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06-04-2007, 19:14
Channel 4 have released some information regarding the upcoming Big Brother 8.

On their C4 Sales website they have listed BB8 as a program highlight for May 2007 whilst also noting that Dermot will return for BBLB, even though he has taken the presenting job for the X Factor.

The full information is below, thanks to the Channel 4 Sales website:

This summer a new set of housemates move into the world’s most famous digs. What will Big Brother have in store for them this time? From the moment the doors to the house close on launch night, the new group of housemates will be not only at the mercy of Big Brother, but each other, as they complete tasks, nominate and try to get along. Viewers will be able to watch their every move virtually 24/7 on Channel 4 and E4, as well as online. While the unexpected becomes the norm, there’s one factor that remains the same and that is eviction night. Who stays and who goes will be down to the viewer. Davina McCall will preside over the live eviction shows, while Dermot O’Leary hosts Big Brother’s Little Brother.”

Chloe O'brien
06-04-2007, 20:51
Has it really been almost 12 months already since we met mad Pete. big boobs Lea and tantrum throwing Nikki. Lord knows what reprabates ch4 will throw at us this year. Hope they put the rich/poor divied back up and once the housemates are evicted they should stay out none of this getting a second chance just to boost viewing figures.

06-04-2007, 21:41
Great news there, especially as Dermot is staying for BBLB. What Big Brother 8 needs this year is more genuine contestants thrown into very uneasy situations and difficult conditions. They need to focus on doing decent, original tasks this year and with more genuine contestants, it might get more people watching.

07-04-2007, 10:26
Great news there, especially as Dermot is staying for BBLB. What Big Brother 8 needs this year is more genuine contestants thrown into very uneasy situations and difficult conditions. They need to focus on doing decent, original tasks this year and with more genuine contestants, it might get more people watching.

I agree, thats exactly what the show needs, whether thats what we get or not remains to be seen. But according to people who have been at auditions, "normal" people seem to be getting through rather than the "abnormal". I just hope it's not as bad as BB4.

08-04-2007, 13:18
Thats great news, but this year I hope they do better tasks I dont know what it is but I think some of the oldie task were great, like the year they spilt the house in two and had the live tasks, or just the task in the week were better a couple of years ago. It seemed more interesting then.

08-04-2007, 13:28
Rumoured Eye - Target


Everyone's A Victim - This Is Not A Holiday



08-04-2007, 13:29
ooooo looks interesting, the eye looks kinda Robotic

08-04-2007, 13:53
blimey only feels like two mins since the last one finished.

08-04-2007, 13:59
blimey only feels like two mins since the last one finished.

I know but then agian we have an a celeb BB which makes it feel like it hasnt been long at all

08-04-2007, 14:32
The eyes look interesting, i particularly like the "Everyone is a Target" eye.

08-04-2007, 14:50
"Everyone's A Victim - This Is Not A Holiday" That phrase that they are using is quite interesting, im guessing they are planning something really good, well it better be good :hmm:

08-04-2007, 16:00
Great news there, especially as Dermot is staying for BBLB. What Big Brother 8 needs this year is more genuine contestants thrown into very uneasy situations and difficult conditions. They need to focus on doing decent, original tasks this year and with more genuine contestants, it might get more people watching.

I agree, thats exactly what the show needs, whether thats what we get or not remains to be seen. But according to people who have been at auditions, "normal" people seem to be getting through rather than the "abnormal". I just hope it's not as bad as BB4.

Castaway tried that though, and its failing. I doubt BB would risk not getting the media attention that comes with these wierdos, from the tabloids.

09-04-2007, 11:18
I cant rememebr any of the other BBs. Someone mentioned i hope its not as bad as BB 4, havent a clue who was in that one.

I hope it goes back to basics like BB1 thats the only reason ill watch it.

It is very hard to avoid though. I also cant believe its been a year since Pete won.

09-04-2007, 11:39
I cant rememebr any of the other BBs. Someone mentioned i hope its not as bad as BB 4, havent a clue who was in that one.

I hope it goes back to basics like BB1 thats the only reason ill watch it.

It is very hard to avoid though. I also cant believe its been a year since Pete won.

BB4 was the one with Steph, Nus, Gos - can't remember them - dont worry half the nation can't becuase they were that boring. Camereon from the Okland Islands won it. Worst series yet imho.

09-04-2007, 11:43
ah yes i remember it, it was boring your right.

Il try and beat lst years record which was avoiding it for 2 weeks then i caught the BB bug.

09-04-2007, 18:16
Rumours - Take Them With A Pinch Of Salt

So, on various forums such as Digital Spy, This is Big Brother and the Official Channel 4 forums, bits of news have been circulating. Here’s a roundup of it all.

BB8 will start on Friday 18th May 2007 but is “still subject to change”. It will last 12 weeks and the prize fund will still stand at £100k.

14 housemates will enter on launch night, but there is talk of 15 and producers “are still undecided”.

The eye is vibrant pink and purple with “mellow blue background tones” again designed by Daniel Eatock. Oh, but what about the Target eye we all believed completely?

The theme is kaleidoscopic, something heavily seen in the opening titles.

The house is currently being updated and redesigned. It has a more “classy” feel, with a more glamorous edge and more muted tones in some areas.

It is different from the BB6/BB7 format of having bedroom to the left, kitchen to the back etc. Despite the classiness, it is still contemporary in design, and quite open plan as in previous years. And the diary room chair is “bright pink”.
Make of that what you will.

Meanwhile, the usual housemate list of names has appeared, and this is it:

Natasha - 24
Madge - 56
Joe - 33
Amelia - 20
Libby - 18
Dominic - 19
Justin - 26
Calvin - 46 Kevin - 30
Jasmine - 22
Sarah - 34
Donald - 67
Priya - 23
Avtar - 26
Emily - 19
Christian - 18

Make of that what you will. There are 16 names in that list, and that contradicts with the other “inside news”, but perhaps that is only an initial shortlist that still needs to be shortened to 14.

09-04-2007, 18:53
Erm, some interesting rumours there. I don't like the idea of the chair being bright pink though and i don't like the sound of the eye being vibrant pink and purple, but i haven't seen it yet, so i may change my mind if that is the colour of the eye, because after all, these are just rumours.

I hope the house being more classy is true, i like the sound of that. Surely the housemates won't have been revealed yet. They're not revealed until launch night, these must just be a list of fake names surely?! because i thought that the new housemates are kept secret until the launch night and nothing is revealed about them beforehand.

16-04-2007, 16:08
From BBUK:

The News Of The World reports that the move will win back the trust of fans after the Golden Ticket scandal and the unforgettable racism row of January. Bosses believe it will triple the number of votes cast. Well, that’s all well and good but we can’t really see Endemol giving up all that money.

“This is a brilliant stunt by Channel 4,” said an Insider (there are so many Insiders nowadays, noticed that?) “There is a real fear that after all the recent scandals, viewers won’t want to vote this year. If they don’t have to shell out any cash, those negative feelings could change.”

It’s reported voting levels hit a low last year, and get this: Channel4 made less than £1m from votes during the seventh series. How dreadful for them! It is yet to be confirmed either way, and besides, it may only turn out to be a free online vote or something

16-04-2007, 16:10
While it has not been confirmed for sure, there are a few pointers that suggest a few launch dates.

Firstly, Dermot is to present ITV1’s The X Factor - that’s a fact. In an article about this on Teletext, it said he will still be hosting BBLB but ”from June”.

1st June is a Friday, which would suggest that Big Brother could launch the night before on Thursday 31st May. Surely Dermot would host BBLB from the outset and not a week or so after?

Channel 4 have just started a new run of 6-part Friday night programs - Derren Brown and Peep Show for example. This means these shows would end on the week beginning Monday 14th May, specifically on the 19th (Friday). So if Big Brother is going to launch at any time sooner than 31st May, it would be late the following week.

A Wednesday 23rd May launch is unlikely due to the Champions League Final on ITV1 which will likely draw gargantuan audiences. Added to this The Apprentice on BBC One and Desperate Housewives on Channel 4, this seems far too complex and illogical.

The best bet would be Thursday 24th or Friday 25th - there is little competition and Channel 4 has not got scheduling problems. As has been seen in BB7/CBB5, it’s getting popular not to launch on the traditional Friday night, due to people being out etc, so of the two, Thursday 24th May sounds the most likely. But if the Teletext report about Dermot is true, who would do BBLB for the first week?

More evidence that points towards Thursday 31st June is that Desperate Housewives and Grand Designs are set to wrap up on Wednesday 30th May. They air at 9pm and 10pm respectively - how would Big Brother fit in here?

We’re thinking the launch date is Thursday 31st May this year, but who knows!

21-04-2007, 10:10
BIG Brother wannabes are already being spied on by a Channel 4 undercover team to ensure they are not mentally unstable.

Producers are desperate to know as much as possible about the potential housemates before the show returns next month.

A handful of the wannabes, who impressed bosses during the audition stages, have been singled out for the I-Spy treatment.

They are being watched at work, at their local pubs and are even being tracked as they hit the town for a night on the tiles.

An insider for the show – which is this year to be renamed Big Brother: The Battle – revealed: “It wants to know everything it can about the people. It’s to make sure there are absolutely no surprises.”

The move comes following a backlash last year from mental health campaigners who criticised the show for allowing self-styled “Paki poof” Shahbaz Chauhdry into the house.

He was sensationally pulled out in the first week after claiming he went on the show to kill himself.

The 38-year-old’s hysterical and erratic behaviour angered campaigners, including the Samaritans, who attacked the show claiming not enough was done to check that the contestants were not mentally ill.

Now telly chiefs want to “cover all bases” and make sure they do not put anyone into the house who can’t cope under the pressure or is showing any signs of suffering from a mental health problem.

Our insider added: “They have to get it right this time because there was so much negative press around the series last year and this year’s celebrity show.
“If there is another backlash it could mean the end of the show.”

Meanwhile, producers are keeping tight-lipped about the number of housemates in this year’s show, and details of the new-look house are being kept under lock and key.

Top designers have been working on the house in Elstree, Herts, for the last six months to give it a top-to-toe makeover.

And they have drafted in psychologists to make it a house of horrors.

It is believed there will be secret rooms, oppressive decor and smaller rooms, to put even more pressure on the gang when they move in next month.

Big Brother babe Davina McCall, 39, will be back to host the main show and cheeky Dermot O’Leary, 33, will still host spin-off show Big Brother’s Little Brother, despite landing the new job as host of The X Factor.

But Big Brother’s Big Mouth presenter Russell Brand, 31, will not be back after quitting the show.

22-04-2007, 13:23
The Daily Star reports that this year there will be no fixed prize fund amidst a huge format change.

Last week we reported the prize fund would be upped to £1m. Now, it seems, there won’t be a prize fund at all. The Star reports that each housemate will have their own personal bank account from the start, and will have to fight for their cash in the new ‘Battle’ series.

The longer the housemates stay, the more money they can rack up, and only way to avoid eviction will be to be the richest housemate(s) of the week. The paper claims that the top-earners will happily avoid eviction, whilst the cash-strapped housemates will face the public vote. Tasks will be offered to win more money, and the evicted housemate each week will be able to “pass their earnings on to someone else.”

“If they want to win, they will have to play dirty,” said a show source. “This is Big Brother at its most evil.”

As well as this, producers are apparently planning twists to reveal some of “the wanabees darkest secrets” with “old faces from the past” turning up unannounced.

The show source reportedly said, “Past lovers, dumped friends and old bosses could show up to cause trouble for housemates. Or they could help them in secret missions to earn money.

“It will be a cut-throat game.”

These rumours should be taken lightly, but they could have weight - The Daily Star has a wobbly track record. Sometimes they report rumours that turn out to be true where other rumours have turned out to be utter tripe. Would producers really remove the whole nominations aspect of the game, that has been present for seven years? The executive producers did say “changes would be made.”

26-04-2007, 17:29
14 housemates, half of them gay or bi and an endurance test like no other? It can only be the latest Daily Star rumours!

In one of the most contradictary articles printed yet, the paper reports bosses are lining up more gays than ever in the BB house. Their reasoning: having examined previous years’ shows, they found gay and lesbian housemates provided the best footage and moments. Well that’s fair enough, but here’s the second reason. Quote the infamous BB insider: “We desperately want Big Brother 8 to be remembered for camp fun and frolics rather than fights and fisticuffs. We want to get away from the Celebrity Big Brother race row with Jade and Shilpa.”

“And we want to avoid another Fight Night where even the police had to be called. Some of our best contestants in previous years have been gay.” Yes, okay, avoid another fight night by putting more gay people like Marco and Shahbaz into the house. That’ll do it.

It’s reported “at least half” of the 14 housemates have revealed they are homosexual or have bisexual tendencies.

“We’ve even had lesbo kisses, queer romances and bitchy handbags-at-dawn showdowns,” continued the decidedly scary Insider. “Brian Dowling was the first gay champion of a reality TV show back in 2001 and then we had transsexual Nadia Almada winning in 2004. We have come to realise that gay people are less inhibited. They love a good bitch and they know how to poke fun and have a laugh.

“They also make up a huge percentage of our audience and voting targets. It’s on course to be our best show yet and will hopefully be remembered as a long, hot summer of brotherly gay love.”

More rumours now:

The series will run for 13 weeks again.

A real ‘mixed bag’ of housemates have been chosen. Ahem

They are rumoured to include include a Greek art student, an Asian teacher, a disabled woman and a gobby chav (Lesleh/Bonneh anyone?)

Once the contestants have entered the BB house, six others dressed all in white enter a “white room”. The two who can stand living in this room the longest will get to go in the main house. And we know how utterly desperate BB wanabees can be in this game, so we’re probably talking days here.

26-04-2007, 17:32

LADY Mucca is set to hoof it into the Big Brother house after her US dancing success.
Show chiefs have offered to break the bank to get Heather Mills on to the show – to the fury of her estranged husband Sir Paul McCartney.

Heather has been offered a £250,000 contract and special privileges to hop in as a celebrity guest, say sources close to the show.

A BB informant said: “It could be her chance to win over the British public.

Heather is expected to accept the offer with open arms.

“There is even talk of a clause to let her take up to six spare legs in so she has a different one for every day of the week.”

Mills, 39, has already won over America with her performances in Dancing With The Stars.

But Sir Paul is understood to have hated seeing her performances – and pals say he was furious at the idea of her appearing on TV in Britain.

It’s thought Heather could use her BB offer as a bargaining chip in her divorce from Sir Paul, 64.

Watching her on BB for 13 weeks might be too much for Sir Paul, who may prefer to offer a more attractive settlement – on condition she does not sign up to the show.

A BB source revealed: “You either love her or really, really hate her. She really stirs conflicting emotions among viewers – and that is food and drink to Big Brother.”

Last night a spokesman for bookies PaddyPower said Mills was a favourite for the BB house – even if she did not last long.

“Heather would very likely be odds-on for the quickest public eviction ever.
“We can’t imagine such an unpopular figure winning the British public over,” he said.

Yesterday Daily Star readers reacted with disgust to news that seven bisexuals had been lined up for this year’s BB.

A staggering 80% voted that Big Brother did not need more gay housemates.

Chloe O'brien
27-04-2007, 23:31
I won't be watching if Heather does enter the house. In my opinion she is a gold digger and new exactly what she was getting into when she married Paul. Although he wasn't my favourite Beatle the man has worked god dam hard to gain the millions he is worth and so many pop acts wouldn't be famous today if it wasn't for the beatles, even if it is almost 40 years since they spilt up no-one will ever grow tired of listening to their songs. she should walk away with what cash she put into the marrige.

29-04-2007, 12:55
BIG Brother 8 is set to be stirred up when a WAG is shipped in half-way through the run.

BB chiefs - who hope she will spark lust and jealousy among housemates - last week called all the girls from ITV's Wags Boutique.

And it looks like glamour model Cassie Sumner, 24, the ex of Chelsea's Michael Essien and Carlton Cole's cur rent squeeze, is the keenest.

But an insider on the Channel 4 show, which starts next month, said the WAG faces a tough time, adding: "The surprise won't just be on the housemates."

08-05-2007, 10:03

Big Bruv eye goes multi-colour

THIS is the new Big Brother logo — which could be a symbol of racial harmony after the Celeb BB race row.

Rainbows are also a gay rights sign.

C4 bosses will not reveal its meaning before the show starts next month.

08-05-2007, 10:04
BIG Brother bosses are hoping a bright new logo will help bring the fun factor back to the under-fire reality series.
A new series of the show will kick off on June 1 - in the wake of the controversial Celebrity Big Brother earlier this year.
And bosses plan to spice things up with a "caravan of love", in which housemates locked out in the garden are expected to keep each other warm.
Big Brother 8 will also feature a secret garden accessible only via a hidden door.
As the new logo was unveiled yesterday, an insider said: "It is colourful and vibrant with different elements, and that will apply to this new series of Big Brother.
"C4 programming chief Kevin Lygo is conscious of wanting to put the fun back into the show.

"But some housemates will live like kings, while the other half will be stuck outside come rain or shine."

Last year's show saw sparks fly between winner Pete Bennett and Nikki Grahame - while Grace Adams-Short is set to marry housemate lover Mikey Dalton next July.

But in January, Channel 4 chiefs were criticised for failing to protect eventual Celebrity Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty from bullying at the hands of housemates Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara.

With C4 desperate to avoid a similar outcry, af ter announcing profits down 70 per cent, producers are taking no chances.

Contestants are under surveillance to ensure they can cope with the pressure of being on Big Brother.

08-05-2007, 10:10
Russell Howard to be new Big Mouth Presenter?

Is the stand up comedian going to be the Brands replacement on Big Mouth?

Stand-up comedian Russell Howard is set to be signed-up as the new host of Big Brother's Big Mouth to replace Russell Brand, according to the Daily Star.

Russell Howard has recently co-hosted a BBC 6 Music radio show on a Sunday morning slot that was previously hosted by Russell Brand.

A Big Brother spokesman is quoted: “Nothing has been confirmed.”

Chloe O'brien
08-05-2007, 12:13
I like the idea of housemates living in the caravan as it's similar to the rich/poor divided in BB3. Is in not starting later this year I thought it would be Mid-May it would be back on screen.

08-05-2007, 22:42
Don't really like the new eye to be honest, but i think it'll grow on me the more times i see it this year.. I like the fact that they're going to try and put the fun factor back into the show this year...roll on June 1st! :cheer:

09-05-2007, 09:19
the new eye looks cool wonder what the meaning of it is

09-05-2007, 09:34
have to say yesterday on first look at the eye i hated it, but have been looking at it a lot and its realy growing on me!

Cant wait for the new series to start!

09-05-2007, 09:36
do we have an official date yet?

09-05-2007, 22:04
Can't wait :cheer:

Every year I tell myself I will not get into it, but every year I watch the first episode and then get hooked!

Can't wait to see how they top themselves from last year! It was really good last year :D

edit-heat magazine has pictures of the BB house (from the air! Lol) and more details)

09-05-2007, 22:28
do we have an official date yet?

I've heard that it starts on June 1st. :)

09-05-2007, 22:39
Can't wait :cheer:

Every year I tell myself I will not get into it, but every year I watch the first episode and then get hooked!

Can't wait to see how they top themselves from last year! It was really good last year :D

edit-heat magazine has pictures of the BB house (from the air! Lol) and more details)

will have to get that just to have a look!!

I love it when they release the new house pics, i get all excited!!

Its quite good this year we are being kept waiting for any news!

11-05-2007, 10:15
because my work is now the sponsor of bb we are getting the chance for a tour of the set and also to become reporters for the website....i need to do a 350 work essay to say why i would like to do it....help please lol

15-05-2007, 17:35
Monday 14th May at 5:04pm
The Mirror has printed some new construction images with some details about the new house.

Here’s the jist then:

Show starts on the 30th, ends on August 31st
Part of the swimming pool will be indoors for the first time. Housemates will be able to swim from the garden to the living room
Spiral steps are planned to come from the main steps into a secret room
Bosses are working with psychologists on the house
There is a “hidden chamber” for surprises like fake exits
And the images now:


As you can see, it’s very BLUE isn’t it? It’s likely though the paintwork has not yet begun and the expanse of blue will not make it to the launch.

Apparently, BB bosses are very “controlling” and were “determined no-one would get a sneak preview” and that “they are going to be so upset” the pictures have been leaked. It’s rumoured builders aren’t even allowed mobile phones on site.

Anyway, we should receive official pictures within the next week or so, so keep it here!

15-05-2007, 19:05
ooooo looks good! How am I going to survive when I go on holiday?! :ninja:

15-05-2007, 19:19
ooooo looks good! How am I going to survive when I go on holiday?! :ninja:

i know im aways the weekend after it starts which will probably be the first eviction!!! i'll need to stay in until the evictions done lol

Chloe O'brien
15-05-2007, 20:17
I don't like those big round windows. They look like big tumble dryers at the lauderette :rotfl:

16-05-2007, 16:11
Channel 4 has officially confirmed today for the first time that Big Brother 8 will launch on Wednesday 30th May.

The one hour fifteen minute live launch programme will air in the 9pm slot, with the finale of Desperate Housewives following at 10.15pm. Channel 4 describe the launch as “a first look around the new-look Big Brother House, before the new batch of housemates move in for this bigger-than-ever eighth series.”

Thursday’s highlights show will air at 10pm, suggesting reports of a move back to 10 o’clock were indeed correct.

Big Brother’s Big Mouth will begin on the launch night (11.20pm, Channel 4), while Big Brother’s Little Brother will begin on Thursday 31st May (7.30pm, E4). Live coverage starts on E4 straight after the Live Launch show finishes on Channel 4.

It has been confirmed that BBBM will be presented by different ’guest hosts’ every week and will air first on Channel 4, an hour after the highlights show, on some nights. A repeat showing will air later in the night on E4 on these occassions. We believe the show will air 4 times a week. In the first week there are 2 episodes to air first on Channel 4, one on launch night and one on Friday 1st June. On Thursday 31st May the show will go out at 11pm on E4. The first guest host has yet to be confirmed.

Both Big Brother itself and BBLB will be repeated as part of Channel 4’s morning line-up. Both will then get a further re-run at lunchtimes on E4. The highlights show will then be repeated a final time at around 5.55pm on E4.

While we await confirmation of other channel’s confirmed schedules it is expected the launch will face competition from The British Soap Awards on ITV1 (8pm - 10pm) and The Apprentice on BBC1 (9pm - 10pm).

18-05-2007, 09:45
BIG Brother beauty Davina McCall will be hosting a new Sunday night programme for the eighth series of the reality show, TV Biz can reveal.

Davina, 39, will front an hour-long show called Big Brother On The Couch — which sees psychologists analysing contestants’ behaviour.
The show will replace the Saturday night update when Big Brother 8 kicks off on May 30. It will be followed by an hour-long BB update covering the Friday night eviction.
Channel 4 chiefs axed the Saturday night show as it fares badly against BBC1 and ITV in the entertainment ratings war.
Davina’s new show will be an in-depth look at the week’s news from the Big Brother house as she discusses events with the psychology experts.
A show insider said: “Big Brother fans will love it — it’s the perfect night in.
“On the couch will be a round-up of what’s happening in the house and Davina’s take on the week. She’ll be joined by names from the world of psychology to help work out the housemates’ behaviour.”
Meanwhile, we can reveal that gobby Big Brother’s Big Mouth presenter Russell Brand will not be permanently replaced.
Guest stars will fill the shoes of the 31-year-old host — mirroring shows like BBC1’s Have I Got News For You

18-05-2007, 09:48
hmmm no idea why it went so big, sorry!!!

and for some reason it wont let me edit it

22-05-2007, 10:32
:cheer: at last!



:rotfl: what the heck are they!





22-05-2007, 10:34
omg is that marjorie on those doors. And why is the bath in the middle of the room lol

22-05-2007, 10:36
and a few more









22-05-2007, 17:49
funky! :)

22-05-2007, 18:21
the house looks bigger than last year, or is that just all the white? garden looks very nice, last years was icky.
any diary room photos yet?

22-05-2007, 19:23
Its very nice, very colourful, agree about it looking bigger.

22-05-2007, 20:07
I thought it looked bigger as well and we still havent seen the bedrooms yet and there are rumoured to be some secret rooms! House is definalteyl Huge

Watched davina on paul o grady and the house is 'topsy turvy' apparently the cooker is in the bedroom!!! so that will be fun!

