View Full Version : The Official MCSK Spoiler Thread

21-03-2007, 14:33
-Traumatic childhood
-Mental disorders
-Stalks/watches victims: Each crime scene has big windows, is that how the killer does it?
- Has intimate knowledge of each victim.
-Possible careers discussed: Real Estate Agent, Delivery Person, Utilities, Construction, Cleaner
-Dell foster child?
-In control of their actions, but not their compulsions. Actions = dioramas, Compulsions = killing people
-Described by Dr. Tallman as exhibiting signs of OCD and antisocial personality disorder. Different from other killers. Conceives and visualizes crimes, compresses the horror from their imagination and represents it in the miniatures. Miniatures = Repressed Rage. (Tallman interview in MiaB)
- The murders are just a means to an end. The end -- the goal, the pièce de résistance, is the miniature model.
- The victims constitute a web of connections, of human relationships, of pasts; the center of this web is the MCSK.

Canon facts:
-Ernie Dell's molds were used to create at least the Izzy Delancey miniature
-Four victims so far: Izzy Delancey, Raymundo Suarez, Penny Garden, Officer Kamen. Barbara Tallman was killed by her brother despite receiving a miniature of her house. Does she count? We've debated whether or not the MCSK intended to kill both victims. The diorama makes it seem like they did intend to kill two people.
-Every miniature contains a picture of Sally. The Tallman miniature contained more than one (One original as well as past pictures of Sally), as well as a message to Grissom. (You were wrong).
-Izzy Delancey, Ernie Dell, and Raymundo Suarez all had ties to the Mannleigh Chicken Plant.
-Grissom and Sara have worked every single MCSK, with others helping randomly, and on the periphery.
--Sara has been shown near and/or around the box in Grissom's office on three separate occasions, to the exclusion of anyone else being shown with the minis besides Keppler.

-The doll pictured in all of the miniature crime scenes.
-Obvious head wound, always appears laying down as if dead or severely injured.
- it is either symbolic or a representation of what happened : Sally is either a symbol (broken childhood) or the reenactment of a specific event (the death of somebody close to the MCSK, a crime, etc.)

-Present at the Delancey, Suarez (in the SD's), and Tallman scenes.
-Hodges told Sara that when cleaning dirty laundry you should use Bleach.

Possible Suspects:
-Unsub (unknown foster, Sara’s brother, janitor)
-Lady Heather
-Dr. Lurie
-Phillip Gerard
- Nick
- Ecklie
- Sophia

Ruled Out:
-Paul Milander (he's dead)

Motive and speculation:
-The Seven Deadly sins? There are quite a few posts that illustrate which victims could represent what.
-Correcting an injustice?
-Heavy speculation and agreement that the dioramas are the most important part of the crimes. They're the killer’s way of communicating with the CSI's. They are perfect representations of the crime scene. The killers idea of perfection?
-Strong arguments for Hodges being the MCSK
-Strong arguments for Hodges being a red herring

21-03-2007, 14:38
Still don't like Hodges for it. And rapidly going of LH too at the mo....:hmm: Need to scratch the grey matter...

22-03-2007, 00:59
I went all day without reading this thread :lol:.

I want to remain free from who the killer is at the end. But I do like reading all the speculation :lol:.

I'm with Ems about Hodges. Also don't think it's Nick personally. I like the thought of Ecklie.. :hmm:

Sophia? I've heard a weird spec about that.. being that she's played by Louise Lombard.. and all the episodes that have had the MCSK in, have started with L :lol:. But I think personally, that person was looking too hard? I don't think it is Sophia. Would they bring her into the credits, only to take her out again? :hmm: Maybe. Is she leaving??

Who's Phillip Gerard and Dr. Lurie?

Erm.. can I be a pain and ask.. if anyone does find out who it is (at any point), to put it in spoiler tags with a warning that it's who it actually is? So I can be warned not to look/read the rest of the thread. :lol:. I still want to see all the spec though.. :o

Chloe O'brien
22-03-2007, 19:58
It can't be hodges he's too sweet to be a killer, but I'm convinced its someone we have seen before on CSI. I'm undecided between LH and Dr Lurie, but at the moment I am going to go for Lurie because whoever the killer is has to have an eye for detail and a great deal of patients to make those minature crime scenes. When Lurie was accused of killing the nurse that looked like Sara and her boyfriend, the killer had taken his time cutting her boyfriends body up and disposing of it. That took a great deal of time and dedication to do that. I'm dying to find out who it is but I don't want to read the spoilers for it aarrrrggghhh.

Lea: Dr Laurie was the doctor who was accused of killing his girlfriend Debbie Marlin, who looked like Sara in the episode Butterflies in series 4 and Philip Gerard was Grissom mentor when he was first a CSI but he was the one that told grissom about Sara dating Hank the paramedic.

02-04-2007, 20:02
just found this

For those of you who haven't heard yet, the miniature killer will return in the season finale of CSI and Sara will mysteriously disappear, suddenly forcing her relationship with Grissom out in the open.

we really need a new smily to say how excited we are lol

02-04-2007, 20:07
I thought id change the name of this thread as its getting closer to the ending and when its finally shown we can post here as people like lea might not want to know who it is and wouldnt be able to read the normal thread.

Alot of the websites i usually get my spoilers from and im sure the same goes for both of the em's are actully refusing to post spoilers about this because of the size of the storyline!!!

02-04-2007, 20:49
another "spoiler" for the finale

OK guys, I have season finale scoop. And so far, it sounds like another Way to go. or not to go, as I put it.

My sources in the staff put it:

there will be GSR scenes; at least one will make the GSR fans squee like mad, then there's one that will piss them off like mad.

There is something carried over from 723. It's not huge, but it's some continuity.

I don't have an episode title, but I will soon.

I believe David Rambo has something to do with the episode.

and this....

A lot of people are asking if Sara's fate will be the S7 cliffhanger -- the answer is no.

03-04-2007, 22:02
Have also got this:

CSI -- The "miniature killer's" identity is revealed. As the CSI team tries to track down this diabolical murderer, Sara (Jorja Fox) mysteriously goes missing -- and Grissom (William Petersen) and Sara's relationship is suddenly forced out into the open..

I did find out that the writes had said that Grissom/Sara fans would be pleased at the outcome, but then, with no news on whether Jorja has renewed, and with the scripts being changed constantly to try and avoid major leaks, who knows what the outcome will be.

But with Sara's fate not being a Season 7 cliffhanger.....all in total suspense waiting for this one!!

03-04-2007, 22:30
im dying to find out what the name of the episode - it must give alot away for them to keep it a secret like this - they didnt even do this with grave danger!!!!

