View Full Version : The final ever episode!!!

05-02-2007, 20:16
So the end is near, and we can all let out our cries :crying: But before we do does anyone know how the final episode of the O.C is going to end?
Does anyone have any speculations? or what they want to happen?

Here's what i heard.....

The whole of season 4 is a dream, yes a dream!! ryan was the one that got injured in the crash and is in a coma so that means marrissa is NOT dead, the whole of season 4 is what ryans mind is telling him, and im assuming marissa is waiting by his bedside.

Now i know this is a bit far-fetched but i did hear that this could POSSIBLY happen, and i think that it would be an amazing ending to The OC, the original foursome back together what do you think?

07-02-2007, 17:02
Too much like Dallas and Bobby waking in the shower. I have to say I am enjoying this series of the OC without Marissa - I think Ryan and Taylor are really cute together, with Marissa it was all too heavy and intense. Love Kaitlin and Julie together, work so much better than Julie and Marissa.

08-02-2007, 18:50
I really hope the dream thing doesn't happen, I've really liked season 4, Taylor and Ryan are so good together :wub: I don't want it to end, but I hope its a really good ending.

11-02-2007, 23:16
here is the url to where i got my idea of the dream from watch and see what you guys think.


12-02-2007, 17:15
although that would be like...amazing, do you think it's beleivable? The only episode i can see a direct message from for if the whole coma thing was true is the Christmukk-huh? cos that one like talks about life without Ryan. I just don't think that the coma/dream thing would be believable.

12-02-2007, 19:17
Episode 4.16: The End’s Not Near, It’s Here (Series finale)
American Airdate: February 22, 2007

Note about series finale spoilers: For the past 3 season finales, producers have made sure that spoilers/tv gossip sources were given foilers about the finales instead of spoilers. Is the series finale any different? So take all spoilers below with a grain of salt, as they may be feeding the press with foilers again for this finale.
02/10 - Promo pictures show that Kirsten will have delivered the baby. Source: SpoilerFix.com
02/10 - The series concludes six months after an earthquake rocked Newport. Taylor has an appointment with a seamstress while the fate of “The Valley” is revealed. Source: TV Guide Online
02/10 - Special Guest Cast: Kevin Sorbo as Frank Atwood. Guest Cast: Gary Grubbs as Bullitt; Brandon Quinn as Spencer; Todd Sherry as Todd; Jim Pirri as Patrick. Source: FOX
02/07 - If Autumn Reeser's dress-fitting wasn't enough of a clue, lemme come right out and say there will be a wedding! Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
01/27 - Taylor and her mother are in San Diego looking to buy a house that looks exactly as their old house. Julie and Kaitlin are not seeing eye to eye, which may cause the latter to run away. Ryan visits his brother and tells him about a safety deposit box their father kept for them. Summer and Seth go to a rabbit ranch. The Cohens are trying to get their house back in shape. Source: SpoilerFix.com
01/24 - The series finale picks up six months after everyone's world gets, um, "shaken up"; there's a special event that requires Autumn Reeser to, as she blabbed to me at press tour, get "fitted for a certain dress"; we will learn the fate of Summer's favorite soap-within-a-soap, "The Valley"; and Ryan will appear in the final scene. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
01/24 - "I'm not forgetting the support we got, and continue to get, from The O.C. at Boalt fans," says Schwartz, referring to UC Berkeley's law students, who even started a scholarship in the name of the series' attorney dad, Sandy Cohen. "I'm going to do a very special homage to them in the final episode." Source: Inside Bay Area
01/24 - Taylor will go to Paris to attend a funeral. Source: SpoilerFix BuddyTV Spoilers Chat
01/21 - Veronica, Taylor's mom, is not happy when a building inspector says that it will cost more to fix her house than to rebuild it completely. A Bullit-type teenager drops by El Pavo Guapo and hits on Kaitlin. Taylor travels to Paris. Source: SpoilerFix.com
01/16 - Josh Schwartz reveals: The finale is going to deliver real closure to these characters. It's going to be the finale we had always planned to do. It's going to be a really satisfying ending for people who have been with the show for four years, and really watched Ryan grow and search for happiness. Source: The Ausiello Report

General Spoilers:

02/07 - Taylor is going to shoot someone very close to her. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

14-02-2007, 19:05
02/14 - New promo pictures show Summer and Taylor wearing the exact same dresses. Could they be bridesmaids and not brides as some spoilers reported? If so, who is getting married? It looks like Julie will be wearing a wedding ring. Also, Kirsten is rumored to have a baby girl and the Cohens are set to move to Berkeley. Source: SpoilerFix BuddyTV Spoilers Chat

16-02-2007, 19:45
I've seen the pictures, it must be Julie and Frank getting married. Thanks for posting the spoilers :D

21-02-2007, 21:22
What if I told you Julie was the one getting hitched? Oh, wait, Fox already gave that away in the promos. What if I told you Kirsten delivers a healthy baby girl? Oh, wait, Fox already gave that away in the promos. What if I told you that Seth and Summer go their separate ways? Oh, wait, Fox already gave that away in the promos. What if I told you that Ryan and Taylor have sex? Oh, wait, Fox already gave that away in the promos. I got nothing.