View Full Version : Massive Spoiler leaked on Youtube

23-05-2007, 15:22
Dont know when this is supposed to be happening but Lewis shoots Roger


Carol Woods
23-05-2007, 15:59
Is The Bill still going?

Deleted text...

24-05-2007, 12:51
At the start of the vid it says "tx date: 3rd June 2007"
Lewis is leaving so maybe this is how he goes.

24-05-2007, 14:11
Plus this from TV Quick
PC Roger Valentine gets shot by one of his own team in the first of a series of explosive storylines for The Bill this summer. The constable, played by John Bowler, is shot by colleague PC Lewis Hardy (Alm Ameen), after Lewis finds himself torn between his loyalties to the force and his former life on the street. And matters rapidly escalate, leading to a spectacular high-speed helicopter chase across London!

As well as a rash of new faces joining Sun Hill, the coming months will also see DS Hunter embarking on a dangerous affair and DC Terry Perkins being pushed to the limit when the station is attacked. And viewers will get the chance to help solve a murder when The Bill goes interactive for the first time.

24-05-2007, 19:33
This looks to be a good summer ahead. Not sure about the interactive bit though. Didn't the BBC do it for a Casualty/Holby crossover?

Please don't tell me the station is going to get torched again :wall:

I never thought Lewis would turn back to the Skens.

Further to my previous post, the 3rd June is a Sunday so it can't be aired then.

24-05-2007, 19:37
lets hope it doesnt drag out the interactive murder thing like emmerdale with a very poor ending. i remember hearing about the last scenes with lewis in a helicopter was involved.

24-05-2007, 19:49
I wonder if this has something to do with the thread that Sam started http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=60960

27-05-2007, 22:59
Bit more here:
Lewis used to be in a gang in his younger days, but now his loyalties (albeit very testing at times) lay with the police – the MET are his gang now.

His cousin Dominic Hardy insists he’s nothing to do with the outlaw street gang the Sken Massive – although Lewis discovered Dom’s café is funded by a Sken member. Here’s a relationship that’s severely tested from Lewis’s choice of career.

Way back, Dom had a gun at his engagement party in a night club where a shooting happened. Lewis stayed quiet, but was aware of the his cousin’s handgun - his friendship hasn’t been the same since. However, when the police bureaucracy frustrates Lewis - getting the inside coup from Dom does give him the necessary intel’ for him to do better from being informed.

Lewis is dating Tash, a nurse from St Hugh’s hospital. Her little brother Rudy is a lad who could easily fall in with the wrong crowd, so Lewis is forever keeping a close eye on him and showing him how rewarding it can be working as a copper.

It won’t be long before everyone in Lewis’s life, including him is dragged down to the basic and desperate level of the criminal world around them all…

31-07-2007, 16:16
hi there, my name is DetBarb. Im new to posting but not new to reading the posts on this site and have done since May this year. Ive only just now been able to register and start posting. so here goes:

why didnt the producer/s want sam with phil and will they get back together before he goes - maybe even get engaged/married and he transfers (possible spoilers)?

I only rediscovered the show in May this year and ive become hooked with the advent of romania 2. missed romania 1!!!. I live in sydney and the abc have had 2pm repeats of the show the last few months and stuart only arrived about 4 weeks ago. so ive been getting both sides/ends to the story at night and afternoon. But next week abc are doing canberra question time in parliament and I wont be able to see the rest of the beginning of sam phil stuart for a while (which im desperate to see) - and seeing how ive just found out that scott quit and is leaving soon... can anyone tell me why the producers didnt want sam and phil together?

Many thanks in advance for any answers.

31-07-2007, 21:53
why didnt the producer/s want sam with phil and will they get back together before he goes - maybe even get engaged/married and he transfers (possible spoilers)?

I only rediscovered the show in May this year and ive become hooked with the advent of romania 2. missed romania 1!!!. I live in sydney and the abc have had 2pm repeats of the show the last few months and stuart only arrived about 4 weeks ago. so ive been getting both sides/ends to the story at night and afternoon. But next week abc are doing canberra question time in parliament and I wont be able to see the rest of the beginning of sam phil stuart for a while (which im desperate to see) - and seeing how ive just found out that scott quit and is leaving soon... can anyone tell me why the producers didnt want sam and phil together?

Hi DetBarb

I don't think Sam and Phil go together quite so well as viewers would like them to. They have had an on/off thing going on for ages (since Sam arrived I think, although my memory doesn't quite stretch that far back reliably) and it's been more Phil's fault that they were off. Sam doesn't really trust him, he keeps letting her down.

So anyway, in answer to your question, S&P have run their course as a couple and short of them getting back together and married, there isn't much more the producers can do with the pairing, except have them start the on/off thing again. Which would just be ridiculously boring.

01-08-2007, 07:34
Hi there Jelly Belly. Thanks for responding to my message. Were/are you a SP fan? Ive read that Lisa Maxwell herself said in interview re romania that she wants sam with phil, and from what ive read in a few forums - well here, digital spy and billfans, that the SP pairing seems to be the majority of what the fans what - well a poll on the Lisa Maxwell site says 74%, and that does include from when she broke up with phil. Ive also read that Lisa said that they (SP) do love each other... Over here they broke up over 4 weeks ago. Last night was the last 06 ep and Saturday is the first 07 ep.

Why do yu say that the SP pairing isnt as popular as people think? From what ive read she must trust him to a certain extent - more than stuart -
because she confided in P that she thought/was pregnant/miscarrying - and thats something one dosnt tell just anybody- especially a male anybody. and those eps im still waiting to see. On Monday 2pm Sam Stu kissed for the first time yuk - and from the eps ive seen - my own opinion is that he is a manipulative,lying,obsessive person who picks up on ones weaknesses/insecuritieis and uses it/them against that person and each other for his own ends. I also found it odd that Sam herself told Stuart about Phils domestic situations - ie Sam herself gave Stuart the 'power' to use her insecurities re phil and sleeping around aginst both her and phil.

I presume that Stuart hates Phil because P saw thru S?. Has Jack seen thru Stu yet? Stu dosnt like not getting his own way, which is also why he manipulated Sam into breaking up with P. also in the ep when Sam kissed Stu...Stu obviously couldve been lying re how many people he hasnt been out with. He's obviously lying when he said he didnt want to get in between her and phil!!what rubbish!!!course he does!! He knows they like each other and that they are/were too scared to say it - and Stu is using P's womanising aagainst both of them. Mind you they(SP) are also their worst enemy - they are both stubborn and being used and yet P is the only one aware of it - but because of his behaviour Sam up to a point wont listen to him. Yet she did when he referred to Stu as being her toyboy.

By the way, in ep 459, when they were really close - Yvonnes last - the London Eye scene ep - in the domestic scene where P scammed Stu, how did Stu know that SP werent sleeping together? Isnt that a bit creepy?

And lastly what ep does Sam come back in? Fanfics ive read say she was only gone 3 weeks but its over 4. sorry if this is too long for yu. Is it?

01-08-2007, 11:00
I wouldn't say I'm a SP fan, they're good together when they are on but they faff around too much and it gets boring watching them.

It was Phil's baby that she miscarried after they got back from Romania (sorry if I'm spoiling things for you) so obviously she does tell Phil.

You're totally right about Stuart, he's an idiot who likes to get one over on Phil whenever he can. Sam is heavily influenced by Stuart when it comes to Phil, especially around the time that we're talking about. Maybe if she stopped listening to Stuarts biased gossip then S&P would be together properly. Stuart is just jealous that he can't have Sam so he's making things difficult for all of them.

If you read this thread, at the bottom of each episode synopsis there is a bit about Phil and Stuart. I'm not sure what episode numbers they are but if you go back through the spoiler threads you may find the episode.

I think Sam is away for quite a while, more than four weeks.

Have you recently started tuning in to TB or have you been watching a while?

samantha nixon
01-08-2007, 14:40
JB, I thought it was Stuarts baby that she miscarried :confused:

01-08-2007, 16:20
Hi Jelly Belly. Did Sam miscarry twice? Because from what ive read, she miscarried stu's baby before romania and his reaction to the pregnancy and miscarriage is why they broke up.

so are you saying sam miscarried Stu's baby Before Romania and Phil's baby After Romania (ive yet to see that ep - mind you I LOOOVE spoilers!!!!Love Em Love Em Love Em!!! the more the better!!!- for me it 'wets the appetite more' ...If Thats Possible??!!

Another thing ive noticed....Sam and stu were together as a live in couple 4-5 weeks before the miscarriage before romania - Sam Phil were a couple on screen 4 weeks - unseen 2 weeks - there were 2? weeks eps without them between romania 2 and their return - well the script had him visiting his mum. Which is why i want them back before he leaves as sam stu were a couple before he moved in with her longer than sam and phil were- which is unfair. on the lisamaxwell site on the polls, 74% want them together. I read that sam realised she was in love with phil as of the pregnancy/miscarriage of Stu's baby. is that true? So why didnt she again tell him she loved him on leaving romania or the station at the end of the ep? Or in ep 460...the breakup ep when phil kept asking her to tell him how she felt (even with why she was scared to be with him officially). Ive read that in romania 2, that phil cottoned onto her almost saying she loved him. did he and he wanted her to again confirm it - or he didnt and wanted her to say she loved him back, to him.

Ive seen the Advent calendar on Billfans and printed it up. Was that a christmas ep or another ep with the christmas caps added for effect by a fan? and what ep was that scene from? Did Stu know that Sam Phil fell in love, and thats (also) why he tried and succeeded in manipulating their breakup?

Also im trying to find out truth from fanfics, did sam go back to stu on her return from hols or is that merely fanfic?

