View Full Version : Woman has twins at 67

28-01-2007, 19:20
I read this in the news paper this morning.

A 67 year old mum conned doctors in America into believing she was 55 to get fertility treatment. She had twin boys 7 weeks premature a few days after Xmas. They were concieved using donor egg and sperm and she's now hoping to find a younger man to be a "father" to her boys.

I think she's tapped in the head to even consider having children at her age. It's sick, a women of her age having children. When her twins reach 13 she'll be 80. That's if she lives that long. There's a reason why women go through the menopause.

She thinks she can raise 2 babies and look after a flat on 900 euros a month, which I think is £400. She's living in a dream world. She also says that when the twins start toddling and she can't keep up with them she'll buy a play pen and put them in there.

Anyway, just wondered what you all thought of this.

28-01-2007, 19:38
far too old! the menopause is there for a reason and people are just trying to play God too much these days.

28-01-2007, 21:33
Wasn't this happening last year? Or was that woman 64?

28-01-2007, 21:34
Wasn't this happening last year? Or was that woman 64?

She was the previous holder of the title for world's oldest mother. I think she could have been 64.

28-01-2007, 21:44
I think its wrong, just wrong...:eek: I also think the woman in question is being deeply selfish.

28-01-2007, 21:47
I think its wrong, just wrong...:eek: I also think the woman in question is being deeply selfish.

She's had 40-odd years to have a baby, why leave it this late in life? The boys will have no quality of life with a mother of that age.

Chloe O'brien
29-01-2007, 00:32
I suppose she must have had good reasons on why she left it so late in life to have children but I'm more concerned with the stress that she will have to suffer of bringing up young children. It's no joke I don't think I could cope to going back to changing nappies and sleepless nights

29-01-2007, 22:38
I suppose she must have had good reasons on why she left it so late in life to have children but I'm more concerned with the stress that she will have to suffer of bringing up young children. It's no joke I don't think I could cope to going back to changing nappies and sleepless nights

I know thats what I think, I half feel sorry for her as she wanted children and then I feel sorry for her kids as they arent going to be able to spend as long with their mother as other people do.

29-01-2007, 22:52
Poor children really. Very selfish of the woman. Not being funny, but she may not even live much longer, heaven forbid. Doesn't she want her boys to have parents.. and she doesn't even have a partner. That makes it far worse.

30-01-2007, 11:16
I personally think this is shocking!!

She is being very selfish and think of the poor boys here and the taunting they will get from other kids. Everyone is going to think that she is the grandmother rather than the mother.

30-01-2007, 12:19
I have reserved making a comment on this.. i think she should never have gotten this treatment as she lied, however saying that, it is her right to have kids whenever she wants. Ok the children could suffer in this (I say could as I know a lot of grandmother who have raised their daughters kids and done so with success) and we don't know of this women, who does she have to support her? who will look after the kids if she is gone? Do I think she is selfish? maybe, but are women who leave it late to have kids selfish too?

30-01-2007, 15:06
I think the wrong doing lies with lying about her age. They onviosly havea limit for a reason, and shes not taken that into consideration.

30-01-2007, 16:28
I think it's disgusting and unnatural and reduces a baby to nothing more than a commodity. Just because the science is there to allow older women to have children doesn't make it right. Apparently this woman nearly died during her pregnancy/birth, who would have taken care of the children then? No doubt they would have gone into care or been placed for adoption as she has no one. Just another example of today's "I want" society.