03-04-2007, 22:35
Sounds like it doesn't it!!!

The thing I'm thinking though - if Grissom and Sara's relationship comes out into the open, what is that going to mean for the dynamics of the team?! As they won't be able to work as supervisor and level three csi now, especially if Ecklie knows about it (if he doesn't already that is lol)

Although the Sara bit is solved before the end, its like - omg whats going to happen!!! lol

03-04-2007, 22:42
yeah i get what you mean but to be honest i think they already know and are only keeping quiet so that ek doesnt find out!! Although i have a feeling there may be a funny scene with Greg "What do you mean sara might be at grissoms?" :confused:

Although there are also suggestions that this all might be some sort of hoax to being the mcsk out in the open!! Grissom building his own miniture and sara could be "missing"????

03-04-2007, 22:47
Yeah - I think they all know about it, but with Ecklie, things would be different wouldn't they. You know what hes like and we can't have Ecklie without him being his normal "pragmatic" self lol. And as he is technically Grissom's supervisor then he'd probably want to do something about it just to get one over, although he may already have his suspicions.

So like Sara going missing is trying to lure the MCSK out in the open?! Hmm, I don't know if I like the sound of that though and I doubt Grissom would want to put her at risk like that either, especially if the MCSK did actually find her etc.

Its certainly got everyone talking this Season though hasn't it!

03-04-2007, 22:51
it has i think when im off next week im going to have to sit and watch all the episode again and see if i can pick out an clues i may have missed along the way.

Something that did pop into my head the other day was that if lady heather was the mcsk could she be killing the others with nazi references the gassing of the last victim??? (havent really thought it through though lol)

03-04-2007, 23:03
:hmm: True, although I'm more of the mind she is going to be a victim rather than be the MCSK herself....could be wayyyy off there though :lol:

03-04-2007, 23:31

I've just found an episode of CSI listed on IMDB, listed as still in production, called Hard Evidence with a 2007 release date. No other details along side it.

Edit: Ignore me - looks like a new CSI Game lol

*still highly excited for a new game though*

03-04-2007, 23:33
oh maybe...another thing do we know if its going to be a two parter or a 2 hour episode!!!

edit: - oh a new game (still has to finished first three lol)

03-04-2007, 23:34
No - theres been no clues on that :crying:

They are playing this so close to their chests - its so unfair!!!! :crying:

03-04-2007, 23:37
on the website i go onto (dont know if its the same as yours) but the two main people on it have seen the episode and have been told they are NOT to tell anyone about it they can only release small details about the episode but nothing major!!!!

04-04-2007, 08:24
confirmation that the mcsk has sara

Sara is not taking a power walk around Lake Mead, people. Unless something drastic changes in the script, the MCSK absolutely has her.

this is from the guy who has seen the episode i was telling you about

04-04-2007, 08:27
and more spoilers from them.....

Spoiler notes:

Because there are so many questions -- I thought I'd help clarify, to the extent that I am able anyway.

Reverse Forensics

Saying nothing of Grissom's opinions on it -- for Grissom to participate in this, he would have to lie to his co-workers, use Sara as bait for a serial killer, out their relationship for no reason, and to what end? Hoping the MCSK would bite. And I'm still not sure how it would make sense. While I don't think Grissom is overly worried about he and Sara being found out, it's reasonable to assume that for now they'd rather it be kept secret, otherwise...yeah, they wouldn't be keeping it secret. Also, Grissom doesn't take kindly to Sara being used as bait, and generally reacts poorly to her being in real or perceived danger (see: Strip Strangler, Committed, and Empty Eyes).

The Press Release

I'm not going to spoil the details of the finale, but hopefully I can guide you in a more...appropriate direction. If I were analyzing the press release from an objective (i.e. unspoiled) standpoint, these are what I'd feel were reasonable conclusions based on that tiny, but oh so consuming, press release:

Sara mysteriously goes missing indicates that there is no initial explanation for her disappearance. If Grissom gets a miniature of her right off the bat, her "mysteriously goes missing" wouldn't be so mysterious. From an objective standpoint it would be reasonable to assume that she simply doesn't show up somewhere she is supposed to be -- a crime scene, the lab, etc. Whatever the reason, though, it would seem there is no initial explanation (hence the "mysteriously" goes missing).

Bridging the gap here -- a reasonable assumption if Sara is missing with no explanation is that Sara got a flat tire, she was involved in a car accident, she's following up on a lead, her cell phone is dead, she's en route, etc. Grissom isn't prone to histrionics. Although worried, he's not going to be all "Sara and I are ****ing like mad, and she's not returned to the lab from XYZ! Form a search party! Call Triple A! Bring in the Feds!" just because she's not immediately where she should be. Ya know? I mean, just no. Even if worried, there are ways to track her down without revealing the relationship. Which brings us to:

Sara and Grissom's relationship is forced out into the open indicates that something happens which raises the alarm. People seem to be falling into a sort of chicken or egg scenario about this particular aspect of the press release -- the relationship is outed because Grissom goes bat****, or the relationship is outed because something necessitates it (e.g. a miniature of her at his place, their new place, etc). So, in that regard, something about her predicament from Grissom's POV has to warrant or make absolutely necessary their relationship being revealed (hence the forced out into the the open), which means that at some point, it's going to be obvious that Sara is not power walking around Lake Mead, or hung up in the line at Starbucks waiting on her latte and cinnamon scone.

I hope this helps a little bit.

04-04-2007, 12:18
God - I am confused!

I thought that they had caught the guy last week - an old block with a big train set?

What was that all about, and what have I missed???

Chloe O'brien
04-04-2007, 12:40
God - I am confused!

I thought that they had caught the guy last week - an old block with a big train set?

What was that all about, and what have I missed???

Did you see last night's episode Trin when at the end a parcel was placed on Grissoms desk and inside there was another minature crime scene. When Grissom returns we find out that Ernie is not the MCSK but they think it may be one or his foster kids that he was protecting.

I can't wait until the finale I don't want to know who it is but I have to read the spoilers. It has to be someone with a grudge against Grissom if sara is going to go missing. How many more weeks do we have to wait.

04-04-2007, 13:20
I have it taped to watch tonight - my hubby hads CSI and I only watch it when he isn't in, lol

Hopefully all will become clear!

06-04-2007, 10:14
and the name of the finale episode is.......

Living Doll, Season 7 Finale

06-04-2007, 10:29
So all that tells us is that we are going to find out who Sally is then....not too much of a giveaway though.

But.......how exciting!!!! Roll on a months time!!!

06-04-2007, 10:50
Just found this too:

....Grissom does receive a miniature of her (in his office)....

