View Full Version : O'Leary To Present X-Factor

30-03-2007, 13:40
ITV has announced that Dermot O'Leary is the new host of The X Factor.

The 33-year-old from Colchester, Essex has signed to present the next two series of the TV singing contest.

He said: "I was very flattered to be offered the job to host such a hugely successful show. I’m really looking forward to working with Simon and the team on the kind of Saturday night entertainment show I grew up watching."

O'Leary has previously presented Big Brother’s Little Brother, Big Brother’s Big Brain and the BBC’s lottery show 1 vs. 100.

The fourth series of The X Factor begins on ITV in the summer. Hopefuls will be split into one of four categories - 14– 24s Boys; 14 – 24s Girls; 25s and Overs and Groups - and there will be a fourth judge.

From Digital Spy.

30-03-2007, 14:36

Oh dear!..Cant stand the man!..

30-03-2007, 15:08
I really like him, actually. He's always stuck on the secondary shows, and not the main ones, so it makes a change for him to be the proper host of a programme. I think he'll do a good job at it.

30-03-2007, 18:49
Hmmm not sure about this, he's got worse on BBLB as time has gone on... but I shant shoot him down till I've seen how he copes.

30-03-2007, 19:11
I think he could be a good replacement. I quite like him on BBLB so i think i will quite enjoy him presenting the X Factor, i'm glad he's got the chance to present a more popular, primetime show..i can't wait to see how he is on it! :)

Chloe O'brien
30-03-2007, 20:58
I thought he said he wouldn't be able to do it as it clashed with big brother. I 'm not sure about them lowering the age rate to 14 what if any acts taking part reach the live performances are under 16 are there parents going to agree to them being taken out of school for so many weeks and paraded in fornt of the media.

30-03-2007, 22:10
I thought that he had turned it down as it would clash with Big Brother

30-03-2007, 22:14
BBLB isn't on of a Saturday, so there wouldn't be no clashes. And seen as the auditions are already going on he could get that part done prior to Big Brother starting.

30-03-2007, 22:44
It said in the Sun newspaper today he was quitting BBLB to do the X Factor...don't know how reliable the Sun newspaper is though.

31-03-2007, 10:03
Its confirmed on ITV's main website that Dermot will be taking over from Kate so I'd say its true. Wasn't there a lot of talk about him not being happy with BBLB anymore or something anyway, so maybe this is the way of it coming to a natural finish for him :searchme: I don't watch either :lol:

31-03-2007, 10:14
It said in the Sun newspaper today he was quitting BBLB to do the X Factor...don't know how reliable the Sun newspaper is though.

Dermot and Russel quitting? Maybe Big Brother will scrap the side shows and focus on a show more like the original few series.

31-03-2007, 10:29
BBLB has been rubbish now fo the last few series of bb, so i think it is good that he is moving on, I wouldnt have thought X factor was his sort of thing though :hmm:

And on ds yesterday rumours were that russel was staying on bbbm :cheer:

31-03-2007, 10:32
BBLB has been rubbish now fo the last few series of bb, so i think it is good that he is moving on, I wouldnt have thought X factor was his sort of thing though :hmm:

And on ds yesterday rumours were that russel was staying on bbbm :cheer:

I wonder if BBLB will continue with a new host? If so they really need to revamp it.

Good news about BBBM, let's hope the rumours are true!

Maybe they could combine both shows and make it a daily 45 minute? Might work... :hmm:

31-03-2007, 13:30
It said in the Sun newspaper today he was quitting BBLB to do the X Factor...don't know how reliable the Sun newspaper is though.

Dermot and Russel quitting? Maybe Big Brother will scrap the side shows and focus on a show more like the original few series.

I just read that Dermot was quitting, not Russell. :)

31-03-2007, 15:28
Its confirmed on ITV's main website that Dermot will be taking over from Kate so I'd say its true. Wasn't there a lot of talk about him not being happy with BBLB anymore or something anyway, so maybe this is the way of it coming to a natural finish for him :searchme: I don't watch either :lol:

Or maybe he's just realised how **** it is, like the rest of us think :rotfl:

Give me X factor over Big Brother anyday. X Factor is only on once a week, i can't be doing with watching a TV programme every single day, especially in the summer. I've got better things to be doing.

I think its a great move for him. Might make Davina think about doing the same thing, so they can finally scrap it.

31-03-2007, 19:09
Or maybe he's just realised how **** it is, like the rest of us think :rotfl:

Give me X factor over Big Brother anyday. X Factor is only on once a week, i can't be doing with watching a TV programme every single day, especially in the summer. I've got better things to be doing.

I think its a great move for him. Might make Davina think about doing the same thing, so they can finally scrap it.

:rotfl: :clap: :rotfl: :clap:

Although personally for me - both of these shows have run their course :p

01-04-2007, 14:40
Or maybe he's just realised how **** it is, like the rest of us think :rotfl:

Give me X factor over Big Brother anyday. X Factor is only on once a week, i can't be doing with watching a TV programme every single day, especially in the summer. I've got better things to be doing.

I think its a great move for him. Might make Davina think about doing the same thing, so they can finally scrap it.

:rotfl: :clap: :rotfl: :clap:

Although personally for me - both of these shows have run their course :p

i completely agree. i wont be watching either! when programme makers have to start changing formats you know things are starting to go stale and they should let the programmes go then instead of trying to push them further.

01-04-2007, 16:56
I dont mind OLEary i think he can be quite funny, i hink hes the right sort of character for the show. Kate didnt appeal to me quite as much although, she did the sensitive side of the bad auditions quite well.

Jessie Wallace
04-04-2007, 11:08
As much as i like Dermot i think they shouldn't have got rid of kate, she made the show what it WAS!!

Chloe O'brien
04-04-2007, 11:58
I don't understand why they sacked Kate, there are more annoying and nausating presenters on tv who they should get rid of. As for BB I'll still watch it this summer just to see what wackos they have attracted this year. If bb is to remain popular its needs to go back to the way the earlier bb format where you had reasonalby normal contestants taking part for the fun, not just weridos wanting to be on magazine covers.

06-04-2007, 14:36
Just read this on Wikipedia, dont know if there's any truth in it:

Following nearly a month's worth of speculation, Dermot O'Leary was announced as the new host on 29 March 2007. It was revealed that he'd signed a contract worth £1 million to present two series of the programme on ITV. However, Dermot was not forced to leave the Big Brother franchise and will continue to present the shows sister shows this summer.

So maybe he will stay with Big Brother, as theres been no official announcemnt that he WONT be hosting BBLB, like there was recently with Brand on BBBM.

Time shall tell.

06-04-2007, 19:22
Just read this on Wikipedia, dont know if there's any truth in it:

Following nearly a month's worth of speculation, Dermot O'Leary was announced as the new host on 29 March 2007. It was revealed that he'd signed a contract worth £1 million to present two series of the programme on ITV. However, Dermot was not forced to leave the Big Brother franchise and will continue to present the shows sister shows this summer.

So maybe he will stay with Big Brother, as theres been no official announcemnt that he WONT be hosting BBLB, like there was recently with Brand on BBBM.

Time shall tell.

It's official, Dermot WILL BE presenting BBLB:


29-04-2007, 01:43
I like Dermot, but I'm not sure he's suited to a show like this.

I liked Kate, and I liked Louis. :(

I also think it's ridiculous that they are encouraging 14 year olds to try and pursue these careers - singers are pretty pointless, really.
I mean, I enjoy music as much as the next person, and I don't look down on people who make their livings out of it, or people who appear on these shows, I just think it's absurd to be encouraging young people that these careers are the ones that they should be following.

And I'm also confused about how they are supposed to do this. I'm not sure about these sort of things, but isn't the legal age to leave school 16? If so, how are they supposed to get away with the kids taking all of this time off of school? Tutors, I suppose, but isn't this a bit inconvenient? Having to try and practise their songs while juggling all the hours of tutoring?
I personally don't agree with it, and I would be disgusted with any parents who allowed their children to do this.