View Full Version : CSI Miami - Season 6 - Rumours and Spoilers

03-07-2007, 22:56
Post all Season 6 Miami rumours and spoilers here....

03-07-2007, 22:57
The sixth season of CSI: Miami starts with an investigation into the death of a probation officer fatally shot in his own home.

The episode finds the whole team working the case of Andrew Bennett. Since he was a probation officer, their first suspect is his most recent violation: Kyle Harmon. Horatio can't help finding something familiar about the young man and enters the interrogation to join Delko. The 16-year-old has an attitude that lets Horatio know that he isn't easily intimidated. They show him a printout that confirms that he had violated his probation by consuming alcohol. Horatio questions him further, and Kyle eventually admits that he lives in a foster home and had to drink what was available. He might have violated his probation, but Kyle insists that he didn't kill Bennett. The man looked out for Kyle and got him a job, why would Kyle hurt him?

Skin cells found under Bennett's nails lead the team to another possible suspect: Dylan Lester. Calleigh questions 18-year-old Dylan and matches his shoe to a print found at Bennett's house, proving that Lester had been there. He confesses to getting into a fight with Bennett after the man found him in his daughter's bedroom, but says that's as far as it went. Dylan tells Calleigh that he doesn't even know how to hold a gun.

Bennett's daughter, Stephanie, explains to Horatio that her father took on more cases after her mother died. She always knew that one of the ex-convicts that he was in charge of would cause trouble one day. Horatio tells her that they talked to Dylan, but she says that he was different from the rest of them. Stephanie asks Horatio if she is responsible for her father's death, and Horatio hopes for her sake that she isn't.

Tripp locates the getaway boat and Horatio and Delko go to the Rain Café to talk to the owner. The restaurant manager reveals that she employs a few of Andrew Bennett's probationers, including Kyle Harmon. Horatio has a nagging feeling about Kyle and asks Yelina to investigate, with startling results. What are they? We're not telling yet... but it might just have something to do with Michael Ausiello's recent revelation Horatio will soon discover a branch of his family tree he never even knew existed.

04-07-2007, 20:40
More on Horatio's family tree ....

Francis: You never talk about CSI: Miami. Dish!
Yessir! Horatio has a 16-year-old son, and we meet him in the upcoming season. His arrival creates quite a bit of conflict, since he's not exactly the model teenager every daddy hopes for.

Chloe O'brien
07-07-2007, 23:44
Ya Horatio finds out he has a son he never knew he had, sonds good.

Chloe O'brien
13-07-2007, 12:43
In the second episode of CSI: Miami's sixth season, the team investigates the death of a young girl found in a burnt SUV, and Delko sees a familiar face on the beach.
According to CSI Files sources, the episode starts as dawn arrives in Miami. On a secluded beach, Brandon Ferris and Jessica Taylor, both 19 years old, are all over each other in his SUV. They pull away from the passionate kisses and watch the sun rise over the ocean, drifting off to sleep. Brandon wakes up to find himself surrounded by smoke. He attempts to wake Jessica up as flames consume the car, but she doesn't stir. Unable to open his door, Brandon pounds on the glass, screaming for help.
Horatio and Frank survey the scene as fire and rescue put out the last of the flames surrounding the blackened SUV. EMTs cover Jessica's lifeless body with a tarp. Frank is able to find her identification in her purse. Horatio laments that such a young woman had to die. Brandon, it turns out, has survived but is in the hospital.
Calleigh and Delko find a fingerprint on the brake cylinder of the SUV and match it to Anthony Hillman. The 24-year-old is in the system for grand theft auto. Horatio questions him about the murder of Jessica Taylor. Hillman seems shocked that she is dead and tells Horatio that she was his girlfriend. Horatio suggests that Hillman found out that Jessica was cheating on him with Ferris and cut the brake line of the SUV to get back at them. Whether they got into a crash or the car caught fire, they would pay. Hillman denies this and explains that he worked on Ferris's car as a favor to Jessica. Horatio tells him not to leave town.
Alexx's autopsy reveals that Jessica Taylor had been poisoned by carbon monoxide before the fire engulfed the SUV. Delko and Natalia go to the scene and recover an exhaust pipe. If they can find out who tampered with the pipe, they can find their killer. The evidence leads the CSIs to a credit and loan company. They discover that Jessica was deep in debt. This case has gotten more complicated. Meanwhile, Ryan goes to speak to Alexx. She apologizes for not returning his phone call. When Alexx asks him why he came, Ryan tells her that he is looking for a job as an ME's Investigator. While Ryan searches for a job, Delko must search for answers. He admits to Calleigh that he saw something on the beach. He is reluctant to tell her at first, but he eventually confesses that it was a person: Tim Speedle.

