View Full Version : The In - Between (EE/Sean centred)

24-01-2007, 20:56
A/N - Summary - Sean has his own secrets and reasons for his behaviour, being unable to face his mother, and dealing with life. (Written story style).


Sean glared at the rain pattered window as a cloud of smoke escaped his lips. He tapped the ash off his cigarette onto the plate before him; he didn’t care if he was told he wasn’t allowed to smoke in the house, he was going to do it anyway. There wasn’t anyone in with him.

Stacey’s scowl was still etched on his mind; the scowl she had worn as she left, letting the front door slam behind her. She was going to see their mum. Just the thought made his skin crawl as he leant back in his chair and set his mouth in a firm line. His brash sister would never understand quite why he held his mother in such contempt.

It wasn’t just the memories of their mother’s crazy and embarrassing antics all those years ago. It wasn’t just the way she would blame him for things invented in her own head. It wasn’t just the way that he had to comfort his younger sister, when they were frightened of their mother’s rants. It wasn’t just that she was essentially, a rubbish mother.

He stabbed his cigarette out and rubbed at his eyes, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over him, which was typical after days awake and energetic. So when the call of sleep finally came, he submitted to it.

The sofa had become his makeshift bed after Charlie’s hasty offer to invite him to stay. That was his destination; he was mindful not to trip over an empty plate and mug still half full of tea that he had left on the floor since breakfast. He crouched down at the foot of the sofa where his backpack was, unzipping it and rummaging through.

When his fingers finally brushed past the green and white packaging he pulled it out and flipped it over in his hands. He frowned, even before he slid out the foil covered sheets that usually contained pills – it appeared he had a few left. Stuff it, he thought, shoving the box back into the bag and zipping it up.

He let himself flop down onto the sofa and pull the borrowed duvet over himself. He rolled onto his side, letting his face rest against the back of the sofa as he closed his eyes and waited for the sleep to come. After sleep he would be refreshed, ready to fight against the world again, and possibly fight his family too.

He didn’t need them, he told himself, he’d been fine all these years. He could leave. Stacey might be upset, but she’d get over it - again.

He wasn’t entirely a bad person; it wasn’t entirely him. Their mother would know about that. He would never be as bad as his mother though he thought; trying to justify to him self that it was okay to skip the medication occasionally. That way he could drink later.

24-01-2007, 21:13
Wow I love this script I really want to know more I do like Sean most of the time so please post more

24-01-2007, 21:20
A/N - Thanks Rach33, here's chapter 1 for you

Sean was sat in the corner booth in the Queen Vic, sipping silently from his pint. He was fairly certain that the glowering bald guy behind the bar, Phil he vaguely remembered his name being, was watching him. He had been in the pub for about two hours, and was on his fourth drink.

The blonde girl sat barely on the edge of the bar stool was smiling his way again. She had too much makeup, but lots of bare leg which was nicer to look at than her toothy smile. He wagered a smile in her direction anyway, seeing as he needed something to do to pass the time.

“I should have known you’d be here” he jumped slightly at the voice, and a pink bag plonked onto the table before him. He looked up from it into the agitated face of his sister. “You’d rather be getting drunk and leering over some tarts than seeing your own mother!”

“What man wouldn’t?” Sean retorted picking up his pint protectively as his sister sat down beside him.

“Don’t you even care how she is?”

“Not particularly”

Stacey narrowed her eyes, “she’s in a state Sean, she’s run out of her medication” she started to take off her jacket, missing the look on his face. “I brought up that you’ve turned up and she was…she thinks you’re dead. What does that tell you?”

“That she’s crazy” he muttered, despite knowing that although he personally found it slightly amusing, Stacey was going to have a go at him.

“Don’t you even go there Sean!” she warned, “I can’t believe how heartless you’re being. In fact, I can’t believe how much of a coward you are!”

“Excuse me?”

“You can face wars, but you can’t even face your own mother?” Stacey scoffed.

“They’re not even in the same league Stace” he muttered. “And I’m not scared of her. I just don’t want to see her, what’s so hard to understand about that?”

“But she’s our mum”

“Stacey just drop it” Sean rolled his eyes and drank some of his pint.

“You can’t keep running away like a scared kid. If you can handle meeting me and living with me again, why can’t you handle meeting her?”

“I said drop it!” Sean snapped, gaining the unwanted attention of some nearby drinkers. He lowered his voice and leaned in towards her. “I’m not going to see her. That’s it. End of” he slammed his glass down on the table and grabbed his jacket, to leave.

