View Full Version : Micheal Jackson

phils little sister
13-05-2005, 12:16
Do you think he is guilty?

13-05-2005, 12:48
hmmmm im not sure what to think.

i voted not sure.

he's a celebrity so this could just be away to get money out of him.

Maculay Culkin has said he never done anything to him so im not sure. if he had done then what is making maculay keep quiet

13-05-2005, 13:01
I was sure he was guilty until i saw an interview with Maculay taking about it. He's got me thinking now.....

13-05-2005, 13:04
I am undecided. I think that he's a very troubled person and that he's wrong to even share a bed with young boys.

What ever the outcome is I really don't think that he'll get the psychiatric help that he needs.

13-05-2005, 13:06
I was sure he was guilty until i saw an interview with Maculay taking about it. He's got me thinking now.....

I think we've got to wait until both sides have finished their evidence - so far it's only been prosecuting evidence so you're bound to side with them until you hear the defence evidence.

13-05-2005, 13:22
To be honest i don't know what to think but i reckon that if he ends up inside he'll end up killing himself because he will not be able to handle it!

phils little sister
13-05-2005, 14:27
I love Micheal Jackson - i think he is brilliant :thumbsup: i don't think he did it and will be devasated if it turns out that he is guilty.

13-05-2005, 15:13
i don't think he is Guilty i believe is Acuser is making it up,Michael might be weird but why would he want to ruin his career

13-05-2005, 15:24
Maybe he thought he was above the law? And anyway he certainly has a twisted view of reality... Has he looked in a mirror?

13-05-2005, 15:28
a lot of the trial does not make sense

13-05-2005, 15:53
To be honest i don't know what to think but i reckon that if he ends up inside he'll end up killing himself because he will not be able to handle it!

It wouldnt surprise me if he takes his life before the end if the trial. he is a very troubled person and looks terribly ill.

13-05-2005, 15:57
i think they should just Abandon the trial i dont think he is guilty and also for his own safety we don't know what is going on in his head because of this Rubbish there is no DNA evidence

13-05-2005, 16:54
I think he is guilty and he is going to prison for a looooong time.

13-05-2005, 17:27
I don't know. I think he is guilty, but I don't know about prison...

13-05-2005, 20:58
i think he is guilty but probably will be found not guilty.

14-05-2005, 02:45
I voted not sure because after watching both the being Michael Jackson the Martin Bashier one and Michael Jacksons own one I did not think he was capable of such abuse as he is jus a child himself traped in a mans body however I would not leave a child of mine with him just incase.
P.s I know the defence have had past staff of Michaels testifying that they witnessed child molestation well if this was the case why didn't they stop it or report it to the police at the time?

14-05-2005, 13:58
i think he is guilty but probably will be found not guilty. I totally agree with you,I think he never grow up realy,and he didnt have a childhood of his own,so in his mind he is still young and played games like small children do...like you show me yours and I'll show you mine. must pop stars have a mansion not a playground!!!!!

Bad Wolf
14-05-2005, 14:01
i totally agree, there is clearly something wrong, but he doesn't realise that he is doing wrong because he has a mental age of a child, maybe he will get put in a phyciatric (sorry about the spelling) place?

18-05-2005, 19:03
Before the trial started I was sure he would be found guilty. However, I can't believe how flimsy the prosecution evidence has been. Even Gavin Arviso didn't seem convincing - and his mother and sister were just a joke.

If I was on the jury I couldn't convict him so far on what has been said.

18-05-2005, 19:59
I voted not sure

I reckon that hte Jury should treat him as they would any other "normal" person, and sort of forget that he is Micheal Jackson the Superstar. If he's guilty he should be locked up, if not then it should just be laid to rest. Thats what i think

19-05-2005, 15:28
there is a lot of things wrong with Jackson one of the things that Bother me about him is why does he think it is ok to sleep in the same bed as the kids it just aint right

19-05-2005, 15:35
there is a lot of things wrong with Jackson one of the things that Bother me about him is why does he think it is ok to sleep in the same bed as the kids it just aint right

Exactly. I personally think there is a line that shouldnt be crossed and by inviting these kids into his bed, he has gone way over that line. Would he let his own kids sleep in a bed with another grown man?? I doubt it.

19-05-2005, 15:36
im not sure he probably is guilty though

19-05-2005, 15:42
why does he cover his kids faces normal Celebs Wouldn't

19-05-2005, 15:45
I think he's guilty. I think maybe the jury will maybe find him not guilty though because he is famous.

24-05-2005, 16:13
i dont freakin care because he is a bloody retard

phils little sister
24-05-2005, 16:20
i dont freakin care because he is a bloody retard
there's no need for that, all you had to do was click on the "I don't care button"!