View Full Version : Amanda & Tom on BBC Breakfast

samantha nixon
01-05-2007, 08:36
Amanda & Tom are on BBC Breakfast today at around 8:50 if anyone wants to watch it

01-05-2007, 12:39
Was still in bed at that time! What did they have to say?

samantha nixon
01-05-2007, 14:21
Not much really everything Amanda was saying she says in most of her interviews lol about her husbands family being very medical and stuff like that, and Tom was just cute lol
I recorded it and am uploadng it now but it says its gonna take 50 mins :eek:, just for a 7 mintue clip, its gonna take longer than a whole ep lol so when its done ill post it on here

04-05-2007, 17:01
Go on Youtube, I watched it on there, here's the link:) YouTube - Tom Chambers and Amanda Mealing on BBC Breakfast (http://youtube.com/watch?v=WeddJ77lRBA)

samantha nixon
04-05-2007, 17:11
That link was on a holby site I go on, my stuid one I recorded wouldnt upload on megaupload lol

04-05-2007, 21:30
Thanks for that. They didn't give too much away about the rest of the storyline. did anybody notice that Amanda was taking the lead and being "domineering" like her character?

samantha nixon
05-05-2007, 19:34
Yeah but Tom seems really shy so maybe thats why Amanda takes the lead as she does more interviews and stuff and seems more confident talking to people than Tom

05-05-2007, 19:54
Yeah, I guess so. He did seem a bit uncomfortable sat there on the sofa.