He stormed out of the pub and across the street as he shrugged on the jacket, feeling as gloomy as the autumn night hanging above him. He bumped into a man roughly, hardly acknowledging it in his mood.

“Oi, watch where you’re going!” the man stopped to snap back at him.

“Whatever!” you old ginger ******, he added silently in his head.

The last thing he had wanted to hear about that evening was his mum – like he should feel sorry for her. He laughed bitterly to himself as he stopped in the middle of the square and looked around. Great, now where was he going to go?

“Sean!” he closed his eyes – it looked like Stacey had come after him after all.


“I’m sorry” she offered weakly, “we could go for a drink if you want”

“I’m not in the mood” he muttered. “Look, go do your boyfriend or something, I’m going for a walk”

“Sean!” Stacey called after him again as he walked off in the opposite direction. Typical she thought, always walking away.

24-01-2007, 21:43
Chapter 2

“Your brother didn’t get in till late” Mo commented as Stacey leant against the kitchen counter and waited for her toast to pop up. “Just waltzed in, banged around the kitchen, woke Charlie up – you know what he’s like when he’s woken up when he’s got the early shifts - I Bet you he is have a hangover the size of a mammoth”

Stacey raised an eyebrow at her Nan, “Sean? No Nan, he left the pub and went for a walk. It wasn’t drunkenness; it was male stubbornness you heard”

Mo shook her head, and waved the butter knife at her, “I’m telling you, unless your brother bucks up his ideas, gets a job or makes him self useful, Charlie will regret letting him kip on the sofa!”

“Come on Nan, he’s practically only just got here. He doesn’t know Walford or anyone – he hasn’t seen me for 7 years”

“And he still hasn’t told us everything that he’s been upto”

“I told you, he was in the army”

“Yeah, which accounts for four years, what about the rest?”

Stacey jumped as her toast popped it – it got her every time. She picked them out tentatively to avoid being burnt, letting them drop onto her plate. “He’ll tell us” she muttered, “pass me the butter Nan”

Mo did as requested, “Well we still don’t know anything about him, I mean does he have money, a girlfriend, qualifications?”

“He has ears” Sean interrupted them, making them jump.

“Toast Sean?” Stacey asked.

He looked down at the half blackened slices on her plate. “No thanks, coffee will do” he walked past her to get to the kettle.

“’Ere, are you looking for work today?” Mo asked.

“I might do, if I’ve got nothing else to do”

“Nan, go and get ready to open the stall” Stacey sighed.

“My breakfast!”

“Take it with you” Stacey handed their Nan her plate and ushered her out of the kitchen. “She sure moans a lot doesn’t she?”

“Hmm” Sean searched the cupboards after flicking on the kettle.

Stacey licked her lips anxiously. “It’s Bradley’s birthday today, there’s a meal happening tonight at his house, fancy coming with me?”


“My boyfriend, remember”

“Why would I want to sit in and be a third wheel on some lame teenage date?”

Stacey glared, “it’s not like that, his parents will be there”

“Ooh exciting, do we get party hats too?” Sean flinched when she hit his arm.

“Stop being an anti-social prat and come with me. I don’t want to go on my own, besides you need to make friends”, she bristled at the look he gave her, “Bradley and his family are nice! They’d like to meet you”

“If you say so” Sean spooned coffee and sugar granules into a mug. “They haven’t even invited me have they? I bet they don’t even know about me”

“Well, they won’t mind” Stacey waved off, “and Bradley knows about you”

“Oh well that’s okay then”

“Shut up, you’re going with me. End of”, Stacey left the kitchen to get ready to open the stall with her Nan. She’d have to catch up with Tanya in her break, or if she passed by, about their extra guest – surely she wouldn’t mind.

Sean sighed as the kitchen door shut after his sister, and the kettle finished boiling.

24-01-2007, 22:34
Chapter 3

“Hey, Tanya” Max gestured to the extra place setting at the table, “Who is this extra setting for?”

“Oh, Stacey’s brother is going to join us” the blonde smiled as she finished arranging the cutlery.

“She has a brother?”

“Yeah, called Sean, I think. He hasn’t been in Walford long”

“How come we didn’t know about this brother before?”

“I don’t know, look, Bradley’s met him. Just be nice okay, it’s Bradley’s birthday”

“If he’s as common as that girl, I swear”-

“Max!” Tanya scowled at him. Her husband was always saying how Bradley could do better, but personally she thought she was a nice girl, and made a cute couple with Bradley. It was then that the doorbell rang. “Bradley!” Tanya called, then gave Max a warning look; “be nice”.

