View Full Version : Week 17

irish eyes
05-04-2007, 14:54
The pressure mounts at Holby as Lola makes a major mistake because she is anxious about the inquiry. Sam and Elliot get caught up in a difficult case.

Meanwhile, Jac gives Lord Byrne an ultimatum.

Lola is played by Sharon D Clarke, Sam by Tom Chambers, Elliot by Paul Bradley, Jac by Rosie Marcel and Lord Byrne by Ronald Pickup.

12-04-2007, 15:20
There is a major problem on AAU when Lola makes a major mistake and Mark takes a vote of no confidence in her. This time the problem wasn’t caused by Thandie, which everybody thinks is a miracle!

Later, Lola and Griffin lay into each other, a heated argument ensues.

Diane approaches Lord Byrne about what she saw at the hotel, but Lord Byrne denies it giving her the cold shoulder.

Elsewhere, Faye ends up spending the day working with Clifford and Thandie when she inadvertently crosses paths with a Keller patient and gets involved with his case.

Note: There will be no episode of Holby City on Tuesday, May 1. The next TX date is TBA. Early indications point to Thursday, May 3 at 8pm.

17-04-2007, 10:16
Why do they always seem to schedule Holby and The Bill together if one has to move an episode? Even if I watch the repeat of TB the next Tuesday I'll still miss an episode of Holby.

samantha nixon
18-04-2007, 21:24
Its beacause holby blue is starting on the 1st may, so they are putting it on the 3rd, and the bill is repeated on the weekend abigail

18-04-2007, 21:27
Its beacause holby blue is starting on the 1st may, so they are putting it on the 3rd, and the bill is repeated on the weekend abigail

Hh no, please don't tell me Holby is moving to a Thursday permanatly??
When is it repeated?

samantha nixon
18-04-2007, 21:40
well holby blue is on for 8 weeks i think so it might be on a thursda for that long yh but im not sure, but on the holby site they still have holby listed for the 1st at 8 so maybethey will swap them around
and early hours saturday i think

18-04-2007, 22:08
Yeah, I saw Holby listed for the 1st May.

Anyway, went on the websit and found this:
*Jade tries to kill herself - twice according to the preview. Sam gives her the kiss of life and she tells Elliot what he did and he's none too pleased. Then she holds something to her throat.
*Jess is coming back
*Lola slaps a patient's relative

Watch the preview here http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/holbycity/storyupdates/holbycitycu1.shtml?20070417

samantha nixon
19-04-2007, 19:36
Yay the preview is actually working today lol it wouldnt work yesterday for me, and it looks great

19-04-2007, 19:49
Does, doesn't it? I wonder if Jade does kill herself and why.

samantha nixon
19-04-2007, 20:23
I hope she doesnt as i really like her in it, i think shes a fab character and they could do quite a bit with her, and i think ophelia is a fab actress

20-04-2007, 20:54
I hope she doesn't die either. I think Sam would be devastated if she did.
Sam seems to have his hands full next week what with Chrissie coming back, Connie going into labour and Jade trying to kill herself.

samantha nixon
20-04-2007, 21:38
coonie dont go into labour next week and chrissie dont come back next week, the only thing happening next week is jade trying to kill herself

20-04-2007, 21:40
Ah righty, getting confused.
Love your banner, had to look twice at the third pic to see what it was. The baby looks a bit small, how early is it?

samantha nixon
20-04-2007, 21:53
erm i think its around 7 and a half/8 months so not that early really

21-04-2007, 21:41
More from holby.tv website. These are for the 24th April which I think is week 17.

'Leap of Faith' : Jess returns after a month's travelling to discover her dad's got a new fianc�e, Thandie. Jess urges Lola to intervene to stop Griffin from making a fool of himself, and when Griffin orders Lola to stay out of his business, the pair have a blazing row.
Meanwhile, Jac's more concerned about her career than who spotted her with Lord Byrne at the hotel and gives him an ultimatum - a consultant's job elsewhere in exchange for her silence. As Lord Byrne breaks away to talk to Lola about the enquiry, Lola suffers a massive heart attack.
Sam and Maddy smuggle Jade into Holby, after she develops complications following her abortion. Later, when the police arrive with CCTV evidence of Jade assaulting a man and leaving him for dead, Sam has no choice but to hand Jade in.

samantha nixon
21-04-2007, 22:33
aww, I wanted Jade to stay in it longer and live with sam :( lol

21-04-2007, 22:38
aww, I wanted Jade to stay in it longer and live with sam :( lol

So did I. Maybe thats why Jade tries to kill herself. She trusted Sam to take care of her and he handed her over to the cops and social services.

Poor Lola having a heart attack. I hope she doesn't die, she's one of my favourites.

samantha nixon
21-04-2007, 23:03
I HATE Lola!!! she is so annoying lol, what with the baby leanne stuff, but shes not as bad as thandie shes even worse

21-04-2007, 23:06
Lola used to be really nice before the Leanne stuff. It's only since that that she's gone downhill, being nasty to everyone.

I haven't seen much of Thandie, I always seem to be out of the room when she's on but from what I've seen Ric will be seeing a divorce lawyer sooner rather than later. She's seems very self-centered and out for herself. Would love to know what that reference said that she was translating.

samantha nixon
21-04-2007, 23:19
Yh so do i as it was probably something bad as she doesnt seem like a very good doctor or consultant whateve she is and she dont like working with the nurses, and dont listen to them even if there right and shes wrong

22-04-2007, 09:48
Yeah, I saw Holby listed for the 1st May.

Anyway, went on the websit and found this:
*Jade tries to kill herself - twice according to the preview. Sam gives her the kiss of life and she tells Elliot what he did and he's none too pleased. Then she holds something to her throat.
*Jess is coming back
*Lola slaps a patient's relative

Watch the preview here http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/holbycity/storyupdates/holbycitycu1.shtml?20070417

Apparently Holby Blue has been moved back aweek so it will now start the 8th May so this may affect Holby City as it make me on Tuesday night for another week, i'm not sure though.

22-04-2007, 12:47
I wish they'd stop messing with the schedule. I'm so confused now.
Next week is the usual day and time and so is the week after. Is that right?

22-04-2007, 17:59
Next week is the usual time not sure about the week after that yet as it depends if they decide to move the show on the week they planned to do it or if they now decide to wait aweek now that the show that is replacing it is starting a week later.

24-04-2007, 10:29
From the holby.tv website
Nurse Jess Griffin was last seen regularly in Holby back in October 2005, since then she has made two episode appearances last year and is back this week to appear in a further two episodes.

Her recent absence is explained by actress Verona Joseph, who took time of the show to have her second child, daughter Elsie-Mae, who is now one.

'After my maternity leave, I decided I didn't want to go back,' explains Verona. 'Holby were lovely to me and have left it very open ended.'

Despite Jess' brief reappearance, her return isn't without drama when she discovers her dad, Ric, has an unpopular new fiancee Thandie and her stepmum, Lola, collapses after suffering a heart attack.

'Jess has no idea about her dad's engagement to Thandie. She's quite right to be annoyed,' concludes Verona.

24-04-2007, 10:38
From the holby.tv website
Nurse Jess Griffin was last seen regularly in Holby back in October 2005, since then she has made two episode appearances last year and is back this week to appear in a further two episodes.

Her recent absence is explained by actress Verona Joseph, who took time of the show to have her second child, daughter Elsie-Mae, who is now one.

'After my maternity leave, I decided I didn't want to go back,' explains Verona. 'Holby were lovely to me and have left it very open ended.'

Despite Jess' brief reappearance, her return isn't without drama when she discovers her dad, Ric, has an unpopular new fiancee Thandie and her stepmum, Lola, collapses after suffering a heart attack.

'Jess has no idea about her dad's engagement to Thandie. She's quite right to be annoyed,' concludes Verona.

Yeah she was on GMTV this morning talking about it. Apparently she was only meant to be in Holby for 1 epsiode, but then she got asked to stay for 6 months then when that was over they asked her to stay for 3 years and this all started in 2002 so she has been there 5 years now.