View Full Version : Week 8

irish eyes
02-02-2007, 15:43
Alice has made a big sign for reception, announcing the saving of the department, as the popular hospital drama continues.

Jeff and Dixie cope with a difficult drunk in a fight on the street, and Jeff proves his prowess as a paramedic.

Meanwhile, Harry and Selena deal with a pensioner brought in by Jeff, but they fail to save his life and Harry is distraught.

Later, Nathan decides he needs to apologise to Harry. He goes up to his office and, through the blinds, sees Selena and Harry in a passionate embrace.

Lizzie Brookes
02-02-2007, 16:58
Seems a bit soon for Selena to be in Harry's arms just after breaking up with Nathan. I am sorry for Nathan but he did ask for it. I suppose Nathan and Selena need to remain professional and on good working terms sort of as they are working in the same hospital.

02-02-2007, 17:15
before nathan came on the scene and spoilt everything there was a good chance selena and harry were going to get together. lets hope they do get together now and they are really suited.

02-02-2007, 17:16
before nathan came on the scene and spoilt everything there was a good chance selena and harry were going to get together. lets hope they do get together now and they are really suited.

Lizzie Brookes
02-02-2007, 17:55
Well eah to their own. I don't mind Selena and Harry together but I do like her and Nathan together. I don't think he spoilt anything though. Selena did ask Harry out but he was dating Ellen so she accepted Nathan's dinner invite instead. Then she and Nathan got back together when hisHIV scare brought them together. I only wish he had been sensible and not blown his chance with her. Besides I think she should remain single for a time before jumping straight from Nathan to Harry.

03-02-2007, 15:27
But at one point Harry asked Selena out and she said no, they always have had a sort of conection due to him being out with her the night his wife died.

Lizzie Brookes
03-02-2007, 17:01
Yeah i suppose but it was still wrong of harry to go out with her when he was married. She had long hair then didn't she? - Selena I mean.

03-02-2007, 17:48
yay, she's in it! (Alice) so does this mean she hasnt left?
Im not sure who Selena should go with really so i think i'll let the storyline develop before i decide.

04-02-2007, 18:15
Yeah i suppose but it was still wrong of harry to go out with her when he was married. She had long hair then didn't she? - Selena I mean.

Yeah she had long hair, way back in 2003 when she joined.

Lizzie Brookes
04-02-2007, 18:17
I liked her better with long hair.

04-02-2007, 18:19
I liked her hair before she had it cut this series when it was shortish but flicked out a bit like spiky, it's quite hard to explain. Not to keen on her new hair style at the moment.

Lizzie Brookes
04-02-2007, 18:21
Her hairs ok - not as good as it used to be.

04-02-2007, 18:23
Lol, look at us having a conversation about peoples hairstyles.

Lizzie Brookes
04-02-2007, 18:25
Yeah I know. lol. Maybe Harry will have an interesting haircut or perhaps Nathan will straighten his hair.

04-02-2007, 18:28
Well you never know what will happen, can see it next week that your predictions will become reality and both of them will be on scene with new hairstyles.

05-02-2007, 16:43
I failed going spoiler-free :crying: It's too hard :p Ah well, I'll try again next week :p

I like the idea of a passionate embrace between Harry and Selena.. probs not as passionate as it sounds, just Nathan seeing it wrong..

Further Ahead
Saturday 17th Feb, time tbc, BBC One

Nathan gets more than he bargains for when goes to apologise to Harry.
And after years of sexual tension, a steamy snog takes place.

Or maybe I was wrong :p I'm guessing that's Harry and Selena..

irish eyes
08-02-2007, 17:09
From Whats On Tv:

Harry's farewell kiss

Saturday 17th February

Harry's last day at the hospital is marred by the death of a pensioner. And it goes from bad to worse when, despite his requests for a quiet departure, Nathan presents Harry with a carriage clock and gives a seemingly insincere farewell speech. Harry tells Nathan that his major campaign as MP will be to rid hospitals of incompetent managers!

Later in Harry’s office, Selena reassures a distraught Harry that he'll be able to do even more good for people in his new job as an MP - and the two share a kiss. Nathan goes up to Harry’s office to apologise and when he sees Harry and Selena in a passionate embrace, he rips Harry’s name off the door.

Also, new arrival Jeff proves a match for Dixie, which infuriates her. And Abs notices that Greg and Cyd fancy each other and tells Greg to go for it!

10-02-2007, 21:51
Where did you get the picture from?

irish eyes
10-02-2007, 23:54
From here:


11-02-2007, 23:01
From Whats On Tv:

Harry's last day at the hospital is marred by the death of a pensioner. And it goes from bad to worse when, despite his requests for a quiet departure, Nathan presents Harry with a carriage clock and gives a seemingly insincere farewell speech. Harry tells Nathan that his major campaign as MP will be to rid hospitals of incompetent managers!

Harry isn't leaving is he??????? He can't leave, he's one of the best bits in Casualty.

irish eyes
11-02-2007, 23:19
From Whats On Tv:

Harry's last day at the hospital is marred by the death of a pensioner. And it goes from bad to worse when, despite his requests for a quiet departure, Nathan presents Harry with a carriage clock and gives a seemingly insincere farewell speech. Harry tells Nathan that his major campaign as MP will be to rid hospitals of incompetent managers!

Harry isn't leaving is he??????? He can't leave, he's one of the best bits in Casualty.

Nope thank god......He's only taking a short break, he starts filming again in april so should be on our screens by Julyish:cheer:

From Tv Guide:
