View Full Version : Holby City Week 19 Spoilers

Jessie Wallace
20-04-2007, 16:53
Thursday 10th May

Connie returns to work despite her baby's early arrival, as the hospital drama continues. Sam is annoyed at her, however, and thinks Connie should be with her baby. But Connie tells him she's doing things her way.

Later, Chrissie lays into Connie asking her what kind of mother she is, but Connie defends her position and announces that it's business as usual on Darwin Ward.

Connie is played by Amanda Mealing, Sam by Tom Chambers and Chrissie by Tina Hobley.

* Please note: for the next eight weeks, Holby City will be screened on Thursdays instead of Tuesdays.

20-04-2007, 16:57
Menal Note: Thursday Thursday Thursday (i'll forget)

Glad to see Chrissie getting straight back in to the thick of things.
Hope Connie allows Sam to be involved with their child, do you think possibly Connie might get post-natal depression and thats why she is getting straight back in to work as she doesn't want to be around the baby.

samantha nixon
20-04-2007, 19:52
Are the spoilers out early this week or is it usually a friday?

and these look fab, but connie should spend time with baby, i wonder if they are gonna do a PND storyline.

Jessie Wallace
20-04-2007, 20:01
Are the spoilers out early this week or is it usually a friday?

It's normally a Friday, infact sometimes it's a Thursday

samantha nixon
20-04-2007, 21:34
oh lol i have a bad memory i always thought it was later

21-04-2007, 15:39
Are the spoilers out early this week or is it usually a friday?

and these look fab, but connie should spend time with baby, i wonder if they are gonna do a PND storyline.

Menal Note: Thursday Thursday Thursday (i'll forget)

Glad to see Chrissie getting straight back in to the thick of things.
Hope Connie allows Sam to be involved with their child, do you think possibly Connie might get post-natal depression and thats why she is getting straight back in to work as she doesn't want to be around the baby.

I think might be, because I don't think it's something they've done before. (of what I know :) ) Also would explain her wanting to go back to work so early..

(p.s. Where'd you get the spoilers and pictures from? Thanks :) )

samantha nixon
21-04-2007, 16:52
I'm not sure where the actal spoilers come from as i always thought it was digital spy but there not on there, but the pictures i got from someone of another forum and they got them from soaplife i think.
Also they have done PND before kinda with Jess and baby Paris but thy didnt really get that involved in it.

21-04-2007, 20:08
I'm not sure where the actal spoilers come from as i always thought it was digital spy but there not on there, but the pictures i got from someone of another forum and they got them from soaplife i think.
Also they have done PND before kinda with Jess and baby Paris but thy didnt really get that involved in it.

I hope they show it more this time, because it's not really on tv, and for example, I don't know how it affects people and makes them behave,
so it could be interesting :)

21-04-2007, 21:34
I'm not sure where the actal spoilers come from as i always thought it was digital spy but there not on there, but the pictures i got from someone of another forum and they got them from soaplife i think.
Also they have done PND before kinda with Jess and baby Paris but thy didnt really get that involved in it.

I hope they show it more this time, because it's not really on tv, and for example, I don't know how it affects people and makes them behave,
so it could be interesting :)

Didn't Paris die? Zubin left around the time of Paris's birth so I guess that contributed a fair bt to the PND (at least that's what I remember)

I think the spoilers came from the Holby tv website.

21-04-2007, 22:07
I'm not sure where the actal spoilers come from as i always thought it was digital spy but there not on there, but the pictures i got from someone of another forum and they got them from soaplife i think.
Also they have done PND before kinda with Jess and baby Paris but thy didnt really get that involved in it.

I hope they show it more this time, because it's not really on tv, and for example, I don't know how it affects people and makes them behave,
so it could be interesting :)

Didn't Paris die? Zubin left around the time of Paris's birth so I guess that contributed a fair bt to the PND (at least that's what I remember)

I think the spoilers came from the Holby tv website.

That was so sad :( I hope they don't kill off Connie's baby!..:o

21-04-2007, 22:19
I'm not sure where the actal spoilers come from as i always thought it was digital spy but there not on there, but the pictures i got from someone of another forum and they got them from soaplife i think.
Also they have done PND before kinda with Jess and baby Paris but thy didnt really get that involved in it.

I hope they show it more this time, because it's not really on tv, and for example, I don't know how it affects people and makes them behave,
so it could be interesting :)

Didn't Paris die? Zubin left around the time of Paris's birth so I guess that contributed a fair bt to the PND (at least that's what I remember)

I think the spoilers came from the Holby tv website.

That was so sad :( I hope they don't kill off Connie's baby!..:o

No, they can't kill off her baby. I don't think Sam could take any more heartache. Maybe the baby ends up with a heart condition, that would be rather fitting.

21-04-2007, 22:24
[/QUOTE]No, they can't kill off her baby. I don't think Sam could take any more heartache. Maybe the baby ends up with a heart condition, that would be rather fitting.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, hopefully it will be all right..but..knowing Holby :rolleyes: Something always has to go a little bit wrong :p

samantha nixon
21-04-2007, 22:31
paris did die yh, but I dont think zubin was in paris long as he came back to be with jess and baby paris as they got back together, then split when he died

21-04-2007, 23:51
The spoilers have come from the BBC Press Office site :)

22-04-2007, 09:46
I can't see them killing another baby off so soon after what happened to Jess baby. They have to let at least one member of staff actually have the child as Chrissie didn't even make it that far either.