"her" being Sara!!!!!!


The MCSK's dead bird? Is bleach.

Instead of boycotting the Chlorox company, the color white, or bottle blondes, the MCSK chose to turn her (yes, "her") fear of sodium hypochlorite -- common chlorine bleach, for the layperson -- into murder. Obviously. If she turned her fear into some kind of way to make money and save starving children, she'd be on Oprah and not CSI.

Natalie is the eldest and least favorite daughter of The Great Rainone. The accidental death of her sister Chloe at a young age (she fell out of a tree) and the subsequent cleaning of Chloe's blood with bleach caused 1) The Great Rainone to become depressed and hand Natalie off to foster care, 2) Natalie to develop a lifetime fear of bleach, and 3) Natalie to go out of her ****ing mind.

Natalie, as a lot of you have guessed by now, had Ernie Dell for a foster father. Which is where she learned her mad model makin' skillz.

You've seen Natalie, people. Y'all were buzzing about her in Empty Eyes.

She's the cleaning lady who kind of looked like Sofia.

Anyway, she's in Grissom's office, sees his attempt at a mini of his own office, and pretty much scoffs. She leaves him with a new mini to ponder. And then...

She tasers Sara. Sara is on her way to San Francisco when Natalie gets a hold of her. Sara has worked the case up until now, and at this point, they're on Natalie's trail.

Okay, this is where I have to stop and say that this is not making a lot of sense, because Sara is tasered and kidnapped on page 54 of the script (which is around the time a normal shooting draft ends) and Natalie is in custody less than ten pages later. So that's a lot of exposition -- a lot, and it's kind of boring -- with a little bit of payoff. The good thing? This is going to be fine-tuned like you wouldn't believe. I'm a little surprised by the composition of the script, but it's only a pre-lim.

06-04-2007, 10:57
Blooming 'eck!

Where do you get this stuff?

06-04-2007, 10:59
oh i have pictures of this somewhere (will look them out asap) and its his apartment so this suggests that sara has moved in with him?????

06-04-2007, 11:03
oh my good god!!! So does that mean that natalie is the MCSK????

06-04-2007, 11:09
oh my good god!!! So does that mean that natalie is the MCSK????

Yup - Natalie the janitor is the foster daughter of Ernie Dell and she is the MCSK!!

She admires her work going past Grissoms office, notices his attempt at one, which then prompts her to get at him for attempting to do this. It annoys her and as the quiet janitor, has probably noticed the closeness between them, hence why she goes for Sara.

I knew it wasn't Hodges, but the only thing that kind of gets me, is that she is only really seen in Empty Eyes, yet its her!

06-04-2007, 11:13
OK well thats a bit of a let down.... im disappointed in this they better have a big twist in this....i so wanted it to be hodges lol

06-04-2007, 13:03
OK well thats a bit of a let down.... im disappointed in this they better have a big twist in this....i so wanted it to be hodges lol

Thats what I was thinking - not that I wanted it to be Hodges - cos I think he is brilliant!! - but that it would be someone we truly did know, not the janitor.

We shall soon see :D

06-04-2007, 18:17
:crying: I looked who it was. Didn't want too haha. Hmm sounds good-ish.I too am also a little disappointed though. (didn't want it to be Hodges though, so glad it's not :D)

Chloe O'brien
06-04-2007, 20:59
Is Natalie the one who is mopping the floor outside the breakroom at the end of "Empty Eyes" when Grissom and Sara leave. And have we seen her in earlier episodes. Dammit I was conviced it was someone from Grissom past

07-04-2007, 22:49
Updated snippet:


Natalie stands in her apartment, buttoning the shirt of a JANITORIAL UNIFORM. She tucks the shirt into a pair of matching pants. She picks up her BUS PASS and gingerly lifts a LARGE COVERED CARDBOARD BOX off her desk. As she heads out the door, her MOVEMENT TAKES US INTO


as Natalie, in uniform, with gloves, pushes a cleaning cart down the hall, completely unnoticed by those around her. Natalie works at CSI

She wheels the cart down the hall to Grissom's office. Nods to JUDY TREMONT at the Reception Desk. Judy is on the phone and casually waves back as Natalie enters...


Natalie wheels her cart in, past her Miniatures, all lined up in their cases. She doesn't want to look at them, so she turns away...

And sees Grissom's OFFICE MINIATURE on a shelf. For a moment, she stares. Not sure what to make of it...then, she shakes it off. No one could possibly see what she sees.

She closes the office door, then takes her vacuum off her cart, plugs it in, and just lets it run, LOUDLY, not bothering to actually move it around.

She moves back to her cart, opens the cardboard box, and stares at her latest creation. She removes it from the box, puts it on Grissom's desk...but before we get a good look --



Grissom and Catherine, on the move:

Catherine: ...The Great Rainone is in great denial. Of course, losing one child at the hands of another can do that, I suppose.

Grissom says nothing, lost in thought.

Catherine: You do agree that Natalie killed Chloe, right?

Grissom: Yeah, I was just thinking how it must've looked to her...



Young Natalie and Young Chloe play in the treehouse. For a moment, Young Chloe turns to look at her father in the party below. And Young Natalie PUSHES her out. Stay on Young Natalie as she HEARS the scream and the THUD.

Natalie's POV:

CAMERA PULLING BACK as she looks down on Chloe's broken frame, blood pooling around her as her father and guests rush up, freaking out. From this perspective, the scene looks just like a MINIATURE...



Catherine: So much for his little bisque doll...


Note: immediately following the above scene is when Natalie tasers Sara into unconsciousness, and abducts her. The only changes are that now Sara lives in a condo, not an apartment (heh), and that it's nighttime, not day.

10-04-2007, 01:03
I'm going to post the following in spoiler tags, for those of you that don't want to see it, but this is the final scene of the finale for Season 7!!!!:

...We can't waste time screwing around with this nutcase. Bleach is cheap. I'll bring in a gallon and drip it on her until she tells us where. No one's going to argue police brutality on that --

Let me talk to her.

A beat...and then Brass nods. Grissom walks out.


...and Grissom enters. Natalie barely loks at him as he sits down across from her.

Natalie. I understand why those other people had to die. They used bleach...

This gets her attention. Now she looks at him.

And Chloe. She stole your father. She had to die, too -

I don't want to talk about this --

Sara didn't use bleach. And she didn't take anything away from you. I did. If you want to punish me for what happened to Ernie --

I didn't kill her.

Where is she?

Do you love her?


Is she your special girl? Your best one?

Yes. Tell me where she is. Please.

She leans in, making him lean into her. Then --

Natalie (a whisper)

She slides her tongue inside her cheek, moving something around. She sticks out her tongue and before we can even see what the GLINT is, she's grabbed with her hand and is --


Grissom GASPS as he recoils, and BLOOD POURS out of a hideous GASH in his neck.

Brass rushes into the room, divese to help Grissom.

Brass puts his hand over Grissom's neck and SHOUTS to N.D. uniforms who come running in...

And in the confusion, Natalie darts ou the other door...


Natalie slams the door behind her. And turns on the light of her lovely girly space. Just like we saw in the TEASER, calmed by her own sacred space. She takes a few deep breaths...and starts to SING:

"Oh, sad was the day for the little bisque doll, For they cut all her stitches away, And looked for the seat of the terrible ache: "T was a delicate task" they all say...

Then, GRISSOM'S VOICE should be heard on the EDGES of her awareness...only slightly breaking through before she pushes them away by SINGING louder...

Natalie hasn't moved from her previous spot. The whole episode was a psychotic break. The only thing fantasy and reality have in common is the song she continues to SING:

"For none of the surgeous had ever before, Peformed on a dolly's inside...

Grissom is still across from her, very much alive, completely unharmed, beseeching her.

Just tell me where she is. Tell me where she is...

But Natalie just continues to sing:

They tried to restuff her but didn't know how, And this was her wail as she died...


Somewhere in the Nevada desert. Sara lies under the wrecked Mustang. Wind is blowing. Nasty, sandy dirt clings to her face and arms. Is she dead? Hard to tell.

Natalie (Voicover)
"I've got a pain in my sawdust. That's what's the matter with me. Something is wrong with my little inside. I'm just as sick as can be."

Sara's eyes flutter open. She opens her mouth slightly and tries to swallow. Then, she tries to breathe. Her chest heaves slightly and the pain of breathing casues an involuntary reflex in her free hand. It TWITCHES. Just like the doll...




If this is the case - OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Initially it was said that the Sara kidnapping would be resolved within the finale, however, now it appears that its going to end on a cliffhanger (this info from a reputable source).


10-04-2007, 01:10
Spoiler tags, cause Ems did..
but :eek::eek:. This sounds fab :eek:..

and as a GSR fan..
Do you love her?


Is she your special girl? Your best one?

Yes. Tell me where she is. Please.
:wub: How sweet.

but :eek: Where Grissom was bleeding :eek:.

And at the end, with Sara.. she better live :crying:. I will cry if she don't :p.
I don't like how Natalie sings "as she died" (the doll) and then it says Saras hand twitches.... like the doll

I can't wait.

10-04-2007, 10:43
lol Lea

The bit you were :eek: ing at is a vision that Natalie has though, in her mind, its not actually happen so Grissom doesn't get stabbed

But even so.....:eek:

Don't forget - these are subject to script changes, so it still might change, but that is what we have as the final scene at the moment :D


A few more excerpts, still spoiler tagging in case you don't want to see this much info :)

I honestly can't believe that they've released all this. That it's a cliffhanger doesn't really explain it all, but I guess it makes it more understandable, because who knows how it will turn out. Sara is in serious ****. I mean, she's dying. I'm not saying she will die definitively, but she's dying out there in the desert. She's obviously unwell, injured, and trapped. She can't breathe, can't escape, and no one except Natalie knows where she is. There don't seem to be any clues to her whereabouts, and Grissom has been reduced to pleading with a serial killer for information about where she is. I mean, it's bad. I still can't believe they've released so much information, though.

Other than that there are cuts to the search for Natalie, and when Nick and Warrick take down Natalie "violently"...but other than that, the last 10-15 minutes mostly consist of Grissom's reaction to it all.

Chloe O'brien
10-04-2007, 12:40
Mother of Pink. They can't let the series end like that NO WAY (although I had my suspicions they would). If I have to see the season finale of csi and 24 in the same week I'm going to be section to the big house with the cushioned walls :lol: my nerves can't take it I need medication.

10-04-2007, 14:42
I thought they probably would - apparently some of the scripts were possibily re-written due to some "idiots" posting the scripts on the CSI Wiki, on CBS's website :rolleyes:

Although I like this as an ending, especially as there is still no confirmed news as to whether Jorja has signed for S8 or not yet. The other speculation is that this will help lead to WP's departure also, IF Sara doesn't make it. They say that him finally admitting to loving her, and then losing her would be the way to have him taking more of a back seat than he already has and then leaving completely.

What with this and 24 - I'm on a permanent adrenaline rush!! :rotfl:

11-04-2007, 18:51
Question: Do you have any CSI scoop that doesn't pertain to the pathetic relationship of Sara and Grissom?— Janet
Ausiello: Just found out what sets off the Miniature-making Serial Killer: Clorox Bleach! Go figure. (And no, that's not a joke.) Also, the psycho's next (and final?) victim will look very familiar to viewers. "It is somebody we know well," hints executive producer Carol Mendelsohn. "Somebody who has been around since the first season." My guess? That "somebody" has a contract that expires in a little over a month.

Victim ... am i reading to much into it or does it sound bad??

11-04-2007, 19:01
Well, we aren't going to know until Season 8 if Sara survives or not based on the bits I've posted Em, so who knows :searchme: But a lot have said, it paves the way for Grissoms departure possibily which is far more upsetting imo :( lol

11-04-2007, 19:04
It really does make sense Grissom wise, that Sara would die. Because that's the only way I can see him leaving her, unless they broke up, which I doubt, seeing as it would have been pointless getting them together. Or unless the producers make it so he just goes somwhere else in Nevada, somewhere close to LV...

But I'm still holding on to my positive thoughts :p

11-04-2007, 20:21
Well, we aren't going to know until Season 8 if Sara survives or not based on the bits I've posted Em, so who knows :searchme: But a lot have said, it paves the way for Grissoms departure possibily which is far more upsetting imo :( lol

:crying: :crying: lets just not talk about WP leaving .... :crying: :crying:

11-04-2007, 20:27
Well, we aren't going to know until Season 8 if Sara survives or not based on the bits I've posted Em, so who knows :searchme: But a lot have said, it paves the way for Grissoms departure possibily which is far more upsetting imo :( lol

:crying: :crying: lets just not talk about WP leaving .... :crying: :crying:

Who's leaving? When? Never - ahh thats it!!

I won't let him!!! :crying:

11-04-2007, 21:15
Well, we aren't going to know until Season 8 if Sara survives or not based on the bits I've posted Em, so who knows :searchme: But a lot have said, it paves the way for Grissoms departure possibily which is far more upsetting imo :( lol

:crying: :crying: lets just not talk about WP leaving .... :crying: :crying:

Who's leaving? When? Never - ahh thats it!!

I won't let him!!! :crying:

uuummm wait?? have i missed something?? whens he leaving???

Emz i think we need a road trip to make him stay!!!!!!

11-04-2007, 21:27
uuummm wait?? have i missed something?? whens he leaving???

Emz i think we need a road trip to make him stay!!!!!!

Nope - so far so good, but apparently WP has only signed for up to S8, so IF Sara doesn't survive this series, it would pave the way for his :crying: departure :crying: also. Speculation this is of course, but....in a sense it makes complete sense.

Road trip time! I'm with you Lee - anyone else going to join us?

Chloe O'brien
11-04-2007, 22:19
I've got my suitcase already packed and I'm reasearching on how to sell children to the gypsies. Well it's either that or leave her at home with pot noodles and jaffa cakes until I return.

Seriously I don't think WP will leave next season, or that Sara will die. What I will think is that because of his relationship with Sara is about to be exposed he will possible take a back seat as a CSI and they may appoint a new supervisor. This can give Billy the chance to do more theatre work if he requires. I think they should make Warrick the new grave yard shift Supervisor.

16-04-2007, 20:19
And theres more:

A rough timeline and summary:

Natalie is in a store and freaks out when she sees that the janitor is using bleach. She steps out of her shoes and flees the store.

Natalie is seen working on a miniature of Sara in the way that she's making Sara's miniature doll (this is revealed very early on, at the end of Act I).

Travis Dell's death is investigated.

Sara (along with Nick and Warrick) process Travis's apartment.

Natalie visits a hobby shop to buy a pneumatic pump; it's the same place she goes to for much of her miniature material.

Grissom vists the same hobby shop not long after.
(note: the truly heartbreaking thing here is that basically Grissom, completely unknowingly, is investigating Sara's miniature -- in that Art, the hobby store owner, identifies Natalie, and lists and explains her recent purchases which all have to do with Sara's miniature scene)

Grissom (with Sofia) questions Natalie's very first foster mother, Donna, who admits Natalie was unwell, even at a very young age. Donna says, about Natalie, "Look, after a few dozen kids, you get real good at looking into their eyes and knowing the difference between broken...and cracked. She was cracked. All the love in the world wasn't going to save her." They also discover that Donna sent Natalie "back" because she kept climbing into the top bunk of her shared bunk bed, and pushing another child out of it.

Sara is called away to San Francisco, and tells Grissom she'll call him later.

Grissom and Catherine go to question The Great Rainone, Natalie's biological father, and are introduced to Chloe Doll. The Great Rainone is a ventroliquist, and the Chloe Doll is his freaky, freaky muse. She sings a song (and we will, unfortunately, hear it again).

Natalie is shown in her apartment, gathering a cardboard box and leaving. This sort of intersplices with her being at CSI (this is when it's revealed that she works at CSI) and pushing her work cart down the hallway. She waves at Judy, and enters Grissom's office. She sees her miniatures, goes to her cart, and takes out the cardboard box. She removes a miniature scene from the box, and puts it on Grissom's desk. The audience does not see the miniature scene in its entirety in this scene.

Grissom and Catherine are still questioning The Great Rainone. We learn much about Natalie and Chloe. Catherine deduces, and Grissom agrees, that Natalie killed Chloe and The Great Rainone is in "great denial."

Sara is shown coming out of her apartment with a suitcase, keys, and phone, and putting her things in her car. She hears someone call her name, turns around, and Natalie tasers her. Sara falls to the ground. Natalie tasers her again, and Sara loses consciousness.

Grissom and Catherine arrive back at CSI.

Grissom finds the miniature of Sara on his desk.

The police close in on Natalie, and Nick and Warrick take her down "violently."

Natalie is brought back to PD Headquarters.

Brass wants to use bleach, but Grissom wants to talk to Natalie, in order to gain information about Sara's location.

Grissom and Natalie have a talk, and Natalie asks Grissom, "Do you love her?" Grissom replies, "Yes."

Grissom begs Natalie for Sara's location. It's a no-go, and Natalie has a psychotic break wherein she imagines stabbing Grissom in the neck with the blade from an X-acto knife. She starts singing the same creepy song The Great Rainone sang through the Chloe Doll, and Grissom, completely unharmed, semi-breaks through and can be heard and seen begging Natalie to tell him where Sara is. Natalie just sings that same creepy song ("I've got a pain in my sawdust...").

Sara is shown in the desert, under the wrecked Mustang. She opens her eyes, tries to swallow and breathe, and her hand twitches. That's the end of the episode.

***throughout this episode there are flashbacks including, but not limited to: Travis Dell, Ernie Dell, Natalie making the Barbara Tallman miniature, and Natalie killing Chloe.

There is also some bits saying that Grissom only admits to loving Sara in order to try and get Natalie to tell him where she is, but this just makes her want to hurt him even more, therefore not revealing Sara's location to him.

Chloe O'brien
17-04-2007, 13:24
:eek: :eek: No! No! they can't do that. they can't end the series like that :angry:

Chloe O'brien
19-04-2007, 11:52
According to CSI Files sources, “Living Doll” will open with an aerial view of the Las Vegas strip. The focus blurs, details flatten and colors shift, until the image appears as if the city has been transformed into a miniature.
Inside a 24 hour mini-mart at 2:00 a.m., a janitor mops the floor as a hooker thumbs through tabloids, a stoned teenager microwaves a burrito with the foil wrapper still on and the store clerk stares at his television, which is airing breaking news coverage of the death of boxer Happy Morales (a storyline featured in episode 721). The janitor’s mop slops water out of the bucket and onto the floor, accidentally spattering a pair of old red Keds sneakers.
A blood curdling scream fills the air. Natalie is revealed. Staring down at her shoes, she screams, frightening the janitor who is freaked out by her reaction. The janitor apologizes. Natalie says he’s using bleach. The janitor is confused as Natalie kicks off her shoes and runs out the door.
Natalie goes home to her apartment. The inside resembles a dollhouse with lace curtains, an electric candle in each window, Easter egg colored furniture with gingerbread trim, chintz pillows, silk lampshades with fringe, neatly arranged Limoges boxes and glass figurines. She goes to an armoire and pulls out a pair of lace trimmed socks, the kind little girls wear only they’re in her size.
There is a corkboard behind the armoire displaying photographs of the dead doll placed in each of the miniatures. Neatly taped to a nearby shelf are several clothing tags that all say, “Do not use bleach.”
Natalie hums a creepy tune as she pulls out two tiny pieces of white muslin cut in the shape of a human torso. She picks up a needle and thread and begins sewing the muslin pieces together, quick and efficiently. Then she begins stuffing the torso.
The next day Natalie heads to Art’s Hobby Shop. The store is filled with shelves of tiny food, tiny people, tiny toys, etc. The store owner, Art Schuster, is busy with a customer. Natalie tells him she needs to place a special order and amuses herself in the store while Art helps the customer. Natalie examines a model train car. Her hand shakes as she touches it. A flashback reminds of Ernie Dell’s train village.
In a second flashback, Natalie is in her apartment putting the finishing touches on the Barbara Tallman miniature (Tallman was killed in episode 716). Suddenly there is a knock on her door and she freezes. It’s Ernie Dell. They have a strange exchange, riddled with sexual undertones. Dell tells her she’s his special one; his best one. She kisses him on the nose, then mouth. He wants to know what she did with the miniatures. She looks away. He wants to know what any of the people ever did to her. She doesn’t want to talk about it. Dell explains that he’s just returned from the police station. They know he helped with some of the parts and that he delivered one of the miniatures to the old lady’s house. The police suspect him. She admits to killing the people and explains that it’s because they used bleach. Dell is saddened, recognizing that he loves her, but she’s crazy. He tells her he may have to go to jail. She says he can’t. Dell doesn’t want her to go to jail either and says he’d rather kill himself than lead her to slaughter.
Dell pleads with her to end the bleach crusade and do right by him on this. She tells him she understands. The flashback ends, returning to present day with Natalie saying she’ll do right by him. Apparently, she didn’t understand at all. The doll she was constructing earlier now has chin length brown hair, a t-shirt, pants and a CSI vest. Natalie consults a sketch book. The doll is Sara Sidle.

