View Full Version : Sun Hill Mole June

06-06-2007, 19:32
Coming up this month...

Reg's video podcast
Phil's back in CID
Tash in beaten up
Rudy's shot
Lewis hunts down Ray Moore
Guilt ridden Lewis resigns
Suzanne Shaw guest stars
Diane turns down Will
Meet the new DC in CID
Jack re-opens a dead case
Manson hesitates after an act of terrorism
Herion is found in Leela's flat

Reg Hollis, always a man to stay on top of new technology, makes a video podcast. The rest of the relief may ridicule him, but surprisingly enough, he's a hit and gets a cult following.
Fashionable Phil finally de-robes from his uniform and dons one of his signature suits. He did the crime (fighting Stuart) - now he's done the time (in uniform) and is returning to the fold and back with Stuart in CID. There's a special project up for grabs and once again Tom and Jerry get back to scrapping over it.

Former psycho-cop Ray Moore is released from jail after his brother-in-law withdrew his witness statement - Moore's death threats made sure of that. Now he's out he's picking on Lewis's girlfriend Tash, the nurse, as she heard Wesley Meeks dying words were: "Ray Moore".

Rudy goes mad, insisting his sister doesn't give evidence against Moore - why should she put herself in danger. Soon afterwards Rudy is shot.

Although Heaton goes out on a limb to find the evidence to put Moore back behind bars, Lewis can't contain his frustration at the Superintendent's seemingly glacial pace of policing and hunts down Moore for revenge.

After Moore's found dead Heaton's case collapses as a consequence. Riddled with guilt, Lewis hands in his resignation.

Suzanne Shaw former Hear'say singer guest stars playing car crash victim Laura Matthew's. She's found slumped and severely injured in the driving seat of a car wreck - but Diane's quick to work out she's been set up. Meanwhile Will's got his eye on Diane, but does she fancy him?

CID welcomes DC Grace Dasari played by This Life's Milly (Amita Dhiri). Meanwhile Mickey wonders what she did wrong to end up at Sun Hill.

After an explosion and an accusation of terrorism Manson argues with Stuart for the best cause of action, not wanting another 7/7 or a Stockwell shooting.

Leela's a good copper, law abiding and loyal - so why is heroin found in her flat?

Jack reinvestigates a rape case from back in the 80s with a colleague DI Roy Atherton from back then. Whereas Jack's moved with the times Roy still believes prostitutes don't deserve the protection of the police.