22-05-2007, 20:27
I really like the new look of the house actually, it looks very funky, modern and up to date! I really like the idea of the house having really vibrant colours this year and the house being "topsy turvy" . The diary room door does look very different though! :D

22-05-2007, 20:58
The Big Brother House
Big Brother 8 housemates will face a mixed up modernistic sur-reality house when they arrive – nothing is where it should be. It may all look glamorous with designer mod cons but the house will be hard work for its new residents.

A giant blue roll-top bath in the raspberry pink living room will be the first indication that all is not as it should be. It’ll be like bathing in a disco with multi-coloured light panels surrounding it. But that is just the beginning…

Just cooking a meal may take team work. At the furthest point away from what appears to be the ‘kitchen’ is the housemate’s fridge/freezer – outside in the garden. The sink is on one side of the main living area, and the hotplate opposite is set amongst a wall of white cubes. But where is the cooker?

Other objects of interest in the house include:
- For the first time the Diary Room will have a lit corridor that will indicate if the room is in use, by changing colour from red to green when the Diary Room button is pushed.
- Tea and toast will be a luxury the housemates may have to live without, as the kettle and toaster are locked away in a see-through box. Only Big Brother will decide when they’ll get access.
- A retro 70s’-designed blue and black phone is nestled on the sink bench – but who will be calling and will the housemates be able to phone home?
- The white dining room table is surrounded by white retro designer chairs and stools.
- A corrugated water butt in the garden will enable the housemates to collect and use water for the garden.
- Recycling bins in the food storage area will help the housemates to be environmentally friendly
- A closed blind on the outside of the window in the living room, but who’ll be peeping in?
- One half of the living area is raspberry pink floor to ceiling - and the other half is baby blue.
- Two large circular windows look onto the garden. But will it just be Big Brother keeping an eye on sunbathing housemates?

Big Brother house designer Patrick Watson says,
"It has taken 8,000 man hours to construct the house for this summer’s housemates. This year we have gone for a cleaner, more adult look, using more textures and colours to brand each area."

22-05-2007, 21:26
Richard Branson is being lined up to make a special appearance in the Big Brother 8 house, according to a report today.

Producers hope that the businessman will pay a visit to set the housemates a task because his company Virgin Media has agreed to sponsor the new series.

A source told the Daily Star Sunday: "What better way to show how pleased we are having him as Big Brother sponsor than by having him on the show? It will be a huge surprise for the housemates this year.

"We are planning to have Richard give the contestants a task - probably something business related. He will stay the day seeing them do the challenge and return 24 hours later to reveal who the winner is. And he'll hand them a special reward."

Chloe O'brien
22-05-2007, 22:01
They're locking away the toaster and kettle so not all the housemates will have access to everyday appliances and imaging having to take a bath in the living room :rotfl:

24-05-2007, 10:43
Loudmouth Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles is to become the first celebrity to guest-host Big Brother's Big Mouth after it was confirmed the series would be fronted by a variety of guest hosts.

33-year-old Moyles will front the show for one week when it commences, with Celebrity Big Brother housemate Donny Tourette's ex-girlfriend Peaches Geldof and Steve Marsh and Dan Wright (Big Cook and Little Cook off of CBeebies apparently) also lined up as potential guest hosts.

A source told newspaper The Sun: “Chris will be the first host and will present for a week.

“Then different guests will come and go - some may be invited back, others might not. Big Brother is 14 weeks long this year so there’ll be a certain amount of playing it by ear. Moyles is a definite signing. Steve and Dan are very much liked and will be on board too.

“There is some umming and aahing about Peaches but a decision will be made about her very soon.”

Regarding a pilot for the show that Peaches has allegedly filmed, the source said: “She was like a sulky teenager. But because the show is meant to be anarchic, a lot of people feel she could be a great asset, despite not being a skilled presenter.”

The paper also says that the E4 Big Brother spin-off has enlargened its set and double audience capacity in order to get more viewers.

Former host Russell Brand quit the show earlier this year, having been at the helm of Big Mouth (previously Big Brother's EFourum) for three years.

24-05-2007, 17:08
HAHA loving the new layout, will be interesting watching them trying to cook while people are sleeping in the bedroom or something like that :rotfl:

Love the chicken art :rotfl:

24-05-2007, 19:32
HAHA loving the new layout, will be interesting watching them trying to cook while people are sleeping in the bedroom or something like that :rotfl:

Love the chicken art :rotfl:

Can you imagine the arguements it will cause!!

Chris moyles will be fab on big mouth too, i cant wait to see who the other presenters actually will be

24-05-2007, 20:39
ooooo just come on this thread and it looks very nice :)

Chloe O'brien
24-05-2007, 21:24
Imagine if they did a shock eviction and someone was in the bath. How funny would that be. :rotfl:

25-05-2007, 12:14
THE new series of Big Brother was in chaos last night after repeated bust-ups between the show's makers and scandal-hit Channel 4.

The bitter dispute emerged as C4 bosses were yesterday ordered to make three grovelling on-screen apologies over the Celebrity Big Brother race row.

TV watchdog Ofcom slammed the broadcaster for "serious errors of judgment" and said it had covered up more disgusting racist attacks on Shilpa Shetty by Jade Goody and her brainless cohorts.

The damning ruling has thrown preparations for the start of next week's Big Brother 8 into disarray.

Desperate to keep the show - hosted by Davina McCall - scandal free, C4 bosses have rejected three contestants put forward by makers Endemol. They have also thrown out plans to encourage class warfare in the house by recruiting extreme individuals from different social groups.

One source said last night: "Channel 4 are trying to wrestle back control of the show and make sure there are no more scandals, but Endemol insists the programme will flop if there aren't any clashes or tension."

One contestant - described as the best housemate selected this year - was rejected because he had been arrested after a fight.

The source added: "He was a brilliant, cocky bloke - easily the best man we had. We booked him straight away but then had to drop him because he got into a fight.

"He may have to go to court and we couldn't risk him getting into a row in the house and then it emerging that we'd allowed him in as a contestant knowing that he'd been arrested in a bar brawl.

"Last year we'd have put him in. This year we don't dare. Other great would-be housemates have also been thrown out because of the extra psychology tests. Endemol wanted them in, but Channel 4 said no. Things are getting very heated."

BB8 begins next Wednesday, when Channel 4 will make the first of its apologies over January's Celebrity Big Brother. The race row sparked an international outcry and attracted a record 45,000 complaints from viewers.

26-05-2007, 16:57
Why oh why do they continue to make this trash!

I really hate BB with a passion.:angry:

26-05-2007, 16:59
Why oh why do they continue to make this trash!

I really hate BB with a passion.:angry:

becuase theres fans that want to watch it, up to nine million as the recent celeb series got at times

but we all have shows we like and shows we dont like, but if you hate Big Brother just dont watch it :) millions still will

29-05-2007, 20:22
a source in work told me today that three scottish guys while entering the house tomorrow night one of them chris t from coatbridge is a dwarf

Chloe O'brien
29-05-2007, 21:14
a source in work told me today that three scottish guys while entering the house tomorrow night one of them chris t from coatbridge is a dwarf

Oh my word I'm sorry if this is true I won't be able to watch without laughing. At least this year they have managed to keep the identies a secret. It said on teletext that the final 20 have been abroad to hide from the media.

29-05-2007, 23:38
A team of police will monitor Big Brother 8 for racism and violence, according to a report.

The officers may arrest offenders if there is any incident even if the show is live, says the Daily Mirror.

"No hint of that will be tolerated," explained a police source. "If necessary, we'll visit the studio to apprehend housemates."

Ian Laidlaw-Dickson, leader of Hertfordshire County Council, which covers the Elstree studio, and chair of Herts Police Authority, said taxpayers should not have to fund the team: "It's outrageous anyone should have to pick up the cost for this mess except those who caused it - Endemol and C4."

The news follows alleged racist bullying of Shilpa Shetty on Celebrity Big Brother.

Also i got this snippet from the Sun today:

TWENTY potential housemates include the most outrageous ever picked, claim BB bosses.

There’s a butch lesbian who allegedly self-harms and boozes, a professional drag queen, the show’s first deaf girl and a gay muscleman described as “sex mad”.

30-05-2007, 12:45
All twelve of the contestants entering the house tonight will be female, according to The Mirror.

The shock launch night twist will set the tone for a more light-hearted series in the wake of the controversial celebrity version earlier this year.

"It'll be a brilliant opening," a source told the newspaper. "The girls will all be arriving one by one and wondering where the boys are. It will slowly dawn on them that there aren't any."

