View Full Version : Big Brother: The Inside Story by Narinder Kaur

13-05-2007, 13:42
It's being released on the 24th May, and Narinder (BB2) goes and interviews loads of the ex housmeates and industry officials to see what effect BB has had on their lives, and how BB doesnt care for housemates once they've left.

The News Of The World Is Publishing parts of it over the next 3 weeks.

13-05-2007, 13:46

A SENSATIONAL new book will lay bare the secrets of Big Brother - and reveal how at least two former housemates have been driven to the brink of SUICIDE.
Big Brother: The Inside Story - which is being serialised exclusively by the News of the World Online from today - is written by former housemate Narinder Kaur.

She spent months tracking down former housemates from the reality telly show - and also quizzed dozens of TV and media executives.

Following this year’s Celebrity Big Brother race row, contestants have claimed TV bosses didn’t do enough to protect them after they left.

In the explosive first part of our exclusive three-week serialisation, ex-housemates reveal how they were driven to the brink of suicide, threatened and attacked.

Narinder, left, said: “Big Brother is huge, and I mean HUGE. Every episode is watched by 5 million people and viewing figures rise to ten million on eviction night.

“It has redefined the history of television single-handedly and it has created a whole new brand of celebrity – you don’t need talent for it, whether you like it or not, all you soap stars!

“The recent episodes of alleged bullying and racism in Celebrity Big Brother caused an international scandal and generated the most complaints to Ofcom in TV history. Tony Blair had an opinion and Gordon Brown called on the nation for a vote of tolerance.

“There are now around 100 former housemates, some drifting around aimlessly, some the walking wounded, some who went back to their old lives as best as they could, and some, well… who knows?

“But they are the reason I chose to write this book. They are the contestants, the stars for all their faults, for all their shame and for all the entertainment they gave Britain.”

In part one of our serialisation, Narinder talks to former housemates Sam Heuston, Makosi Musambasi, Melanie Hill, Anthony Hutton, Victor Ebuwa and BB boss Phil Edgar-Jones ....


STUNNING Sam Heuston was left so depressed after her eviction that she slashed her wrists in front of her dad.

Sam - who famously paraded around in bikinis during her stint on Big Brother six — revealed: “I slit my wrists in front of my dad. I was hysterical.”

Sam said at first the buzz of coming out of the house was amazing — as she started a torrid fling with Blue’s Duncan James.

She said: “The hype and attention was out of this world. And I had a few celeb *******s, I was a lesbian for a week, a couple of photographers from the photo shoots.

"This life was like a huge high and I could soon feel it slipping out of my hands.”

Sam, 26, was branded a hooker and then her world started to fall apart as she sank into depression.

She revealed: “I started to feel really down and lonely. I was really sh**ing myself about things.

“The producers always used to say, ‘you can always talk to us’ — it was just so untrue.

“At one point I tried to slit my wrists — there was lots of blood and my parents called an ambulance.”

She added: “I just lost it after Big Brother. I ended up stripping in Spearmint Rhino. I went on this whole bandwagon thing of, ‘I’ll do what I want to’, but I didn’t even know what I was doing.”

Despite her suicide bids, Endemol told Sam they’d have to charge her to talk to a counsellor.

Sam said: “I had to prove I had no money before they would give me help and even then they only gave me an hour. All of the depression could have been prevented if I’d had adequate help after the show.”

Ex-table Amma Anti dancer booted off from BB2 — became depressed when the offers for work and cash dried up after the show and she returned to table-dancing.
And like Sam, Amma – now a casting agent – wanted to kill herself.

Amma, 28, said: “When I hit rock bottom I would look at the bar on the mezzanine in my flat and think, ‘I could hang myself now’. I didn’t want to live. It made me hate myself.”

“I became a recluse. I didn’t leave my house for months.

“I got to talk to the psychologist on the phone. I didn’t get a face to face. I desperately needed help and I swear to God all he said was “I think you’re being silly, pull yourself together.”


Makosi Musambasi, 26, – from BB6 – says bosses didn’t prepare her for how much people could hate her.

The gorgeous Zimbabwean allegedly had sex with BB6 winner Anthony Hutton in the house Jacuzzi and she later requested a pregnancy test. Both give different versions.

She said: “I have received death threats from Zimbabwe. They have sent a picture of me in a bikini with stabs all over it. To me it feels like I am in prison.”

“I am a Christian and I was asked to stop going to church. I didn’t stop but they would point at me and said I had a bad spirit in me, a demon. All because I wore a bikini and because I had sex in the Jacuzzi.

“No one from my culture has ever gone on Big Brother and so when they give you the Talk of Doom how could they warn me about how Zimbabwe would take it if I wore a bikini?

"And besides, they didn’t warn me that going on would have the potential to make people hate me – send death threats – so I wouldn’t be able to go back to my own country.

“To be honest if I was told I would never be able to go back to Zimbabwe it would have stopped me."

13-05-2007, 13:47

Melanie Hill — one of the first housemates in the first series of Big Brother — also said she was completely unprepared.

She was seen on the show flirting outrageously with male housemates, giving them massages in a bid to avoid being nominated.

Mel, 33, said: “I had to watch the shows back to back and it slowly dawned on me — they had just showed me massaging men all the time.

“A producer of the show called me a few days later and at the wrap party I said to him, ‘what the hell have you done to me? I’m the most hated woman in Britain’.

“He said something like, ‘When Nick went we needed another fall guy’. They were genuinely worried though.”

