, they find the source of the sound: Reena Duncan, still in her Halloween costume, bleeding from a shotgun wound to her chest. Danny picks her up and rushes to get her some help.

When Reena is taken to the hospital, Danny and Lindsay must go back to processing while they wait for news. As Lindsay works, she hears a noise. Suddenly, an old woman appears, grabbing Lindsay's arm and telling her to leave before the house kills her. Lindsay tries to follow the woman but loses her in a hidden passageway within the home's walls. Meanwhile, Mac and Stella investigate the death of a 'zombie' with a head wound that might literally spell out a clue as to how he died.

"Boo" is expected to air October 31, 2007.

Chloe O'brien
03-09-2007, 19:48
This looks as it will be a brilliant episode no mention of Flack though.:(

03-09-2007, 22:46
This looks as it will be a brilliant episode no mention of Flack though.:(

Oh I'm sure our gorgeous one will be appearing at some point in the episode :wub:

Chloe O'brien
03-09-2007, 22:49
This looks as it will be a brilliant episode no mention of Flack though.:(

Oh I'm sure our gorgeous one will be appearing at some point in the episode :wub:

He can come trick or treating at my door anytime :eek: Bad Chloe stick to the posts.

03-09-2007, 22:53
This looks as it will be a brilliant episode no mention of Flack though.:(

Oh I'm sure our gorgeous one will be appearing at some point in the episode :wub:

He can come trick or treating at my door anytime :eek: Bad Chloe stick to the posts.

He wouldn't get to yours hun - I've kidnapped him as my playtoy!!!! :D :thumbsup:

11-09-2007, 17:08
Here's some pictures from 4x1

11-09-2007, 17:15
Some more pictures these are from 4x2 though
There are a couple more, if you want me to post them as well let me know, but they don't really show anything new.
Also there's a promo out YouTube - CSI NY Season 4 Promo or the slightly longer version YouTube - CSI NY season 4 LONGER promo

Chloe O'brien
11-09-2007, 20:36
Hey come on Smiley if you're going to post pictures remember Det Flack. :rotfl:

12-09-2007, 15:25
unfortunately this is the best i can do of Flack
If you look really close you can kinda see him,
and these are the others


Chloe O'brien
12-09-2007, 18:45
I could see him a whole lot better if that policeman didn't have his big fat head in the way :rotfl:

19-09-2007, 15:57
Modeling can be a shocking business.

According to CSI Files sources, "Buzzkill" begins in Times Square. A prominent, flashing billboard advertises Solaris Martini Mix. A party is going on, and as part of the ad campaign, Jenna Donovan is in a giant martini glass filled with water. Suddenly, something goes terribly wrong. The letter M on the sign malfunctions, electrocuting the model.

Stella, Lindsay and Flack investigate, and Stella and Lindsay find evidence of damage to the billboard. Multiple objects hit the surface at a high rate of speed, ultimately leading to the malfunction and causing Jenna to be electrocuted. Lindsay uses trajectory lasers to determine where the objects came from. Because the objects dented the billboard without piercing it as a bullet would, and because they were larger than a bullet, the results are not as accurate. However, with the combined trajectory lines of multiple lasers, they are able to figure out which building the objects came from. After that, it's up to Flack and Stella to do a little bit of footwork.

The two go to the building to investigate, and a security guard accompanies them through several floors. Stella hears a thumping sound in the otherwise silent building, and they follow it to a locked door. Flack pounds on the door but nobody answers, so he has the security guard open it for them. The office is an athletic science research center. Flack and Stella are alert, their hands on their guns just in case. When they discover the source of the noise, they find a drunk man lying on the floor with a bottle of gin next to him. The noise is coming from a tennis ball shooter that is aimed at the open window with a clear shot at the Solaris billboard. The machine is empty now, but Flack and Stella know that this is the source of the damage to the billboard.

Flack interrogates the drunk man, Nick Collins. Nick can't believe that he killed someone. That was never his intention. He confesses that he had been sober for more than two years and that his life was looking up--until that billboard showed up. The flashing words were a taunt and a temptation, and Nick was not able to resist the allure of alcohol. He tells Flack that he just wanted the sign to go away so that he might have a chance to stop drinking again and stay sober. He asks Flack if he's really going to spend time in jail. He doesn't get an answer from Flack, but Stella gets an important answer from Sid: Jenna didn't die from being electrocuted. The burn marks on her body occurred postmortem. Sid believes that she died from pulmonary edema, and he found bruising on her breastbone that might provide an answer about what really killed her.

Meanwhile, Danny rides in the ambulance with Brandi Parker as she is rushed to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the head. Back at the club where she was shot, Detective Angell describes a robbery to Mac and Hawkes. The man who committed the robbery got away with thirty-five thousand dollars between the money in the safe and the money from the unfortunate patrons who were in the club at the time. Hawkes is examining a body on the ground. Ted Banks attacked the robber and tore off his mask, earning a gunshot to the leg for his trouble. The bullet hit his femoral artery and killed him. The robber then shot Brandi, who was lying nearby. The only witness that got a good look at him is fighting for her life in the hospital--and there is someone who has a very good reason to want her dead.

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

"Buzzkill" is expected to air November 14, 2007.