23-07-2007, 13:00
Back From The Dead? Rory Cochrane Returns To CSI: Miami:

After the initial huh? How can this be? It appears fan favorite Tim Speedle is back. Obviously we will try to get a LOT more information on this but multiple sources are confirming that Rory Cochrane is returning to CSI: Miami. He makes his return from the "dead" in the second episode of the upcoming season. So is he back from the dead? Playing a brand new character? Stay tuned for more information.

23-07-2007, 13:07
I've heard that Delko "sees" him on the beach - we know Speed is definitely dead, Alexx did the autopsy, but this is going to be an interesting one, especially for Delko...

24-07-2007, 22:30
Remember "Lost Son?" And the way Speeds's gun malfunctioned, causing Speed to be mortally wounded? If CBS is to be believed, maybe all of that didn't quite happen as you remember it.

"[Rory Cochrane] will be reprising the role of Tim Speedle and it's not a flashback," a spokesperson for CBS told E! Online, after rumours appeared on the internet suggesting Cochrane would be returning to CSI: Miami. The spokesperson added, "He will be interacting with his old partner and friend, Eric Delko."

The news was first broken yesterday by TV Guide's Michael Ausiello, who reported Cochrane will be appearing in multiple episodes of CSI: Miami this season, beginning with the second. Ausiello originally speculated Cochrane would be returning as Tim's evil twin, but then later also confirmed the actor would be playing Speedle -- still without being able to provide any details as to how Speedle will be able to pull of this resurrection.

Cochrane's character was originally written out of CSI: Miami at the actor's own request. In his first interview after leaving the show, with CSI Files' Kristine Huntley, Cochrane said he felt the show "was never-ending and the grind was a lot." However, he also said he thought the way his character was written out of the show was "pretty lame," and was disappointed the writers couldn't come up with something "a little more imaginative." With his upcoming return to the show, Cochrane may now finally get the chance to say goodbye to Tim Speedle in a proper fashion.

from csifiles

25-07-2007, 00:46
Oh my gosh? So Speed might not have really died?? :searchme:, didn't we see him dead?

25-07-2007, 08:36
Oh my gosh? So Speed might not have really died?? :searchme:, didn't we see him dead?

Oh he's definitely dead - Alexx did the pm on him if you remember.

The only thing I can think, is that its to do with a Delko storyline, with after effects of his shooting maybe :searchme: If he is appearing as Speed, then this is the only thing I can think of. Would make sense though - I mean, you are bound to have a few problems if you've been shot in the head aren't you...:hmm:

25-07-2007, 18:19
Delko gets shot in the head?? :eek: :eek:. I really need to read all the spoilers lol!!

25-07-2007, 22:04
Delko gets shot in the head?? :eek: :eek:. I really need to read all the spoilers lol!!


You HAVE to read the Miami Season spoilers hun - in the series that is showing on Five now is the series in which he does indeed get shot (twice in fact!!)

Call yourself a fan :banned: :rotfl:

Only joking hun x x x :p

25-07-2007, 22:08
:lol: Biatch :p.