She was given security for weeks after the show but eventually asked them to leave because she thought it was just hype.

Trainee barrister Mel said: “I thought I have to get on with it, get on a Tube. That was the worst thing I could have possibly done.

“I got on a Tube in the middle of the day and had a group of lads shouting, screaming and intimidating me, so I got on for one stop and they followed me, shouting, ‘show us your bum’.

“I was so scared. It was horrible.

“One night I went out with a mate in Soho and people were p***ed and suddenly someone said, ‘There’s Mel from Big Brother’, and suddenly everyone just started grabbing me, so I walked away and they started chasing after me. It was the most mad, mad thing.”

“I was petrified and for about two years I just stopped going out to those places.

“Back then even the public didn’t know how to handle it – they didn’t realise it was just a fiasco and pantomime behind it all.

“This is what I have found so upsetting. I was the most hated woman in Britain for a while.”


Winner of BB6 Anthony Hutton says his looks have been changed for life after he was attacked in a nightclub.

He said: “Once I had me nose broken in a club. I was in a nightclub in Chester. I was stood at the end at closing time and this bloke just randomly punched us and I was on the floor.

“It was blatantly because I was on Big Brother because when the bouncers got him he kept saying, ‘just because he’s been on the telly, he thinks he’s mint Rah, rah!’.

“The doorman offered to take him round the corner and beat the ******* out of him but I said no, and to just do it properly and call the police.

“Me nose is changed for life – I can tell. There is a slight difference.”

But Anthony has also used his new found fame to bed as many female fans as he can.

He said: “Ninety-nine per cent of it is good and the amount of girls I get! Mind you I *******ed a lot before Big Brother.

“Girls love a bloke off the telly — it’s so shallow but I love it.

“My mates have even got laid on the back of me, if I’m not interested they get them. There’s one mate who hasn’t missed a personal appearance yet, he’s been to all of them because of the girls!”


BB5 housemate Victor Ebuwa also loved the attention when he came out of the house.

Club promoter Victor, 26, said: “People were going bonkers and showed me a lot of love. It was magic. Still happens today, especially if I go out of London, somewhere where the local celebrity’s the postman.

“Personal appearances were chaotic. Chicks baying for my blood. One that I went to with my three mates, the chicks found out what hotel I was staying at and I came back and opened my hotel bedroom door and there was a girl lying naked in my bed.

“I had a bottle of champagne in my hand and it was like a James Bond moment, so I said, ‘fancy a nightcap?’.

“I passed her a glass of champagne and called my mates. She wanted me but settled for my mate. I didn’t because I didn’t want no chick selling a story.”


Creative director for Endemol Phil Edgar-Jones defended the show and said every contestant receives a “Talk of Doom” - warning them of what could happen to them if they go on Big Brother.

He added: “At that stage in their life they wanted to do Big Brother and they wanted a change in their life. If life goes wrong afterwards, I think the Big Brother problem is a contributing factor but there’s lots of things that have nothing to do with Big Brother and it’s dangerous to blame just one thing.

“The people who are most disappointed are the ones who think they will win and are voted out in the first two weeks. I don’t think that’s necessarily the programs fault. What we never set out to do is make someone a star.

“We are under a lot of pressure to make a good programme, and yes, the show is edited, but however much you are edited your real personality does come through.

“We walk a very fine line and we know what we do. We take our responsibilities very seriously.

“We aren’t bad people – we don’t want anyone to get hurt physically or mentally.

“It’s only a TV show for Christ’s sake.”

Big Brother: The Inside Story by Narinder Kaur is published by Virgin Books on May 24 for £12.99

13-05-2007, 21:20
First of all, Narinder REALLY needs to stop cashing in on her appearance in BB.

"STUNNING Sam Heuston" ... Really?


[Sam] said: “The hype and attention was out of this world. And I had a few celeb *******s, I was a lesbian for a week, a couple of photographers from the photo shoots.

This life was like a huge high and I could soon feel it slipping out of my hands. ... I ended up stripping in Spearmint Rhino.”

“I am a Christian and I was asked to stop going to church... All because I wore a bikini and because I had sex in the Jacuzzi."

But Anthony has also used his new found fame to bed as many female fans as he can.

He said: “Ninety-nine per cent of it is good and the amount of girls I get! Mind you I *******ed a lot before Big Brother.

“Girls love a bloke off the telly — it’s so shallow but I love it."

It all makes you feel SO sorry for them, doesn't it?! :angry:

All this crap annoys the hell out of me. I can get over people still wanting to watch it, but why would would somebody want to go out and buy a book about it?!

I cannot understand at all why these.. people.. think going on BB makes them so special! They are pathetic!

Chloe O'brien
13-05-2007, 22:39
I'm sorry but I'm not falling for any of these sob story s**t. Okay I feel a teeny weeny bit sorry for Mel who was in the first big brother but as for the others they knew exactly what they were getting themselve into. They created the attention before they even went into the house. If I remember in Sam's audition she told the public she was allway horny and took in a vibrator as her luxury item and then spent her time parading around in bikinis, but she wasn't doing it for the attention. Yeah right. and as for Makosi she wouldn't know the truth if it came up and slapped her on the face.

This is just another publisity stunt by ex housemates who are strapped for cash and with the new series of BB due to start they're trying to get their pound of flesh worth because they know that in less than a months time the nation is going to be talking about a whole new bunch of wannabees and news about the ex housemates will be used to wrap fish and chips in.

These lot need to go out and get a proper job and stop clogging up space on newspapers that should be used for more interesting and important news.