View Full Version : To all those LOST fans out there!!!

#1 Eastender
18-05-2007, 16:07
Due to the not so recent move to sky one Lost has dropped viewers, this is my opinion was a bad move, why move a programme from a channel where it gets on avareage 6 million viewers to a channel that gets on average 2.7 million viewers... i dont get it. like a lot of other lost fan, i am unable to watch lost on sky one due to other people in my household, we have to compromise on things, so i dont...however i still remain a loyal fan and i will still buy series 3 on dvd when it is released. i wanted to know if anybody eles felt this way and alos who else thinks that lost should be moved back to channel 4 and e4?

Chloe O'brien
18-05-2007, 21:56
I would put it on bbc1 or 2 that way we could enjoy it without having stupid adverts interupting at the good parts. But isn't going to happen I thing Sky have it for so many series before it goes up for bidding again. It was the same with 24 when that began it was on bbc2 for the first series then bbc1 for the second. Then Sky bought the rights from season 3 on wards.

20-05-2007, 15:12
I know what you mean although I have sky and still can watch it but i prefered it on C4 but I think they moved it sky as sky wanted to try and get more people to get sky

21-05-2007, 10:06
I have Sky but before that I watched on Irish TV which was 3 months ahead of C4.. they only have 1 ad break in the middle of the show and it annoys me how many are on Sky. But having said that, since Sky took over Lost, Irish tv has to compete so we are getting the show earlier than we would normally get it.

Put Lost back on C4 and then Ireland would be head again

21-05-2007, 10:45
Ive just setled for downloading them so if anything I see them before I would have

21-05-2007, 13:53
The adverts are the worst part but to be honest it the way they air it in america too