View Full Version : The Apprentice - General Discussion

27-03-2007, 18:10
Starts tomorrow 9pm, BBC1 right! :D

Series 3 of The Apprentice will be shown on (the more mainstream) BBC One instead of BBC TWO because of the high ratings of series 2 and begins on 28th March 2007 on BBC1 at 9pm.

Can't believe it's already been a year.. I remember when it ended and I thought it was 'never going to come back'!

28-03-2007, 10:47
I am so going to be watching this tonight.. last years was great.. hope we get much of the same stuff

28-03-2007, 18:56
I have to say Im really looking forward to this tonight!!!:cheer:

Let the back stabbing, and bitching begin!!!:thumbsup:

28-03-2007, 19:57
This is one of the few Reality TV shows which is really entertaining. I love the bitchiness of the whole thing, and the final "confrontation" between the losers and Alan Sugar. Should be good!

I didn't think he deserved to go. He did try to take control, but the women had minds of their own, and weren't listening to him really. Especially when they were doing the ordering- 1000 cups of coffee, what kind of estimate is that? I think one of the girls should have gone- preferably that brunette who wanted to do the accounting, not the ordering.

29-03-2007, 09:56
I love this show! Missed the first episode though...does anyone know if and when it's repeated?

29-03-2007, 09:57
I'd have sacked the one that did the numbers as well. As for the other one that thought 11 sales were good needed to be shot.

Mind you, the other team weren't that better. Even in the boardroom they were prepared to back stab - and they'd won! Looks like its going to be a very entertaining series.

The Apprentice and Dragons Den :thumbsup:

29-03-2007, 09:59
The Apprentice and Dragons Den :thumbsup:

I absolutely love Dragon's Den. Richard Farleigh gets on my nerves but the show is fantastic.

29-03-2007, 10:03
The Apprentice and Dragons Den :thumbsup:

I absolutely love Dragon's Den. Richard Farleigh gets on my nerves but the show is fantastic.

Richard Farleigh is tops - its the woman I can't stand.

Another thing about the Apprentice: when Alan Sugar says "you're fired", don't beg!

29-03-2007, 10:03
I would have fired the one who was ordering 200 Litres of milk!! that was just madness and the girls could have moved from the spot they were in sooner than 2 hours

I agree TM other team wasn't good either.. I can see Tre and the girl coming head to head with each other again!! Tre thinks he is better than anyone else and I am glad Sir Alan marked his cards over the team name!
Yeah I also like Dragon's Den... some of the ideas are ridiculus

29-03-2007, 10:04
The Apprentice and Dragons Den :thumbsup:

I absolutely love Dragon's Den. Richard Farleigh gets on my nerves but the show is fantastic.

Richard Farleigh is tops - its the woman I can't stand.

Another thing about the Apprentice: when Alan Sugar says "you're fired", don't beg!

ditto to both!! yeah. if he fires you, he fires you

29-03-2007, 17:25
I hadn't ever watched the Aprentice, apart from the Comic Releif special, until last night and i thoroughly enjoyed it.

Not often do you get intelligance and entertainment in the same show, and Alan Sugar is just the don!

I'd have sacked the numbers woman, 200 pints of milk!? What a sap! She looked like she had a chip on her shoulder and I didn't like her. Mind you that Andy was a bit of an **** licker when he begged Alan not to fire him.

Looking forward to watching the rest of this series.

31-03-2007, 16:19
Sir Alan Sugar becomes so angry with his apprentices in next weeks show, that he loses his temper and fires TWO of the incompetents.

This is a first for the show and The Mirror reported today that Sir Alan fires the first loser and then says to the remaining pair: “I’m telling you now - as unusual as it is - one of you is still going to get fired.”

He reportedly adds to the unfortunate team members: “I told you never to underestimate me. And don’t try to second guess what I’ll do.”

31-03-2007, 17:18
Judging on the sham that both of the groups made of last weeks task I can't blame him. How hard is it to sell bloody coffee!? Honestly!?

