View Full Version : Sun Hill Mole -February

05-02-2007, 22:25
Sun Hill Mole -February


Although most of these have already been posted in bits and pieces I thought I would share them with you.

If you dont already subscribe to Sun Hill Mole you really should.

After months of undercover work, Zain's façade crumbles. Keeping up with all his own lies proves too much - after all, his girlfriend has murdered PC Honey Harman and he did dispose of the body, all in the name of love. Gutted Jack is left with no option but to mount a strong investigation against Zain.

Gina Gold, confirms to the shocked relief, the body pulled from the river is their colleague Honey. Whilst Will struggles to come to terms with his lover's death he has a heartbreaking meeting with Honey's mum.

Emma admits to Lewis that her husband Matt is a control freak and a bully. Although Matt makes a desperate apology, he still undermines Emma in spite of how well she performs at work.

Leslie Grantham, famous for playing Dirty Den Watts, has a guest role as Jimmy Collins. Jimmy escapes from an open prison then finds himself holding up Gina Gold at knife point.

Work maybe mayhem for Gold, but she gets some (ahem) light relief after hours when she gives in to lover boy, and married man, Peter Harris's charms. It's a night at the ballet for them with all the posh trimmings.

June has enough of the thankless work as a copper, and with Rod feeling rotten about his job too, she suggests they retire. Her investigation into the development of the Aldbourne Estate makes someone so nervous they run her down! Heaton is shocked to hear his lover and senior DAC Hobbs is involved.

When Sam starts as a DI following her promotion it's not long before Neil pushes his luck with her and Sam annoys him by opening up the Amy Tennant MISPER case again. Sam wants to run a press day on the anniversary of Amy's disappearance to see if it jogs anyone's memory. The case gathers momentum again.

06-02-2007, 21:54
I've subscribed but it never sends it to my new address, it only sends it to my old one. I keep subscribing with my new one but it doesn't make a difference.

I can't wait to see Gina in a dress :) I think Gina would love a night at the ballet :rotfl:

There's a pic of Gina in her dress here http://www.thebill.com/page.asp?partid=23&episodeid=319&story=2

07-02-2007, 12:02
I've subscribed but it never sends it to my new address, it only sends it to my old one. I keep subscribing with my new one but it doesn't make a difference.

I can't wait to see Gina in a dress :) I think Gina would love a night at the ballet :rotfl:

There's a pic of Gina in her dress here http://www.thebill.com/page.asp?partid=23&episodeid=319&story=2

i keep subscribing and it doesnt send me anything either!