View Full Version : lymph nodes

30-04-2007, 16:35
I'm just wondering about my lymph nodes in my arms and groin are prety prominent. The ones in my arms extend from my shoulder down to my elbow on the fleshy bit on the inside, into my armpit and a few inches across my chest. I also have little lumps in my arm pit which I presume are lymph glands/cysts. The ones in my groin go about 5in down the inside of my leg. I have some under my chin which have just come up today but they feel normal.

I looked on the internet and it says lymph glands are usually a few cm across but mine seem to be longer than that. They're kinda like a fibrous orange.

Does anyone else have lymph nodes like mine and is it normal for them to be like this? I asked my friend if she could feel hers and she couldn't feel much of anything.

I do have chronic fatigue syndrome (http://hcd2.bupa.co.uk/fact_sheets/html/chronic_fatigue_syndrome2.html) which can cause tender nodes but they aren't really tender, just lumpy and fibrous.

30-04-2007, 16:58
My lymph nodes were really only like you describe then I had glandula fever - the tiredness goes on for ages after the infection too. Were you checked for this before they diagnosed you with chronic fatigue?

I had glandula fever as a student 20 odd years ago - I had chronic fatigue too,4-5 years ago, and I am fully recovered.

30-04-2007, 19:13
Yeah, I had glandular fever screens several times plus all the usual bloods which came back normal every time.
I've had CFS for about 4 years but it's only just been diagnosed this year because doctors thought it was psychological. To be honest, it's got worse since it started.