View Full Version : gerard mccarthy (kris) shortlisted for best new comer at BSA

13-05-2007, 08:19
from a bullitin from his myspace page

Hi Guys,

just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know about that exciting news that I was waiting to be confirmed...

Today I found out that I've been short listed in the Best Newcomer category at The British Soap Awards 2007 and I wanted to let you all know as soon as possible as I think most of you will be as excited as I am!

Unfortunately, this isn't a category that depends on public votes so all we can do is sit back and wait for the results . . .

However . . .

I have also been nominated in The Best Irish TV Actor category at The Big Buzz Irish Entertainment Awards... and I am relying on your votes for this one! Yeah!

The place to vote is...

I've had such an amazing time playing Kris in Hollyoaks and all of your letters/emails/comments and support has meant so much for me and it really does not go unnoticed.

Hope to speak to you all very soon,

Lots & lots of Irish love,


18-05-2007, 20:03
I'm really happy about this! I hope he wins, he deserves it! :D