View Full Version : Crazy Family Stories

11-03-2007, 17:52
Do you have crazy/embarassing wacky relatives - mainly instant?

I'm currently planning to write a comedy drama about crazy disfunctional families, and I've got quite a lot already to write about based on my friends' families.

But if you have any crazy tales to tell, then please share them with everyone.

11-03-2007, 19:10
Do they have to be funny crazy or can they be hard hitting funny?

11-03-2007, 19:36
Okay, this might not be very funny, but it was on two separate occasions when we went to my grans' for christmas supper.

The first was when we were all sitting at the table and my dad put a bread stick up his nose. Then he put it back, only we had great difficulty in stopping laughing and convincing my great aunt who had eaten it, that we weren't laughing at her.

The other time was when my aunt was putting my great aunts 'eye drops' in for her, only my great aunt handed her a bottle of otex, the ear drops. My aunt didn't realise and put it in my great aunt's eyes, only she was complaining it hurt. So my aunt looked at the bottle and said that it was otex, but pretending that they were eye drops. I burst out, "Otex is ear drops!" Then everyone apart from my gran and great aunt yelled, "Kim!" It turned out that my gran had heard it and told her sister, so she overreacted big time and the next day my aunt had to take her to the hospital.

11-03-2007, 19:48
Do they have to be funny crazy or can they be hard hitting funny?

anything that would make people laugh, i'm looking for comedy that can come from families being families

12-03-2007, 16:05
nothing extremly funny, yhe usually drunken sing song after having a session at the local. Everytime dad will sing on his way home. My cousin drove a car into the petrol station front once. That was pretty funny at the time, until he was arrested, but let off as the officer was his girlfriends dad.

13-03-2007, 10:04
The only funny thing I can think of happened with my brother. He was at his works christmas party, got very very drunk and got off the bus early than our place to go to the pub. Seen the lights on he goes in and asks for a pint. We get a call from the police asking us to pick him up.. He mistook the police station for a pub and kept asking them for a pint of fosters :rotfl::rotfl:. Even when my dad picked him up he was still complaining that he never got his pint.

13-03-2007, 10:36
The only funny thing I can think of was at my cousins wedding. The night before, the men got suitable drunk, as they do. My dad, grandad and uncle were all sleeping downstairs on those z beds. My dad happened to sit at the wrong end, and ended up with his bed and feet straight up in the air, not being able to move for laughing. My grandfather and uncle both started laughing, finding it hilarious, and ended up doing exactly the same thing, so you had a row of three z beds, all bolt upright, with three drunken adults feet in the air, in fits of laughter.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

13-03-2007, 12:03
This is my story and I am sticking to it.
My mom re married, I was in my late 20's ,, my bro was out of the army ,, we decided since Mom and her new hubby were only going to honeymoon in a local motel owned and run by my moms best friend,, so my bro goes to the owners and demands a key so he and I can fix up the room, put in a bottle of champers,, and little snacks,,( that was the story we gave them )
My bro and I bring 2 lbs of brown rice,, and put it under the bottom sheet,, we attach 20 tiny bells under the mattress,,, we do leave a bottle of champers,, and fix up a nice tray of nibbles,, and even a rose on the pillows and chocolates,,
The owner knows me and my bro since we were in nappies and knew we were up to no good,,,,,,, she opens the door and sees nothing amiss,,:lol: shuts the door and returns to the wedding reception...and gives me and my bro a questioning look ( like I know u guys did something BUT what LOL )
Mom and hubby arrive to their honeymoon suite,, the bed is full of brown rice and when ever they sat down on the bed every thing jingled,,,:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Chloe O'brien
13-03-2007, 13:31
one of the funniest stories I have is when my oldest sister got married 27 years ago. My brother-in-law's family came from Sunderland and were quiet posh while our side of the family were like the dingles. Anyway they got married and everyone was dressed up to the nines. We arrived at the register office and was awaiting for the bride to arrive when my Aunt came walking along the street wearing a brown duffle-coat, red wellingtons and pulling a shopping trolley. She stood beside the wedding party and said that she went to get some shopping on her way. She came into the register office and on to the reception afterwards with her shopping. My brother's mate said to him I never knew paddington bear was a relative of yours.:rotfl: