View Full Version : Heroes

20-02-2007, 10:15
Started last night on SCI FI, i can see why is being called this season's Lost it is really addictive i'm completely hooked

16-05-2007, 11:31
Does anyone else watch Heroes? This has to be one of the best programs on television at the moment. Episode 20 was just out of this world, and next week is the end of season double bill.

16-05-2007, 11:45
last nights was brilliant i cant believe nathan is claires father!!!!

Can wait to see how they all come together to stop new york blowing up.

This is the one programme i can never seem to find spoilers for.

Do you know if there is going to be a second series??

16-05-2007, 11:53
My firend told me about this some time ago but I never got round to watching it i dont suppose once the first series has finished it will repeat again?

16-05-2007, 11:53
Yup, there's definitely going to be a second series and whilst we wait for that there will be Heroes-origins, a spin off, to keep us occupied.

Sylar or Peter explode

16-05-2007, 11:55
sylar has to be the one they cant just get rid of peter with the power he has

Abbie sci-fi repeat it all the time last week they done a catch up with 3 episodes a night so keep an eye out and they will probably be doing it again maybe on the lead up to the final

16-05-2007, 11:56
yay thats good cos Ive saw clips of it and it looks really good

16-05-2007, 12:01
To those that haven't watched it and don't like Sci Fi, don't worry. Its more like Lost and Prison Break.


16-05-2007, 22:05
Yeh been watchin it since it began in america last year, im lovin it cant belive the series has almost finished

22-05-2007, 21:56
I love the whole idea with Claire and her mum, even though I rarely get to watch it :rolleyes:

Might get the boxset..

28-05-2007, 18:07
Just watched the finalle, it was great definalty worth watching.

maybe a spoiler depending upon where you are watching the series you have been warned!

The finish was great, and they have left it open for peter to still be alive as he can regenerate himself, although i have a supission that sylar might not be dead! cant wait for series two

31-05-2007, 17:31
News for all heros fans or those who have missed it, Heroes is comming to BBC2. (source radio1 either jo or edith today)

31-05-2007, 20:21
Yay, thank you, I can watch it now

13-06-2007, 23:13
I just watched tonight's show and it was so good! some loose ends are slowly starting to get together.

Ps. Those that haven't watched it and are planning to shouldn't read my posts on here..

The whole Claire thing has gotten me hooked- I can't wait till she meets her father!! And I really don't want Isaac to die!!! He's is too goddamn good-looking to be killed off!!! The way his eyes light up when he's having visions... Did I mention he's hot?! Anyway that new evil girl is really manipulative! I really don't like her! (Yeah I think I used too many !!!'s)

25-07-2007, 22:30
Ok, i've just watched the first two episodes of Heroes on BBC2 and have just avoided the whole thread for spoilers lol. :D

But seriously, the first two episodes, i thought were brilliant. I'm absolutely hooked already! Brilliant programme, i'm definetly watching next week! :thumbsup:

25-07-2007, 23:13
Dittoing Davey. The trailers for it looked amazing so i tuned in and i'm completly hooked :thumbsup: And what a great cast tooo!

Did any watch the heroes unmasked program - if you did do you know the name of the song that was playing towards the end? Thanks x

Chloe O'brien
26-07-2007, 14:51
Loved the first two episods last night. all those grose things that happened to Claire and she just regenerated herself. Issac and Hiro are brilliant,When he was screaming Hello New York.

26-07-2007, 15:25
I am finding Claire's dad quite mysterious and think there could be more to him...:hmm: I am intrigued by Nikki's story and can't wait to see that develop.

30-07-2007, 21:09
I'm so hooked now! :D

Wonder what Clares dad is all about?!

Love the Japanese guy :D "Yahooooooo" :lol:

01-08-2007, 07:54

A show that both my my kids and I can watch and enjoy now that Doctor Who has finished.

we all loved the first two episodes and can't wait to see the rest!

I didn't watch this on SciFi due to the lack of subtitles - well done the beeb for making sure that ALL people can enjoy their shows.

01-08-2007, 22:42
This show just keeps getting better and better, i'm watching next weeks now on BBC3 :cheer:

Chloe O'brien
01-08-2007, 22:42
Hiro is going to be the star of the series. That scene were he saved that little girl was fantastic,but the show shouldn't be hidden away on bbc2 it should be on bbc1.

02-08-2007, 11:48
Fantastic show! Really love it and was going to watch the next episode on BBC3 but i was soo tired that i've decided to wait until next week. :D

Hiro saving that girl was absolutely brilliant!

02-08-2007, 11:57
I really felt for Claire last night - but boy didn't she get revenge!

03-08-2007, 21:52
Heroes is one of my fav shows at the moment...it's so good!