When does this happen?? I know I should ask in series 5 spoilers, but I'm here now :p. Will I need kleenex? Does he live? Will he ever CSI again? :crying:

25-07-2007, 22:19
:lol: Biatch :p.

When does this happen?? I know I should ask in series 5 spoilers, but I'm here now :p. Will I need kleenex? Does he live? Will he ever CSI again? :crying:


Ooo lemme think :hmm: Episode 514 is where he is shot (No Mans Land) and Episode 515 (Man Down) carries on with the story.

You'll be very pleased to know (as I was anyway :wub: ) that Eric survives though and is back as a CSI.

25-07-2007, 22:26
Thankys!!! You got me really excited now!!!! Think I will stock up on the tissues... just in case a tear accidentaly rolls down my face.

Chloe O'brien
07-08-2007, 17:48
The third episode of CSI: Miami's sixth season involves a girl who has been thrown into the limelight online, and her admirers don't even give her space when her boyfriend is murdered.
According to CSI Files sources, "Cyber-lebrity" (http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/miami/season6/cyber_lebrity.shtml) opens with a girl buying coffee. Candace Walker, 17 and beautiful, is uncomfortable with the fact that there are people at a nearby table who are aiming their cameras at her. When she takes her Caramel Macchiato, they begin snapping pictures. In no time, one picture is all over the internet, and teens around the world are emulating Candace, drinking Caramel Macchiatos.
Later on, when Candace is preparing for a swim meet, her parents argue about whether or not it's safe for her to race. Her father is concerned for her because there is a large crowd in the audience, all waiting to catch a glimpse of Candace, but her mother insists that everything will be fine. Candace wants to swim, so she walks out to the pool amid wild cheering. As she gets in place, ready for the one hundred meter freestyle, Candace glances over at her boyfriend. Luke Selyan is sitting poolside. He grins at her from behind his sunglasses. A group of people taking pictures distracts Candace as the starter pistol goes off to begin the race. Luke jerks and blood begins to come from his mouth. The woman sitting next to him shrieks as he slumps over, an arrow sticking out of his chest.
While Alexx looks at Luke's body, Tripp tells Horatio that Candace is apparently a celebrity. Her picture ended up online several weeks before and now there are people who follow her every move. Horatio goes to talk to Candace, asking her if anybody would have wanted to hurt Luke. She is still clearly in shock, but she tells him that people online have been posting messages about her and sending her e-mails. Horatio guesses that they didn't like that she had a boyfriend. Candace swears that she never wanted any of this popularity, and she blames herself for Luke's death because of it. Then she wonders if she might be next. Horatio promises that he'll keep her safe.
Candace's father isn't convinced that a police escort is enough to keep his daughter safe. He is convinced that her 'fans' are dangerous and that she is going to suffer the same fate as Luke. Horatio gives Ryan a call and Ryan, thinking that he will be offered his job back, is eager to help out wherever he is needed. He is disappointed when he learns that Horatio didn't call him about rejoining the team. Instead, he wants Ryan to stay with Candace and be her personal bodyguard.
Calleigh and Eric visit the new A.V. tech, Samantha Barrish, who shows them the website devoted to Candace. It is so up-to-date that there is already a picture of Candace with Ryan, along with speculation that this is her new boyfriend. Among the pictures on the site is the picture that made Candace famous: a shot of her next to the pool that looks as though it could have been taken by a professional. Samantha explains that the picture caused Candace to become an overnight e-lebrity. Calleigh points out another of the pictures on the site. It looks as though Candace is about to kiss the photographer, but since the person has their hands on either side of her face, they know that the picture could not have been taken with a regular camera. Instead, the person had to actually be wearing it. Eric retrieves the sunglasses that Luke had on when he died and discovers that there is a small camera hidden in the side of one lens. As Ryan and Candace are leaving a photoshoot, someone rushes up and knocks Ryan over, disorienting him and grabbing Candace. The man tells her that she should consider the attack a warning before running off. Ryan tries to follow the attacker but can't leave Candace alone as people start to crowd around her. Instead, he must stay with her and watch the man run away. Meanwhile, Horatio gets a call about Kyle Harmon, the young man he met in the first episode of the season--the one he shares a connection with. To make matters more complicated, as he is trying to deal with their murder case and the situation with Kyle, Horatio learns that he, like Candace, is being followed.

08-08-2007, 11:12
Question: Got any CSI Miami scoop in your back pocket?— Lena
Ausiello: This just in: What About Brian's Jessica Szohr (Laura) is joining the cast as Samantha Barrish, the young and feisty new A.V. Tech specialist.

21-08-2007, 13:45
A criminal is on the run, and things get personal for Horatio in the fourth episode of CSI: Miami's sixth season.

"Inside Out" begins with a crowd waiting outside of the courthouse. A news reporter is filming as she explains what is happening inside: Julio Rentoria is waiting for his bail hearing. Rentoria and two accomplices are being charged with attempted murder. Security is tight inside the courtroom as Rentoria and his accomplices, Trevor Battle and Oscar Monahan, plead not guilty. The judge sets their bail at 500,000 dollars and then moves to the next person on his list: Kyle Harmon.

Sgt Frank Tripp, in uniform and with a radio microphone on his epaulet, confirms to the judge that Kyle had not been carrying a weapon during the commission of his crime. The judge tells Kyle that the serious nature of his actions is the reason that he will be tried as an adult. Kyle pleads not guilty, and the judge sets his bail at 250,000 dollars.

Outside of the courthouse, Tripp is standing with Horatio as Julio Rentoria is led out of the building. The crowd cheers to see the famous drug kingpin. Rentoria shouts out that he will give two million dollars to the person who helps him get free. When the crowd cheers louder, Horatio looks at the transport bus that Rentoria and his accomplices are about to get on--the same bus that Kyle is riding in. He asks Frank to ride along and give the bus driver some back up. Tripp agrees, knowing that Horatio is worried for Kyle's safety. Kyle is, after all, family.

As the bus pulls away, Rentoria and Trevor Battle look at each other and at Kyle. Rentoria eyes Tripp's gun. Tripp's phone rings, and he answers it, agreeing to bring the bus back so that they can pick up another person. Before they can turn around, a vehicle comes speeding toward the bus, slamming into it and causing Frank to get knocked to the floor, disoriented. Rentoria, Battle and Monahan head for the front of the bus as the crowd from outside of the courthouse descends on the scene, throwing stones at the bus and screaming as they rock it from side to side. The promise of money for setting Rentoria free is causing the mob to become frenzied. Rentoria tries to fight Tripp for his gun, but Frank isn't going to let him have it. Finally, Rentoria gives up, heading for the bus doors as the mob manages to wrench them open.

Frank gets to his feet and radios for help as he hears shots fired outside. Rushing into the melee, he searches for the shooter and sees a man holding a gun. Frank takes aim, yelling for the man to drop the weapon, but when he makes no move to obey, Frank pulls the trigger of his own gun. When he lowers the gun, he doesn't see the man he was aiming for. Instead, he sees a woman fall to the ground, fatally wounded. Frank stares at her in disbelief as back up arrives. He forces himself to keep it together. When Horatio arrives, Frank keeps his calm and tells the other man that Rentoria, Battle and Monahan are gone. When Horatio asks about Kyle, Tripp has to admit that he is missing as well.

04-09-2007, 15:43
A former football champion is stabbed to death, and his final phone call might help the CSI: Miami team find the killer.

"Deep Freeze" begins with an early morning phone call. Doug McClain answers the phone and begins to have a conversation with the sultry female voice on the other end. The woman claims to have met him before. Doug doesn't recognize the voice, and he doesn't have a clue who the woman is, but he decides to go along with the game. She begins to ask him questions, wanting to know if he is still with his wife and what his most exciting experience was. When she questions his recent stay in the hospital, however, he realizes that something is up.

