View Full Version : The Doctor/Martha

06-04-2007, 16:48

This thread is so we can talk about the The Doc/Martha, i saw the first episode and i like their scenes, I like them, they have chemistry, and there is something there, before the kiss and after and in the tardis, i like their little banters :D

I can see why The Doctor likes her, she's got spark and life in her, she seems enthusiatic and also seems fearless, also she's very intrigued by him and goes with the flow and keeps up with him, esp in their little banters, not only that they saved each others lives :)

Also i find that Martha is up there/on level with The Doctor, whilst Rose was in awe of him :)

Looking forward to seeing their chemistry in future episodes :cool:

I have to say what makes this pairing work is David Tennant, he's the only Doctor who could make it work, he has that cheekier thing going and Freema Agyeman is good as well, her and David look good together :cool:

The Kiss - in the Smith and Jones episode, Season 3 Episode 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frGVZdl4q2Q (Small clip of the kiss)

06-04-2007, 21:01
I think the whole idea of her fancying him, but him not feeling the same is quite good. It means theres a contrast between them two, and the Doctor with Rose. They could have just rehashed her, and made Martha into a carbon copy of her, but they didn't, so i think they were brave to do that.

08-04-2007, 13:27
I know I like it how Martha is different to Rose, cos they are trying something different and to be honest it would be werid and boring if they made her into a copy of Rose