View Full Version : SHameless Quotes

27-01-2007, 16:54
For all your favourite Shameless quotes from any of the series.

27-01-2007, 17:53
Frank: *takes a drag of the cigar* I tell you what Dad, you can take this cigar and stick it right up your ****
Neville: No Frank, I already did that before I came in here :rotfl:

Veronica to her mam: You haven't got ****ing arthritis!!!!!! :rotfl:

Paddy: You know this joker Ian?
Ian: Yeah, that's me dad.

Frank: Under what circumstances, would I be called 'Grandad' ?
Kev: Erm, well i'm no expert Frank.. but i'm guessing when one of your kids has a baby..

Shelia: *after she gets an egg thrown at her* I'VE BEEN SHOT!!! :rotfl:

Eyvonne: *throws biscuits over shop* Go and get them and you can have 20p off
Lilian: I wanted two tins of salmon, can I take them aswell?!
Eyvonne: Don't push it Lilian!

Frank: You can piss off n' all! We're parents not perverts! :rotfl:

Shelia: Your not a lesbian! And ya havin' sex with my Frank!

Neville: Are you epileptic Sheila?
Sheila: Epileptic me? Never. Nothing like that in our house, Dad wouldn't have stood for it. :rotfl:

Blonde lass at door: Are you from council?
Frank: Do we look like we're from the ****ing council?!?! :rotfl:

Frank: We're looking for Psycho Sally
Psycho Woman: Psycho Sally?!! Try Nancy street!! :rotfl:

"Sperm whale!" :rotfl:

There's absolutely loadss more but i'll think later lol

29-01-2007, 15:56
Billy Wilson: It's never little Fiona?
Veronica: No, it's a little Veronica. what the **** do you want?
Billy Wilson: Mr. Wilson, housing officer. :rotfl:

Frank Gallagher: "Where's your Mama gone? Where's your Mama gone?" Used to sing that to the kids when Monica **** off, never a dry eye in the house, all shot off upstairs howling they did. :rotfl:

Steve : Its not my baby, Its yours. :clap: :(

Frank Gallagher: I had to wait 4 hours at A & E 'cause of someone queue hopping! Who cares if he was shot? He shot Himself. Some people are so selfish. :rotfl: