View Full Version : Are you watching Big Brother 8?

01-06-2007, 21:38
As the thread title says- are you going to be watching Big Brother 8?

01-06-2007, 21:39
Yes of course i am, i wouldnt miss it at all, best thing on tv for me

01-06-2007, 21:41
No - never.

I know that I would get sucked in.
It is summer - there are better things to do!

01-06-2007, 21:41
I'll only watch it if theres nothing else on. And i mean NOTHING else. The people in there aren't interesting at all, they just look desperate this year. It looks proper boring, watching people scream and get over excited 24/7. If theres absolutly nothing else on, and i'm bored, then i might watch it. Otherwise, i'm steering well clear!

Theres better things to do in summer, to be honest.

01-06-2007, 21:46
Hate Big Brother.. watching people in a house isn't really my idea of fun really lol.

01-06-2007, 22:58
I don't get the idea of BB. 12 people sit in a house for weeks on end doing naff all apart from bitch about each other. Where's the appeal?

01-06-2007, 23:00
Yep i'm definetly watching it! I always love watching Big Brother every year, and this year is no different for me.

01-06-2007, 23:11
I'm watching for the first time. I don't know if I'll keep with it yet, and I've missed a few which isn't really bothering me as I know most of the names from watching tonight.

01-06-2007, 23:21
I watch the channel 4 shows but don't watch it live or anything

Chloe O'brien
02-06-2007, 01:15
I watched the launch show on Wedneseday and both live shows on Friday. I know the more I watch the more I will get sucked in as I used to watch the live feed in earlier big brothers series even when they were sleeping in the morning. I will watch the evictions and catch up during the week with BBLB.

02-06-2007, 16:11
Yeh, Im watching it, ive even been watching the live feed as well, although that gets annoying with the sound going off. If I miss eppisdoes im sure it willbe easy to catch up.

02-06-2007, 16:30
I used to watch it live, watched a bit of it live last night and realised why it was so boring with the blockouts... so the 10pm show - wouldnt dare miss it...

02-06-2007, 18:35
I wont be watching it....:thumbsdow

Tbh that would be my idea of torture, watching a bunch of egocentric attention seekers sitting about in a house for 3 months (or however long its on). I know some people love watching it, and Im not knocking those people, but I seriously dont know how you can derive any sort of entertainment from it. :confused: Though maybe Im missing something here...:hmm: lol

02-06-2007, 18:57
as long as they keep recomissioning it, I'll watch it. It's a bit of light entertainiment, that you dont have to put your mind to watch. Who cares if it's dumbing down of society, I like it, I enjoy it so why not? If someone dont like it they dont have to watch it, but theres no need to insult those that do.

Grace (BB7) put it spot on in her article on the Radio Times website:

It's a good job I'm watching Big Brother 8 this summer because nobody else is. That's right, nobody. Oh, yes, all week long people have quacked to me that they're not watching it this year. "Oh, no, not again," they bleat, "Such a waste of time, yadder, yadder, just a bunch of idiots in a house, bleh, bleh, bleh, I won't be getting involved."

And I nod sympathetically, but inside I'm roaring, "Oh, shut up! Shut up, you boring nork! If you're not going to watch, don't watch! But don't just opt out for three weeks then start appearing by my desk sticking your oar into my BB conversations on day 25! You'll know nothing! And don't 'only watch bits of the highlights occasionally just because the wife is wah wah wah,' then suddenly in week ten think you're an expert on 'editing' and 'Endemol bias'."

In fact, why don't you just admit that you'll watch Big Brother every night like the rest of us? Anyway, what stupid stuff will you do instead? Go out and enjoy the summer sun? Take a language class? Go to the gym? Oh, please. You'll be like me, like millions of us: propped up by your TV at 4am watching people you don't even like whingeing and eating toast. Resistance is futile. Go hard or go home.

02-06-2007, 19:41
Don't think I've seen anyone who doesn't watch, insult anyone that does?! :searchme:

I won't be watching, I'd rather sit in the garden, playing with my children etc than watch people sunbathe all day (weather permitting) or do some strange task that has been set to them. For me, it all started going downhill after the 2002 one (Kate, Johnny and Co)

02-06-2007, 19:52
Don't think I've seen anyone who doesn't watch, insult anyone that does?! :searchme:

Totally in agreement with that comment, JJ. :)

02-06-2007, 19:56
Don't think I've seen anyone who doesn't watch, insult anyone that does?! :searchme:

There's enough of the broadsheets, tv criticis, "upper class" people talking about it "dumbing down society", obviously calling the viewers "dumb".

02-06-2007, 19:59
Don't think I've seen anyone who doesn't watch, insult anyone that does?! :searchme:

There's enough of the broadsheets, tv criticis, "upper class" people talking about it "dumbing down society", obviously calling the viewers "dumb".

I don't read the broadsheets so wouldn't know :lol: I'm far too common for that!!

Sorry Bry, it just seemed that your comment was directed to us here on the board, rather than in general...:)

02-06-2007, 21:59
Yes I thinks sometimes it can be great to watch, but as im still doing my exams I cant watch it every night, but its always interesting in some way cos you never get the same kind of person, not really

02-06-2007, 23:30
I know many people who insult me for watching Big Brother, so people insulting other people for watching the show is perfectly true. I'm just glad the members on these boards can perfectly understand other people's opinions and points of view...I respect you all for that.. :)

02-06-2007, 23:38
Thats the good thing about here Dave - we respect each others views - hence my posts - shame more respect isn't held in the "real world" eh.

03-06-2007, 08:54
no, wont watch it at all. much better things to do. i find it quite easy to avoid!

04-06-2007, 19:14
Been watching it for like 3-4 years now. I watch the live evictions and stuff for definate but not really bothered with the others.. I catch up by reading the news lol