The woman admits that she works for the Miami Sun Times and that she is trying to update his obituary. Before the conversation can continue, the woman hears the phone drop and listens to strange sounds on the other end. Although she cannot see what is happening, Doug McClain is being murdered. Someone approaches him from behind and stabs a knife into his neck. Quick and effective.

Horatio approaches the house and meets Jake Berkeley, who fills the lead CSI in on the identity of their victim. McClain is a sports legend, and the media is swarming outside of the house. Alexx tells them that whoever killed Doug knew what they were doing. The volume and force of the arterial spray on the wall indicates that the knife went straight through his carotid artery. The blood gushed from his neck during his last three heartbeats.

There is no sign that Doug, a capable athlete, struggled against his attacker. To make matters more complicated, Alexx is informed that Doug's body is to be cryonically frozen. She argues that she has jurisdiction over his remains regardless of his fame, but Doug's wife hands her a court injunction. A judge is allowing this decision, so Alexx has no choice. She cannot perform a traditional autopsy, but she refuses to let Doug's body out of her sight--she will find a different way to get answers.

Calleigh processes the sill of the only open window in the room. With no sign of forced entry, she hopes to find fingerprints from their murderer here. She has no such luck. Jake comes over to see how she is doing and, ensuring that they are alone, makes a comment to her about how she left without him hearing that morning. Smiling, Calleigh claims to be maintaining a bit of mystery, but they quickly curb their flirtatious conversation when another person enters the room. Meanwhile, Alexx prepares to perform a virtopsy on Doug McClain using an MRI scanner and a CT scanner. She is determined to find out what happened to him. Elsewhere in the investigation, a tape of Doug's final telephone conversation could prove to hold the key to the case, and the team discovers that some of Doug's prized sports memorabilia has been sold to a collector.

Chloe O'brien
17-10-2007, 23:08
Horatio and his team must investigate a series of events that might all lead back to a single man.
According to CSI Files sources, "Chain Reaction" (http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/miami/season6/chain_reaction.shtml) begins early in the morning before a fashion show. The designer, Gavin Hauer, is debuting his new line in front of the most rich and beautiful people in Miami. The runway appears to be nothing but an expanse of water, glowing with lights.
Alisha Reilly, one of the models in the runway show, takes the stage beneath the lights, walking down the water-covered runway. Unexpectedly, something goes wrong and Alisha is electrocuted by the lights. Horatio and Tripp talk to Gavin, but he insists that he would not sabotage his own fashion show to kill Alisha. He tries to tell them that he is sorry for her death but that the show must go on. He needs to get the stage taken apart and ready to load onto a plane heading to Paris for another show. When he gets frustrated with the insinuation that he might have been responsible for Alisha's murder, Gavin tells them to talk to Terrence Day, the lighting director.
Calleigh speaks to Terrence and learns that Gavin was too cheap to hire a crew. Instead, it was up to Terrence to take care of every detail with the stage. For this reason, he insists that there was no way that Alisha could have gotten electrocuted. He tells Calleigh that he put ground fault interrupters on all of the lights. If one of the lights shorted out, the interrupter would have cut off the circuit. He is adamant that the stage could not have electrocuted Alisha, and that he did not kill her, but Calleigh doesn't take his word for it.
The CSIs discover strands of hair from a neon blue wig beneath the stage. Because each model wore a wig matching the color of the lights that shone as they walked down the runway, Calleigh and Ryan are able to figure out that the wig belonged to Julianna Perez. Calleigh brings her in for questioning, but Julianna says that she wasn't under the stage to sabotage Alisha--she was there with Terrence Day. Lighting is important, she explains. She fooled around with Terrence because she wanted to make sure that she looked good when she was on the runway. Calleigh suggests that their victim might have been involved with Terrence as well, but Julianna says that Alisha was in a relationship and wouldn't have been messing around. As the CSI team digs deeper into the mystery surrounding Alisha's death, they begin to find connections to Joe LeBrock, the man responsible for the kidnapping of Horatio's son Kyle in "Inside Out" (http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/miami/season6/inside_out.shtml). Not coincidentally, things become more complicated when a bomb explodes, killing a man and making it look like Kyle may be responsible. With Kyle's hearing scheduled for later on in the day, Horatio has no time to waste figuring out who is setting his son up. Kyle needs him, and the team is several steps behind the criminals.