She went and opened the front door, to see Stacey smiling nervously and dressed up rather nicely in a black dress and wearing her hair up. The tall male besides her looked less enthusiastic, and dressed in black jeans and a white shirt. “Heya Stacey, you look gorgeous” she gushed, “and you must be Sean. I’m Tanya, Bradley’s mum – well, stepmum” she held her hand out to him.

After a warning nudge off of Stacey, Sean reached out to shake her hand, “nice to meet you love”

The blonde smiled, “well come in, come in, dinner’s almost ready”

“Thanks” Stacey smiled, giving her brother one more nudge before entering the house, “where are the girls?”

“They’re sleeping over at a friends house tonight” Tanya explained, as Bradley came down the stairs.

“Stacey, hi” he smiled at his girlfriend, kissing her on the cheek, “you look gorgeous. Thanks for making it” he did a bit of a double take when seeing Sean. “Uh, hi, it’s nice you could make it too”

“Yeah” Sean glanced at him then strolled past into the lounge.

“Ignore him, he’s always moody. Happy Birthday sweetheart!” Stacey put her arms around Bradley.

Max glanced the other man up and down, “So, you’re Stacey’s brother”

“And you’re observant” Sean sat down and glanced up at him.

Tanya came sweeping in. “Oh have you already introduced yourselves to each other?” The two guys were engaged in a bitter staring contest. “Max, go get the wine while I serve up dinner”

“Sure Love” Max squeezed her shoulder as she went past, disappearing into the kitchen. “Look sunshine, it’s my son’s birthday, so if you act up, I’ll have to sort you out, alright?”

Sean raised his hands defensively, “I’m just here for the food and drink alright, so don’t get too exciting about putting anyone over your knee just yet, alright?”

“Max, the wine!” Tanya’s call interrupted any comeback, as the older man bristled and gave him a lingering glare before going to fetch the wine dutifully.

Sean smirked to himself as the love struck teenagers came tumbling into the room. “Thanks for the present Stace” Bradley was saying.

“Really? I know it won’t be as fancy as the laptop your parents got you but”-

“No really, the watch will come in handy” Bradley squeezed her hand. Sean rolled his eyes.

Stacey was beaming at her boyfriend, “I’m glad you like it”

Max came back in with a bottle of wine in his hand. “Is red alright for everyone?”

“Yeah thanks” Stacey and Bradley replied.

“Got any white?” Sean asked.

“Sorry, you’ll just have to make do with red” Max uncorked the bottle.

“Max, there’s white wine in the kitchen, go fetch it” Tanya tutted as she began to bring the plates of food in. She smiled over at Sean, “you can have white if you want”

He smirked and headed to the dining table after receiving gestures from Stacey.

It was after a rather tense meal and a few drinks that drama struck – a broken glass sliced Stacey’s hand and caused a great deal of fuss. “It’s just a scratch, I’ll be fine!”

“Don’t be silly, I’m taking you to A&E – you’re going to need stitches” Tanya was already rushing for her car keys.

“Bradley, I feel like such a muppet, I’m ruining your birthday”

“Don’t be silly Stace” Bradley held her, “let’s get your hand seen to”

“Max, I’m taking Stacey to A&E” Tanya called as she rushed into the lounge.

“Okay, okay, do you want me to come with?”

“No, you can stay if you want, it might not take long. Sean, are you coming?”

“I’ll stay here, my sister won’t want too many people fussing over her will she?”

“Are you sure?”

“She’ll be alright once she’s had stitches” Sean smiled, “I’ll give her a big hug and fuss over her when she gets back” he picked up his wine glass and headed into the kitchen.

“I’ll see you later love, be careful driving” Max kissed her on the cheek and watched as the loud mass of drama left through the front door. As quiet descended he turned and headed to the kitchen.

“Enjoying yourself?” he asked, watching Sean help himself to another glass of white wine.

“Well, I’ve had better nights”

“You couldn’t go to the hospital with your own sister? Aren’t you worried about her?”

“You know Stace, tough as old boots, she’ll live” the Slater shrugged. “Besides, the alcohol’s here ain’t it?”

Max shook his head, “unbelievable” he rounded the younger man leaning against the kitchen counter, “see I remember you now, from the other night, you bumped into me”

“Really? And?”

“You’re a rude little brat”

“So? What are you going to do? Act the hard man, put me in my place?”

“Sounds to me like you weren’t spanked enough as a child”

Sean’s lips wavered as a smirk appeared, “Oh I get plenty of it nowadays” he winked jokily.