19-04-2007, 20:29
Not sure what of this I've posted already but here goes (spoiler tagged in case you really don't want to know lol)


as Natalie, in uniform, with gloves, pushes a cleaning cart down the hall, the cardboard box resting on top of it. She walks down the hall, completely unnoticed by those around her. Natalie works at CSI

She wheels the cart down the hall to Grissom's office. Nods to JUDY TREMONT at the Reception Desk. Judy is on the phone and casually waves back as Natalie enters...


Natalie wheels her cart in, past her Miniatures, all lined up in their cases. She doesn't want to look at them, so she turns away...

And sees Grissom's OFFICE MINIATURE on a shelf. For a moment, she stares. Not sure what to make of it...then, she shakes it off. No one else could possibly see what she sees.

She closes the office door, then takes her vacuum off her cart, plugs it in, and just lets it run, LOUDLY, not bothering to actually move it around.

She moves back to her cart, opens the cardboard box, and stares at her latest creation. She removes it from the box, puts it on Grissom's desk...but before we get a good look --





Sara walks from her apartment to her covered parking spacee. She's wearing a plain T-shirt and pants, holding a purse, a wheelie suitcase, her keys, and a phone. She's clearly stressed; it's going to be a long drive to San Francisco.

She BLEEP, BLEEPS! her car, and as she loads her stuff into the backseat (next to some extra CSI gear and field kit) -- She hears a VOICE coming from a neighboring parking spot --


Sara stands up and turns around. Before she knows what HIT HER, she's down on the ground.


On the ground, dazed. Keys and phone next to her on the pavement. She looks up to see --

NATALIE, coming toward her, giving her one more BLAST with a TASER. This time, Sara's out for the count...

...We can't waste time screwing around with this nutcase. Bleach is cheap. I'll bring in a gallon and drip it on her until she tells us where. No one's going to argue police brutality on that --

Let me talk to her.

A beat...and then Brass nods. Grissom walks out.


...and Grissom enters. Natalie barely looks at him as he sits down across from her.

Natalie. I understand why those other people had to die. They used bleach...

This gets her attention. Now she looks at him.

And Chloe. She stole your father. She had to die, too -

I don't want to talk about this --

Sara didn't use bleach. And she didn't take anything away from you. I did. If you want to punish me for what happened to Ernie --

I didn't kill her.

Where is she?

Do you love her?


Is she your special girl? Your best one?

Yes. Tell me where she is. Please.

She leans in, making him lean into her. Then --

(a whisper)

She slides her tongue inside her cheek, moving something around. She sticks out her tongue and before we can even see what the GLINT is, she's grabbed with her hand and is --


Grissom GASPS as he recoils, and BLOOD POURS out of a hideous GASH in his neck.

Brass rushes into the room, dives to help Grissom.

Brass puts his hand over Grissom's neck and SHOUTS to N.D. uniforms who come running in...

And in the confusion, Natalie darts out the other door...


Natalie slams the door behind her. And turns on the light of her lovely girly space. Just like we saw in the TEASER, calmed by her own sacred space. She takes a few deep breaths...and starts to SING:

"Oh, sad was the day for the little bisque doll, For they cut all her stitches away, And looked for the seat of the terrible ache: "T'was a delicate task" they all say...

Then, GRISSOM'S VOICE should be heard on the EDGES of her awareness...only slightly breaking through before she pushes them away by SINGING louder...

Natalie hasn't moved from her previous spot. The whole episode was a psychotic break. The only thing fantasy and reality have in common is the song she continues to SING:

"For none of the surgeons had ever before, Peformed on a dolly's inside..."

Grissom is still across from her, very much alive, completely unharmed, beseeching her.

Just tell me where she is. Tell me where she is...

But Natalie just continues to sing:

"They tried to restuff her but didn't know how, And this was her wail as she died..."


Somewhere in the Nevada desert. Sara lies under the wrecked Mustang. Wind is blowing. Nasty, sandy dirt clings to her face and arms. Is she dead? Hard to tell.

"I've got a pain in my sawdust. That's what's the matter with me. Something is wrong with my little inside. I'm just as sick as can be."

Sara's eyes flutter open. She opens her mouth slightly and tries to swallow. Then, she tries to breathe. Her chest heaves slightly and the pain of breathing casues an involuntary reflex in her free hand. It TWITCHES. Just like the doll...




Chloe O'brien
19-04-2007, 21:54
Not sure what of this I've posted already but here goes (spoiler tagged in case you really don't want to know lol)


as Natalie, in uniform, with gloves, pushes a cleaning cart down the hall, the cardboard box resting on top of it. She walks down the hall, completely unnoticed by those around her. Natalie works at CSI

She wheels the cart down the hall to Grissom's office. Nods to JUDY TREMONT at the Reception Desk. Judy is on the phone and casually waves back as Natalie enters...


Natalie wheels her cart in, past her Miniatures, all lined up in their cases. She doesn't want to look at them, so she turns away...

And sees Grissom's OFFICE MINIATURE on a shelf. For a moment, she stares. Not sure what to make of it...then, she shakes it off. No one else could possibly see what she sees.

She closes the office door, then takes her vacuum off her cart, plugs it in, and just lets it run, LOUDLY, not bothering to actually move it around.

She moves back to her cart, opens the cardboard box, and stares at her latest creation. She removes it from the box, puts it on Grissom's desk...but before we get a good look --





Sara walks from her apartment to her covered parking spacee. She's wearing a plain T-shirt and pants, holding a purse, a wheelie suitcase, her keys, and a phone. She's clearly stressed; it's going to be a long drive to San Francisco.

She BLEEP, BLEEPS! her car, and as she loads her stuff into the backseat (next to some extra CSI gear and field kit) -- She hears a VOICE coming from a neighboring parking spot --


Sara stands up and turns around. Before she knows what HIT HER, she's down on the ground.


On the ground, dazed. Keys and phone next to her on the pavement. She looks up to see --

NATALIE, coming toward her, giving her one more BLAST with a TASER. This time, Sara's out for the count...

...We can't waste time screwing around with this nutcase. Bleach is cheap. I'll bring in a gallon and drip it on her until she tells us where. No one's going to argue police brutality on that --

Let me talk to her.

A beat...and then Brass nods. Grissom walks out.


...and Grissom enters. Natalie barely looks at him as he sits down across from her.

Natalie. I understand why those other people had to die. They used bleach...

This gets her attention. Now she looks at him.

And Chloe. She stole your father. She had to die, too -

I don't want to talk about this --

Sara didn't use bleach. And she didn't take anything away from you. I did. If you want to punish me for what happened to Ernie --

I didn't kill her.

Where is she?

Do you love her?


Is she your special girl? Your best one?

Yes. Tell me where she is. Please.

She leans in, making him lean into her. Then --

(a whisper)

She slides her tongue inside her cheek, moving something around. She sticks out her tongue and before we can even see what the GLINT is, she's grabbed with her hand and is --


Grissom GASPS as he recoils, and BLOOD POURS out of a hideous GASH in his neck.

Brass rushes into the room, dives to help Grissom.

Brass puts his hand over Grissom's neck and SHOUTS to N.D. uniforms who come running in...

And in the confusion, Natalie darts out the other door...


Natalie slams the door behind her. And turns on the light of her lovely girly space. Just like we saw in the TEASER, calmed by her own sacred space. She takes a few deep breaths...and starts to SING:

"Oh, sad was the day for the little bisque doll, For they cut all her stitches away, And looked for the seat of the terrible ache: "T'was a delicate task" they all say...

Then, GRISSOM'S VOICE should be heard on the EDGES of her awareness...only slightly breaking through before she pushes them away by SINGING louder...

Natalie hasn't moved from her previous spot. The whole episode was a psychotic break. The only thing fantasy and reality have in common is the song she continues to SING:

"For none of the surgeons had ever before, Peformed on a dolly's inside..."

Grissom is still across from her, very much alive, completely unharmed, beseeching her.

Just tell me where she is. Tell me where she is...

But Natalie just continues to sing:

"They tried to restuff her but didn't know how, And this was her wail as she died..."


Somewhere in the Nevada desert. Sara lies under the wrecked Mustang. Wind is blowing. Nasty, sandy dirt clings to her face and arms. Is she dead? Hard to tell.

"I've got a pain in my sawdust. That's what's the matter with me. Something is wrong with my little inside. I'm just as sick as can be."

Sara's eyes flutter open. She opens her mouth slightly and tries to swallow. Then, she tries to breathe. Her chest heaves slightly and the pain of breathing casues an involuntary reflex in her free hand. It TWITCHES. Just like the doll...




I was going to put a spoiler tag on mines but I wasn't really sure how to do it so apologies for those who didn't want to read it.

19-04-2007, 22:02
Don't worry Kath - really I shouldn't have worried, but also because of the length of it thought it probably best.

To do the spoiler tags do [spoiler ] at the beginning and [/ spoiler] at the end, removing the spaces :D

Chloe O'brien
03-05-2007, 22:06
I've put a spoiler tag on this so be warned. Don't blame me if you wished you hadn't read it.

May 2, 2007 -- JORJA Fox was supposed to die at the end of "CSI" this year - but she has refused to show up on the set to film her "death scene," according to a published report.

A salary dispute with CBS was at the bottom of the unusual stand-off.

Unhappy with Fox's demands, execs decided to kill off her "CSI" character, Sara Sidle, who's romantically involved with boss Gil Grissom (William Petersen).

Fox was scheduled to film Sara's death scene late last month, when her character was supposed to be crushed by a car for the May 17 season finale.

But Fox refused to show up on the set, according to a report that first appeared in the Star.

It forced the show to film an alternate ending - including last-minute script rewrites and flying co-star Marg Helgenberger from L.A. to Vegas for re-shoots,

Fox's rep told The Post yesterday that the actress' future on the show was indeed up in the air.

"Her contract is up and they are in conversations," said the spokeswoman.

The spokeswoman insisted however that Fox did appear on the set to shot the eventual finale, which she called "open ended."

CBS officials declined to comment yesterday.

The re-shoots, done on location over a weekend, cost CBS a bundle - pushing up costs on a show that, because of its heavy reliance on special effects, is already expensive to produce.

This was not Fox's first salary dispute with the show.

In 2004, she and co-star George Eads, who plays Nick Stokes, were fired by CBS after refusing to come to work during a contract dispute.

They were re-hired a few days later.

Fox reportedly rakes in $100,000-per-episode and was demanding a "major raise."

CBS reportedly offered her a "moderate raise," which she balked at.

The gap-toothed Fox, who turns 38 in July, has starred on "CSI" since the crime show launched in 2000.

03-05-2007, 22:12
omg :eek: i feel a sacking coming up!!!

03-05-2007, 22:23
Hmm, I'm not going to say it isn't true - as obviously I don't know. But it might just be one of them bad rumours.. like with the whole Jorja and George thing agessss ago. Wishful thinking for a bad rumour. Cause other wise, I agree with Lee I reckon.

04-05-2007, 13:35
Well, if that is the case, get her out!!! Shes not the show. Who is she making demands like that - sorry Sara fans, but no one else seems to be quibbling their pay and yeah ok, she may be getting less than her co-stars possibly (I don't know) but bow down to one, and they'll all be doing it. I'm not one for the Sara/Grissom romance anyway, as you all know - I don't see the point - I like the forensics and the science, not the romances in the office bits and am still trying to figure out how, if having a relationship is against the policy there (with CSI's and their Supervisors etc) then how are they supposed to carry on with the same set up.

No one should think they are bigger than the show IMO.