22-04-2007, 12:27
Doesn't Chrissie come back on the day Connie has her baby....:o

22-04-2007, 12:50
Yeah she does. To stir up trouble most likely.

I really hope they don't kill off Connie's baby. She's having a girl isn't she? Wonder what she's going to call it. If Jade kills herself maybe Sam will suggest they call it Jade in memory of her. Or maybe not, Connie wouldn't like that.

22-04-2007, 13:21
Yeah she does. To stir up trouble most likely.

I really hope they don't kill off Connie's baby. She's having a girl isn't she? Wonder what she's going to call it. If Jade kills herself maybe Sam will suggest they call it Jade in memory of her. Or maybe not, Connie wouldn't like that.

If they kill Connie's baby that would be so annoying! As there hasn't been a baby that's survived in Holby since...I can't even remember! :rolleyes:

I hope Connie calls her something nice :D (If Sam suggested Jade she'd go mental :lol: )

samantha nixon
22-04-2007, 20:13
I dont think they will kill the baby of as, with a baby they will be able to show more sides to connie.

And I think the baby should have the middle name Gina

23-04-2007, 15:38
Yeah, Gina would be nice as a middle name. I was thinking she might call it Ellie Gina Beachump (Ellie being Gina's name for Elliot).

We don't see many sides to Connie so just her having a baby will be interesting to watch. Looking forward to it.

23-04-2007, 18:53
Yeah, Gina would be nice as a middle name. I was thinking she might call it Ellie Gina Beachump (Ellie being Gina's name for Elliot).

We don't see many sides to Connie so just her having a baby will be interesting to watch. Looking forward to it.

That would be a good name
I hope they call the baby something nice, (like that!) the writers always seem to come up with the same names (Well in the other soaps i watch :p )

Spoilers for next week (even though we know most of them :D )

It's a dramatic week in holby. Registrar Lola collapses in a lift and has to undergo a life-saving operation.
Connie's her surgeon - but she has to leave the theatre when she goes into labour! Her baby is premature and in danger, but Connie's only thoughts are about when she can go back to work.
A confrontation between Kyla and her husband results in a nasty accident
Thandie fails to impress Mark when she struggles to correctly diagnose a patient, and Chrissie returns from her holiday.

samantha nixon
25-04-2007, 18:49
Ive just watched the clip for it, and she even asks sam when shes in the middle of labour, how is Lola! surely she should be thinking of other things lol

25-04-2007, 18:53
Ive just watched the clip for it, and she even asks sam when shes in the middle of labour, how is Lola! surely she should be thinking of other things lol

So thats what she said. I was trying to figure it out, I thought it was something about Sam or Connie.

25-04-2007, 19:01
Ive just watched the clip for it, and she even asks sam when shes in the middle of labour, how is Lola! surely she should be thinking of other things lol

"This is not a spectator sport" :rotfl: She makes me laugh Lol
I thought she was going to ask Sam to stay when I watched it!

samantha nixon
25-04-2007, 19:05
Yh so did i, when she said sam i thought she was gonna do what she did when she feel and say "sam, n you can stay' but no she aks about Lola

26-04-2007, 23:26
Yh so did i, when she said sam i thought she was gonna do what she did when she feel and say "sam, n you can stay' but no she aks about Lola

Typical Connie :rotfl: lol

Spoiler from holby.tv :)

Staff find themselves in distress when doctor Lola Griffin suffers a heart attack and Connie finds herself on hand to treat her in surgery. However problems occur when Connie's water breaks during the life-saving operation to save Lola.

'Lola's operation is touch-and-go and everyone's on heightened alert,' reveals Amanda Mealing. 'The surgeons deal with patients in a critical condition on a daily basis and it's very rare for a situation to get to them. When it's one of their own, however it does affect them. Lola's weight will count against her, and therefore impede her chances of recovery.'

Connie, who insists on being part of the theatre team brings on early labour accidentally when she is shocked by the defibrillator being used on Lola. 'She doesn't tell anyone else and because it's Lola they're working on, she refuses to step down. Connie's the only one who can do this operation.'

However admirable her determination is to save Lola, Connie is unable to hide her contractions for long and also when her waters break, but she still refuses to let go of the job in hand even when father-to-be Sam tries to order her out.

'With Connie the patient comes first no matter what,' says Amanda. 'Even when she's on the delivery table, her first priority is finding out about Lola's condition. Once Sam confirms that she's okay, Connie tells him he can leave!'

http://www.holby.tv/images/news/spoil_0105b.jpgAlthough the doctors contend with a breech birth, the delivery is successful and Connie has a baby girl. However being 2 months premature, she is rushed into post-natal intensive care.

Connie struggles with Sam, finding his support claustrophobic. 'She knows the baby has come very early and there may be complications and if there's a chance she could lose her child, she wants the time they have together to be exclusive, not shared with someone else.'

So will it be heartache or joy for Connie?

28-04-2007, 21:39
I think it was this week that the BBC were moving this episode to Thursday. My TV guide has it listed as Tuesday. Just thought I'd let you know just in case you tune in on Thursday to discover it's already been on :)

samantha nixon
29-04-2007, 00:35
yh as holby blue has been put back a week

29-04-2007, 16:56
yh as holby blue has been put back a week

Glad about that as I (and probably everyone else) :p would have been annoyed at having to wait until Thursday :D