“Really?” Max leaned in close, and let his hand slide over Sean’s leg to his ass.

“Hey!” Sean pulled away, spilling wine over his hand before he put the glass down.


“I’m not like that” Sean wiped his hand on his own shirt.

“I didn’t say anything”

“You didn’t have to, your wandering hands said it all” Sean glared.

Max smirked, “listen to me, little boy, I don’t like you”

“I ain’t a little boy, and the feeling’s mutual” Sean spat out.

“I don’t like your sister either, and as lovely as this evening has been, I want you two to stay away from my Bradley, alright?”

Sean stood up to him, “My sister can do what she likes, and she likes Bradley – she’s not trouble. But I’m warning you, if he or anyone else hurts her”-

“You’d sit back and drink, like you did tonight when she got hurt by broken glass”

Sean exhaled in frustration. “That’s different”

“Maybe” Max shrugged, “I got the impression you wanted to be alone with me”

“What?” Sean laughed.

“Well you’re still here aren’t you? It’s almost like you want to fight with me”

“If you’re looking for a real fight, then I’m up for that” Sean grinned.

“Don’t even waste your time, little boy”

With that, Sean lunged to punch Max. He could not hide his look of surprise as Max grabbed him and turned him, pinning him against the counter. Sean struggled beneath him and turned to hit the older man again. Max had caught his sleeve, which shredded as the younger man moved, baring his arm. Max caught him by the wrist and glanced down, noticing the scars. He looked back at Sean. Sean swallowed and used the moment to pull back and then push Max away, before storming out of the house.

25-01-2007, 22:56
WOW the detail is brilliant it's like watching EE please post more soon I'm curious about Sean's past even more so now

26-01-2007, 00:13
A/N - Thanks Rach :D any readers are free to leave comments and feedback, I appreciate it!

Chapter 4

Damn! Sean thought repetitively, as he walked across the square. How did he always end up in these situations? He slowed to a halt as he looked at the block of light coming from the window of the Slaters’ household. Swallowing, he looked at his arm and sleeve, then back at the window. Double damn. He hastily covered his arm with the ruined sleeve before going to the front door and letting himself in.

“Stacey? Sean? Is that you?” Charlie called from the lounge.

“It’s me” Sean rushed into the room and grabbed his backpack before his uncle could notice anything, “just got to change my shirt!” he legged it out and up the stairs.

“What?” Charlie called after him confused, shaking his head.

The bathroom door was locked behind him as Sean scrambled through his backpack, scowling when he came across the box of pills and chucking them aside with other clothing, until he found a suitable long sleeved top. He pulled it on and smoothed it out, glancing into the mirror as if seeking the reflection’s approval. It frowned back. The things were thrown back into the bag, including the torn shirt, before Sean exited the bathroom and made his way back to the lounge.

“What was all that about?” Charlie asked.

Sean dropped the back by the foot of the sofa and kicked it into the space between the sofa and the table. “Stacey cut her hand badly; she’s gone to A&E for stitches”

“Is she alright? Why didn’t you go with her?”

“Yeah she’s fine, she didn’t want a fuss. Bradley and Tanya went with her; I came to tell you… she’s probably spending the night with Bradley anyway”

“I should phone the hospital”-

“She’s fine!” Sean snapped. “Sorry Charlie. You know what me and Stace are like about hospitals” he trailed off.

Charlie nodded slowly, “Alright…alright. Can you text her, ask her to call us as soon as she can?”


“I better go find Mo in the pub, let her know” Charlie muttered more to himself, pushing past Sean.

The young Slater male exhaled slowly, glancing heavenwards before collapsing down onto the sofa. He listened out for the front door to close before he glanced down at his arms, self-consciously tugging the sleeves down.

It was around two hours later that Stacey returned home. Tanya had driven them back and instead of going into the Branning household, Bradley walked her back home where she was immediately fretted over by Charlie. “Sean text you earlier, I wanted you to phone ASAP; didn’t you get it?”

“I haven’t had time to think about checking my phone” Stacey replied, as she was seated in the kitchen and he set about making her a drink. “I’ve only just got back from the hospital, ain’t I”

“Let me look” Mo asked, taking hold of her arm and pulling it to her squinting as if she could see through the bandage. “I bet it’s hardly a scratch!” she let go.

“That’s what I said” Stacey muttered, “honestly granddad, stop fussing!”

“It was nice of your Bradley to walk you back home” he was muttering.

“Yeah, because I wouldn’t have managed it otherwise, not without a wheelchair or hospital gurney” Stacey rolled her eyes, “he must think I’m a right dozy cow and I ruined his birthday meal”

“Nah, he must have been worried about you” Charlie handed her a glass of juice.