And thanks for the help re the threads. I may have to get back to you on that one.

samantha nixon
01-08-2007, 16:29
sam has only miscarried once and I'm posative that was stuarts baby

Also im trying to find out truth from fanfics, did sam go back to stu on her return from hols or is that merely fanfic?

when she goes away on hols is that after the miscarriage or before?

Ive seen the Advent calendar on Billfans and printed it up. Was that a christmas ep or another ep with the christmas caps added for effect by a fan? and what ep was that scene from? Did Stu know that Sam Phil fell in love, and thats (also) why he tried and succeeded in manipulating their breakup?

what pictures are you talking about as I have seen fake xmas pics that a fan has added but dunno if they are the ones your talking about or not

01-08-2007, 16:40
Hi Samantha Nixon

on the billfans.com site there is a thread titled Advent calendar which has pics of characters in various scenes each with added christmas hats and etc which I presume has been added by the person who posted it. Sam and phil are picture 1. Im just wondering what ep that scene is from. Mind you it couldve been taken from 04 onwards. Did 06 have a christmas ep? Also the chrissy stuff is all red. The image on screen is clearer than the printout is.

Thanks also for the info that Sam only miscarried once.

samantha nixon
01-08-2007, 16:47
that first pictre of sam and phil was at yvnnes leaving do when they all went on the london eye, cant remeber the date but will have a look and see if i can find it

edit - Her last episode was 15th november 2006, so I am posatve thats when the pic was took

01-08-2007, 17:15
JB, I thought it was Stuarts baby that she miscarried :confused:

If you say it was Stuart's then it was Stuart's lol. You have a much better memory for all things S&P/S than I do. :thumbsup:

01-08-2007, 17:50
Hi again Samantha Nixon. thanks for your reply. London eye was ep459. it screened here 4 weeks ago. its the ep before the breakup. its also the ep that they were flirting again. It featured the domestic dispute and had a littlegirl called Molly in it. it also involved horseracing. this ep was mainly reviewed on digital spy. Its also where phil told her he's only soppy with her and she said dont yu dare take that back, and said she wanted company that night and phil couldnt wait to get back to her place! Ive been taping their eps since May...

Also thanks so much for your help in tracking this pic down!!

samantha nixon
01-08-2007, 18:00
Ive got quite a few eps taped since 2004 (around the abi stuff) aswell but have recently stopped

01-08-2007, 18:22
Hi there Jelly belly

im back from checking out the threads. Im not sure if i did what you suggested , but i did find out some more info. Thanks heaps for the tip!

Why does sam listen more to Stu than phil?
did she still do it in the beginning of 07 - and into 07? Was phil gone for a few weeks or 6 months? in what your seeing (current eps) is sam still listening to stu and not phil? Was Phil demoted and put back into uniform because Jack still dosnt see thru Stu? Was their fight about Sam? I wont see it till December. Ive been into the show properly since May this year when romania went to air. we here are 8 months behind you in current eps, but up to 14 months behind as in the 2pm 06 repeats - or at least we were.

Ive been going thru double samphil withdrawals - not in the current eps - am still waiting for sam to return from leave - and the repeats - i get tired of the 3-5 eps inbetween each samphil ep - and now that the repeats are off for weeks...:mad: :eek: thank goodnes for my tapes!!!:cheer:

02-08-2007, 14:14
hi Samantha Nixon yes Im back. I was on line last night till 2.30am. Now its 11pm. and the uk about 2 hours ago saw tonights ep.

did yu stop taping because of not much/zero sam phil? on a sad note(re scott leaving) youll be seeing it in 3 months. Unless phil sam get reunited/engaged/married and he transfers I dont think many fans will be too happy. and what a pily zain turned out to be corrupt. the other exceptional looking guy on the show - smithy not bad i suppose. TJ Ramani was on Boston Legal on Monday night - i was so taken aback that he was there that i almost forgot to tape it. so i got half the show - but missed the majority of his dialogue. I love his accent too. on a site about him it says his mum is an ozzie, his dad palestinian - yet dosnt credit his mum in his ancenstry which says is palestinian russian and (?) and born in London.

samantha nixon
02-08-2007, 14:56
I stopped taping them as one I have over 50 tapes of it and im kinda running out of room to keep them lol, and when I stoped the storylines had kinda gne downhill a bit, but there getting better now.
I think it was a pit zain turned out corrpt aswell as I loved the zain and kristen storyline as i also think tj and christine are great actors.

02-08-2007, 18:48
Phil was demoted to uniform segent because he and Stuart had a scrap in CID. Can't remember the exact details but it was something to do with Sam, I think Stuart was goading Phil about their relationship.

02-08-2007, 19:13
There is a special Sam and Phil fantasy thread here http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=53842

Lets keep on topic

03-08-2007, 09:54
Hi Jelly Belly - thanks for the info re the fight between...in CID - I will prob see it in Dec.