View Full Version : My day at the British Soap Awards!

11-05-2005, 17:24
Sorry this has this has taken so long to write I have been very busy!
Right so I’ll take you through most of the day.
Well I said Most!!
and if you have any questions please ask and i'll be happy to try and help!

Have you ever had that feeling when something is to good to be true, well I had that all day,
We got in the car and was driving down to London, ( you see the plan was to drive to my aunties, park the car, then get on the tube to White City, where the BBC television centre is)
But we started get stuck in traffic, I rung my dad and he told us that there was a match at Twickenham (where my aunty lives) so after an hour of sitting in traffic my mum pulled off at the next stop and we parked at a train station, and got on the train (BTW we were already in London)

We got on the train, then got off at this certain stop, than ran across to change Lines, the thing was we got on the wrong train, and went back on ourselves! Sounds funny now but it wasn’t at the time!
We managed to sort ourselves out and get to the right stop, but then the next train was running late so we had to wait about half an hour for that to arrive!
All was not going to plan!

Anyway, we finally got there at about 2:30; the doors were opening at 4:30
There was already a queue but it wasn’t to long!
We finally got let in, and we were told to go to a certain place I walked round the corner, and there was the PURPLE carpet!

It was set out like this: (please click link it will help explain better!)


Aqua=Stopped and Posed at the start
Purple Dots=Stopped again, for cameras (stars where positioned on the floor)
Red=Camera Crew
Brown=TV crews (Paul O’Grady and This morning)
Yellow= Crowd on stairs, raised area
Pink= People trying to get autographs, crowds
Black Dots=Big silver pole thing
Black Star= Where I was!

The purple is the carpet; the stars came in, stopped and posed for a few cameras where the Aqua is.
They then walked all along the carpet, and posed where the purple dots are, then they cam back and signed are autographs, they made there way along, until they got to the end, where most of them did a TV interview.

Autographs I got where:
Connie-Hollyoaks Twins
Cassie-Hollyoaks Twins
Marcus- Ben Hollyoaks :wub:
Matthew- Emmerdale, the gay one?? Personalised
Lucy- Emmerdale Chasity
Louisa- EE Ruby
Lacey- EE Stacey
Shane-EE Alfie
Joel- EE Jake :wub:
Charlie- EE Janine
Kacey- EE little Mo
June- EE Dot
Jenny- Corrie Violet
Julia- Corrie Claire Personalised
Shobna- Corrie Sunita
Jane-Corrie Leanne
Anthony-Corrie Sean
Scooter Corrie (don’t know real name)
Darline Hollyoaks (don’t know real name)
Dan Hollyoaks (don’t know his real name!)

I also got 3 others but I don’t know whos they are!
I got about 100 pics (16 alone on NIGEL :wub: !!!) but they aren’t getting developed till tomorrow, but I’ll post them then! On this thread, or in the Pictures thread so keep a look out!

Post more about this later!
Luv ya
x x x

These are links to pics i took with my phone, there is only 3 sorry!




11-05-2005, 17:30
how lucky were you!!
im sooo jealous!!
you got loads of autographs!!
cant wait to see your pics

11-05-2005, 17:35
shane looks great!! i love him!!!

11-05-2005, 17:43

11-05-2005, 17:44
Yeh!!! Post them asap!
Everyone was really nice, apart from a few, Shane came over and guestered with his hand for us all to make more noise,so we did! Kacey Ainsworth came over, she pulled up her dress and said 'I'm falling out of this!'
Loads of stars when i asked them to smile (for pics) they did, and when i said thank you for there autographs, they said things like, 'Thats Ok', 'My pleasure!'

The 7 autographs i really wanted were:
-Jake Makall
-Nigel Harman
-Tracy-Ann Oberman
-Kim Medcalf

-Michelle Ryan (wasn't on the carpet!)
-JUne Brown (got)
-Joel Beckett (got)

They were all really busy though everyone wanted them!
Nigel Harman, Oh my god, it was quiet before he came in then as soon as he did, Jesus i've never screamed / heard that much screaming in my life!
EVERONE WENT WILD, even my mum!
I think he managed to sign about ten autographs, everyone wanted him!
I got loads of Photos Though (16 of just Nigel Harman! )

I will sent the photos of the above to them and ask if they can sign them!

Luv ya
x x x

Ps If you have ANY questions, What where they wearing etc just ask!
And don't forget

Tonight ITV 1 8pm-10:30pm, British Soap Awards, keep ya eyes out for me, i'll post a pic of me soon!