Good to see that Sir Alan isn't taking no prisoners with this bunch of no hopers! :D

05-04-2007, 09:38
Wow double "you're fired" last night.. mind you Ifti was just a walk out cause his heart wasn't in it. I do believe Rory should have gone, he let power go to his head. He made them work for hours, rejected all their idea's and went with his own.. poor management. Mind you Tre is a pain in the ass, do you think he will calm down after the chat with Sir Alan??
I loved the girls idea, I dont' even have a dog but I would have bought one of them, it was so cute.
Rory really should have listened to what the dog owners wanted and went with the blanket but at the end of the day the project manager of the girls team was wise to know that the big pet store was her make or break and even Sir Alan said the other two shops were Red herrings!!

05-04-2007, 10:24
Rory and Tre were both obnoxious. Self opinionated and totally unable to listen to anyone else.

The guy that was fired first was a wimp, and v. possibly depressed

The idea of the dog wardrobe was a good one, but the girls really didn't make a great job of selling it - even though they won.

When they were asked why don't I just use a kitchen cupboard they could have made some points about hygiene...

And they must have known that high end outlets were never going to want flat pack mdf. Imagine Paris Hilton buying one, lol. They would have bought hand crafted pieces selling at £1000.

Like Sir Alan said, 2 of the shops were a red herring - they were never going to buy cheap rubbish selling at £29.99

The pouch pouch was horrendous. No girl would want one, horrible ugly thing, and hey - we have handbags. No bloke I know would want to be seen dead in on either, but it could have been designed better to target dog walking men.

05-04-2007, 11:09
Once again I loved the Apprentice last night, couldn't believe how retarded some of the candidatesn were.

Ifti shot himself in the foot really, fair enough we all have family, but when youve given up your job for a once in a lifetime oppurtunity you'd think you'd try a bit harder, after all if he'd got the job he could provide so much for his wife and child. Still I suppose I can see where he's coming from.

I hated Rory from the start of the episode, so self centred and up himself, I would have smacked him to the floor at the beginning! I hate snobby twats like him, so I'm glad Sir Alan sacked him. He was an absolute control freak who couldnt manage piss into a bucket. He rejected some brilliant ideas for his retarded pooch pouch idea - I laughed my ass off when Sir Alan ridiculed the idea. Rory should have just ignored Tre and got on with the job in hand. Also I don't know his name but that other snoby git that was all up Rory's behind, I could have smacked him aswell.

Tre, I'm half and half about him - fair enough he was prepared to challenge Rory's bad decisons, but he went about it in the wrong way - he has an attitude problem and a foul motuh, he needs to sort himself out if he's going to suceed in this competition. And half the time he made his comments to the camera, rather than to the group - why?

The girls did a good job of the task, granted not the most original idea, but they got the profits in the end.

05-04-2007, 11:43
He should have got rid of all of those final 3, i think.

I have a dog, and theres no way i'd wear a stupid strap like that! If you have lots of things to take out, then just take a handbag and put them in there, rather than where something as ugly as that. The girls' cupboard might not have been the most original idea, but at least it had a purpose which you could understand, unlike the strap. I think he made a mistake passing up the idea of the waterproof blanket, over the strap. That would have been far more popular.

I didn't actually mind Rory- he was better than the other 2. But mind you, thats not much of comparison.

Chloe O'brien
05-04-2007, 22:42
Last nights double firing was fab. Well done to Mr Sugar. If ifti's heart would have been into it more then I think that both Tre and Rory would have went. Rory would have been alright if he had just listened to others ideas.

09-04-2007, 16:42
The girls team suffered a bit of a setback during their task this week as they were left stranded while their driver was arrested.

Their driver was parked on a London road, waiting for the girls when the police stopped to ask what he was doing. He had been warned to reveal details of the show to noone, so he refused to tell the police who he was waiting for.

When the police searched his car and found numerous ladies handbags they arrested him for theft.

A show producer said: “As soon as the police saw the pile of bags which he wouldn’t explain he was taken to a police station and quizzed for three hours before he was eventually set free.

“By that time the girl contestants were stranded - and decided it must be part of their task.”

The source added: Drivers are given strict instructions not to reveal their involvement with the programme to anyone.

“It seems this driver just followed that to the letter, even when faced with a night behind bars.”

I hope he got a big bonus to make up for his embarrassment and inconvenience!

09-04-2007, 17:56
Blooming 'eck! That is definitely above and beyond the call of duty!

10-04-2007, 11:22
THats a bit harsh isnt it.

Makes it into a realy TV show.