The end of that episode when Claire went "holy shi.." what an :eek: ending! and all that stuff with Syler! Can't wait until next weeks episode! :clap:

21-08-2007, 13:22
Okay well Ive had my parents tape some episodes and some mates tape some and last night I started to watch them. I saw the first too and already i love the show, its sooo good and very interesting while at the saem time leave me feeling very confused and asking the hell is going on?
Although I have to admit it left me freaked out you know with all the dea bodies and the scenes they showed you at, I found that stuff kinda hard to watch

23-08-2007, 14:32
Oh my god!!!!!
Just watched the 3rd episode and the cliffhanger, is just like- WHAT!!!!!

28-08-2007, 00:51
It's such a good programme! :D It's now one I have to sit down and watch every week :o

28-08-2007, 01:47
I know it really is, Im all caught up now :D

28-08-2007, 10:57
I watched it on sci fi. Its really good i got really hooked but its very similar to the 4400. And in my opinion it isnt as good as the 4400

28-08-2007, 13:11
I watched it on sci fi. Its really good i got really hooked but its very similar to the 4400. And in my opinion it isnt as good as the 4400

Ah - this is where we differ.

I agree it is very like the 4400 - but I think that Heroes is shaping up to be better, much better than 4400.

4400 has sunk into a bit of pseudo religious mumbo jumbo at the moment and the format is getting tired.

29-08-2007, 13:56
I have to admit it is getting VERY religious with the whole jordan collier thing loL! its starting to annoy me a bit but then heroes is kinda religious as well with a lot of bible references. I think there both really good shows though. Heroes is nice and fresh

30-08-2007, 10:54
Agreed on that - I watch both shows, lol

30-08-2007, 17:51
I have no idea what 4400 is :p

30-08-2007, 19:23
I have no idea what 4400 is :p

Brief synopsis:

4400 people abducted over a wide period of time

4400 people returned to one time, each changed, each with a unique 'special' ability; be it healing powers, telekenisis or the ability to see the future

Turns out they were abducted by some people from the future trying to prevent some unnamed catastrophe.

Since the start of this (we are in the 3 series now, I think) it has now become possible for 'ordinary' people to gain an ability through taking a promicin shot. Only problem is 50% of takers will die.

The are a bunch of subplots going on, the government trying to control the 4400s, whilst also trying to create 'supersoldiers" with abilities. One 4400 is killed comes back to life and is now a sort of messiah figure.

It gets complicated...

30-08-2007, 20:52
Sounds very complicated :p like a cross between Lost and Heroes :o

Chloe O'brien
30-08-2007, 22:10
Did you see Miles the weasel from day 5 and Marlyn from day 6 of 24 on last nights episode.

31-08-2007, 11:07
Another good episode on Wednesday - really enjoying this show... did anyone listen to Radio 1 this morning as Claire the cheerleader was chatting to Chris Moyles? I was meaning to listen but i missed it.

31-08-2007, 16:22
I listened, it sounded like they were having fun, and she seemed really nice :)

07-09-2007, 12:14
Okay now im really loving this program, and im kinda starting to make some slight sense of it cos, at first I thought Claire dad seemed like a bad guy, but its started to seem like he good, but im still confused about that, as we keep getting mixed messages.

07-09-2007, 16:42
Okay now im really loving this program, and im kinda starting to make some slight sense of it cos, at first I thought Claire dad seemed like a bad guy, but its started to seem like he good, but im still confused about that, as we keep getting mixed messages.

Same! One minute i was thought he was bad, next i thought he was good and then i just thought he was weird!!!
But i'm slightly confused about the black guy, the one who keeps randomly appearing :confused:

07-09-2007, 17:28
Okay now im really loving this program, and im kinda starting to make some slight sense of it cos, at first I thought Claire dad seemed like a bad guy, but its started to seem like he good, but im still confused about that, as we keep getting mixed messages.

Same! One minute i was thought he was bad, next i thought he was good and then i just thought he was weird!!!
But i'm slightly confused about the black guy, the one who keeps randomly appearing :confused:I know,I thought that he might me that, guy that they are after but im not sure.

Chloe O'brien
07-09-2007, 21:36
I am staying away from reading the spoilers as I want to be gobsmacked when I find out who is the bad guys. I think however that we will be kept guessing until the final episode.

03-10-2007, 21:34
I missed the double bill last week, so im confused what is going on, but what it going on is soooooo good :D

03-10-2007, 23:45
I watched last weeks. I'm still confused but still :D Chris Ecclestine (sp?) was great :thumbsup:

from whatsontv: (last weeks double epi)

Peter is in police custody after being mistakenly arrested in Odessa, forcing Nathan to take time out of his Congressional campaign. Meanwhile, Hiro and Ando arrive in Odessa, too late to 'save the cheerleader' - but Ando reminds Hiro about the second part of the statement: 'save the world'.

