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View Full Version : Tonight's episode

12-05-2005, 21:55
Maybe its just my mood tonight but I found this a really boring episode, I couldn't even sit through it all.

It might be because I dont really rate Roger Webb and his son, they're not my favourite characters, or Jackie and they featured a lot in it. Bit bored with the adopt a granny story too.

Hope next week is back to its usual bitchiness and that next week I'm in a better mood to watch it!! :searchme: :lol:

12-05-2005, 22:14
I totally agree i struggled to watch it the only storyline i found remotely good was Lucys internet date cant wait until that takes off and Bruno finds out! I think the granny story was total pants and bored me to tears. I hope it gets better this episode was to "normal" for me I watch footballers wives because its so far fetched and tonight it just wasnt. I think they need to bring Tanya back sharpish and get a few male bums out just for the hell of it yum!

13-05-2005, 07:30
Yes, definitely, way too normal tonight - I'm like you and watch it because its so far fetched! Hopefully next week it will be better. I miss Tanya!

13-05-2005, 09:57
in last night's episode, roger said to jackie about how paddy is kyle's son. isn't that wrong. i thought jason and jackie were paddy's real parents. maybe roger doesn't know the truth or am i mistaken. :hmm:

13-05-2005, 09:57
i dont think he knows the truth

13-05-2005, 17:09
Well, The Grannies dead so um, No more of her. Although I think Shannon organises a funeral...!
I guess Roger doesn't know about Paddy being Jackie's son.
I Miss Tanya too, better with her in it.
I like the lucy-abuse storyline though.