Chloe O'brien
12-04-2007, 00:29
Oh my word did you see Tre tonight in that hire shop. When he asked "Can you use an electric lawnmower in the rain?" What a Idiot :rotfl:

12-04-2007, 09:24
Oh my word did you see Tre tonight in that hire shop. When he asked "Can you use an electric lawnmower in the rain?" What a Idiot :rotfl:

I missed it last night (boyf was watching bayer Munich getting beating). who got fired?

12-04-2007, 10:01
I have it recorded - I was at the Bob Dylan concert in Glasgow last night.

I understand that it was Gerri that got fired, and that Sir Alan accused the girls of acting like prostitutes.....

Can't wait to see it!!

12-04-2007, 10:31
I have it recorded - I was at the Bob Dylan concert in Glasgow last night.

I understand that it was Gerri that got fired, and that Sir Alan accused the girls of acting like prostitutes.....

Can't wait to see it!!

cool.. I am going to watch the repeat on Tuesday

12-04-2007, 10:50
I thought Nadeen was a goner, totally shocked when Geri got fired, but to be fair if you make the same mistake twice you deserve to get fired.

I'm really liking Katie at the moment, I hope she doesn't suffer as a result of getting "involved" with that slimy toad, can't even remember his name.

Chloe O'brien
12-04-2007, 14:42
Tre was a complete tosspot again last night, someone needs to punch his lights out. Bit hard on Gerri going last night although she has mucked up twice. I would have given Niaomi the boot as she was hopless as a team leader she had no structure and was just going along with what Natalie was suggesting. Jadine was right to have a go at her.

13-04-2007, 17:01
I have to agree with Chloe O'Brien, I think Naiomi should have gone. Jadine does need to learn to shut up a bit though.. especially Tre!

13-04-2007, 18:31
I cant remember the names but one of the guys just seems like such an idiot

13-04-2007, 18:57
I cant remember the names but one of the guys just seems like such an idiot
Must be Tre you are talking about.. The one which never stops talking?

13-04-2007, 19:02
I cant remember the names but one of the guys just seems like such an idiot
Must be Tre you are talking about.. The one which never stops talking?

Yes thats him, he just gets on my nerves

03-05-2007, 12:44
Well - the right bloke was fired last night. What a numpty!

Let's sell cheap supermarket cheddar to the French! Pork sausages to a Muslim butcher (during Ramadam)! and, hey! Lets cook the said sausages over a candle!

I cannot bear Katie - what a bitch! Honestly, the things she says about her colleague are unbelievable.

So far she has killed at least 3 people off in her imagination.

This show is becoming compulsive viewing.

03-05-2007, 13:44
Yeah totally agree that right guy was fired.. that girl who did manage to cook the sausages should never have been in the boardroom.. he only picked her cause he didn't want Kate in.. I reckon if Adam is in the room again, he is fired..

03-05-2007, 14:04
What an episode, thank god that Paul was fired, didnt like him from episode 2 - smarmy little git. But I agree he did do well until last night, Alan and his aides saw him as a good contender, and then ge goes and ruins all that by buying Macro breezeblocks of Cheese - idiot.

I don't care what you all say I love Katie, she is ruthless and gets the job done - you can't afford to make friends if you want to suceed in buisness. The majority of the rest of them are inexperienced idiots who couldn't manage a piss up in brewery. I will be very disapointed if he sacks her.

03-05-2007, 14:40
Gets the job done! Katie! I don't think so!

She was useless last week - fawning over photographers and handing out vol -au -vonts. She sold nothing.

This week she was fawning over Paul - and again sold nothing!

She would be better placed working as an escort girl - but she isn't good looking enough.

She is ruthless. She is ruthlessly self serving and has a vicious, nasty streak. I am sure psycologists would have a field day with her.

03-05-2007, 15:09
ah but Katie said the funniest thing "she's a pain the ****, a snake in the grass and too orange to be taken seriously" ROTFL! all i could see in the boardroom was this massive orange fake tan line around Kristina's face!

poor Adam, everyone's so harsh on him because he doesn't ponce around playing the high-flying-executive rah rah rah. it wasn't his fault they were FIVE HOURS late getting to the print shop, and he did still manage to get them to knock the price down quite a bit. plus he sold all day in that market when he didn't even speak french. good on him!

03-05-2007, 15:18
Katie wanted Adan dead last week - remember 'send him back to the car sales room and if he gets knocked over so much the better'?

Now this week she wanted Kristina(sp?) to choke.

What a lovely person!

Ok - the girls make up was bad - is that enough to justify death threats?

Granted - she has excellant entertainment value. but I wouldn't want to meet her in real life, lol

Bad Wolf
03-05-2007, 16:01
kristina was the obnly one who was making sense last night - she wanted to get in that boardroom so she could have her say and who can blame her?

Chloe O'brien
03-05-2007, 21:50
Ithought Kate and Kristina were friends but then Kate was back stabbing her at the end. Last night was classic with Adam trying to cook sausages over that gel flame. I don't know how Tre,Ghazal and Niaomi have lasted this long as they are not that entertaining. Although Adam can be a bit of a twit and it's clear that no-one in the house likes him. I can see him making it to the final week as long as he can stay out of the boardroom.

09-05-2007, 22:28
I quite like Katie at the beginning of the series, and at the beginning of this episode I still just about liked her, even after her bitchiness last week, but at the end, in the board room, she was really horrible.
For one thing, she was really nasty to Adam. Alright, the guy's not exactly the brightest spark, and he did deserve to go this week (although Ghazal wasn't up to much this week, either), and even though I thought it was quite funny when he was talking and she was saying it was going to take a while (but she was very arrogant), I think the comments about the wine, and the way she was just constantly trying to bring him down was out of order. He looked so sad at the end - I really felt sorry for him!

I also didn't like the way Kristina was saying they needed to kick Adam's ass in the boardroom, or something like that. If she thought he led the team badly, fair enough, but I think the way she went in their ready for a fight was a bit devious.

Katie really is extremely two-faced, she was drinking wine with Kristina one minute, and plotting against her the next. She might be very competent, but, to be honest, I think she is a nasty piece of work who needs bringing down a peg - her to go next week.

I also didn't like the way Ghazal was complaining (along with Katie) about Adam staying over Paul last week. Paul was useless, and I think it's unfair to hold that fact against Adam.
Also, last week I thought all of the contestants were pretty horrible when Adam returned from the boardroom - they could at least have pretended to be happy for Adam. :angry:

09-05-2007, 22:43
Trey is such a legend now! I hated him at the beginning, but now he's one of the best people there, i think. I loved it when he changed his accent when he rung the Indian Food Shop, and they were helpfull to him and not the other girl :rotfl:

I wasn't surprised that the other guy got fired. He never really left much an impression on anything- thats why i dont even remember his name. And if you can't remember someone, then no ones going to want you to win.

10-05-2007, 09:31
Can't believe they lost by less than a quid!! how gutted would you be. I wanted Katie to go.. she is two faced, horrid and a pain in the ass.. Adam didn't deserve the crap she gave him. He contact herself and Kristine to ask for help with the seeds and they refused.. they are suppose to be a team.. just cause they split in 2 groups doesn't mean they can't help each other

I watch You're Fired on BBC2 after and I have to say I liked Adam more. They showed him comment that Katie made about him and asked him to say something and he said he would not go down to her level and bitch back.. I commend the man for that. I was sorry to see him go

10-05-2007, 10:54
I have to agree with Shiv.

Adam didn't deserve to go, and the wasy he was treated last week when he arrived back in the house instead of Paul was awful.

There seems to be a definite anti Northern bias at the moment - the London/Home Counties set are a bunch of superior twits.

Katie really lost it last night in the boardroom, I was suprised that Sir Alan kept her in - who would want to work with such a vindictive bitch!!!

When she an Gazel (sp?) went back to the house did you hear the lies that cam out of Katies mouth.

'Sir Alan said he knew that Adam was being fed lines by someone"

What?? When did he say that!

If Adam had been better supported by his team he would have won - Katie and Kristina both had it in for him and Gazel is just a waste of space.

The Nigella seed fiasco shouldn't have been enough for them to loose - if Katie and Kristina had done whatthey were told then they may have been late - but they would have won.

10-05-2007, 11:41
There seems to be a definite anti Northern bias at the moment - the London/Home Counties set are a bunch of superior twits.
indeed, some of things Katie said about Adam being northern seemed downright racist to me. if she'd said the same things about him being slow because he was from Ireland or Wales etc then there would have been this massive outcry, she shouldn't be able to get away with saying things like that just because they're from a different part of the country.

10-05-2007, 15:15
Or worse, if she'd said it about Ghazal because she's black. Let's hope it's Katie that goes next. However, if she's on the winning team of course that won't be an option.

Chloe O'brien
10-05-2007, 20:59
I felt really sorry for Adam last night, as after last week when he returned to the house you knew everyone disliked him and no matter which side he was one he would have ended up in the boardroom even if he had managed to get all the items by himself. He deserved to stay last night just to be a thorn in Kate & Kristina's side. There are others in there like, Gazel and Niaomi who just follow the crowd without providing any purpose to their teams but yet survive. Granted Adam did get a few things wrong the past few weeks but that was only because he was following orders from the project manager.

12-05-2007, 01:26
What I would love to see is Tre and Katie in the boardroom. My money's on Tre :rotfl:

Katie - what a bitch!

13-05-2007, 16:56
Has anyone heard that somebody quits? It was in the Daily Mirror, I think it must be in the final episode because it was saying something about Sir Alan offering them a temporary job, or something like that, but they turn it down, and say they would prefer to spend more time at home.

It says the person is someone who Sir Alan regards as one of the best contestants, so I was trying to work out who it is, but I'm not sure. I think it's probably out of Kristina, Simon, Katie, and Trey, just because they are the only ones that really stand out at the moment. On the other hand, I don't think he likes Katie and Kristina too much, so I don't know. :searchme:

13-05-2007, 16:56
Sorry - double post. :o

And also too short to change....

17-05-2007, 11:27
Ghazal deserved to go last night.

She has been consistantly useless in every task to date - and really Sir Alan was right, she is better at talking herself up rather than actually doing anything.

Both teams produced awful trainers, but given what they had to work with that was always going to be the outcome.

The JAM logo was mince - far too small, it should have been at least 3 times the size.

The street advert was cringeworthy - but at least they mentioned their product - and I think that is the only reason they won.

Ghazal was fired for not taking account of what Naomi and Kristina said about the poster not making sense. She was fired for depending so much on Katie and having no sensible input herself. She was fired because she was useless.

Katie has such a high opinion of herself - hopefully she has learned this week that she isn't as great as she thinks she it. But I doubt it.

17-05-2007, 12:44
Gazal did deserve to go but I was really really hoping it was Katie.. she is just bad and she actually like that advert..

LMAO when he fired Gazal "and Jay said, Gazal, your fired" :rotfl::rotfl:

17-05-2007, 13:34
Well it looks like Ghazal has landed on her feet:

Ghazal said the show had helped her to get an even better job with her old firm. They want her back in a better position as a sales specialist working with big distribution companies. She will be moving to London and while not on the £100K Sir Alan was offering she will be 'hitting it pretty soon'

source : The Daily Record

Did they not watch the show??? Hopefully they will not be distributing Nigella seeds

17-05-2007, 13:37
Katie has really got it in for Kristina - she obviously sees her as her biggest rival.

After the 'orange' comment of a few weeks ago, she has now labeled Kristina an 'ass coverer' and suggested that her skirt is not big enough to be up to the job.

What a bitch.

I wonder what her kids make of it all?

20-05-2007, 01:00
I hate Katie!..Didn't like her anway but it made it worse when she said about Adam " He should go back up North with him chums where he belongs" or something to that effect..pffffffft i'm from the north....and would rather be a northerner than a jumped up little hobbo like her!

24-05-2007, 11:31
Damn Katie's team for winning.. I wanted her to go... Was sure Lohit was going but think Sir alan made correct decision with Jadine... she really was homesick but did make the biggest sales
Even without the 10% loss, they still would not have won.. Tre not taking Simon to boardroom was a big mistake.. Simon messed up with the contacts

24-05-2007, 12:05
If it is not Katie then Simon to go next - Sir Alan doesn't need a rapping acrobat.

Chloe O'brien
24-05-2007, 21:04
It should have been Tre or Simon who went last night. Jadine was homesick but she still contributed a lot more to the task than Tre and Simon did. The only reason Tre has lasted as long is down to sheer luck being on the winning team not what he has contributed personally, he should have went weeks ago as all he does is moan. Either Simon or Niomi should go next week leave Kate and Kristina to the end so that Kristina can make mincemeat out of her.

25-05-2007, 09:25
I don't know - I like Naomi and Kristina the best, and they both performed well in this task - better than Katie.

Katie is coming across as a much better manager than team member. Trey is a better team member than manager.

Trey needs to know that it doesn't matter how many times you tell everyone you are great - if you are not, you're not.

Chloe O'brien
27-05-2007, 21:35
'Apprentice' star Katie has affair

Apprentice star Katie Hopkins has been enjoying an affair with a married work colleague.

The 31-year-old businesswoman introduced Mark Cross to her parents following a series of dates and told friends that he was her "new man".

A source told the Sunday Mirror: "Katie is great at her job - and she is great at seducing men. She thinks of Mark as the new man in her life. He is a married man but sometimes she just can't help herself."

Mark's wife Ruth confirmed that she knew about the affair this weekend: "Mark had warned me that people might find out. But I can't say any more."

Hopkins has already had two previous affairs with married men who worked for the same firm.

31-05-2007, 11:54
What a nightmare! Sir Alan sacked the wrong person again last night. Simon was awful - an awful presenter, an even worse producer and his product were dreadful.

Naomi and Tre sold the wheelchair. They should have got credit for that.

Simon to go next. He is incompetent.

Katie likened Naomi to a labrador.

She is such a rottweiler!

31-05-2007, 14:21
I agree, it should have been Simon who went last night. He might have chosen the product that "saved" them, but it was down to him that the other items didnt sell.

Naomi was a great seller, even if she hasn't been that great previously to this task. She deserved some credit for what she did, as did Tre.

Katie is a complete bitch, but she gets the job done, so i suppose thats why shes doing well in the contest. I dont like her as a person, but shes a good buisness person, i think. Plus she didn't flirt with Sir Alan this week- something i'm sure we're all pleased about, its so cringeworthy!!

01-06-2007, 16:31
Simon should have gone.. he gave no direction to Tre or Naomi on selling the product, so what that he choose them, he didn't sell them it was down to those too and his presentation was dreadful. I want to see him go next week.. I am thinking Kristina and Tre for the final two

07-06-2007, 09:17
Oh well, I think the right two are left. I think Simon is great. He is such a character. As a former HR manager for a large organisation myself, I'd give him a job any day. I wouldn't ask him to do anything except be around to cheer everyone up!

However, I can't see him beating Kristina. She has her head screwed on ok.

07-06-2007, 09:44
absolutley gutted that Katie walked, shes been my favourite since day one and has never failed to entertain - at least she did the noble thing and stepped down to give the other two a fair chance.

Out of the two that are left I'd prefer Christina to win, but I think Sir Alan will go with Simon, he seems to like him.

07-06-2007, 10:29
absolutley gutted that Katie walked, shes been my favourite since day one and has never failed to entertain - at least she did the noble thing and stepped down to give the other two a fair chance.

Out of the two that are left I'd prefer Christina to win, but I think Sir Alan will go with Simon, he seems to like him.

Did the noble thing my A**e... she was only in to win and then leave.. it was a trophy for her!! Alan took a very calculate risk that paid off.. put question to Katie like could she move, is she just in to win and stop others winning.. then said she is in and left her to think!! I said straight away she doesn't look happy for someone who is told she is in the final

Now Alan has 2 very good people who are thinking "If Katie hadn't been caught out (yes, not stepped down) who would he have fired".. they are both going to want to impress the hell out of him to give them the edge over the other person!! Sir Alan is a lot more clever than you think!!!

Kristina to win.. Simon is a muppet

Chloe O'brien
07-06-2007, 12:51
I was totally shocked that Kate walked last night. When the story was leaked a few weeks ago that one of the finalist walked because of family comittments I thought it would have been Kristina, leaving Tre and Kate in the final. So glad Tre was fired he was just a pain in the backside he only lasted as long as he did in the competition out of pure luck, Lohit was too quiet and nice to be ruthless.

Kate was a bitch but I felt sorry for her at the end of last night's show. Simon is a nice guy but he has no chance against Kristina.

07-06-2007, 13:22
I didn't feel sorry for Katie.

She acted like an idiot!

Why enter a competition for a job with Sir Alan Sugar if you don't know where his companies are based and you are not mobile?

Why did she not research him and his companies before she applied?

The same hold true for Tre.

Simon seems to have a problem looking people in the eye. He also fidgits non stop. He looks like a wee school boy who thinks he is going to be found out for something.

I think he was found out re. his job title - entepreneur - last night. He lets out rooms in a crummy bed sit - WOW!

(This guy has had all the advantages in life - both his grandfather and father are multimillionaires and Simon has gone to exclusive public school and Cambridge University. OK - he is really smart - there are v. few people with IQs of 174 - and few who speak 6 languages fluently. Being smart isn't all you need to get by in business. He is a grasshopper - he doesn't have any direction or drive.)

I haven't mentioned Lohit - he is a nice, smart guy. I would give him a job over most of the candidates, but not over Kristina.

I hope Kristina gets the job - she is not only the best candidate left - she is the best candidate full stop.

07-06-2007, 17:22
i agree, with siobhan, surely she knew what the job consisted of before hand and therefore this is a bit of a calculated decsion, either that or shes not as bright as we thought.

My favourite was Adam, but he went ages ago, i still think thats was due to him being from this part of the woods. Kristina definitly to win. I prefer her to the other one.

11-06-2007, 13:12
did anyone see the 'Why I fired them' special last night with Alan Sugar looking back over the whole series?

He said that he realised that he had made a mistake letting Katie into the final - and that if she hadn't walked he would have said, 'I have changed my mind - Katie you are fired!'

Now that would have been something to see!

11-06-2007, 13:55
did anyone see the 'Why I fired them' special last night with Alan Sugar looking back over the whole series?

He said that he realised that he had made a mistake letting Katie into the final - and that if she hadn't walked he would have said, 'I have changed my mind - Katie you are fired!'

Now that would have been something to see!

Now th at I would have liking to see too.. she didn't deserve to be there and now she is the hero who stepped down instead of the person who tried to deceived everyone..

Chloe O'brien
12-06-2007, 12:13
Just for you Shiv, this will give you a laugh.

Katie Hopkins, one of the semi-final contenders on The Apprentice, has been sacked, her employer has confirmed.

The Met Office, where the 31-year-old worked as a brand consultant, said she failed to pass a probationary period.
A spokesman would not comment on reports that she was fired because of her conduct on the show, but said that it was an aspect of her review.
Katie was offered a place in the final, but stood down after being unable to commit to a possible move to London.
After bowing out of the contest she sold her story to a Sunday newspaper, giving intimate details of her love life.
'Quite unique'
The mother of two from Exeter took unpaid leave from her job to take part in the BBC One show, said the Met Office.
Its spokesman also denied reports that Katie was earning £90,000 as a brand manager for the organisation.

She joined The Met Office - the weather information service - in September 2006.
The Met Office, which is part of the civil service, was "quite unique" in still having probationary periods for new members of staff, the spokesman added.
The probation period takes into account work performance as well as conduct.
Employees can expect to be on probation for a year, but the organisation retains the right to terminate their employment at any point during this period.
The successful candidate on The Apprentice wins a £100,000-a-year job with business mogul Sir Alan Sugar. Katie's inability to commit to the final means that Simon Ambrose and Kristina Grimes will battle it out on Wednesday's final showdown.

12-06-2007, 12:22
:rotfl::rotfl: I'm glad.. I didnt' read her story in the papers... she should have know better.. Kristina to win

12-06-2007, 12:47

Maybe she will get run over in a car sales lot next?


12-06-2007, 18:38

Maybe she will get run over in a car sales lot next?

By a northener..............................

12-06-2007, 21:10

Maybe she will get run over in a car sales lot next?

By a northener..............................

Called Mavis,

with a big chest....

a liking for TV shopping channels, floral dresses and homemade baby food!

Take her down Mavis - you can do it!!!

Chloe O'brien
12-06-2007, 21:57
It will be Adam that's runs her down. :rotfl: :rotfl:

12-06-2007, 23:21
I was originally born in Exeter.....

13-06-2007, 10:03
I was originally born in Exeter.....

are you trying to tell us something Em???

13-06-2007, 14:53
Just that we aren't all the same Shiv :)

13-06-2007, 15:02
Just that we aren't all the same Shiv :)

I know.. and we won't judge you on Katie's actions..