“More than Sean was”

“He came right over to tell us, he sounded rather concerned”

“Well, where is he now?” Stacey looked around, “I knew someone was missing from the welcoming committee”

“He’s outside having a smoke” Mo informed her.

Sean was huddled up in his black hoody, hopping from foot to foot as he puffed away on his cigarette. It had gotten much colder than earlier, but he wasn’t going to let it stop him from the joy of his cigarette.

His sister emerged through the back door, and stepped towards him. “Don’t worry they didn’t have to amputate” she joked, flashing her stitched and bandaged hand at him.

“So you’re alright then?”

“I’ll live”

“Not spending the night with lover boy?”

“There’s only so much excitement Bradley can handle in one night, I don’t wanna push him over the edge” Stacey folded her arms. “What’s up with you anyway?”


“I’m not saying you’re usually full of charm and grace, but tonight you’ve been well moody, especially with Max. Mind you, you both seem as moody and sarcastic as each other. But you could have been nicer to Bradley, it was his birthday!”


“Yeah you should be! So what is it, is it me? Is it because I’ve been harping on at you about mum?”


“I get it, you just need time to deal with it, but you’re going to have to meet her sometime, she is our mum, and she needs us”

Sean laughed, “She needs you. She thinks I’m dead!”

“Because she’s off her pills and she didn’t believe me when I told her. If you went and spoke to her”-

“She’d think I’m a ghost, and go even loonier” he threw the butt of his cigarette down and crushed it beneath his shoe. He saw her open her mouth to retort but he spoke again; “look she doesn’t need me! And where has she been whenever we needed her?”

“That’s not fair – I was there with her, but you chose to leave and not contact us!” Stacey snapped.

“Yeah, I wondered how long it would be before you used that against me again!” Sean snapped back, “she doesn’t need me, I don’t need her, so leave it okay – just leave me alone!” he stomped past her, practically throwing the door open.

“Hey!” Mo called as he shoved past her through the kitchen. He had stormed his way out of the front door just as Stacey had rushed back into the kitchen. “What’s up with him?” Mo snapped at Stacey, who was frowning worriedly.

26-01-2007, 00:42
Part 5

Sean was sat on the bench in the square, hands stuffed in his pockets and a scowl on his face. Why did Stacey have to keep going on? When had she become their mum’s biggest fan anyway? He always remembered her as cowering in the bedroom whenever Jean’s rants began, and he remembered his sister crying whenever their mum had to go to hospital, leaving them alone with their stressed father.

He took out his packet of cigarettes, tapping one out before fumbling for a lighter. His scowl deepened when after a few frantic clicks he realised it was empty. He chucked it into the bin beside him with a loud metallic clang. Hearing footsteps he perked up slightly, as he leant forward and began to ask, “Oi mate, have you got a”- he stopped when he saw who it was. “Never mind”

Max looked down at him. “So here’s where you ran away to”

“I did not run away!”

“That would make a change, from what I hear”

“You don’t know anything, so shut your mouth”

Max remained in his casual stance, “So, those scars on your arms didn’t look like war wounds”

“Screw you” Sean sneered and stood up.

“Hey!” Max put a hand on his shoulder and forced him to sit back down, “I’m just trying to talk to you”

“Oh really? You’re concerned? Am I meant to spill my guts out to you, cry on your shoulder, let you feel me up and hooray I am cured? I don’t think so”

“I’m not big on the emotional chats myself, don’t get the wrong idea” Max pulled a lighter out from his jacket pocket and held it out, “light?”

Sean glared up at him and defiantly stuck the cigarette back into his pocket.

“Fine, whatever” Max rolled his eyes and returned the lighter back to his pocket. “I’m guessing Stacey doesn’t know about this, right?” he gestured vaguely to Sean, meaning his scars.

“It’s no one’s business. Why don’t you just leave already?”

“I’m a parent, it makes me concerned when I find out stuff like this”

“Well you’re not my parent, and you haven’t found out anything!”

“Denial, nice. Well hey, if it works for you”-

“A few hours ago, you were warning me off and wanted a fight with me!”

“No sunshine, you wanted a fight”

“If some pervert felt you up, wouldn’t you want to hit them back?”

“I ain’t a pervert” Max raised a hand in warning, pointing at him, “so enough of that!”

“What else do you call someone who feels up your ass? Oh wait, Gay”


“It’s not nice when you got someone all in your face, is it?” Sean smiled sardonically.

Max set his jaw. “Alright, so I got you wrong. We got off on the wrong start. I came here to see how you were, talk”

“Talk all you want, I’m not interested”

“I can see why you’re a lonely person Sean”

“I’m not lonely” Sean snapped, “I look out for myself. I don’t need some middle aged guy who’s seen too many talk shows thinking he can come and sort me out, you can’t!”

“So you admit you’ve got problems”

“Don’t twist my words!”

“I’m trying to help mate” Max sat down on the bench next to him. He watched as Sean flinched and pulled away, standing up from the seat.

“You’re not, and never will be my mate! Stay away from me you sick freak!” Sean hissed as he took off away from the scene.

I don’t need him, he told himself, I don’t need anyone! I’m not lonely, I don’t have issues, the scars don’t mean anything…. Why did it feel like he was trying to convince himself these things the most?

26-01-2007, 10:20
this is a great script cherryz, i only found it today. poor sean, i really feel sorry for him and is max really gay or just trying to provoke sean.

27-01-2007, 02:49
A/N - Thanks Skits. On the Max thing, part of it was so he could suss Sean out, part of it was maybe putting that aspect in the story. We'll have to see how it goes really, but there will be more scenes between them soon.

Part 6

Even at night the Slater household was never quiet – the faint harmonious snoring from Mo and Charlie filtered through the floorboards and a tap was dripping in the kitchen. Sean lay on his back on the sofa glaring up at the ceiling through the darkness. A surge in him caused him to roll off onto his knees on the floor, crawling towards where he’d kicked his backpack. He glanced cautiously towards the ceiling, listening out, before he opened it up and rummaged around for the box of pills. Taking them, he scooted back to sit on the floor and lean against the sofa.

He could hear Stacey’s voice; “She’s in a state Sean; she’s run out of her medication… she’s off her pills”. She being Jean, she obviously couldn’t cope without her pills, she was dependent on them. Without them, she was nothing.

He felt something inside crush as his face scrunched and he whispered harshly to him self “I’m not like her!” and threw the packet. It hit the wall and bounced off, mockingly landing a metre before him, with its prescription label facing him.

His breath hitched as he rested his elbows on his knees and put his face in his hands. It had been a while since he had cried. How weak, he thought, rubbing at his eyes and running a hand over his face, before settling on resting his hand over his mouth. It was like an attempt to stop the tears, or stop him self from saying something. ‘Get a hold of yourself Sean’.

Slowly, he reached out for the packet, cautiously picking it up like they were dangerous. He turned the box over in his hands, and then tapped his fingers on its edges. ‘Take one’, he told himself, ‘and you’ll be fine, you won’t be like her. Do you want to stay off them and end up as loony as her?’. He swallowed and opened the box, slid out a sheet and pierced the foil.

The sound seemed suddenly loud; a guilty sound. He looked up at the ceiling. The familiar silence of the snoring and tap dripping hit his hears. He sighed, took the pill out and held it in his palm, leaving two left in the packet. It looked like a tic-tac in the dark, a gleaming tablet waiting to be consumed. Bracing himself, he put it on his tongue and forced him self to swallow.

Two days later, the packet was empty. It had been shoved hastily into his jacket pocket, not wanting to risk throwing it away in the bin, in case someone saw it. He needed to pick up his repeat prescription from the doctors, hence why he was patting his other pocket to check for keys, and heading down the hallway.

“Sean” Stacey called, taking tumbling steps down the stairs, “I need to tell you something”

“It’s going to have to wait Stace, I’ve got things to do”

“But it’s important”-

“Tell me later” he snapped, shutting the door behind him and leaving Stacey in the hallway sighing with exasperation. Her mobile began to rang and vibrate in her pocket, insisting she answer it.

“Hi, mum….yeah of course it’s still fine to meet up…. mum, the thing is…never mind, everything’s fine”

Sean had stopped off for a cigarette, or two…three actually, and a coffee from the café, before he entered the doctor’s surgery. 10 minutes later he was stood outside of it again, staring down at the green slip clutched in his hands. Worriedly he glanced around, checking no one was watching him before he stuffed it into his pocket. Next stop, chemists. He patted his pocket…wait…. wallet! “Damn!” he hissed. Reluctantly he headed back to their house.

“Stace, have you seen my wallet?” he called, closing the front door and entering the lounge.

His sister was sat on the sofa looking at him with wild bambi in the headlights eyes, which was similar to the expression worn on the face of the woman sat next to her. “Sean?” she had gasped, staring at him.

There she was. Their so called mother; the one he had ran away from 7 years ago, was sitting on the sofa cool as a cucumber, as opposed to bouncing off the walls, looking at him in some kind of inexplicable awe. He hadn’t been prepared for this. He didn’t want to see her again.

“I tried to tell you earlier” Stacey weakly spoke as she looked guiltily up at her brother.

He was pressed rigidly against the door, staring at them both. He practically flinched when his mother stood up, raising her arms towards him, “You’re here, and you’ve grown up” she laughed, “You’re so…tall!”

“Don’t come near me” he warned, raising a hand slightly, denying any access to a ‘reunion hug’. He glared at Stacey, “I can’t believe you”, he turned on his heel and fled, forgetting about the wallet.

He could hear his name being called, but he kept on going. He ran.

28-01-2007, 03:28
Part 7

Burning - in his lungs and in his eyes. He had been in the army, he could run for miles and not break a sweat. He’d barely even made it across Walford when his lungs felt ready to explode. Contracting for air, his chest ached, but he knew the signs – it was panic. He had to lean against a wall for support as he tried to calm his erratic breathing. His eyes were squeezed shut, trying to suppress the tears. It took a while before he had calmed down enough to find his way to a bench and sit down on it.

He soon found the green slip of paper back in his hands; he stared at it and what it meant, what it symbolised. Sean screwed up the prescription and chucked it onto the ground, ignoring it as it bounced off the foot of some suited man.
“Did your mother ever tell you not to drop litter?” Max bent down and picked it up.
Sean’s frown wavered as he stared downwards, “Shut up Max, I don’t need your stupid little remarks right now”
The adult shifted his feet on the gravel and regarded the younger male, picking up on the melancholic air about him. “Something on your mind?”
“Can’t you take a hint?” Sean snapped, “go away!” he rubbed at his face and sniffed.
“…have you been crying?”
Sean made a sound, and moved to stand up.
“What’s wrong?”
“You wouldn’t want to know”
“Well try me!”
“Get out of my way!”
“Tell me what’s wrong”
“I said get out of my way!”
“Or what, you’ll try and punch me again?” Max spread his arms, “take a swing if you like, but it won’t make anything better”
“We’ll see”-
“What it is? Hurt yourself again?”
“Shut up, you don’t even know what you’re talking about!”
“Well what is it then, is it Stacey?” Max stayed in the way as Sean tried to move again, “she’s been spending an awful lot of time with your mum lately” Max jibed, noting the way Sean flinched at that sentence. “Something to do with your mum then?”
“Don’t pretend you care!” Sean exploded, shoving at him, “you don’t know me! You think I’m just going to tell you of all people what’s wrong with me?” he pushed the older man again, “You wouldn’t understand, nobody does!”
Max grappled with him, “Hey calm down”
“Don’t tell me to calm down!”
“Alright, alright!” Max had his hands on the other man’s shoulders, “if you want to talk sit down and talk to me, or if not, you can leave right now, I’ll let you go. Okay?”
Sean pulled away from him and ran a hand through his hair, casting Max an agitated look. He sighed, and closed his eyes, before sitting on the bench with his elbows resting on his knees, his face in his hands. Slowly, Max sat next to him.

“You told me everything was alright!” Jean was panicking.
“I’m sorry mum” Stacey spoke worriedly, “I tried to talk to him but”-
“Thanks to you he’s left us again Stace! He’s left us because of you!”
“That’s not fair – he’ll come back”-
“DON’T TALK TO ME ABOUT FAIR!” Jean shouted, reaching for her bag and coat.
“Mum wait, what are you doing?”
“I’ve got to get home. What if he returns? I have to be there!”
“He’ll come back here mum, he doesn’t know where you live” Stacey followed her mother out into the hallway.
“He’ll come back to me! He was running away from you!” Jean was shouting as she stumbled out of the front door.
“Mum!” Stacey shouted.

Sean smoothed out the green paper resting on his thigh, and then handed it to the man next to him, “This is what’s wrong” he frowned bitterly.
Max opened it up and blinked at the prescription. “Anti-depressants” he stated. “So, you’re also…”
“Yeah I’m also,” Sean looked bitter, “If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t need these!”
Max turned his head to regard the young man next to him. “You can’t blame her”
“Of course I can blame her!”
“Surely you can understand what it’s like”-
“No, you don’t understand!” the young man snapped. “You think that because I’m on these, I must understand what its like, feel sympathy for her. You don’t have a clue, we’re completely different, I’m not like that!... It’s not like that”
“Then what is it like?”
Sean exhaled through his nose, then shook his head. “You don’t want to know”
A heavy silence hung between them before Max broke it. “Shouldn’t you be getting these?” Max held the prescription paper aloft.
“I was. I left my wallet” Sean was looking away from him.
Max nodded slowly, before taking out his wallet and slipping some cash out, holding it towards the young man, “here, go and get them before the chemist shuts. You can pay me back later”
The brunette looked from the cash to the face of the older man; “Sure” he took the money.
“I’ll take that as a ‘thankyou’” Max pushed his wallet back into his pocket. Sean rolled his eyes.

