View Full Version : is there such thing has a ufo

12-05-2005, 00:01
what are your views on this is there such thing have you seen one please share it with us :thumbsup: :D

12-05-2005, 00:19
when I was living in my other house I went to close the curtains and saw a strange light in the sky.I watched it for ages and it didnt move.I finally went to bed turned on the radio and other people were talking about this strange light.I never found out what it was.But I was a bit freeked out by it.

12-05-2005, 07:35
I remember when we were kids, the whole street was out one night, there was something in the sky, everyone was freaked out, I must only have been about 6 or 7, but it still sticks in my mind, who knows what it was though, but it brought the whole street out.

12-05-2005, 10:07
I definatley believe that life exisrts on other planets. I think it is almost impossible that we are the only intelligent life form in the universe. I don't believe in little green men coming to earth though.

12-05-2005, 10:39
i believe, there has to be more out there, why would there be all these other planets with nothing living on it, why only earth.

I dont believe they are little green men as made out in all the movies but i do think there has to be some sort of living organism.

12-05-2005, 11:57
i don't know but it would be good if there was

13-05-2005, 21:30
Im getting scared now...

16-05-2005, 08:06
i remember a few years ago i let my dog out the back garden and in the sky was this round white light,it was just the shape and size of what a ufo would look like(what you see in books films etc) i called my partner and we both stood there for ages watching.it hovered then would move from side to side.eventually it slowly disapeared.who knows what it was,there may bea logical explanation but i know what i think it was.

16-05-2005, 14:59
it would be good if there really are Aliens cause there has got to be life on other planets Earth can't be the only one that has life

16-05-2005, 15:56
If there is aliens then they are obviously superiour to us.. they managed to find away to our planet and we haven't found them yet..

22-05-2005, 22:13
it would be good if there really are Aliens cause there has got to be life on other planets Earth can't be the only one that has life Too right.

Billions of galaxies in the universe
Billions of stars in each galaxy
Perhaps 10 planets circling each star.

At least 1 other must have life.