View Full Version : Louis Theroux meets the Phelps - America's most hated family

02-04-2007, 10:51

did anyone watch this last night.. it was really bizarre.. they had kids as young at 6/7 carrying the placards mentioned in the interview above. Louis was condemed to hell cause he has a child outside marriage and was told this many times in a fun way... one of the girl say she was happy he was going to hell for his sinning ways. when he asked her if her father would be happy if she died and when to hell, she said yes cause she deserved it for been a sinner :eek::eek:

03-04-2007, 00:53
Didn't watch it .. darn and it was on a bright pink POST-A NOTE and I missed it,, dohhhhhhhhh

03-04-2007, 08:45
I saw this too.

It was horrible.

All those girls in their teens and early twenties resigned to never having a boyfriend, partner or husband - so accepting of this because 'these are the last of the end of days"

All those poor grieving families being told that their loved son, husband ,father died because America enables homosexuality.

all those little kids exposed to firstly the hate of their church for the rest of humanity, and then the hate of the public for their views.

It was really, really sad.

Louis is a brave man!

03-04-2007, 09:15
Louis always has had the guts to do interviews that others would shy away from. This sounds really sad though this one.

03-04-2007, 13:09
Most of the family appeared to be normal until you came across the 'kink' in their 'thinking' i.e. the brainwashing.

If it looks like a cult, behaves like a cult and act like a cult ... But none of the members wanted to admit it. What I found interesting was some of the background conversation that Grandpa Phelps was having about 'millions'. Apparently they are a very rich family.

I can understand being against homosexuality, but demonstrating at a funeral and saying 'your son is going to hell' is plain stupid.

03-04-2007, 13:54
I can understand being against homosexuality, but demonstrating at a funeral and saying 'your son is going to hell' is plain stupid.

yes that is fine if it is a homosexual person who has died or a rally or something related but to picket an ordinary funeral and saying to the family because he was a soldier he is going to hell cause God hate America!! what was the point in that..
As for the wealth.. I am sure they have got quiet a bit of money considering they spend over €200k on flights alone per annum just to go protest for 30 mins max!! that is just crazy.. what got to me is that they have young kids involved in all this who haven't a clue of the banners they are holding and their lives are put in danger

03-04-2007, 23:38
I have just got around to watching this prog and it has to be one of the most despicable things Ive seen. How can they say they are followers of Christ when they are sooo full of hatred for their fellow man/woman? :eek:

I found it totally disgusting the scenes of them picketing the servicemen’s funerals. Why on earth are they allowed to get away with spouting this poison and hatred? Im surprised that someone hasn’t come along by now and shot them. I think I would be tempted if they were shouting abuse, whilst I was attending the funeral of a loved one...:angry:

03-04-2007, 23:48
watched this today im so shocked that they live like this!!

the daughter that louis spoke to the most i do think she was having doubts about it all but was too scared to really say anything about it.

Surly someone has to step in and save the poor wee kids!! I know they arent miss treating them or abusing them physically but mentally they are brain washing these kids!!!!