View Full Version : Casualty Week 21 Spoilers

Jessie Wallace
04-05-2007, 13:13
Tess is terrified about Sam's well-being – he's been missing for a week with no sign – as the hospital drama continues. She enlists Abs's help and, together, they scour the city for him.

Meanwhile, Alice has also been worried about Sam's disappearance, so much so that Kelsey begins to work out her true feelings for him.

Elsewhere, at the site of an accident, Greg makes the heroic decision to enter a pit full of junk and save a trapped boy. However, in doing so, he defies Dixie's orders and puts himself in immense danger.

Tess is played by Suzanne Packer, Sam by Luke Bailey, Abs by James Redmond, Alice by Sam Grey, Kelsey by Janine Mellor, Greg by Kip Gamblin and Dixie by Jane Hazelgrove.

04-05-2007, 14:03
Do you think they will find Sam alive as we know he is leaving very soon but saying that if he hasn't been taking his medication which other spoilers i have read suggests maybe he has to go back into a care home again which stops him being able to work.
Hasn't there been spoilers about Dixie having to loose one of her members of her team, do you think she will choose to get rid of greg for not following her instructions.

12-05-2007, 10:12
This is part of the interview with Luke Bailey/Sam :) yay he's ok :)

Why have you decided to leave CASUALTY?

To be honest, I felt that after promoting my character to HCA once my contract was renewed, the producers would involve 'Sam' in more guest artist stories and involve him in the medical side of the programme. However a year passed and that still wasn't the case. I felt Sam was not being nurtured and developed but more importantly I was no longer growing as an actor, so I decided it was time to move on.

Have you enjoyed your time on the show? What have been your most memorable scenes to film?

Yes, I loved most of the time I spent on CASUALTY, the only time I didn't really enjoy it was when I wasn't there (which grew increasingly towards the final few months). The most memorable scenes would be the Comic Relief ones because we had such a laugh, Elyes being crazy as usual. The bi-polar stuff sticks in my head as it was my first real storyline and important to do correctly.

What can you tell us about your exit storyline?

Not loads really, there is not much of a storyline to talk about. Alice get's the wrong end of the stick about something, leading Sam to believe he is being lied to by Tess. He shoots off without a trace but is found by Abs after a week or so, come's back to make his apologies but feels he wants to see the world.

12-05-2007, 22:33
Yeah, I read that he's ok.
I wish Alice would get a dose of normality and stop acting so naive all the time. She is really starting to do my head in.