View Full Version : New Adverts

21-04-2007, 21:42
Has anyone seen the new adverts on BBC1 for EE? I've seen them twice today, and i'm glad that the BBC is promoting the show again, as i haven't seen any EE adverts on the BBC for a long time. They have a new caption too, instead of the old "everyone is talking about it" caption, it is now "There is more to the Eastenders" and the one i saw today was advertising the Dot/baby storyline showing all the residents being suspicious of Dot. I love the part of the advert when Pat says "If that's her grandson, i'm Catherine Zeta Jones" Great line by Pat! :D

22-04-2007, 13:04
:lol: No I havent seen them, but I really want to now

22-04-2007, 17:55
Yeah i've seen it got all the cast asking questions about Dot and the Baby.

22-04-2007, 18:40
I wodner if they are going to make that storyline any bigger then?

22-04-2007, 18:50
I wodner if they are going to make that storyline any bigger then?

I think they simply might be trying to draw in more viewers. I'm glad EE is getting promoted again though. Apparently there is an advert for the Ben/Stella storyline too, but i haven't seen an advert for that storyline around anywhere.

eastenders mad
22-04-2007, 19:04
has anyone got any clips of them i haven't seen them???

22-04-2007, 20:34
has anyone got any clips of them i haven't seen them???

I was wondering the same thing cos I dont really watch BBC 1 much

22-04-2007, 22:12
Here is the link for the Eastenders advert on Dot's baby storyline :

23-04-2007, 16:31
They are good adverts and im glad that the BBC are advertising Eastenders now all we need is better storylines to go with it.

23-04-2007, 21:04
I read in the News of the World that they're planning even more advertising for next year.

23-04-2007, 22:18
LMAO this advert is surely a pis*take?! :rotfl: Some classic one liners there!

23-04-2007, 22:20
I agree. "If that's her grandson, I'm Catherine Zeta Jones!" Finally, some decent scripting.

25-04-2007, 21:37
A new EE advert, this time advertising the Stax affair.


26-04-2007, 20:25
im loving these new adverts they are so funny. Its great they are making funny ones now

26-04-2007, 22:40
Great aren't they Luna! :D eastenders doing comedy.. who'd have thought it ey?! :rotfl:

29-04-2007, 18:52
anyone else seen the rob and dawn one?

29-04-2007, 19:35
Yeah i seen that advert last night, i'll try and find a link for it and post it here. :)

30-04-2007, 20:37
anyone else seen the rob and dawn one?

Ive seen that one, it looks pretty good

30-04-2007, 22:49
In a magazine I was reading, it had a picture of Dot, witha fag in one hand, Tomas in another and it said.. "Which will she give up first". Cheeeese.

06-05-2007, 13:19
Came across this in The Tv Mag:


06-05-2007, 13:37
Dave, I just teried to watch the Stax one, but it says that it's a private video.

#1 Eastender
11-05-2007, 18:36
has anyone got any clips of them i haven't seen them???
here is a clip of the rob/dawn storline if its any help -

12-05-2007, 22:02
http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/1446/msofbea6hx4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

17-05-2007, 14:58
Great advert, Kim, thanks for posting. Likes father, Likes son :rotfl:
Well funny!

27-05-2007, 22:16
I saw an advert yesterday, for EastEnders text alerts to tell you when it airs.

28-05-2007, 16:40
But dont we already know when it airs, cos it doesnt really chnage often

29-05-2007, 12:31
Exactly, I think they think people are actually missing it by accident, and would therefore watch it with the text alerts, lol.