Chain Reaction" is expected to air November 5.

01-11-2007, 15:24
CSI: Miami

Episode 6.08 - Permanent Vacation: A Canadian family is visiting Miami. One of the sons accidentally becomes an enemy of a gangbanger by flirting with his girlfriend in an elevator and is shot and killed the day he and his family are set to leave Miami. The SWAT team helps Horatio and Delko bring in a suspect by blowing off the front of the man's house with explosives. Source: SpoilerFix.com

01-11-2007, 15:24
Episode 6.09 - Stand Your Ground: Horatio, Ryan and Delko investigate a brutal murder of a teacher from a local high school and the deadly student drug-ring inside the school walls. Source: SpoilerFix.com

Chloe O'brien
02-11-2007, 13:07
So Ryan is back on the team again.

19-11-2007, 16:15
CSI: Miami Preview: Emily Procter Finally Gets Some Action
by David Hochman

Emily Procter, CSI: Miami
In tonight's CSI: Miami (10 pm/ET, CBS), ballistics expert Calleigh Duquesne is threatened at gunpoint and nearly run over by a bad guy's car. "Of all the shows we've done, this one was definitely my favorite," Emily Procter says of her big episode. "For years I've had the feeling of, 'How come the boys get to do all the fun stuff while Calleigh has to stay home in the lab?' I was so glad to finally get my due!"
The episode heats up when Calleigh, off duty and boozed up on mimosas, spots trouble in a sporting-goods store where a murder just occurred. As the assailants attempt their getaway, they see Calleigh and assume she's just another pesky bystander. Turns out she's a force to be reckoned with.

"Calleigh is faced with a fight-or-flight decision and we really get to see what she's made of," says producer Marc Dube. Adds Procter, "We've always known Calleigh could get aggressive at the interrogation table, but here she gets physical out on the streets. It's so cool!"

Not to mention painful. Procter, 39, who opted to do her own stunts, got banged up during production. "Apparently it does hurt to dive onto pavement and roll out from under a car," she says. "I have bruises all over and cracked the tip of my finger."

But for Calleigh, there's the added emotional toll. She's accused of acting recklessly while intoxicated, a charge that brings up difficult issues about her alcoholic father. "In a flash, we realize how deeply injured Calleigh is," Procter says, "and how much the pain of her childhood helped create that tough exterior we usually see."

The incident also has ramifications for Calleigh's relationships with Jake (Johnny Whitworth) and Delko (Adam Rodriguez) — the three have been in a percolating love triangle all season. Because Jake is so close to Calleigh (he's the one tipping back mimosas with her the day of the showdown), he can't quite remain objective while investigating the crime. When Jake is questioned about his role in the event, he goes out on a limb and asks Delko to help him out, but that just makes things awkward.

"In the end, Calleigh must ask herself what's more important: her job or her relationship with Jake," Dube explains. "It's a conflict that will color their relationship for several episodes to come."

Procter doesn't seem too worried about the situation. She says, laughing, "I just think it's sweet to have two good-looking boys fussing over me."

Catch up on CSI: Miami with our Online Video Guide.

22-05-2008, 23:57
Season Finale - Horatio gunned down!

Shannon Higgins, the ME replacing Alexx, shows up at the CSIs latest crime scene to determine the cause of death for a man found dead outside an abandoned building. Moments later, when she notices the man's chest rattle and calls for fire and rescue, shots are fired, killing her instantly. The shooter escapes, so the team turns to the dead body of the man, Manny Ortega, who apparently plunged to his death after crashing through one of the windows of the building. His brother, Juan, comes to claim his belongings and identify his body. Juan tells Delko his brother would disappear for weeks at a time. In the room Ortega fell from, Ryan and Natalia discover blood on a fallen ladder. The blood leads them to Evan Caldwell, an ATF agent who tells Horatio his criminal record is faked so that he can blend in among the thugs he infiltrates. Manny's death was an inconvenience; Evan was trying to get him to reveal who he was trafficking illegal munitions for, but Manny wouldn't crack. Evan claims he left Manny alive--after punching the ladder in anger. Delko gets Higgins' replacement, Thomas Wellner, to show him the trajectory of the bullets took when they hit Manny's body, allowing Delko and Calleigh to discover the shooter was firing from a nearby parking structure. The CSIs discover several unspent rounds and a broken gun grip, leading them to suspect the gun misfired and their shooter might have powder burns on his body.

After scouring area hospitals for people suffering recent powder burns, Horatio has Ron Saris brought in. The man has burns on his neck, which he claimed happened at the firing range. Prints on one of the unspent rounds from the parking garage leads the CSIs to Brad Gower, who tells the CSIs he sells ammunition and does spot checks on bullets, meaning his prints are likely on thousands of rounds. He notes that he has an independent defense contract, but agrees to help Horatio trace the shipment the bullet was in. In the lab, Calleigh examines the bullets, noticing the oxidation on them, but when she gets a call from Tripp, one of the bullets rolls off the lab table and falls to the floor, causing it to shoot up to the ceiling and start a fire in the lab. She's dejected at possibly compromising the case into Delko discovers an undamaged round in the wreckage. Calleigh examines the bullet, determining it's almost forty years old, meaning Gower has illegally been selling old ammunition. Realizing Manny must have known, the CSIs go to Gower's office. He confesses that Manny was trying to sell him prototype ammunition, but when he followed Manny, he saw him talking to a fed. Thinking Manny was going betray him, he followed Manny into the building and gave him a choice: get shot or jump. Manny jumped, but when Brad heard the ME call for fire and rescue, he opened fire, determined to finish Manny off. The CSIs arrest Brad and lead him off, but before they can take him in, he's gunned down by a shooter in a car. Tripp discovers only one entrance wound, but multiple exit wounds, which Calleigh recognizes as being the result of a fused alloy round--a deadly form of ammunition.

Calleigh confronts Evan: the ATF agent tells her he knew Brad was selling old ammo, but looked the other way because the rounds were going overseas. He tells her Manny was shopping the fused alloy rounds to buyers, and Calleigh demands the list of his potential buyers. Calleigh shows Horatio the list, and one name pops out: Ron Saris. Saris, who gloatingly tells Horatio that he and Julia Winston, the mother of Horatio's son Kyle, just got married, threatens Horatio, causing the CSI to return the gesture. After finishing with Ron, Horatio confronts Julia and tells her Ron is after her money and he suspects he'll hurt Kyle. He persuades Julia to bring Kyle and meet him at an airfield at 5pm. The CSIs discover the vehicle used in the drive-by shooting of Brad, and though its plates have been removed, they are able to get a cell phone number from the car's blue tooth interface. It leads them to Colin Madison, Brad Gower's associate. He tells the CSIs that a man coerced him into doing so, and agrees to take Calleigh to the man, who turns out to be none other than Juan Ortega, Manny's brother. Juan killed Brad in revenge for his brother's death, but more worrying is the rounds of fused alloy he's been selling. He refuses to tell the CSIs how many rounds he's sold, and threatens Horatio if he's arrested. Horatio laughs and has him taken to jail, where Juan makes a call giving Horatio's name and asking to be told when it's done. Horatio waits at the airfield for Julia but she doesn't show. A gunshot rings out and the CSI falls to the ground. At the station, Ryan Wolfe gets a text message reading, "It's done."