View Full Version : Week 28.

29-06-2007, 23:28
Think this is week 28 anyway.

Under the Radar' : Sparks fly when Elliot is on the receiving end of an unexpected complaint, but what is his son doing back in Holby? Clifford struggles with a family secret, and there's a new CEO in town who deals a blow to Abra's plans.

29-06-2007, 23:43
Are we finally going to find out what the deal is between Dan and Maddy?

29-06-2007, 23:48
I hope so! Still curious here!! Although probably not knowing Holby lol!

29-06-2007, 23:50
Haven't seen Maddy or Dan around for quite a while :hmm:

30-06-2007, 00:25
They were both in it last night :)
Haven't seen Maddy in a while before last night though. It was good to see her.

30-06-2007, 15:11
I think the Dan's stuff is to do with this:

There's more drama on the horizon for Holby City's surgeon Daniel Clifford.

Actor Peter Wingfield, who plays him, revealed: "Trouble brews when his sister-in-law shows up at the hospital and brings a family issue with her that draws Clifford's other world into his hospital life.

"It's really interesting because you see a completely different side to the character, and there are some pretty unexpected changes in store for Clifford."

And the 44-year-old says he loves the role: "Clifford is a fantastic character, I'm loving playing him. He's got a wildness to him, and you never know what he's going to do next."

And the Cardiff-born actor adds that - unusually - he's not tired of the role yet.

"I get bored very easily and series work has always been very hard for me," he says. "Coming into Holby City, because of the strength of the writing, the idea of who the character would be and his back story, I thought there was something in there that would be interesting and challenging to play.

"I'm 11 months in and I'm more excited about coming to work today than I was yesterday."

30-06-2007, 15:14
Are we finally going to find out what the deal is between Dan and Maddy?

Didn't Maddy cover for Dan during an operation thats why they are so close, apparently he was drunk having just left his second fiancée at the altar. Maddy went as far as to accept a date with the female anaesthetist in theatre at the time to save Dan's reputation.
Think we found this out when Maddy's dad came in to the hospital and needed treated.

30-06-2007, 23:34
The bbc website has:

Thandie makes an official complaint against Elliot.
Clifford gets distracted by his attractive sister-in-law. (I guess thats the family secret!)
A new CEO, Jayne Grayson, rubs Connie up the wrong way.
Elliot's son leaves him a distressing message.
Abra confronts Jayne about his deal with Sutherland.
Ric refuses to fight Elliot's corner.

Will be nice seeing Dan and Maddy in a storyline again they havn't been on screen properly in a while! :D

02-07-2007, 20:23
The bbc website has:

Thandie makes an official complaint against Elliot.
Clifford gets distracted by his attractive sister-in-law. (I guess thats the family secret!)
A new CEO, Jayne Grayson, rubs Connie up the wrong way.
Elliot's son leaves him a distressing message.
Abra confronts Jayne about his deal with Sutherland.
Ric refuses to fight Elliot's corner.

Will be nice seeing Dan and Maddy in a storyline again they havn't been on screen properly in a while! :D

Thandie needs her head checking, she's lost the plot. She's totally corrupted Ric :angry:
I wonder if Elliot's son is suicidal or something like that.

04-07-2007, 21:13
A bit more:
Sutherland's replacement, Jayne informs Elliot that a complaint's been filed against him, but who by?
And Kyla learns the real reason why Abra returned. Was it for her?
The preview is here http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/holbycity/storyupdates/holbycitycu1.shtml

10-07-2007, 16:36
Thandie needs her head checking, she's lost the plot. She's totally corrupted Ric :angry:
I wonder if Elliot's son is suicidal or something like that.

In week 30 spoilers Elliot gets a call...it doesn't look good :(