View Full Version : Laptop problem

samantha nixon
31-01-2007, 19:19
When i switch my laptop on it come up with it needs to check hardrive c or something like that and you have 10 seconds to clic if you dont want it to do it but it is recomended you let it check it, but i let it check it and it froze on 6% and didnt move at all so i had to switch my laptop of as it froze
has anyone had this proble before and if so what was it, was it a virus or something else as i wanna see if i can find out what it is before i tell my dad Thanks for any help

31-01-2007, 19:45
Mine's done it before, try it again after you've left it off for a bit, then if it keeps freezing don't do it, then do as many virus scans as you need.

samantha nixon
31-01-2007, 19:52
it comes up every time i switch my laptop on and has been happening for about 2 or 3 weeks now and i dont think we have a virus protector on here

31-01-2007, 20:03
There isn't one on my dad's laptop, but it never froze up whilst doing it. The last time it worked correctly, did you get a blue screen come up, saying, "Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer....?"

samantha nixon
31-01-2007, 20:18
erm once i have yh but the other times i havent had anything come up its just froze on 6%
was it a virus on yours or just something wrong with the hardrive c

31-01-2007, 20:26
Sounds like a problem with the hard drive. Best thing to do is leave it for ages and see what happens. If you pay close attention to the noise you can tell if there is a aprob. A flurry of light sounds is good. A repeating grrrrr grrrrrrrrrr grrrr sound is bad. Windows will do its best to sort it out so leave it for a while (can be a couple of hours or more)

31-01-2007, 20:37
erm once i have yh but the other times i havent had anything come up its just froze on 6%
was it a virus on yours or just something wrong with the hardrive c

No virus, it was just being slow when you were on it, then decided to close. Spyware got into C, I think that was what was causing it, but it sorted itself with the disk check.

31-01-2007, 21:16
Are there any beeps as it starts up??

Have you tried a stage by stage boot up

samantha nixon
31-01-2007, 21:22
erm alan i wouldnt have a clue what a stage by stage boot up is as im not to great with the technical side of computers
and tm it depends sometimes when it loads up its Grrr Grrr sounds but other times its not but they both end up on the disk check page thing, and do you mean leave it of for a couple of hours or leave it on the disk check and let windows sort it out

31-01-2007, 21:48
When you switch on does it not give you an option to press F8 to boot up

samantha nixon
31-01-2007, 22:27
nope my computer does that but my laptop doesnt, it never has

31-01-2007, 23:32
nope my computer does that but my laptop doesnt, it never hasThats strange. It should do. Watch it very carefully next time it boots up. Do you have a boot cd or a system recovery disc

samantha nixon
03-02-2007, 15:59
i dont know what it is alan
and also i thought id do the disk check and i started it at half 11 and its still only on 11% and has been for atleast 3 hours now is it meant to take that long

03-02-2007, 16:30
i dont know what it is alan
and also i thought id do the disk check and i started it at half 11 and its still only on 11% and has been for atleast 3 hours now is it meant to take that long

Oh, I think that was the thing my friend was running when I was there once, I think it got to 7% pretty quickly and then took ages to do the rest. The one I did on my dad's laptop went in stages, isn't yours going in stages?

samantha nixon
03-02-2007, 16:33
what do you mean by stages kim? Sorry i keep asking lots of questions

03-02-2007, 16:43
what do you mean by stages kim? Sorry i keep asking lots of questions

It said it would do the check, and I had the time to cancel it, so I let it do it. And it said something like, "Stage 1 of 4 - Checking such and such," then it said checking something else.

samantha nixon
03-02-2007, 16:51
no mine said i have 10 seconds i let it do it and now its just up to 11% doesnt say anything about stages

03-02-2007, 16:56
That must be what my mate had and not what I had. In that case, don't worry about the time that it is taking.

samantha nixon
03-02-2007, 17:01
i have just checked it and it is now on 27% and says something about replacing bad clusters on DVD_Shrink or something so hopefully it will be done soon

03-02-2007, 17:23
i have just checked it and it is now on 27% and says something about replacing bad clusters on DVD_Shrink or something so hopefully it will be done soon

Yeah, I think it does get faster the further it is through the check. My friend's laptop took ages to go from 7% to 23%.

samantha nixon
03-02-2007, 19:48
the stupid thing stopped :angry: it said cancelled or something but i didnt touch it at all and it is still coming up when i switch it on so i think ill do it another day now

07-02-2007, 00:17
by the sound of things something is wrong on your hard drive hence the reason it starts every time you turn on your computer.
As has been commented earlier it might be a sign that your hard disk is failing.
The programme that is running is called scan disk and it checks your hard disk for any problems with the drive and then fixes them. If you have got a big hard drive or have a lot of data on it then this might explain why it is taking so long. Also you need to just let it run its course - without running ANY other programmes at all at the same time as this alters the drive meaning scan disk has to start all over again. Once it has run the whole way through once it may give you information about what is wrong with the hard drive - my scan disk at the end said there were lots of bad clusters so told me that it might be a sign of the hard disk failing.
Bad clusters are where the part of the hard drive isnt working properly. If vital information is stored in that part of the drive then it may stop your computer working so scan disk needs to move this vital information to an ok part of the drive.

Hope this helps - let its run its course - it may take all day for it to run the whole way through, it is the bad clusters that slows it down. Mine took at least 5 hours to run when my hard disk was failing.