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03-03-2007, 11:14
Especially for Babe (:D) and any other fans (come on there must be a few out there - if not, get watching!!!!)..

Abby and Gibbs - I think there is a definite father/daughter kind of affection between them. No-one else could get away with speaking to him like she does, and I think after the death of his wife and daughter, he sees Abby in an affection fatherly way.

McGee - the geeky cute one - theres something about him, I don't know what, but for me McGee and Gibbs are both :wub:

DiNozzo - cracks me up although can find him quite smarmy sometimes aswell.

Ziva - when she tries different sayings but mixes up the words, thats pretty funny. Feel for her after her being the one to kill Ari, but its given her a head start in Gibbs' eyes.

Don't like Jen (the new director). Preferred it when Alan Dale played the part.

Ducky - what can we say! What a guy!! Absolute brilliance!

03-03-2007, 12:10
Especially for Babe (:D) and any other fans (come on there must be a few out there - if not, get watching!!!!)..

[quote]Abby and Gibbs - I think there is a definite father/daughter kind of affection between them. No-one else could get away with speaking to him like she does, and I think after the death of his wife and daughter, he sees Abby in an affection fatherly way.

No one dare!

There is certainly a kind of bond between the two and Abby is a great character and a very different one from the norm.

Looks like I've missed somethng or still have it to come and that is the death of Gibbs wife and daughter. What I know so far is that he has been married three times all red heads.

McGee - the geeky cute one - theres something about him, I don't know what, but for me McGee and Gibbs are both :wub:

I like the character McGee but don't find him at all :wub: unlike Gibbs "Swoon"

DiNozzo - cracks me up although can find him quite smarmy sometimes aswell.
Agree, and now know the correct spelling of DiNozzo (thanks to my Puppy Walker:lol: )that he is commical but a bit smarmy, however I do like the Banter between him and Kateland

Ziva - when she tries different sayings but mixes up the words, thats pretty funny. Feel for her after her being the one to kill Ari, but its given her a head start in Gibbs' eyes.

Haven't met her yet.

Don't like Jen (the new director). Preferred it when Alan Dale played the part.

Nor her.

Ducky - what can we say! What a guy!! Absolute brilliance!

I love David McCallum he has always been:wub: even now in his more mature years. The character of Ducky just cracks me up the way he witters on and on. I love the way his assistant (Gerrard I think is the one which I know currently) puts his headphones on and then Ducky suddenly asks him something! LOL

I'm on series 2 Channel 5 Saturday nights and the characters I know are

DiNozzo, McGee, Gibbs, Kateland, Ducky, Abby.

I have seen the end of series 2 and know that Kateland gets killed it was a real shock.

I like NCIS because it is another crime series with a difference based of course around the Marines. You have Navy/Marine investigators solving the crimes.

An episode I saw a while ago was funny DiNozzo was up to his womanising ways and chatted up this woman who he eneded up snogging only for it to turn out to be a bloke! LOL Did Kateland have fun with this one.

These two characters have a love/hate relationship but are also close as we saw in the episode where Tony opened an envelope which had been contaminated with some deadly virus. Both Kateland and Tony had been put in isolation, Kateland was clear but Tony had been infected and there was a battle against time to find an antedote to save Tony. Kateland stayed in isolation with Tony the whole time risking her life for him. I remember now she had a cold and I think that is why she didn't become infected. However at first she pretended that she had in support for Tony but he sussed that she was in the clear. A very touching episode.

With regards to Ducky I love the way he goes off on one when someone has moved his body at the crime scene!

03-03-2007, 14:31
Oh wow you have so much more to see from Series 3!

I won't say too much though, as you'll be watching it on C5 at the moment, but the series is just getting better and better.

You've obviously heard about Kate - when that happens it is a total shocker, but Ziva is her replacement on the team (who also happens to be Ari's sister - have you met him yet - I think maybe not, but you'll know when you meet him, I promise you - there are fireworks!)

Gibbs first marriage ended when his wife and daughter were murdered in their car whilst he was serving in Iraq - its a very sad tale which comes out into the open when Jen (the new director) joins (she used to be one of his girlfriends), but I'll not tell anymore.

Mark Harmon is just totally :wub: I love his head slaps and the way the team tense up when awaiting him to slap them lol. Abby is the only one that he doesn't do this with, all he does is supply her with those huge cups of coffee and the banter between the two of them is brilliant. Have you met Abby's hippo yet??

Its very similar to CSI etc, like you say, though the difference is where they are focussed more on people in the Forces, moreso the Navy. Previously, JAG was the one to watch, which was sort of the same (Judge Advocate General) but it ended around the same time (poss the year after) we were introduced to NCIS. FX has NCIS and JAG on most nights, which is great (when I can get control of the remote lol)

Oh, the other bit I love with Gibbs - he always walks into the office, just at the point in which Tony is saying or doing something that he probably shouldn't be. The timing is brilliant lol

Chloe O'brien
03-03-2007, 23:42
I have watch this sometimes on CH5 but I miss some episodes. Maybe I should get in to it more. I like american dramas

03-03-2007, 23:44
You should Kath - its brill!

Tonights C5 episode was where a chaplain was kidnapping potential wives and chaining them up in a bunker, to a bed, in their wedding gown, till they submissively fell in love with him, although they perished, in that same bunker waiting for him to come back and marry them.

Chloe O'brien
03-03-2007, 23:58
I seen up to the end of last season when Kate got killed but I usually turn off after csi and forget about it.

03-03-2007, 23:59
Its before CSI on a Sat night now - they are re-running the last Kate series (2) and the new season 4 will be starting on FX in April (I emailed FX and they replied within 3 days!!!)

04-03-2007, 09:23
Hey we have another viewer, hi Chloe.

Channel 5 are currently re-running NCIS they have just done series one and we are now on Series 2 Episode 3. Before they were running Series 2 which is where I started watching I think it may of been half way through so I have seen most of sereis 2, which is currently being re-run and the end of this series was a real shcoker and very sad. So looking forward to series 3 which I hope they will run on C5 on Saturday nights (currently being shown Friday Nights think c5)

I love my Saturday night viewing as it starts with NCIS, followed by CSI, then Law and Order which I have just started watching (Not too sure at the mo), ending with the film. All of this I record and watch over the week.

JAG is another sereis I enjoyed when I used to watch FX which is how I got into NCIS both of which at the time I just watched the odd episode, don't catch JAG anymore butof course I am addicted to NCIS.

Gibbs is fantastic and :wub: something about grey hair me thinks:) and yes I too love it when Tony is always saying something he shouldn't when he walks into the office. Just love it when Tony gets an unexpected slap!

Gibbs is the moody dark character with as we have seen a temper if crossed. I like the way he puts the FBI, or anyone else for that matter, in their place if they get in his way. I'm sure that he could of possibly been in-love with Kate as I think she may of been with him.

Tony is very much Jack the Lad but as we have seen from time to time, particularly in the episode I've mentioned previously, that he deos have a soft centre as does Gibbs. Gibbs softness comes out with Abby.

Yes Chloe once you start watching NCIS you become an addict!

I too love Amercian Dramas (all started whey back with Dallas and Dynasty LOL) but hate American Comedies.

JoJo I don't mind if you want to share your advance viewing :D