View Full Version : Recovery

24-02-2007, 15:30
Anyone going to look at this tomorrow?

David Tennant and Sarah Parish have teamed up again for this, and it looks pretty good (Not just because its got DT in, lol!)

24-02-2007, 15:34
Well i know nothing about it apart from what you have just said, I might have look.

24-02-2007, 16:12
It looks like a real tear jerker to me! I'll definitely be watching..

From BBC Press Office:

David Tennant and Sarah Parish star in a powerful drama for BBC One, written by Bafta award-winning writer Tony Marchant – creator of Holding On, Crime And Punishment, Kid In The Corner and The Knight's Tale.

Alan and Tricia Hamilton are very happy. He's the head of a building firm and on top of his game, while she's a part-time beautician and a mother to their two sons.

But one day their perfect, if unremarkable, life is torn apart when a last-minute decision to pop out for a quick drink with a colleague sees Alan step out in front of a passing car.

The accident leaves him in a deep coma but with remarkably few physical injuries. Desperately worried about him, Tricia is delighted when he comes round – only to discover that the man she loved has disappeared. His behaviour has changed; he has lost all of his inhibitions and he veers from angry and frustrated to vulnerable and childlike. Simple tasks such as making toast and getting dressed are beyond him, he is unable to hold down the job he loves and he plays and laughs with his sons as if he's a child.

Alan's behaviour puts his relationship with Tricia under intolerable stress. She longs to find the husband she loves in there somewhere – but fears she may have lost him for ever.

Tony Marchant's script was partly inspired by research he undertook with the charity Headway, but also deals with the concept of identity.


I for one will be watching this - even the trailers for it set me off though!!

24-02-2007, 18:39
I know what you mean, the trailers look so good, ill have to watch it. Like you say looks like a real tear jerker and i love Sarah Parish as well i think shes a really good actress. I think the story looks good to, but i have to say it has been one of those trailers that BBC seems to have used to overkill, its on all the time, i assume there expeting a high rating.

24-02-2007, 23:05
I think i'll be watching this tomorrow. It sounds like its going to be a brilliant piece of drama!

25-02-2007, 10:55
I'm watching this tonight.

DT was on 5Live this morning talking about it. He said it only took 21 days to film [<<random fact of the day]

25-02-2007, 15:02
oooo well if its a tear jerker I'll watch it, I love my tear jerkers

25-02-2007, 23:27

I sky +'d it because of watching 24 and my word, what a fantastic drama!! Compelling, well written, superbly acted - what can I say!! Hats off to them for raising awareness in such a powerful way!

P.S I did half want to have words with the mother though grr :angry:

Jessie Wallace
25-02-2007, 23:39
I'm with on that one Emz, it was truly moving, and so well written. It nearly brought even cold hearted me to tears.

25-02-2007, 23:42
I watched it and thought it was a fantastic drama...well written and acted.:)

I wish there could be more dramas like this on TV.

25-02-2007, 23:52
Here here PB! Dramas like this are too far and inbetween of late. My next new drama watching will be channel 5 on Weds with Eddie Izzard which is apparently brilliant.

Anyway, back to Recovery, didn't the lad who played the eldest son, play the part brilliantly! Dealing with having to be the man of the house, aswell as looking at starting university etc...

Oh, I could go on about it all night, but I won't, but it was totally and utterly fantastic!

26-02-2007, 16:12
Wow well I could only watch the first hour, but it was so powerful and a little scary but in a good way.
What happened in the last half hour?

26-02-2007, 16:14
I agree it was brilliant, it was really moving, some parts were really sad. I thought the scene were he was throwing the connect 4 around the room and was like was i a bad loser to the little boy was really moving. It was great, thought both actors played the parts brilliant, especially the son.

26-02-2007, 17:12

I sky +'d it because of watching 24 and my word, what a fantastic drama!! Compelling, well written, superbly acted - what can I say!! Hats off to them for raising awareness in such a powerful way!

P.S I did half want to have words with the mother though grr :angry:

I totally agree. It was a great programme- the scripts, acting, charcters and everything about it was amazing.

Loved the one liners in it too- "Sir, do you mind not masturbating in front of me?" - "Well you shouldn't be watching me in the shower then!" :rotfl:

26-02-2007, 18:23
What a brilliant drama this was! I agree, this show was well-written and brilliantly acted by David Tennant. I actually had tears in my eyes in some parts- it was incredibly moving, especially when they were playing 4 in a row and he went mad at his child, started swearing at him etc, i had tears in my eyes, because it showed an accident can change a person remarkably. Superb drama, i also wish there was more drama like this on tv!