11-05-2005, 18:02

that makes two of us

11-05-2005, 18:33
I'm really jealous.

Hopefully I am going to go next year.

Your pics are great!

11-05-2005, 19:15
This is me Al the pics are from the British Soap Awards! I've posted them so you can keep your eyes open for me!!!

http://img226.echo.cx/img226/8865/memememe8zd.jpg (http://www.imageshack.us)

Luv ya
x x x

i look really bad i know!!! That is how i looked on the night!
Apparently, normally (hair up, down straight!) i looked Like Zoe Slater/Michelle Ryan, what do all of yous think??? (thi is what i have been told!)
x x x

11-05-2005, 19:18
That you!! Nice!! I never seen that sort of hair its liek starightish but then twisty. Yeah you do look like Zoe a bit!! :hmm:

11-05-2005, 19:20
Its well busy... obvoiusly... just really shocked!! I want to go there next year!! How can I go there?!!

11-05-2005, 19:30
Humph, well aren't you just the lucky one! Looking forwards to those pictures of the stars!

Katie :)

11-05-2005, 19:39
I'm just soooooooooo jealous!!! i hope you had a great time and i will be watching tonight even though Tracey-Ann didn't win :'(

11-05-2005, 19:40
Oh Layne!!! Im so jealous hun :(
God, i would of loved to be there. Hope you made the most of it!
Looks like you did, 16 pics of Nigel!!?? Post them please!!
Did you catch Kim and Tracy at all? And Joel?
Thanks for those pics, :-) Debra's one of my fave actresses. After Kim and Tracy of course ;) xXx

11-05-2005, 20:15
reeeeeeeeeeeeeallly jealous! your soooo lucky arrrghhh. lol

11-05-2005, 20:36
Jake :love: :wub: :love:

11-05-2005, 20:47
Oh Layne!!! Im so jealous hun :(
God, i would of loved to be there. Hope you made the most of it!
Looks like you did, 16 pics of Nigel!!?? Post them please!!
Did you catch Kim and Tracy at all? And Joel?
You took the words out of my mouth!
You are so lucky to go to the BSA Layne!
Post the pics pretty please with icecream inside and a cherry on top :wub:
I want to make bannas and stuff with them..If you let me :angel:
I'm taping it as we type so i'll look out for you :thumbsup:

11-05-2005, 22:51
Do you know what happened to Natalie Cassidy, she arrived with James Alexandrou but we never saw her again ? !

11-05-2005, 23:57
How come you went did you buy or win tickets or smething? It sounds fabulous just watched it on TV really glad Charlie won best exit she deserved something to acknoledge her amazing acting skills as Janine.

12-05-2005, 15:59
Waiting for pics...

12-05-2005, 16:03
lucky you fanatic loves dennis

12-05-2005, 16:50
Pics are coming soon, promise!!!
Alot of people have asked me how i got the tickets well, i'll explain:
In the BSA's there are 6 Catogories voted for by the public
-Best Actress
-Best Actor
-Sexiest Female
-Sexiest Male
-Best Villain
-Best Soap

After you had voted for each of these there was a page saying thank you for voting blah blah, but then it said
'for your chance to win tickets for the red carpet event, send an e-mail stating all your details and your favourite 3 soaps', so i did, Obviously putting that i'm a HUGE EE Fan,
I to be honest forgot about this, till i was at my nans half asleep and this man rang me and said that i#d won!

So that is it, apparently they gave out about 500 tickets but obviously everyone didn't turn up!

Hope fully i can go again next year! I know how it works now, i'll get there earlier!
But you never know!
I'd love all of you guys to go though it was a great opputunity, a dream come true
Luv ya
x x x

12-05-2005, 16:59
So that's how...

12-05-2005, 17:00
So that is it, apparently they gave out about 500 tickets but obviously everyone didn't turn up!
Silly people :angry:
I would've made use of the tickets no doubt! But I didn't get/win any :thumbsdow
Oh well there's always next year :cheer:

12-05-2005, 18:59
Shane :wub:

AleX liddell
13-05-2005, 20:50
Im dying to see those pics!!!

13-05-2005, 21:05
Same here!!

13-05-2005, 21:16
C'mon bring on the pics!!!!

13-05-2005, 21:25
Layne is a busy girl I guess lol!! Don't worry Layne take your time... the more the time the better the excitement but hey foregt that I want the pics too :p

13-05-2005, 21:37
I'm a very busy girl thanks Spic!! LOL, right well i have (finally) Got the pics, but i've only scanned some for now, i will post more,
Out of 93 photos, alot were blurred or you can't see properly,and there are so many hands and arms flying round, but at least i have some photos.

I love this board and i trust everyone on it, but please do not take my photos,as i've posted them here for all you guys, if you would like to use the photo for whatever reason (bannas, whatever) Please just ask me first
Thank You

So here goes:
I think you'll have to click on them to make them bigger

This is for all you jake lovers!
http://img207.echo.cx/img207/6605/a14ww.th.jpg (http://img207.echo.cx/my.php?image=a14ww.jpg)
Isn't Joel Gorge!!! :wub:

http://img93.echo.cx/img93/4174/a34fq.th.jpg (http://img93.echo.cx/my.php?image=a34fq.jpg)
Kim Medcalf! Looking Lovely!

http://img93.echo.cx/img93/8366/a42dx.th.jpg (http://img93.echo.cx/my.php?image=a42dx.jpg)
My Sexy Nigel, who smiled at me!! :wub:

http://img93.echo.cx/img93/9205/a23ow.th.jpg (http://img93.echo.cx/my.php?image=a23ow.jpg)
And all you jake fans (sorry for the white line!)

13-05-2005, 21:42

http://img93.echo.cx/img93/6383/a51rv.th.jpg (http://img93.echo.cx/my.php?image=a51rv.jpg)
The sexiest Male Again! :wub: He is so sexy! :wub:

http://img93.echo.cx/img93/1766/a62tp.th.jpg (http://img93.echo.cx/my.php?image=a62tp.jpg)
Louisa and Lacey!They both looked Lovely!

http://img93.echo.cx/img93/1420/a82zc.th.jpg (http://img93.echo.cx/my.php?image=a82zc.jpg)
Charlie (darren) and June!

I have looked through all my photos and all my ones of tracy have been ruined (someone moved oin front of them at the last minute!) So I'm very upsat! :crying:

13-05-2005, 21:57
Aww don't worry least you will have it in memory. Cheer up Layne you lucky girl!!

13-05-2005, 22:04
Aww don't worry least you will have it in memory. Cheer up Layne you lucky girl!!
Ok i will, thanks darlin'!

14-05-2005, 12:46
fab photos layne!! you got really good ones
thanks for sharing them with us!!
im still jealous

14-05-2005, 12:58
wow cool! did you see jessie wallace?? :D

di marco
15-05-2005, 07:06
glad you had a good time. wow cool all them autographs and photos you got im so so sooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous! lol! :D

15-05-2005, 08:50
im well jelous

15-05-2005, 08:54
wow cool! did you see jessie wallace?? :D
JNo i didn't she walked pas us all, she stopped and did a few autographs at the start then just walked on by!
She looked nice though!

15-05-2005, 14:44
Fab photos Layne! :) Dennis and Joel look great :)
:O Sorry about your Tracy ones!
:D luv lisa xXx

15-05-2005, 16:07
Layne, thanks very much for sharing your photos, you must have been well excited! they're great.

16-07-2005, 00:59
oh my god you are sooo lucky! i love dennis mmmmmm..... and you met louisa (ruby) ! i think she is great :D x x

16-07-2005, 01:32
sounds like you had a fantastic day,you are so lucky,thats 1 experiance you'll never forget,keep them phot'os safe cos your really lucky to have them

17-07-2005, 18:28
Wow, you're well lucky!!! Thanx for posting your photos up, Nigel is well nice! Have I missed it on TV? I can't find it in the TV programme. Feeling a bit stupid if I've missed it!! If I have missed it, can someone tell me what all the awards the EE people won?? Thanx!

17-07-2005, 19:54
Wow, you're well lucky!!! Thanx for posting your photos up, Nigel is well nice! Have I missed it on TV? I can't find it in the TV programme. Feeling a bit stupid if I've missed it!! If I have missed it, can someone tell me what all the awards the EE people won?? Thanx!

The British Soap awards was on Telly ages ago!
Nigel Harman won sexiest Male
Charlie Brooks won best exit
Shane Richie Won best Actor
June Brown and John Bardon won best on screen partnership
June brown also won a lifetime achievement award!

22-07-2005, 17:06
Thanx Fanatic Loves Dennis!

22-07-2005, 17:09
why don't they do a british drama awards?

22-07-2005, 17:16