View Full Version : What would you do??

01-06-2007, 13:44
Last week, before the schools broke up, I gave invites out to 5 people for Ciaran's birthday, with my home number and mobile number on it. I said to the parents, that I knew it was short notice etc, but I would be grateful if they could let me know either way, whether or not their child would be able to come.

I have had a phone call from 1 parent (yes one!) in reply to 2 of the children saying that they will be attending, but there are still 3 that haven't bothered replying yet.

Ci's birthday is tomorrow! The party is tomorrow! I have everything sorted, games, party bags etc etc and now I don't know if the other 3 are coming or not

I'm really angry about it to be honest - I find it rude and ill mannered and tbh there is no need for it.

But do I make the assumption that they aren't coming or that they are or what? Its my boys 5th b/day, his first party and I have this huge worry now that no one is going to turn up...:angry:

If I had the parents telephone numbers, I'd ring them and ask if they were going to be coming, but I haven't got their numbers, and unfortunately, I don't "belong" to their clicky group - maybe thats what it is - but apart from that, would you make that assumption?

01-06-2007, 13:46
I would make the allowance for the ones who didn't reply. As it is 3 just have extra for 2.. don't do anything extra for them and if they all show up just explain to the parent that they could have rang. It happens at all party, people don't bother telling you they are coming or not but show up anyway

01-06-2007, 13:47
Well what are these people really like, cos myabe they are the people who didnt think thye needed to reply and just turn up
Is there anyway you can get there numbers?

01-06-2007, 13:50
yeah are they in the phone book, or that directory thingy when you can get the number.

It think like Siobhan says is a good idea, its there own fault if they turn up and did not ring. Im not really sure though. Im sure no matter what its a birthday party so Ci will enjoy it whos there or not.

01-06-2007, 13:52
Thats the thing though - I ordered the party bags online, because I have a themed party for Ci, all the same in each bag etc, so I haven't got anything extra in that sense - its all been pretty stressful trying to sort it to be honest, what with half term etc, but I did specifically ask them to ring and let me know.

2 of the mums don't speak to me anyway (long story, but they are close to a parent of a younger child, who Ci was accused of hitting even though he didn't, so mum won't speak to me anymore, and these 2 are like her best friends), but they all said they'd ring. Trying to get things sorted, on my own, during half term when its stressful enough anyway, without being in my "situation" really isn't helping.

I spoke to them all verbally in the morning and explained about the party etc and they were all, oh yeah that sounds great etc (I told them when it was, time place etc at that time) then by the afternoon pick up, when I gave them it in writing, these particular twos tune suddenly changed to, oh well it might be ok, but I'm not sure, so will have to double check, and these same ones now haven't bothered phoning.

01-06-2007, 13:56
Well in that case sod them... if they turn up, let them in but tell the parent that you had to order the party bags so there is none for their kids cause they didn't respond to you and you didn't think they were coming.

I know the kids shouldn't suffer and they won't, if it is anything like my kids parties they share out what they have with kids who just turned up unannounced so everyone goes home with something.

What is the party theme Em? I am trying to think of one for Charley

01-06-2007, 13:59
Kids parties very stressful, but great all the same. I had a pirates and pricesses one when i was 5 or 6. Long time now though.

I was thinking of putting it politly but siobhans sod them seems the most appropriate thing to do. Its like they are tring to prove a point which is a bit harsh as its you they have the problem with seemingly not your son.

01-06-2007, 14:04
Its a football themed one, with the party bags, prefilled with footie stuff already in (£1.25 each too - bargain!!)

I've found a fab website where they have loads of party stuff, themed etc, prefilled party bags at a reasonable price which saves a lot of hassle.

The thing is aswell Katy, is they seem to have a problem with me personally, even though I've not done anything, nor has my son - which to be frank, really pees me off. Its one of the worst things about being a mum - being made to feel like cr@p for no reason

01-06-2007, 14:11
I know and the other pants part about being a mum, is the other mums out sode the school gate. I never had that problem, as i had after school club as mum and dad worked late every night. But i pick my cousins up from my old primary school and walk them home sometimes and the comments from the parents. Its unbelievable what the say. They all have little clicky groups that ____ about the other children and its a catholic school as well. I t really gets to me how they can be so awful. My mum just says though its part of growing up and what happens being a mum.
You cant go to so and sos house because there sister was horrible to so and so's sister in 1999, therefore we will leave this child out. Its like grow up get a grip. If your kids want to be friends, it shouldnt matter if the parents get on, its nice if you do, but we dont live in a perfect world.

01-06-2007, 14:17
Exactly Katy - if it was justified I wouldn't mind so much, but they all seemed to forget that I'd had this particular womans child from 9am till 8pm fed, cleaned (as he was potty training), watered, played with and kept amused etc, all 2 weeks after he'd bitten Ci leaving a huge teeth bruise on his arm - no other parents were in the house with me, and then he got accused of hitting him - I mean wtf?!?!

The sad thing is though, for me, its really upsetting - when you don't get out too much anyway, but then when you do, you get made to feel like cr@p etc, because of one thing or another - pointless - I'm sure a lot of these mums wouldn't like it if the shoe was on the other foot.

Makes me wonder about what happened to the old - treat others the way you would want to be treated bit.

01-06-2007, 14:22
I am in the same suitation as you em but for right reasons. My son did bite people in playschool and hit them. I feel terrible dropping ben off every day but the creche hasn't told them it was ben and I haven't been told who he bit, but it is very embarassing but your son did nothing wrong and you been made to feel that he has.

It is stupid how parents can listen to their friends without getting the full facts. and as you said yourself, you don't get out much and when you do, you don't wanted to be treated like your kids are monsters and you are the worse mother on the earth.

I also hate parents who let what they do influence their kids.. even if I hated Charley's best mates parent, I would never ever stop her for been with her mate, it has nothing to do with the kids..

01-06-2007, 18:10
Any mother who uses her kids to get at another mother for some petty reason does not deserve to have children. ******* them Emz make the best of the party. In fact make it even better than you were planning so as when the ones who attend tell their pals in school they will go running home to Mummy asking why they werent at the party. She should have a fun filled evening explaining that not to mention hopefully a few tantrums for good measure. Serves them right.

01-06-2007, 20:16
I hate that, so so rude not to even reply. I would never get an ibvite and then just not turn up and if connor couldnt go i would always reply! I would say when they turn up say oh , i dont think you were coming as you didnt have thedecency to reply so i havent catered for them, but as it is cis first part, he may get upset

totally unfair on you and ci hun xxx

01-06-2007, 21:40
My son is having a party next Friday. 8 invites were sent out with RSVP and 2 numbers - so far one parent has called me.

One child told my son that he couldn't come as he was grounded by his mum due to bad behaviour at a previous party. My son asked him the next day if he was certain that he couldn't come and he confirmed - he couldn't come. My son then asked another friend. Now the first boy says he can come after all!!!

Two of the mothers are friends of mine - and although they haven't specially called me I do know (sort of) that there boys are coming.

The rest - I haven't a clue.

But I have prepaid bowling and pizza hut for 10.

02-06-2007, 19:57
Well, they ALL turned up!! Even those that didn't bother phoning to say they were :rolleyes:

Plus, I'd then also invited my friends son (who was being funny with me because Ci hadn't invited him, but then he spent the entire party on his own, because he didn't want to mix with the other lads :rolleyes: ), but luckily had ordered an extra party bag so was able to cater for him.

Mind you, the scariest part was when two of them decided to "fight" although couldn't quite work out if they were really fighting or messing about. Towards the end though, I think they were starting to tire, as they started saying stuff to each other like, I'm inviting all of you to my party except for so and so.

But they all appeared to have a great time, thoroughly enjoyed themselves etc, and definitely appeared to love torturing eldest son who stayed and gave me a hand.

I still find it slightly rude though, that 3 of them didn't bother phoning to say that they were coming or not - I'd never dream of doing that.

Main thing though - it all went off without a hitch and they all left smiling - thats the main thing...

02-06-2007, 20:11
aww glad they all had a good time, and that thye all turned up! FAB for ci

Ems give him a huge squish and say happy birthday from us! Connor sends a hug happy birthday for his adopted cousin ( :rotfl: )

02-06-2007, 20:12
Main thing though - it all went off without a hitch and they all left smiling - thats the main thing...

Well as you say thats the main thing and as long as the kids enjoyed thats great. If the parents hadnt the manners to let you even know thats their ill breeding. Glad you had a good time too :)

Chloe O'brien
02-06-2007, 23:12
When Marley was 1 and 2 I had a party in the house for her with a few friends form the childminding group and cousins although Marley slept through most of it as she normally takes unwell at birthday time or Christmas (Is it just me or do other children take unwell at these times) any way from Marley's 3rd birthday until her 6th I have held her parties at different venues and she has always had about 20 to 25 kids turning up, but I would be lucky to get half the replys back which I thought was rude because I always aknowledge any party invites that Marley gets. Any way when she went to school her invites included her friends from class plus some of the kids she knew from the childminder. There was this one girl Ashley who Marley was friendly with and she always got invited but Ashley had a big sister Sophie each year their mum never bothered her backside to say if Ashley was coming or not then would turn up at the venue with both girls and ask if Sophie could stay as she was crying to come to the party. I always gave in and said yes as I would feel gulity about being a single parent but I did not want Marley to feel she couldn't have the same things as the other kids in class were having but these parties used to cost about £200 a time. The least parents can do is pick up the phone or put a note in the kids school bags to say either yes or no. I know there are parents at Marley's school who look down their nose at me because I am on my own, but everyday Marley goes to school clean and tidy so they can think what they like.

05-06-2007, 12:03
How did the party go Em.. did they turn up?

05-06-2007, 12:30
Well, they ALL turned up!! Even those that didn't bother phoning to say they were :rolleyes:

Plus, I'd then also invited my friends son (who was being funny with me because Ci hadn't invited him, but then he spent the entire party on his own, because he didn't want to mix with the other lads :rolleyes: ), but luckily had ordered an extra party bag so was able to cater for him.

Mind you, the scariest part was when two of them decided to "fight" although couldn't quite work out if they were really fighting or messing about. Towards the end though, I think they were starting to tire, as they started saying stuff to each other like, I'm inviting all of you to my party except for so and so.

But they all appeared to have a great time, thoroughly enjoyed themselves etc, and definitely appeared to love torturing eldest son who stayed and gave me a hand.

I still find it slightly rude though, that 3 of them didn't bother phoning to say that they were coming or not - I'd never dream of doing that.

Main thing though - it all went off without a hitch and they all left smiling - thats the main thing...

Yeah, didn't go too bad thanks Shiv ^^^ :)

06-06-2007, 09:54
im glad it all went well, i went offline suddenly due to the computer crashing and since then its not come back on its in the repair shop so i couldnt ask you how it went. Sounds like a proper kids party.

06-06-2007, 15:47
Marley slept through most of it as she normally takes unwell at birthday time or Christmas (Is it just me or do other children take unwell at these times)

I have been ill since as long as i can remember everytime something exciting is coming up so Marley isn't the only one