04-10-2007, 16:51
4x2 'The Deep' promo:
YouTube - CSI NY Promo

“The Deep” - A body found in the New York harbor leads Mac and the CSIs to a hidden treasure and an assassination plot on a diplomatic convoy headed to the U.N., on CSI: NY, Wednesday, Oct. 3 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network

Chloe O'brien
07-10-2007, 00:43
Mac Taylor (Gary Sinise) takes a trip down memory lane.
In an upcoming episode of CSI: New York, Mac will be reunited with an old friend. According to Ask Ausiello (http://www.tvguide.com/ask-ausiello), the two were best friends in their childhood, but Mac has not seen the man for thirty years. The producers are looking to cast a "name" actor to play the role.
It is also reported that CSI: Crime Scene Investigation will be introducing another new female character to the show. It has already been revealed (http://www.csifiles.com/news/200807_03.shtml) that CSI will have a new forensic investigator named Veronica Lake (Jessica Lucas), but this other new character will not be a member of the CSI team. Instead, she is an ex-mob wife in her early forties. She and her son are in the witness protection program. This character may be introduced in the episode that William Friedkin will be directing during November sweeps. The episode will reportedly have a mob-centric storyline. This woman might stick around and become a recurring character, and one possibility is that she could be a potential love interest for Gil Grissom (William Petersen) after his relationship with Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) ends. :eek: WTF is this guy Ausiello On

05-01-2008, 19:54
hello everyone i am new to the forum this has probably already been pointed out but flak was rachels toyboy in friends he was not as good looking back then glad to see he has matured nicely

27-02-2008, 09:38
Question: Any post-strike CSI spoilers?

Ausiello: Would you settle for CSI: NY instead? Because Mac is gettin' some. I hear that the sexy, professional, mid-thirties female who works in the mayor's office that is joining the cast will be getting all up under Gary Sinise's microscope, if you knowhutimsayin!

04-03-2008, 15:13

new love interest cast for Mac actress Jessalyn Gilsig from Nip/Tuck

14-04-2008, 17:34
Episode 4.15 - DOA for a Day [Airing April 2]: Mac develops an interest in Jordan Gates, NYC Mayor's criminal justice coordinator. This sexy professional in her late 30s is said to have class, glam and smarts. Jordan will appear in at least three episodes as Mac's potential love interest. The episode also features Roland McHenry, a war veteran who lost a hand and leg. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 4.16 - Right Next Door [Airing April 9]: The team investigates at least once kidnapping. Some of the suspects of the week are Connie Dillard, a florist, and Sean Everett, a salesman. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 4.17 - Like Water for Murder [Airing April 16]: While partying on a beach, a 20-year-old finds a shark and its victim. A real-estate broker turns up dead. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 4.18 - The Price of Admission [Airing April 23]: Two ex-con child molester pose as a high school senior and his father in order to lure young girls to them. The team investigates the dead of a high school guidance teacher named Robert Greggs. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 4.19 - Personal Foul [Airing April 30]: Paula Tolomeo, a professional basketball cheerleader, has a secret worth killing for. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Episode 4.20 [Airing May 7]: After weeks of tracking down a killer, the team is closing in on him. Source: SpoilerFix.com

23-05-2008, 00:00
Season Finale - Hostage

Mac walks into a live crime scene when a robber asks for a crime scene investigator to prove he didn't kill the manager of the bank he was in the process of robbing. The man, who tells Mac to call him "Joe," insists he didn't shoot Walter Sutherford, the man who lies dead in the bank. As Stella and Flack try to keep the news crews outside at bay and the Hostage Rescue Team from shutting off the air conditioning inside the bank, Mac examines the body, asking for a CT scanner to be brought in, allowing Sid and Hawkes to perform a virtual autopsy of the body. Though there's only one entrance wound, the doctors are surprised to discover two bullets in the body. Mac recovers the bullets from Walter's body while the hostages search for the round Joe claims he fired into the ceiling. Adam, Danny and Lindsay examine photos Mac sent them from the scene. Adam notices a void in the blood pool around Walter, and Danny discovers Joe's image reflected in a computer screen at the bank. Mac examines the void in the blood splatter and notices it's the size of a phone. Stella turns to Homeland Security official Brett Dunbar, who identifies the gun that would have allowed the shooter to fire two bullets at exactly the same point: the Kriss Super V, a state-of-the-art firearm developed by Ridgeline Defense Services.

Mac notices money missing from the bank, but Joe swears he didn't have time to lift any. Mac persuades the robber to let him look at the bank's surveillance tapes, and he notices the cameras were disconnected for a while starting just before 8am--over an hour before Joe entered the bank. Stella consults with the team about the gun via teleconference, but Flack breaks in with shocking news: the wife of the bank manager has been found murdered in their home, tied to a chair and shot point blank in the head. Mac persuades Joe to allow a hostage to deliver the three bullets to his team, and he manages to sneak a strand of Joe's hair in the packet as well. The CSIs are able to match the bullets in Walter and his wife, proving they came from the same gun and Joe couldn't be responsible for both deaths because he was in the bank at the time Walter's wife was killed. Prints from the duct tape on the woman's wrists are a match to a man named Derrick James, who used to work for Ridgeline. Stella surmises James must have kidnapped Walter and his wife and forced Walter to take him to the bank, where something went wrong. But how does Joe fit in?

HRT finally kills the air conditioning in the bank, giving Mac the opportunity to jump Joe. He manages to get the gun from Joe, but Joe finally breaks down and confesses that the robbers are holding his family hostage. He was sent into the bank to retrieve the phone they accidentally left behind--the only thing that ties them to the crime. Mac empties the gun of bullets and allows Joe to walk him out as though he's still a hostage and the two get into an unmarked car. Joe convinces Mac to send the helicopters following them away, saying his family will be killed. Stella, Flack and Danny go to the house Joe claimed was his--right across the street from Walter's--and burst inside, but find no one there. Inside the car, Joe loads the gun with a single bullet and demands Mac turn onto a bridge. Mac realizes Joe saved a bullet, and has been lying to him all along.

Chloe O'brien
23-05-2008, 00:57
For a minute there I was expecting Mac to be taken hostage and the team don't know about it.