After learning about Jessica's recent actions, Niki makes a difficult decision to keep her family safe and decides to get herself arrested. Elsewhere, Isaac's painting of the exploding man comes into context with major consequences for the future of a certain hero, just as an even more mysterious painting is unveiled...

Matt and Audrey pursue a new lead in the hunt for Sylar, unaware that the killer has already been captured by Mr Bennet. Elsewhere, Claire is forced to deal with the implications of telling Mr Bennet the truth about her powers.

Also, Mohinder returns to New York to continue his father's research, and Eden tells him she can ease his pain by killing the man responsible for his father's death.
In a coma after absorbing too many powers, Peter Petrelli wakes up screaming and leaves the hospital. When he sees the bearded man from his visions stealing from people on the street, he pursues him. It's Claude (played by Christopher Eccleston), and he's shocked that Peter can see him - he's invisible.

At his apartment in New York, Mohinder get a visit from an FBI agent who says that they are finally taking his warnings seriously after Sylar's murders. Later, Mr Bennet comes to see him claiming that he needs to obtain his father's research, but Mohinder refuses to help.

Also, Isaac's 'Hiro v T-Rex' painting inspires Hiro and Ando to search for the pictured samurai sword; Claire asks the Haitian for help; Jessica struggles against Niki's decision to turn herself into the police.

Don't know if this helps :p

04-10-2007, 21:58
I know, I think im going to have to get the box set, so I can re-watch everything and start to pig sense of some things

30-11-2007, 07:30
have to agree with everyone,graet series,i have read they are already making a second series,can't wait for the grand finale,and the next series

30-11-2007, 16:55
They've made a second series already!
It just gets better and better, and things are being tied together its soo clever and good :D!
And how HOT was peter petrelli in the 5 years in the future episode :wub:! Phwoar!

24-04-2008, 18:26
Starts again today, watched the last episode, was hooked.. going to watch up on all the old ones by reading the episode guides later :p

Chloe O'brien
24-04-2008, 23:03
Hiro is back!!! :cheer: Series two was a bit slow in starting but with twist appearing already, no-doubt in the coming weeks it will become mind-blowing.

25-04-2008, 16:13
YAY ITS BACK :cheer: And already there is some twists coming...
i was scared Peter wasn't back, but then it was okay, hope he remembers stuff though......!

25-04-2008, 21:08
Great start to the new series although dont quite understand the hiro part of it just now but sure the answers will come soon enough

Loving the heroes unmasked after it

di marco
06-06-2008, 09:51
this thread hasnt been written in in a while! the end was a shock, i wasnt expecing him to be adam!

di marco
26-06-2008, 09:41
anyone still watching? this thread has been quiet this series! only just watched last weeks epi, i was quite pleased with myself cos i guessed it was gonna be adam! really didnt see the ending coming though, cant wait for tonights epi, is it the last one?

23-07-2008, 06:19
Heroes actress Hayden Panettiere has revealed that her character Claire will undergo radical changes for the show's third season.

Panettiere told reporters that the self-healing cheerleader will be "very different" during a press tour in California, according to Sci Fi Wire.

Referring to the third season's future setting, she added: "It's a very different world and it's kind of, as you can imagine, a world gone a little bit awry - and she's a very different person than she was."

Panettiere also disclosed that she enjoyed playing dual roles for a brief period, saying: "One of the cool things I think about this season is I get to play kind of two different characters for a second, because we pop back and forth a little bit from the present to the future."

di marco
04-10-2008, 10:51
anyone watch the first epi on wednesday? i swear im not clever enough to watch heroes lol its way too confusing! still enjoy it though :D

08-10-2008, 18:41
It was well wicked! Lots of action, sooo much better than all the season 2 episodes put together!!! Loving the development of the characters.... and some scenes being set in the future gives great storylines too:D
Mohinder made me laugh - they have really made him nuts now! And that new character Daphne is interesting (the speedster). :)

Bad Wolf
08-10-2008, 20:32
i just got in to this

series 1 was 20 odd episodes long, series 2 was 11, so is "series three" the second half of series two, which took a break because of the writers strike?

di marco
08-10-2008, 20:51
i just got in to this

series 1 was 20 odd episodes long, series 2 was 11, so is "series three" the second half of series two, which took a break because of the writers strike?

i think so, although i think they made it so there was a finale to season 2 rather than it just cutting off midseason if that makes sense

Bad Wolf
08-10-2008, 21:00
ahhhhhhh!!!! thanks, its quite good actually!

Bad Wolf
08-10-2008, 21:47
is it really wrong to have the hots for the dude who plays sylar??????? he is hot!

di marco
09-10-2008, 18:41
omg ive just watched the 2nd epi, this series is so good so far! is tracey nikki in some sort of weird way? and also why didnt they just cut sylars head off and throw it in a river somewhere? as long as no one brought his head back he wouldnt survive lol!

di marco
09-10-2008, 18:42
is it really wrong to have the hots for the dude who plays sylar??????? he is hot!

haha i agree, although his eyes are pretty scary!

Bad Wolf
09-10-2008, 18:43
sylar is hysterical, the dude who plays him (zachary quinto - my new cruh as david tennant isnt on tv at the mo) is fab and has the best eyeborws ever, i watched the next ep on bbc 3 and its brilliant!!

di marco
09-10-2008, 18:47
i watched the next ep on bbc 3 and its brilliant!!

the next epi isnt on iplayer yet! :( i cant wait to see it even though ive literally (sp?) only just finished watching the epi from bbc2! suppose its a good thing really seeing as i shouldnt be spending my whole evening watching heroes lol! cant wait til next week, only 6 days left lol! :D :rolleyes:

Bad Wolf
09-10-2008, 18:57
the twist is brilliant!!!!!!!!

12-10-2008, 18:48
I'm glad the actress Ali Larter is still in it, even though she plays Tracey now. In the Heroes Unmasked last week they said Nikki/Jessica died in the fire when trying to save Copycat woman (forgot her name. The one who watched TV and then could copy the skills)

12-10-2008, 19:12
The bloke who plays Sylar was also in the Charmed episode where Piper and Leo went to marriage guidance classes.

He played a warlock who was chasing the Charmed ones cat through Pipers memories.

I think he looks creepy, but, hey, maybe he is just a good actor?

Bad Wolf
13-10-2008, 00:15
in the bbc 3 ep, he kinda gets a bit of comedy to do, i perfere him to peter petrelli

13-10-2008, 16:10
Oh my lord, Heroes is amazing :cheer: ! What a first episode, although i have about a million questions! I have to stop myself watching the next episode on BBC3 otherwise i wont have anything to watch the next week!

Loved the cliffhanger at the end of the last episode :eek: !!!
And i am Loving Peter :wub: Hottie!

Bad Wolf
24-10-2008, 10:25
how funny was gabriel (not evil sylar)??? just one question who is little noah's mumma?

di marco
26-10-2008, 17:18
just one question who is little noah's mumma?

dunno, i was wondering that! heroes gets more and more confusing every week lol!

Bad Wolf
26-10-2008, 17:22
i love it, while david tennant isnt on tv zachary quinto is my tv obsession

26-10-2008, 17:40
Heroes is amazing :) Deffo one of the best programs on at the moment :D

Bless Daddy Gabriel :wub:

26-10-2008, 17:50
Fresh from a visit to the London MCM Expo (Britain's answer to Comic-Con), I come bearing Heroes scoop aplenty courtesy of cast member Greg Grunberg. Aside from being a delightfully pleasant fellow, Grunberg - Matt Parkman on the show - certainly isn't reserved when it comes to a bit of good old-fashioned spoilerage. Read on to find out what he told us about the upcoming fourth volume, Matt's "dark" turn and a huge twist involving new character The Speedster.

I hear you've started filming volume four, 'Fugitives'. What can you say about that?
"We're shooting episode two of Fugitives right now. It puts us all in a Guantanamo Bay kind of a situation. We've all bagged and tagged and we're on our way to being killed. What's great about it is that we all have to work together. We're all thrown into this terrible situation and have to work together to get out of it, find out who's in charge of [doing] this and stop them. There's a new character called 'The Hunter' and he's coming after all of us."

Is there an end to the 'good versus evil' storyline, then?
"Yes, at the end of volume four. At the end of volume three it's kind of wrapped up but then there's this huge cliffhanger that leads into volume four."

And do you think Matt could be a villain at any point? It doesn't seem likely...
"It doesn't seem likely, but I do go very, very dark. I haven't shot that stuff yet but it's one of the only times they've ever come to me and said 'we're thinking about doing this, what do you think?' I was like 'yeah!' It's a great thing because I don't think anyone would expect me to stay there. It's justified why I go dark. There's a reason. I mean, Brea (Grant, aka The Speedster/Daphne) is a villain on the show..."

But is she? It seems like she is technically...
"Technically, yes! Why she's working for them will be revealed and it's a huge moment. I don't mean that in a fantastic, explosion, special effects way. It's a really dramatic thing, that we've never done in this show. It's an amazing [explanation] for why she's doing what she's doing. It's great."

We've seen Matt and The Speedster's respective storylines become closely intertwined in the last couple episodes. Does that continue?
"It does, and hopefully people want us to stay together!"

In the future we see that they are in a relationship, but now that we've seen that possible future, do you feel like it's not actually going to happen?
"Exactly! That's what happens on our show, things get in the way. It's great that you pointed that out because that's a future that [Matt] wants. He desperately wants to keep her on the good side because he wants that normal family life."

In the next episode airing in the States (episode seven), Daphne is given a tough choice regarding Matt, isn't she?
"She's told that she needs to kill me. She's told that she needs to bring me in and get me to work with them. She knows that I'm not going to do that, so then that's the position she's put in. It's weird - I can read minds, so I should be able to pick up on the fact that she's working for the bad guys, but I don't!"

di marco
26-10-2008, 21:19
i love it, while david tennant isnt on tv zachary quinto is my tv obsession

Heroes is amazing :) Deffo one of the best programs on at the moment :D

Bless Daddy Gabriel :wub:

dont get me wrong, i love it too! i just can never understand how everything links together lol!

di marco
02-11-2008, 21:54
cant believe hiro killed ando! :eek: although i have a feeling its not the last we will be seeing of him. really didnt see the ending coming!

03-11-2008, 11:11
NBC has fired two of the original writers of Heroes in a staff shakeup.

Co-exective producers Jesse Alexander and Jeph Loeb were axed on Sunday, according to Variety.

The pair helmed the day-to-day production of the show under the stewardship of creator Tim Kring.

The news comes after the show - now in its third season - recorded its lowest ever ratings in the US. It has also been reported that Universal Media Studios (UMS) went over its $4 million per-episode budget.

UMS and NBC have not commented on the news.

22-11-2008, 16:16
Regarding the episode on Wednesday 19 Nov 08, revolving around the Petrelli family, how did they get the actors to look the same as in Season One, like their hair cuts and everything? - especially Peter. It was very cleverly done. :thumbsup:

Bad Wolf
22-11-2008, 22:55
it was fab!!! wig's maybe?

21-12-2008, 17:52
it was fab!!! wig's maybe?
Yeah, maybe lol:lol:
Does anyone know when Heroes will be back on BBC1 after Xmas/New Year??:searchme:
I've really been enjoying this season, even if it has been confusing for me at times! So much better than Season 2

di marco
04-01-2009, 08:57
Does anyone know when Heroes will be back on BBC1 after Xmas/New Year??:searchme:

i think its in the new year time, not 100% sure though. cant wait til it comes back :)

Bad Wolf
04-01-2009, 09:57
volume four- fugitives starts in the us in feb, so we should be 2/3 weeks later

12-01-2009, 12:40
Pushing Daisies star Swoozie Kurtz has signed on to appear in a forthcoming episode of Heroes.

Her spokesperson confirmed to Entertainment Weekly that the actress would guest star in an episode written by her former Pushing Daisies boss Bryan Fuller.

"Bryan wrote the part specifically for her," said her representative. "It's a really fun role."

Kurtz will play Millie, an old society friend of Angela Petrelli (Cristine Rose) in the episode, scheduled to air in April.

The fourth volume of Heroes will air in the US next month.

12-01-2009, 18:42
finally started watching this from the start - not getting the appeal? it's a poor man's lost if you ask me!

Bad Wolf
12-01-2009, 18:58
its great and once zach quinto comes on screen, its even more appealing

12-01-2009, 19:01
finally started watching this from the start - not getting the appeal? it's a poor man's lost if you ask me!

No, no, no, no!

It is more of a cross between 4400 and Smallville.

I get the feeling that you are not much of a scifi fan, Bry.

12-01-2009, 19:42
finally started watching this from the start - not getting the appeal? it's a poor man's lost if you ask me!

No, no, no, no!

It is more of a cross between 4400 and Smallville.

I get the feeling that you are not much of a scifi fan, Bry.

i like my sci-fi to a degree, i love lost and was told heroes is very similiar, but there's just nothing there to make me want to watch more (even though I am), i don't like any of the characters much!

that hiro is annoying, how can anyone take him seriously when it looks as if he's going to the toilet whenever he uses his powers?

14-02-2009, 16:30
According to the BBC website bbc.co.uk/heroes
Heroes returns Monday 23rd Feb 09, 9pm BBC2.:cheer:

14-02-2009, 17:44
Oooh monday heeeeeey - Urm YAY :cheer:

di marco
14-02-2009, 18:09
a monday? thats weird. cant wait for it to start though, i saw an advert for it yesterday and it got me excited! :D im out that monday though :( have to catch up on iplayer

27-02-2009, 19:21
Not bad for an opening episode. Is Peter now like Rogue (in X-Men) where he can have someone's power if he touches them but he can only have one power at a time? So HRG is bad again :cheer:Mohinder was funny when he ripped the door off the taxi and hit that man with it! :rotfl:

Bad Wolf
28-02-2009, 01:47
my sylar obsession can start again

01-03-2009, 17:26
Looks like Heroes will be on Mondays from now on - without any Unmasked:crying:

04-03-2009, 17:14
I don't understand Sylar's storyline at the moment. Whose house was he in when Hunters men came to kill him, and then why was he in that other house with the woman and her microwave son? :searchme:

04-03-2009, 17:42
Second episode was better than the first :) Although DAPHNE :( :(
Still a little unsure of whats what ..... but i'm siure i'll get it :)

Chloe O'brien
05-03-2009, 23:42
I have to watch it on iplayer as it clashes with my 24. Much as I like Hiro and Peter they can't replace Jack Bauer.

di marco
08-03-2009, 22:35
Looks like Heroes will be on Mondays from now on - without any Unmasked:crying:

i know, i cant believe they arent doing unmasked anymore! :(

06-04-2009, 19:12
According to the Daily Mail TV programme there are 5 more weeks of Heroes till the end of this series. I am still enjoying Heroes, but IMO the first series was the best :thumbsup: A lot of people think series two was the worst, but this current series is actually the worst for me I think. I don't think it's rubbish, but for me, it's lost the edge.

Bad Wolf
06-04-2009, 20:03
they should just make it the sylar show!!!!

06-04-2009, 20:51
I still love Heroes too :) But i agree first series was deffo better - this one got a little confusing and dark, and yes i suppose lost its edge a bit!
I'd love it to be the Peter show :wub:

06-04-2009, 21:45
Good episode! So sad at the end though - i shed a tear :(
But Finally found out who Rebel is.... i like who it is :) Glad they used the character to their full potential.
Everything is all coming together now ..... More peter though next week i hope :D

Bad Wolf
06-04-2009, 21:48
watch it on bbc3 at half 10???

di marco
07-04-2009, 08:29
i still like heroes although i agree its not as good as the first series was. i think they might be starting to run out of ideas or not really know where they are planning on going with the story. yesterdays epi was good though, all through the epi i was wondering who rebel was and really didnt think it would be him, even though it does make sense! and i was only wondering last week what had happened to him lol!

07-04-2009, 09:18
We are in series 3, and it is much improved on series 2 - and just as good as series 1 IMHO.

13-04-2009, 00:15
Well I used to watch it, but then cos I was so busy I kept missing it and well couldnt get into cos I missed so much
Anyway cos its the holidays Ive been er.....downloading some episodes and watching them, series 1 of course even though I remember bits but there are bits I dont and Ive learned I clearly didnt pay attention either!
:D Series 1 is great Im only up to episode 14 but not bad in 2 days :p

14-04-2009, 18:51
Watched all of series 1 now and I love it :D :D Thought it was great and I did love how series 1 ended, cos I know most of my firends were like, 'what' when it aired

Ive already started watching sereis 2, Im well into it now, although I have to say, wow only 11 episodes for series 2, the writers strike really affected this show!

16-04-2009, 16:12
I like the way they've paired Sylar with Danko. Both evil!!! I think they should make Noah and Angela become romantically involved :heart: I like the way Claire and Nathan have bonded.

16-04-2009, 17:12
Ive just started to wacth sereis 3, I watched series 2 way too quickly, I have to stay I prefered sereis 1, I loved it!
I liked how everything came together at the end of sereis 2 though, and a much better cliffhanger :D
Im watching sereis 3 now, episode 5 Im up to and well Im just confused what with all the jumping around and changing that needs to be done.
I also have to say I miss how peter was in series 1 and I also liekd the series 2 version of Nathan better :)

16-04-2009, 17:16
I miss how peter was in series 1 and I also liekd the series 2 version of Nathan better :) I agree. Everybody's characters are a lot darker now. I want Peter to get his powers back!!

16-04-2009, 22:01
I mean dont get me wrong its good they are changing things and its interesting but I miss how some of their characters were, and also Surresh! (sp)

By the way what episode number are you up to, its just cos I know america is ahead and I dont want to get ahead and then maybe spoil things

17-04-2009, 16:28
We are currently in Season 3, Volume 4, Monday just gone was episode 21 of 25 :)

17-04-2009, 17:37
Thanks Ive just watched episode 9 of season 3, but the site that I go on has up to episode 23

22-04-2009, 17:54
Im about to watch episode 21 :D

I love this show, although series 3 has really shocked me in terms of how much its changed.
And the fact that they seem to keep killing off all the girl characters cos theres not mant of them!
Im totally confused as to what Nathan is doing or was trying to

Bad Wolf
22-04-2009, 18:26
the i am sylar episode looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

22-04-2009, 19:06
Has episode 22 aired yet?

Bad Wolf
22-04-2009, 19:33
i think it was bbc 2 monday, because 1961 was on bbc3 which is 23, i am sylar is 24 and the finale is 25

22-04-2009, 20:05
omg so I can talk about it then!

Juts watched it! whats with all the dead bodies! :eek:

The website I go on has up to episode 24 on it,Im gonna watch 23 now :cheer:

Bad Wolf
23-04-2009, 07:55
please dont watch 24- the sylar ep til next monday- then we can discuss its greatness

1961 is all about angela / the petrellis and bennetts all coming together, it's actually quite sweet- all about how the company was started

23-04-2009, 21:58
I loved 1961 Ive been dying for them all to be together for ages :D I really like the realtionship that Nathan and Claire have now :)

:eek: ooooo that might be tough! Its friday tomorrow and thats when I usually watch Brothers and sisters and Lost on download and well its not gonna be Heroes
I'll see what happnes! I may watch it :p and then watch it again on monday to then discuss it on here :p

Bad Wolf
24-04-2009, 09:01
i think i hve to work on monday night now!!!!

where do you downoad them- pm me???? or send a copy!!

24-04-2009, 15:57
So by the way in this thread since theres only one, can we discuss BBC 3 episodes as well?

Bad Wolf
24-04-2009, 16:13
hooray!!!! just been told i dont have to work!!!! wooooooooo, i can watch the sylar ep in peace!!

25-04-2009, 21:21
I watched the episode, sorry I just couldnt wait any longer :p

I'll wait till monday to talk about it though :)

Bad Wolf
25-04-2009, 21:23
is it brilliant?

25-04-2009, 21:23
Well.........you see im not a massive fan of sylar like you I just found it odd at times! Like creepy

Bad Wolf
25-04-2009, 21:36
creepy is good for sylar- the more bonkers he gets, the better

25-04-2009, 21:36
well then....you will LOVE this episode

Bad Wolf
27-04-2009, 23:15
loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rock on the finale!!!!!!!!!!!!

28-04-2009, 17:22
Just saw 1961 .... LOVED it :)

28-04-2009, 17:29
Im downloading the finale now :p

30-04-2009, 15:50
Does anyone know when BBC2 is showing "I am Sylar" because it's not in the TV guide for next week..... :angry:

01-05-2009, 16:15
Does anyone know when BBC2 is showing "I am Sylar" because it's not in the TV guide for next week..... :angry:

Okay, don't worry, my friend told me it won't be on for 2 weeks because of the snooker.....:mad:

03-05-2009, 20:56
awww that annoying cos I have to wait longer until you see it so I can talk about it with yous

03-05-2009, 22:03
I was going to wait - but i may just HAVE to watch it on the internet ... :D

04-05-2009, 13:58
Yay I want to discuss with someone :D :p

di marco
05-05-2009, 10:52
cant wait til next week as theyre showing 2 epis :D will that be the finale then as well?

07-05-2009, 17:50
The next episodes are called "I am Sylar" and "Invisible Thread", which will be the last episodes of this Volume.:angel:

07-05-2009, 19:20
TBH, I thought this volume was crap. The plot was all over the place and as a mercy to the show, they should axe it now.

Bad Wolf
07-05-2009, 19:33
they cant axe it!!!!! some of it is brilliant!!

08-05-2009, 08:29
TBH, I thought this volume was crap. The plot was all over the place and as a mercy to the show, they should axe it now.

i agree that this volume was not very good compared to the others, but i dont think they should axe it, i think its just going through a lost moment, that too had a really crap season, then picked up again :hmm:

08-05-2009, 18:58
I still love it :D

Bad Wolf
09-05-2009, 13:02
im with abbie and layne, i love it toooo!!!!

09-05-2009, 17:33
I still love it but not as much as I used to. IMO this series has had its moments, like Sylar turning into a shapeshifter, and Noah attacking his wife thinking she was Sylar, Hiro and Ando doing the usual comedy turn with Touch and Go baby, and as usual Sylar was the star of the whole show :D But I think they should end Heroes while its still good instead of milking it just for the sake of it and it turning out not good at all.:ninja:

09-05-2009, 19:18
:eek: I dont want it to end soon, it would make it too short

11-05-2009, 19:39
I loved this series just as much as the earlier ones.

I do think that Claire is past her sell by date, but they might struggle to kill her off :lol:

11-05-2009, 20:01
Awww I still love Claire :D

11-05-2009, 21:10
If they got rid of Claire there would be no point to the show, she is and will always remain one of the lead characters on the show. This season/volume hasn't exactly been the greatest to watch though.

Bad Wolf
11-05-2009, 22:28
gonna watch the finale tomorrow- bwwn to see star trek- fan-bloody-tastic!!!!!!!!

12-05-2009, 22:10
:D tell me what you think :p

Bad Wolf
13-05-2009, 09:29
just watched it- loved it,
they killed nathan!!!!! properly dead- no way back for him and the start of volume five suggests it will only be a matter of time before sylar comes to the surface again!!!!

really pleased tracey is back- that will be fun

13-05-2009, 14:32
Im sad though!!!! :( cant believe they did that

I always thought she might come back :D

13-05-2009, 15:33
WOWsers! Rather good finale! Nathan though :( Im not sure how long Angela is going to be able to live with that!
And im glad Tracey is back :) I thought she would be and plus i saw her name (Ali Larter) on the opening credits :p

Bring on the next volume!

Bad Wolf
13-05-2009, 18:02
we'll have to wait ages for it!!!!!

13-05-2009, 18:19
IM worried about Hiro though

Bad Wolf
13-05-2009, 18:33
maybe that will be the next twist- about the heroes rejecting their powers??

15-05-2009, 16:37
LOVED the last 2 episodes!!! How could they do that to Nathan - make Sylar Nathan that is. He'll need top-ups from Matt Parkman regularly to stop Sylar re-surfacing again :eek: Can't wait for the next Volume now....:thumbsup:

17-05-2009, 15:19
maybe that will be the next twist- about the heroes rejecting their powers??

Hmmm possibly

It amazes me all the stuff they can do and go with this show

Bad Wolf
17-05-2009, 15:56
heroes is great!

really pleased tracey is back, what they going to do with the hunter now? will he start working for the new company?

17-05-2009, 16:02
Who sorry?

Bad Wolf
17-05-2009, 16:08
the bald dude!!


17-05-2009, 16:10
Oh right! yeah!

what happened to him, its been a while since I watched the finale

Bad Wolf
17-05-2009, 16:15
dunno actually, he was last seen in a cell with HRG, hiro froze time, they got out and just dissapeared

17-05-2009, 17:38
dunno actually, he was last seen in a cell with HRG, hiro froze time, they got out and just dissapeared

after that, HRG told Danko they should work together, they went into the control centre and Danko was just about to stick a tranquiliser into HRG (while his back was turned) when Hiro froze time again and tranquilised Danko instead! Don't know what they did with Danko after that...put him in a cell hopefully :rotfl:

di marco
17-05-2009, 20:40
loved the finale. cant believe they killed nathan off though and i cant see sylar staying nathan for too long! and i thought tracey would be back. cant wait for the next season, does anyone know when it will be? im guessing not before autumn at the earliest? :(

Bad Wolf
18-05-2009, 07:58
its actually quite cool they killed such a major character! very brave, because obviously sylar will out sooner rather than later, then no more nathan! ek!!

18-05-2009, 10:35
I reckon 'Nathan' turns into Sylar in his sleep, then wakes up as 'Nathan' we sort of witnessed the true Sylar at the beginning of the new chapter.

18-05-2009, 19:10
Im still very sad about nathan :crying: I cant believe it !

19-05-2009, 22:33
Yes, unfortunately I dont think we have seen the last of Sylar. I liked Nathan, and it is sad that he has been killed off.
The closing scene where he says this clock is running a minute and a half fast sent a chill down my spine......

19-05-2009, 22:34
Same here.....its just not right :(

20-05-2009, 18:00
Maybe killing off Nathan is a way for the writers to make Heroes good again? It will be interesting to see how Sylar's character gradually appears more and more/suddenly :eek:

20-05-2009, 18:10
I think the writers want to show Sylar from the start, how he got his powers and what caused him to become a murderer:hmm: thats my theory on Nathan/Sylar situation.

20-05-2009, 19:14
Well its certainly making it more shocking!

05-06-2009, 12:08
Robert Knepper, who repulsed yet riveted Prison Break fans as the vile Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell, is joining NBC's Heroes as this season's big baddie, says the Hollywood Reporter.

Also, a show rep confirms that Californication's Madeline Zima is coming on board as Claire's new gal pal.

In the Season 4 volume "Redemption," Knepper will play Samuel, the charismatic yet wicked ringmaster of a literal circus. In casting breakdowns leaked last month, the show expressed its want for an Eddie Izzard type to fill the role.

Zima, meanwhile, has been cast in the recurring role of Gretchen, an edgy co-ed Claire will cross paths with at college.

04-11-2009, 15:25
Adrian Pasdar has been let go from NBC's Heroes.

Reports of a major character's death and departure from the show began circulating last month.

A studio rep for the NBC series would not confirm Pasdar's exit.

This isn't the first time Pasdar's character, Sen. Nathan Petrelli, has been killed off the series. At the end of Season 3, Nathan's throat was slit by Sylar, but Pasdar remained in the cast because the supervillain was forced to take on the guise and memories of the elder Petrelli brother.

The last time we saw the "new" Nathan, he had been shot by a hit man and unceremoniously buried. Since we're talking about Heroes, whether that's truly the end for Pasdar remains to be seen.

Bad Wolf
04-11-2009, 17:58
there are too many heroes threads- its all very confusing- i just replied to this post in another section

Bad Wolf
04-11-2009, 18:02
im closing this- there is a thread in US TV to discuss the new series, no need for two threads

here (http://www.soapboards.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=96893)