One male - rumoured to be Oldham Athletic striker Chris Hall - will be added in a special live show on Friday night. "We aim to put a hunk in first, not a geek or a gay, so the girls will get to flirt and fight over him," explained the source.

After a few weeks, several girls will be evicted en-masse and a gang of lads will be ushered in. The insider added: "It is almost as if the show will start all over again further down the line. This ensures the series is kept fresh."

30-05-2007, 12:49
All girls :eek: BORING! i really doubt they would do this and if they do oh god imagine the bitching!

30-05-2007, 13:03
I think the idea could work for a day or two, but after that, it would drag if we just see girls in there for a whole week. I don't understand how it would start with a "light hearted tone" as the article suggested as the girls will probably start bitching about each other etc. Also i don't like the idea they said at the end with 7 girls being voted out and then a gang of guys coming in - i personally don't want an eviction clearout, i want the same housemates to stay in there for 13 weeks this year with only a few changes because then we have the chance to see their personalities develop and grow, and viewers can compare the housemates they like and the housemates they don't like.

I suppose we will just have to wait until launch night tonight to see what happens!

30-05-2007, 15:31
Big Brother has released some tantalising clues about the housemates scheduled to move into the BB house.

Among the housemates, one is a member of the women’s institute, one is a political protester and one is a former lap-dancer. This series also has the oldest housemate yet, a nanny and a relative of a premiership footballer. Two have children, nine are single and three of the housemates have never been on a plane.

One of the housemates was a child prodigy - she could read by the age of two, and one of the housemates is a cleaner, meaning there should be no dirt lying around the house this time round.


Rumour has it that this child prodigy is Z list celebrity, and i loose the term loosely Lauren Harries. The welsh transexaual who found fame as a "child prodigy" on Terry Wogan's show, then had a sex change. Apparantly she's auditioned for every Big Brother so far. Also on the sun site, the shilouette of this child prodigy is an identical match of a picture of Lauren, so who knows?

30-05-2007, 18:30
Lauren has been rumoured for the last few years on celeb version, its about time they put her in :lol:

Ive been loooking round today on other sites and the all female thing is being talked about a lot! I'm now thinking it may happen ( i really hope not!

Not long to go now :cheer:

31-05-2007, 08:46
Big Brother has released some tantalising clues about the housemates scheduled to move into the BB house.

Among the housemates, one is a member of the women’s institute, one is a political protester and one is a former lap-dancer. This series also has the oldest housemate yet, a nanny and a relative of a premiership footballer. Two have children, nine are single and three of the housemates have never been on a plane.

One of the housemates was a child prodigy - she could read by the age of two, and one of the housemates is a cleaner, meaning there should be no dirt lying around the house this time round.


Rumour has it that this child prodigy is Z list celebrity, and i loose the term loosely Lauren Harries. The welsh transexaual who found fame as a "child prodigy" on Terry Wogan's show, then had a sex change. Apparantly she's auditioned for every Big Brother so far. Also on the sun site, the shilouette of this child prodigy is an identical match of a picture of Lauren, so who knows?

How many times has this Lauren been rumoured to be entering though? Either through Celeb BB or the normal one.

I'm going to watch the one show, as always, on Fri to see who the desperados for fame are - then, thats it for me... (no offence to any BB enjoyers out there, but not my cup of tea, especially when they enjoy messing with people and doing everything they can to cause upset between housemates)

31-05-2007, 11:17
The return of Big Brother drew an impressive audience for Channel 4 last night, with an average 6.2 million tuning in to watch at 9pm.

The climax of the show saw the audience peak at 8 million - a 35% share of the audience - which equaled the previous highest peak of viewers for a Big Brother launch programme. Nearly half of all 16-34 year-old viewers watching television at the time were tuned into the show.

The all-female housemates, including 18-year-old twins and a 53-year-old peace protester, gave the channel an average 26% share of the audience over the hour, beating off BBC One's The Apprentice, which managed an average 4.8 million viewers between 9-10pm.

ITV1's British Soap Awards coverage pulled an average 6.2 million over a two-hour period from 8pm.

Channel 4 commissioning editor for Big Brother and head of E4, Angela Jain said, "This heralds a fantastic start to Big Brother. We remain as committed as ever to making this year's series the most entertaining yet."

Big Brother's Big Mouth scored 1.2 million on Channel 4 at 11:15pm, making it the second most watched programme at the time.

31-05-2007, 14:03
Does anyone else not find that overall impressive? It probably wont even get into the top 20 of the week with that..

On the w/e 20 May, Casualty came 20th with 6.42m. The highest was Corrie with 10.54m. I mean, i know its different weeks, and they'll change with the final ratings, but it just seems like they're trying to big themselves up a bit too much. Its not that "Impressive", its quite average for a TV show actually. And as its the launch show, im sure they would have wanted it much higher than average, as it will probably lose ratings from now on, untill the final and eviction nights...

31-05-2007, 14:23
An average of 6.2 million viewers tuned in to watch the launch of the eighth series of Channel 4's Big Brother, according to overnight figures.

Audience numbers were down by 800,000 compared with 7 million viewers for the start of the seventh series in 2006.

Following the end of ITV's British Soap Awards and BBC One's The Apprentice, the audience peaked at 8 million.

It is the first time an all-female house has launched the show, but a male housemate will join them shortly.

Viewing figures were well above average for the C4 time slot, with the reality show drawing 26 per cent of available viewers.

Channel 4's commissioning editor for Big Brother, Angela Jain, said: "This heralds a fantastic start to Big Brother."

The show opened with an official apology, ordered by Ofcom, over C4's handling of the race row involving celebrity contestants Jade Goody, Danielle Lloyd and Jo O'Meara and their treatment of Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty.

House rules for this series have been updated to warn against bullying and to make clear that offensive remarks on the grounds of race, religion or sexuality are unacceptable.

The 11 contestants include the first set of twins ever to enter the house, a member of the Women's Institute and a Victoria Beckham wannabe.

Charley, an unemployed former lap dancer, was greeted with boos and chants of "get a job" by the crowd as she arrived at the house, at Elstree Studios in Hertfordshire.

Political protester Carole received the loudest cheer of the night.

A single man is expected to enter the house on Friday to join the contest for the £100,000 prize.

It is rumoured that the female contestants will choose from three possible contenders.

04-06-2007, 21:33
As i thought, it hardly trned out to be "Impressive" :p

Top 30 TV programmes from Monday-Sunday, based on overnights;
1..10.3m..(48%)..Coronation Street (Mon)
2..9.7m..(39%)..Coronation Street (Mon)
3..9.7m..(48%)..Coronation Street (Wed)
4..9.2m..(39%)..EastEnders (Mon)
5..8.4m..(41%)..Match of the Day Live (Fri)
6..8.4m..(43%)..Coronation Street (Sun)
7..8.2m..(33%)..New Tricks (Mon)
8..8.0m..(42%)..EastEnders (Thu)
9..7.7m..(37%)..Emmerdale (Mon)
10..7.5m..(43%)..Coronation Street (Fri)
11..7.1m..(40%)..Emmerdale (Wed)
12..7.0m..(35%)..EastEnders (Tue)
13..6.9m..(33%)..Midsomer Murders (Sun)
14..6.8m..(30%)..Heartbeat (Sun)
15..6.6m..(39%)..Doctor Who (Sat)
16..6.5m..(39%)..Emmerdale (Thu)
17..6.5m..(32%)..Any Dream Will Do (Sat)
18..6.3m..(34%)..Emmerdale (Tue)
19..6.2m..(27%)..The British Soap Awards (Wed)
20..6.2m..(33%)..Any Dream Will Do (Sat)
21..6.2m..(26%)..Big Brother: Live Launch (Wed)
22..5.9m..(29%)..BBC Ten O'Clock News (Fri)
23..5.9m..(29%)..Casualty (Sat)
24..5.9m..(34%)..The National Lottery Draws (Sat)
25..5.7m..(36%)..Emmerdale (Fri)
26..5.5m..(26%)..BBC Ten O'Clock News (Mon)
27..5.0m..(26%)..Have I Got News for You (Sat)
28..5.0m..(23%)..Ocean's Eleven (Mon)
29..4.8m..(19%)..The Apprentice (Wed)
30..4.7m..(21%)..Hustle (Thu)

How can they call it impressive?

04-06-2007, 21:50
Well i think the 6.2 million figure is pretty impressive for Channel 4..

04-06-2007, 21:58
Well i think the 6.2 million figure is pretty impressive for Channel 4..

I agree Dave, with the multi channel age and stiff competiton from the soap awards and Apprentice 6.2 is very impressive. Plus the average channel 4 show gets about 2/3 million viewers - as the barb site shows, so this is good, dont care what anyone says.

04-06-2007, 22:20
I just would have expected it to get nearer the 7 million mark, like BB7 did, as Ems pointed out. Channel 4 or not, its a major show thats always in the newspapers and in the public eye.

The average of 2/3 million you said Bry, is that generally, or in Peak Times? I would have expected the peak times to be nearer 4 million?

04-06-2007, 22:29
I just would have expected it to get nearer the 7 million mark, like BB7 did, as Ems pointed out. Channel 4 or not, its a major show thats always in the newspapers and in the public eye.

The average of 2/3 million you said Bry, is that generally, or in Peak Times? I would have expected the peak times to be nearer 4 million?

1 GRAND DESIGNS (WED 2101) 3.76
6 WIFE SWAP (SUN 1959) 2.83
7 DEAL OR NO DEAL (WED 1614) 2.80
8 DEAL OR NO DEAL (MON 1614) 2.70
9 DEAL OR NO DEAL (TUE 1614) 2.67
10 UGLY BETTY (FRI 2101) 2.63
12 VIRGIN SCHOOL (TUE 2204) 2.49
13 DEAL OR NO DEAL (THU 1614) 2.47
14 DEAL OR NO DEAL (SUN 1701) 2.47
15 DEAL OR NO DEAL (FRI 1614) 2.27
16 PAUL O'GRADY (MON 1701) 2.24
17 PAUL O'GRADY (WED 1701) 2.22
18 PAUL O'GRADY (FRI 1702) 2.19
19 THE SIMPSONS (MON 1759) 2.14
20 PAUL O'GRADY (THU 1701) 2.13
22 THE SIMPSONS (THU 1801) 2.06
23 PAUL O'GRADY (TUE 1701) 2.06
24 THE SIMPSONS (WED 1801) 2.01
25 HOLLYOAKS (WED 1829) 1.91
27 THE SIMPSONS (TUE 1801) 1.83
28 HOLLYOAKS (MON 1829) 1.82
29 ER (MON 2204) 1.77
30 THE SIMPSONS (FRI 1801) 1.76

For the week ending 20th may 2007, the top ones are in peak time, so Big Brother is about 2-3 million higher than their best rated show.

06-06-2007, 09:42
ROCK legend Prince is set to stun the contestants with an impromptu private gig.

The pint-sized star is a huge fan and asked his management to arrange an appearance — either in the BB garden or screened in the house from a London studio.

Prince, whose hits include When Doves Cry and Purple Rain, announced seven shows at the O2 Arena last month as part of a 21-date UK tour.

The remaining dates will be surprise gigs around the UK — with one live on BB.

A source said: “Prince is a huge fan of Big Brother. He has tuned in to every series of the show so far and loves the concept.

“His management are in discussions with producers Endemol to arrange a gig.

“Prince is hoping it will be an unforgettable moment that goes down in BB history.”

But Big Brother insiders fear that several of the housemates may not know who the musician is.

Lesley has admitted she hates music and never listens to it. The twins, at 18, are probably too young to remember most of Prince’s hits from the 1980s and 90s.

And Emily has already shown herself up to be less than an expert in all things musical when she announced: “There’s something sweeping the country and it’s called indie rock.”

A Channel 4 insider said: “Housemates like Tracey the raver and Shabnam the R&B fan will probably be appreciative of their own audience with Prince.

“But some of the others probably won’t have a clue who he is and won’t realise what an amazing opportunity they are being given.

“It will be hilarious to see the different reactions.”

Prince’s seven dates at the O2 Arena sold out within minutes of going on sale.

The eccentric star is also expected to announce more mad ideas for impromptu shows during his month-long stay in Britain during August.

06-06-2007, 10:35
EMILY AND SHABNAM ARE up for eviction this week

06-06-2007, 16:11
An argument broke out between Lesley and Charley this morning.

Shortly after Big Brother told the housemates which of them were up for nomination Lesley began to cry. When Charley asked Lesley if she was alright she replied with: "Are you stupid? Oh yes. That's a rhetorical question."

Charley, irritated, accused Lesley of being rude to everyone and said she has had enough of it. "I don't want to talk about it," replied Lesley.

Lesley explained why she was upset, saying that she wasn't happy in the house and had hoped to be nominated.

"I didn't realise you wanted to go," said Charley. "I'll put you up next time," she joked.

Lesley warned her not to talk about nominations, saying that Big Brother could punish them again. Charley apologised by hugging Lesley and saying: "I'm sorry."

"No you're not," insisted Lesley.

07-06-2007, 09:52

Emily has been REMOVED from the Big Brother house due to a serious rule breach. Tomorrow's eviction has been postponed.

More details as I get it...

07-06-2007, 10:08
Statement from BB

"Emily is removed from Big Brother
after using a racially offensive word

Contestant Emily Parr was removed from the Big Brother house in the early hours of this morning (7th June) after using a racially offensive word to a fellow housemate.

Emily was dancing with Charley and Nicky in the living room of the Big Brother house at approximately 8.30pm last night (Wednesday 6th June) when she was heard to say "Are you pushing it out you ******?" to Charley. "

The blocked word being the N word.

people are suggesting that Emily was a plant from BB, to show after the CBB race row, that they are capable of handing racist situations. Hmmm, thoughts?

07-06-2007, 10:15

Emily removed from Big Brother

Emily is a drama student from Bristol
Emily Parr has been removed from the Big Brother house for using a racially offensive word to another housemate.
The 19-year-old from Bristol was taken out of the compound at 0330 BST and was forbidden from having any further contact with the 11 other contestants.

This week's eviction vote has been cancelled - Emily was nominated along with Shabnam Paryani.

A spokeswoman for Channel 4 said that the decision had been taken because "such behaviour won't be tolerated".


Big Brother housemate has been booted out by Channel 4 after using a racially offensive word.
Contestant Emily Parr was removed from the house in the early hours of this morning after using the word "nigger".

Emily has been booted outEmily was dancing with Charley and Nicky in the living room of the Big Brother house at approximately 8.30pm last night.

She was heard to say "Are you pushing it out you nigger?" to Charley.

Emily immediately made clear that she had not intended to offend and that the comment had been meant as a joke.

In discussing what she had said, Charley and Nicky agreed that they were not personally offended, although both did express shock at the language she had used.

In the ensuing discussion, Emily acknowledged that she should have been more careful with her words.

07-06-2007, 10:28
From Digitial Spy:

DS:BB presents, in full, the transcript of the conversation between Emily, Charley and Nicky in which Emily uttered a racial slur leading to her eviction from the house.

The transcript, which is provisional and provided by Channel 4, now follows.

Emily: (referring to Charley dancing/pushing her hips forward) You pushing it out you nigger.
Nicky: (shocked laughter) Em, I can't believe you said that.
Charley: You are in trouble.
Emily: Don't make a big thing out of it then. I was joking.
Charley: I know you were... but that's some serious ****, sorry.
Emily: Why?
Charley: Oh my god. I'm not even saying it.
Nicky: Just don't talk about it anymore.
Emily: I was joking
Charley: Do you know how many viewers would watch that?
Nicky: Okay, don't make a big deal out of it.
Charley: Fancy you saying that. I can't believe you said that.
Emily: Somebody has already used that word in this house.
Charley: No way. (Pause) Yeah, me. I'm a nigger.

Nicky laughs.

Charley: I am one. Fancy you saying it. I know maybe you see it in a rap song. Maybe you and your friends sit there saying it.
Emily: I'm friendly with plenty of black people.
Nicky: And you call them niggers?
Emily: Yeah and they call me niggers. They call me wiggers as well.
Nicky: I'm quite shocked.
Charley: I'm ****ing in shock.
Emily: It's not a big deal though is it?
Charley: Not for us it ain't. **** me.

07-06-2007, 11:18
I can't believe it! :eek: BB made the right decision in booting her out though i think. After the CBB race row, they obviously wanted to show that racist language isn't tolerated. I'm just shocked that this has happened!

I think they might be putting more men in tomorrow night if there won't be an eviction.

07-06-2007, 11:19
Im shocked! ive just logged on as i saw it on channel 5 news preview!!!

07-06-2007, 11:24
what im more shocked about is that charely said it too and nothing has happened to her

07-06-2007, 11:54
Warning: This article contains language and/or sexual references that younger readers are advised to avoid.

Emily has been removed from the Big Brother house after using a racially offensive word.

She was heard to say "Are you pushing it out you n**ger?" to Charley while dancing with her housemates in the living room at approximately 8.30pm last night.

Although she insisted that the comment had been intended as a joke, Big Brother deemed her comment unacceptable. The house rules state that any housemate who acts in a way that is seriously unacceptable will be evicted.

Emily was called to the Diary Room at approximately 3.30am to be removed from the house. The remaining housemates were informed of Big Brother's decision at 9.30am this morning.

As Emily was one of two housemates nominated for eviction, this week's eviction vote has been suspended.

Angela Jain, who heads Channel 4's Big Brother commissioning team, said: "In the wake of Celebrity Big Brother we must consider the potential offence to viewers regardless of Emily's intentions and her housemates' response.

"The word 'n**ger' is clearly racially offensive and there is no justification for its use. We have removed Emily from the house to once again make it clear to all housemates and the viewers at home that such behaviour won't be tolerated."

The incident will be aired as part of the Big Brother highlights show on Channel 4 at 10pm tonight.

07-06-2007, 11:54
The Commission for Racial Equality said this morning that it is "relieved" that Channel 4 "acted quickly" in evicting Big Brother housemate Emily Parr for using the word "n*gger".

In a statement, a CRE spokesperson said: "We’re relieved that Channel 4 has acted quickly. Whichever way you look at it, the ‘N’ word is clearly offensive.

"This will show everyone that racism must never be tolerated in any way, shape or form.

"We can see from this incident that there is no stereotype of a racist, they come from all walks of life, education and social background.

"Two series of Big Brother, two racist incidents – this just shows how prevalent racism really is in Britain today."

Chloe O'brien
07-06-2007, 12:40
That will throw the evictions up in the air as now its only Shabhan who is up. Wonder if they will make ziggy nominate an other housemate.

07-06-2007, 17:16
That will throw the evictions up in the air as now its only Shabhan who is up. Wonder if they will make ziggy nominate an other housemate.

I think there will be no eviction this week now after what's happened.

Chloe O'brien
08-06-2007, 12:07
Big Brother will throw two more guys into the mix tonight, it has been revealed.

Following Emily's shock removal (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds59894.html) from the house yesterday, the decision was made to cancel the planned eviction. The live shows will instead be used to increase the testosterone levels within the compound.

The new housemates' identities are currently unknown, but Channel 4 has released a couple of teasers as to what to expect:

* One of the two housemates is teetotal
* One visited Hilary Clinton at the Whitehouse and wrote her a poem.

The two boys will enter the house tonight at 10:30pm on C4.

Chloe O'brien
08-06-2007, 12:08
Nicky ended up having a war of words with Ziggy this evening after she confronted him about the amount of booze he had drunk.

Charley told Nicky earlier in the night how Ziggy had been holding back alcohol for himself.

"It's a ****ing outrage!" exclaimed Charley. Nicky, meanwhile, pointed out: "He should have shared whatever was left, out."

When Nicky brought up the issue with Ziggy in the living room, he became agitated and raised his voice to her. The former boy band member didn't believe that he should be the person to get the brunt of her attack.

Ziggy stormed out of the living room and lay under his duvet in the bedroom, while Nicky gathered for support from her fellow females.

"I'm not pissed off that he had more alcohol, I'm pissed off that he didn't share," claimed the 27-year-old accounts executive.

Charley backed her up straight away, saying: "Listen Nicky, you ain't on your own here." Nicky commented to the girls that she thought Ziggy was a "****er" and informed them that she knew what "his game" was.

Chanelle tried to reason with Ziggy as he sulked from beneath his covers, but on the subject of Nicky he said: "She is so ****ing depressing. She is so depressing, she really is."

Later in the evening, the pair attempted to resolve their differences and Ziggy apologised for shouting.

He explained to Nicky that he had only kept back a small bit of wine and that was because he half-filled his glass in the first place. Ziggy went on to explain how he had given his second glass to one of the twins.

However, after they made up, Nicky whispered to Laura about how she thought there was more to Ziggy than meets the eye. "He's keeping everybody sweet, isn't he?" Nicky asked. Laura agreed, telling her that she was normally a very good judge of character.

Chloe O'brien
08-06-2007, 12:09
Charley was accused of acting selfishly by housemates tonight, after she openly flaunted the fact she had stolen other people's drinks.

"We are here to enjoy ourselves, we're not here to have arguments," argued Charley. "At the end of the day, some people have drunk more than others."

Meanwhile, in the garden, an agitated Nicky complained to Tracey about the unemployed Londoner's attitude: "She is going around saying I sipped everybody's drinks!"

Carole brought the underlying issue to Charley's attention, telling her that she thought it was "quite selfish" to have more than others. Charley argued: "Some people have more than others - who cares?"

It was left to Carole to point out: "Well I think people obviously do care because it has caused this row."

08-06-2007, 12:58
Love is In the Air

Day 10, 02:30

It's Friday, they're in love..
Lovebirds Chanelle and Ziggy spent their pre-bedtime hours snuggled up together in bed, occasionally slipping underneath the covers for some 'private time' away from the prying eyes of the cameras.

Gazing adoringly into each other's eyes, Ziggy flirted: "Don't give me evils.." And with a customary "Stupid" from Chanelle the covers went over their heads as the couple enjoyed a quick peck.

Not that they were able to get up to much mind you, as the bedroom lights were still on with the rest of the housemates streaming in and out of the bedroom at will.

It didn't seem to bother 'Chiggy' though as they continued chatting to Charley, the twins, Carole and Tracey.

There's no such thing as privacy in the Big Brother House, is there?

08-06-2007, 15:10
A THURROCK barman could be making a sensational entrance to the Big Brother house, this week.

Flamboyant Ross Clark, 18, is believed to be hidden away under the guard of Big Bro minders and hasn't been seen pulling pints at the Inn on the Green pub in Stanford-le-Hope for around two weeks.

Workmates were tight lipped about Ross' mystery disappearance but it has been reported that the aspiring singer songwriter, actor, model and make-up artist, is being drafted into the Big Brother house to "stir things up".

Former workmates have confirmed he will do just that.

Beautician Jacqui Richards, 34, of Silverdale, Stanford-le-Hope, worked alongside Ross at Stanford salon, Laurens D'auray, just over a year ago.

She said: "He was too much of a big character and it was always obvious that he had lots of ambition. He even auditioned for the X-Factor a couple of times.

"I'm not surprised he might be going in the Big Brother house. He reminds me of previous winner, Brian Dowling."

Hairdresser Shelly Leyman, 27, of Stanford Road, Stanford-le-Hope, also worked at the Salon with Ross.

She said: "He will be bitchy and emotional but in a funny way. I think there will be plenty of tears."

Ross, whose stage name is "Rylan", attended Upminster's The Coopers' Company and Coborn School and lives in Stanford-le-Hope.

He is believed to be set to enter the house during Friday's episode.

08-06-2007, 15:48
Big Brother will throw two more guys into the mix tonight, it has been revealed.

Following Emily's shock removal (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/article/ds59894.html) from the house yesterday, the decision was made to cancel the planned eviction. The live shows will instead be used to increase the testosterone levels within the compound.

The new housemates' identities are currently unknown, but Channel 4 has released a couple of teasers as to what to expect:

* One of the two housemates is teetotal
* One visited Hilary Clinton at the Whitehouse and wrote her a poem.

The two boys will enter the house tonight at 10:30pm on C4.

Oooo I knew it! More housemates :thumbsup:

But I think they will need to add more than 2, because last BB they had 6 people in the final! and they always have at least three....:searchme:

14-06-2007, 11:39
BIG Brother is in crisis after three house-mates sensationally threatened to quit.

Show chiefs fear tomorrow night’s eviction will have to be scrapped and have been forced to come up with a rescue plan.

Panic set in when Nicky Maxwell, Carole Vincent and Tracey Barnard all said they want to walk.

The shock triple-quit threat came after yet another row involving superbitch Charley Uchea.

She unleashed an acid-tongued attack on bank executive Nicky, 28, and then told the group: “I’ve been pretending to be nice. You haven’t seen anything yet.”
Mouthy wannabe Charley, 21, had to be called to the Diary Room to calm down as she was dragged away from Nicky during a fierce row over food.

The showdown proved too much for Nicky, who said she wanted out.

And later Cambridge raver Tracey, 37, and political protester Carole, 53, who are both up for eviction said they wanted to go as well because they cannot cope with all the fights.

The latest bitch battle kicked off in the early hours yesterday when Nicky claimed Charley had said the group think she is boring, hate her cooking and are fed up with her moaning.

Nicky stormed: “Just because I don’t walk around in short skirts with my **** and boobs hanging out doesn’t mean I’m boring.

“How dare she talk to me like that. Who does she think she is?

“Why am I putting myself through this, staying with people who take the piss out of me?

“I don’t want to be here any more. I’m going to tell Big Brother I want to go. I can’t be bothered to be here any more.”

And her threat started a domino effect among the older housemates as both Tracey and Carole said they too had had enough.

Tracey said: “I’m 37- years-old and I didn’t come here to have my summer shot up with all this s**t.

“Maybe this is my time to go. I’m not bothered about being in this house.”

And Carole added: “No-one cares about anyone but themselves and I’m starting to think, what’s the point in being here?”

A Big Brother spokes-man said: “They all have their ups and downs but it’s business as usual.”

Source: Daily Star

14-06-2007, 22:29
Just been announced on BBBM that 4 straight men will be entering the house tomorrow night

:cheer: please let them liven things up a bit!

20-06-2007, 22:44
I wish they'd stop changing the times around! I missed the first show tonight :mad: anyway what did everyone think to Liam winning the money? bit of a random decision if you ask me!

20-06-2007, 23:06
He deserved it i thought - he seems a nice and genuine guy and his reaction was him crying which shows that he must have been so overwhelmed by the decision!

Carole, Seany and Jonathan only had 1 minute to decide so they couldn't have thought about it for too long.

21-06-2007, 23:02
I have no idea how it got to Liam from Laura - Ziggy - Amanda.

I have hardly seen anything of Liam, I would have rather seen one of the original house mates getting it including Ziggy, Seany and Jerry.

But as for Liam, 100 grand isn't bad going for less than a weeks work, lol.

I wonder if it will fall apart now with people thinking the moneys gone, will they want to walk? But on the other hand I don't think the house mates would believe that there is no prize for the winner. big brother have doubled the prize money before after all!!

21-06-2007, 23:08
Apparently Ziggy and Chanelle got it on...eeeew...

http://entertainment.aol.co.uk/tv/big-brother/bookie-pays-out-50k-after-bb/article/20070621065609990001 (http://entertainment.aol.co.uk/tv/big-brother/bookie-pays-out-50k-after-bb/article/20070621065609990001)

21-06-2007, 23:41
but now hes dumped her :rotfl:

a few news things here www.channel4.com/bigbrother (http://www.channel4.com/bigbrother)

22-06-2007, 10:27
:rotfl: Oooo that's really harsh! He got what he wanted then dumped her! Who's next I wonder? :lol:

Chloe O'brien
22-06-2007, 21:49
Ziggy's ego has been bruised because he was the first male in the house and was on his own with all the girls for days. If all the guys had went in on launch night I don't think he would have been bothered about Billi. At the end of the day Channelle is only 19 and so what if she was flirting with Billi that's what being young is all about, dosen't mean that she wants to get involved with him. Ziggy just can't stand the competition he needs to grow up. If they were on the outside and Channelle was his girlfriend and was flirting with Billi in a club he wouldn't give a monkeys.

22-06-2007, 22:06
Seany has been evicted :(

really didnt deserve to go

Chloe O'brien
23-06-2007, 00:37
I thought it would have been johnathon that went tonight. Charley so has to go next week her whinning about that she couldn't belive that Seaney went and she was one of the housemates who nominated him. How false.

Chloe O'brien
26-06-2007, 21:54
Billi, Tracey and Carole have all been nominated for eviction this week.

Big Brother told the housemates that Nicky and Charley had received the same number of votes as Billi, Tracey and Carole, but they would not face the public vote as Charley and Billi's votes would not count.

Big Brother decided to punish Billi and Charley for talking about nominations and the revelation immediately sparked a row as housemates worked out who the punished pair voted for.

"So that means one of you nominated me," Nicky said.

Charley defended herself, saying it could have been Billi who nominated her. The row escalated from there, completely overshadowing Billi, Tracey and Carole's plight.

How the heck did Charley avoid nomination again. Surely if her and Billi were discussing nominations either put them up or declare the votes void and put up all housemates for eviction, why do Carole and Tracey have to suffer.

27-07-2007, 18:01
I can't make long posts so I will say it in my own words..

Apparently 6 housemates are set to move into a diff. house tonight and then two of them will get to be proper housemates choosen through the plasma by the housemates.

27-07-2007, 18:02
Charley is such a strong favourite to be evicted tonight bookies are ALREADY paying out. Labrokes stumped up £10,000 yesterday after closing the book on the gobby horror when she was made 500 to 1 ODDS ON to go — a show record.
Her closing price is the shortest in Big Brother history, beating the 200 to 1 odds on set by Nicky last week.
Bookies didn’t see a single bet on her eviction opponent, Tracey — 20 to 1 last night — until 24 hours after betting began.
They are also refusing bets on Charley breaking Sezer’s exit vote record of 91.6 per cent.
Dopey housemate Brian is the overall 4/7 favourite to win the show.

30-07-2007, 17:48
Channelle finally walks.....


30-07-2007, 18:18
about blooming time too! shame it wasnt ziggy who walked, hes treated her like dirt past few weeks

samantha nixon
30-07-2007, 19:20
I can't believe Chanelle walked :( she was my favourite in it, and I agree Debs as much as I loved Ziggy when he went in and I liked them as a couple, he was really rude to her today especially in the argument they had today

I wanted Chanelle to win

Chloe O'brien
30-07-2007, 21:49
about blooming time too! shame it wasnt ziggy who walked, hes treated her like dirt past few weeks

He has played her like a fiddle for weeks just to be kept in the house as he guessed that Channelle would be popular on the outside. It's a shame Channelle walked but she has done nothing but moan for days I think she would have been up for eviction anyway this week. Let's hope Ziggy is up and gets booted out on Friday it will serve him right.

30-07-2007, 21:52
I am absolutely gutted that Chanelle walked - she deserved an interview with Davina after all the stuff she's been through in there.

31-07-2007, 08:18
Kara and David have been chosen to become full housemates in the main house and Ziggy has gone into the Halfway house. Apparently he has to choose someone else to go in there with him. There will be tasks to complete to win back their places in the main house. The other 3 halfway housemates are still in there with him, so maybe they will also have a chance to make it into the main house.

06-08-2007, 12:57
Sam and Amanda have won the right to be counted as one person for nomination purposes, but at a cost.

For the pair’s mini-task for the Time Travelling Task set by Big Brother, the students had to choose whether to be one housemate or two for nomination purposes.

They chose to be counted as just one, but this means they are automatically up for nomination this week, although neither seemed too bothered by the news.

“I thought I’d have to leave the week before Sam!” shrieked Amanda as the pair ran outside to tell the others. “We offered to be the same housemate…we got a twist!”

“We’ve always asked what you would do if one stayed, one goes,” grinned Jonty, congratulating the pair.

“Mm, we’re pleased you’re so happy,” agreed Kara-Louise.


Chloe O'brien
07-08-2007, 19:54
Kara-Louise, Jonty, Amy and The Twins will face the public vote...
The results of this week's nominations have been announced and the housemates that will face the public vote this week are The Twins, Kara-Louise, Jonty and Amy.

This week, Amanda and Sam opted to be classed as one housemate. Big Brother revealed that if The Twins decided to be treated as one housemate, they would nominate together, be evicted together, and share winner status and money, if they won.

The one condition: both will face the public vote this week as one housemate.
It's Kara-Louise's second time up for the chop - she was nominated last week by the Halfway Housemates in a shocking twist to the Halfway saga.

And it's the first time Jonty and Amy will face the public vote.