14-06-2007, 09:21
I can't believe Simon won it!! I liked his design but I think Kristina's presentation was more researched.. Poor Kristina..

14-06-2007, 09:37
I have to say, as the former HR manager myself for a large organisation, I agree with Sir Alan's choice. I would have given the job to Simon too. I think he has much more potential than Kristina. Of course, Kristina is very good as well, but I have the feeling she is as good as she is going to get. For Simon, the sky's the limit. He is very intelligent, articulate with loads of personality. He can make a real success of the job and go on to much better things. I think the £100,000 job with Sir Alan would be the limit of Kristina's ability. Yes she could do it but I couldn't see her going much further.

14-06-2007, 12:04
Simon is 27 years old. Yes, he is smart (IQ 174) and articulate (speaks 6 languages) BUT:

He has had every advantage in life and has achieved NOTHING in the world of business. He runs a failing website selling lights and lets out rooms in his house.. big wow. This guy went to one of the most exclusive private schools and Cambridge Uni - both his father and grandfather are multimillionaires. If he had stickability surely he would have achived something by now?

Kristina was robbed. She worked hard, managed staff well and really performed in all the tasks.

I can only imagine that Simon showed more potentila whilst actually working with Sir Alan over the past few months than Kristina did.. because going by the tasks shown Sir Alan has made a huge mistake.

14-06-2007, 12:07
One other big thing in Simon's favour was the way he could handle his team(s). He was by far the best staff manager and was the only one who was able to harness the potential of Trey.

14-06-2007, 12:44
One other big thing in Simon's favour was the way he could handle his team(s). He was by far the best staff manager and was the only one who was able to harness the potential of Trey.

I disagree. Kristina was an excellent staff manager - and motivator.

Simon demotivated half his team last night by going off with Tre and leaving them feeling disinfrachised. If anyone did the 'managing' between Tre and Simon it was Tre.

Simon did not win a task as a project manager - does that not tell us anything? (I am not including the final).

14-06-2007, 13:04
I felt Christina deserved the job, but then again it is the Apprentice after all -Simon is there for Sir Alan to train up and mould. Bring on series 4!

14-06-2007, 14:15
I feel the job should have been Kristina's - Sir Alan What was you thinking.

I don't feel Simon had any input to the task at all, I feel he has landed the job
on the backs of other peoples hard work. All through the series he wouldn't know a good idea if it hit him in the face.

14-06-2007, 14:47
It's interesting to see such strong anti-Simon opinions on here. Does this mean you think Sir Alan Sugar is not as an astute a businessman as most people think he is?

14-06-2007, 14:56
It's interesting to see such strong anti-Simon opinions on here. Does this mean you think Sir Alan Sugar is not as an astute a businessman as most people think he is?

Sir Alan is very astute.. I think I just prefered Kristina but I can understand why he choose Simon.. myself and Bry were discussing this.. Simon can be moulded and learn everything from Sir Alan, Kristina was a finished package and that is not what the apprentice is about....

14-06-2007, 16:16
I didn't like either of them much, but i think Simon deserved it more out of the pair. He might not have any direct experience, but he has all the right attributes to do well with Sir Alan, and thats all that matters at the end of the day.

Chloe O'brien
14-06-2007, 19:10
I can only think that Sir Alan chose Simon over Kristina because of his age, both adviser said that Kristina could be capable of working on her own but Simon would need someone checking up on him. Simon maybe young and Alan may feel that he can teach Simon more than he can teach Kirstina, however Simon has had every opportunity to be a successful buisnessman with his upbringing where Kristina has come from a working class background and slaved her guts out, she has proved that she is hardworking and committed. It's a shame that she lost out. I thought at one point Alan was going to give both of them a job

14-06-2007, 20:00
Simon is an intelligent, well educated waster.

He is 27 for goodness sake! Not some 21 year old fresh from Uni.

Sir Alan has lost out on a fantastic grafter in Kristina. Granted, she may not have been the best person for the job that was going, but personally I would have given her another job.

I wouldn't employ anyone who couldn't look me in the eye whilst talking.

And, bless his cotton socks, he shouldn't work them off twice in one conversation.

Bad Wolf
14-06-2007, 20:07
did anyone see the show on bbc2?

kristina was pure class, she refused to get involved to get involved in to the katie debate - they showed evey evil word katie said - her face said it all