Bye bye Jorja :)

04-05-2007, 14:11
Who is she making demands like that

are you having a nikki moment :rotfl: :rotfl:

i agree she's not the main star of the show and im sure we could live without her

04-05-2007, 14:26
Who is she making demands like that

are you having a nikki moment :rotfl: :rotfl:

i agree she's not the main star of the show and im sure we could live without her


No, not really a Nikki moment, but like, who is she?! :D :rotfl:

I just think its wrong that some of these actors and actresses get paid the sums of money they do just to do a bit of prancing around in front of a camera (ok poss more than that but still.....) and now shes there, rejecting a pay rise already being offered to her - shes not IMO that good an actress anyway!

*gets off soap box* :rotfl:

04-05-2007, 14:43
Who is she making demands like that

are you having a nikki moment :rotfl: :rotfl:

i agree she's not the main star of the show and im sure we could live without her


No, not really a Nikki moment, but like, who is she?! :D :rotfl:

I just think its wrong that some of these actors and actresses get paid the sums of money they do just to do a bit of prancing around in front of a camera (ok poss more than that but still.....) and now shes there, rejecting a pay rise already being offered to her - shes not IMO that good an actress anyway!

*gets off soap box* :rotfl:

you just want grissom all to yourself :D

I agree actually shes not really that good as i think they could easliy replace her with another actress would we even notice????

04-05-2007, 14:49
you just want grissom all to yourself :D

I agree actually shes not really that good as i think they could easliy replace her with another actress would we even notice????

Of course :o .... I mean noooooooo, course not!!! :D :rotfl: :wub:

TBH even Holly Grimes, in the two opening episodes that she was in, fared better. She could be easily replaced, and if she is going to be making demands like this, and they let her get away with it, they're going to only cause problems for themselves, and so she should go. She did it before, to do it again, takes the mick really. Shes just hanging on to the hope that the GSR lovers are going to be rallying her court for her, and not wanting her to be sacked.

Sack her, I say. Let Grissom grieve, and then it paves way for his departure if WP is still looking at bowing slowly out during the next season ish.

04-05-2007, 16:13
I agree that if she is making pay demands, again, that they just let her go. She is deffinately my least favourite character (Archie and David should be given more air time!!). im really not a Jorja Fox fan - she bugged me so badly back when she was in ER. Really hope that Grissom doesn't go. Sara can easily be replaced but he cant.

Has anyone else noticed that she doesnt appear this series as much? they still give her a few customary lines i.e. at the end of the episodes "oh Sara how was your day..." but not the big storylines. Could be a fantastic oppertunity for more Greg action....

04-05-2007, 20:23
I've noticed that aswell - she's hardly been in it this season anyway, and I certainly haven't missed her.

More Hodges time - thats what I want. Archie too like you say. And more Greg time too.

Lets face it - who needs Sara :lol:

Chloe O'brien
04-05-2007, 20:35
Personally I blame the writers for all this s**t hitting the fan, Why wait flipping seven years to write the relationship that was supposed to happen from the very begining then throw a spanner in the works after a few episodes. It doesn't make sense.

I prefer the science to the show but I don't mind the mushy stuff as long as it aint in your face. I hope this matter is resolved soon and she does return to the show as I don't want to see a new face in the team, I'd much rather they all left and the series finished on a high. But the reality is that sooner or later I think there will be a main character death as both other CSI series have lost main cast members so it may be only a matter of time before it happens in vegas.

07-05-2007, 09:51
I'll tag it just in case, but ....I've had a thought - hasn't she kind of shot herself in the foot really. I mean, if she is to be discovered under the car, this is if they've filmed all parts up to that point anyway, could they change the filming slightly, so all anyone sees is a body and the back of her head underneath? As in which case, her behaviour, could then have filming done by a stand in surely?? I was talking with my mum about this over the weekend and we both said, when one person holds a show to ransom like that, they deserve the sack even more so.

Chloe O'brien
08-05-2007, 12:37
I think she will sign a new contract and this story has been blown-out of proportion to add fuel to the fire. At the end of the day if the writers were hell bent on writing the character out of the series, they could have just amended the script and used a stand-in, not go to all the trouble of flying in cast members from different parts of the country.

Right I'm going to duck now for fear of flying objects, but I want her back next series as I can't believe that the writers would go to the legnths in this series with certain scenairos if they were planning on writing her out.

08-05-2007, 13:42
I don't want her back - haven't liked her since her first appearance in Season 1 - the sooner shes gone the better IMO.

I do think you are right though Kath, like I said in my previous post, if they were that intent on having her character written out for next season, they would have used a stand in or a dummy and just had the back of her head on show, not her face, so I think its just all speculation and trying to ensure large viewing figures for the finale.

18-06-2007, 19:51
I think she will sign a new contract and this story has been blown-out of proportion to add fuel to the fire. At the end of the day if the writers were hell bent on writing the character out of the series, they could have just amended the script and used a stand-in, not go to all the trouble of flying in cast members from different parts of the country.

Right I'm going to duck now for fear of flying objects, but I want her back next series as I can't believe that the writers would go to the legnths in this series with certain scenairos if they were planning on writing her out.

i have to agree with you here! i think the whole thing has been made into a bigger deal than it is to make more people watch the finale and season 8 opener! if they were going to have sara leave i don't think they would have bothered with GSR since they didn't for 6 series so why bring it in just to let her leave! also i want sara back i like her!!

Chloe O'brien
18-06-2007, 20:49
The new series begins in the US sometime in September,which means that cast members should begin filming sometime during July. So we should only have a few more weeks until we know for sure.

18-06-2007, 21:03
they'l probably try and cover it up by saying they need her for filming even if she dies for autopsy etc

18-06-2007, 21:19
I read that she's apparently "close" to signing a new deal, but Carol Mendolson has already said that right from the start, the Season 8 opener has been planned and I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't involve the death of Sara - unless they are preparing for WP's leaving if he still is :searchme:

Its all about how much they release in order to pull in the viewers really imo

18-06-2007, 21:56
i've read that none of the cast want her to leave that it wouldn't be the same without her etc. and a lot of the viewers don't want her to leave either - that was what got her re-hired before! however it wouldn't be a cliff-hanger if everyone knew for definate she was coming back!

18-06-2007, 22:07
As the majority of people know here, I don't particularly like her, the character that is. I find her wooden and unlike some of the GSR lovers out there (not on here), I would still watch if she were to die.

Thing is, you read what they want you to read. They'll release little snippets of info to keep us wanting more. I've even found myself airing more and more towards NY and Miami and away from Vegas, partly because, whilst mostly brief and subtle, I can't stand the whole GSR thing thats going on - but thats just me....