28-01-2007, 17:19
Just caught up and it's brill loving the way the story is unfolding I would love to know more about Max and Sean's interest in each other please post more soon

29-01-2007, 03:00
Thanks Rach33, there'll definately be more to come regarding Max and Sean's interesting relationship. For now, here's Part 8

Sean stepped out of the chemists and Max approached him. “Got them?” the older man asked, watching Sean as he nodded slowly. “Are you going to go back home?”
“If she’s there…”
“Then you’ll have to deal with it”
“I can’t though, I can’t handle seeing her. Not now”
Max sighed. “Have you got a mobile on you?”
“Huh? Why?” Sean looked down at Max’s open palm, waiting for it.
“I’ll put in my number. If you need to get away and talk sometime, call me”
“Call you?” Sean raised his eyebrow.
“Who else are you going to go to?” Max shrugged, “besides, it’s better than having no one to talk to”
“Right, in your opinion” Sean murmured, but handed over the phone anyway, watching as Max added his number into the phonebook.
“Well who else knows about this, hm?” Max asked, noting that Sean looked away. “Exactly. You should really tell your family”
“What? In case I go loony?” Sean rolled his eyes.
“Maybe. But they’ll have to find out sometime”
“Whatever” Sean took back his phone, glancing at the screen before putting it in his pocket.
“Want me to walk back with you?”
“I’m not 5, I can cross the street without holding hands with someone” Sean snapped.
Max sighed, “If you say so. If you need me, call me” he nodded to him and walked away.

“Sean?” Stacey called, as the front door was opened and her brother came into view. She was sat on the stairs, huddled up against the railing and had been chewing her nails anxiously. They stared at each other for a long moment.
“Well it’s quiet, so she’s obviously gone” Sean broke the silence, practically sneering out the word ‘she’, referring to their mother.
“I tried to tell you this morning” Stacey looked down guiltily, “honestly”
“And when exactly did you arrange her little visit?”
Her head bent lower with even more weighted guilt. “Yesterday” she answered.
“And you left it till this morning to try and tell me?”
“It’s been hard to talk to you about anything Sean, you’ve been so distant”-
“You knew I didn’t want to see her, or have anything to do with her!”
“I just thought”-
“No Stace, you didn’t think!” Sean snapped and hit the wall, making his sister flinch and hang her mouth open as she stared at him. He exhaled sharply through his nose, and then walked through to the kitchen.
“Sean?” his sister called weakly, coming down the rest of the stairs and following him.
He stopped and walked back to the doorway, forcing her to halt her steps. He held onto the doorframe and glared at her, “what exactly did you think was going to happen Stace?”
“I…I don’t know”
“Did you think we were going to have a happy reunion and be a ‘family’ again?”
“I don’t know!” Stacey snapped back. “I don’t get what your problem is!”
“I ran away Stace, didn’t that tell you anything?”
“No it didn’t” Stacey felt a lump rise in her throat, “and you still refuse to explain why you left!”
Sean sighed in frustration and turned away from her, heading back into the kitchen to get a drink. If he wasn’t on damn medication, he’d have a very strong drink.
“There you go again, walking away without any explanations!”
“Just leave me alone Stace”
“No! You can’t just keep pushing me away – why don’t you ever talk to me?”
“There’s nothing to say”
Stacey swallowed, struggling not to cry tears of frustration. “There’s so much to say”
“I can’t…” Sean trailed off as he gripped to the edge of the kitchen counter. He noticed blood on his knuckles and closed his eyes, “you wouldn’t understand Stacey”
“Don’t give me that” his sister snapped back, “if you gave me a chance”-
“Stace, just leave it, please!”
She frowned and bit her lip. “I’m your sister… you’re my brother, we’re meant to be there for each other” she swallowed as she watched his back. “I’ve needed you so many times over the past few years Sean. I thought since you were back, we could share things, talk to each other, be there for each other… ok, so you ran away, that pretty much made it clear you felt you didn’t need me” she laughed sadly, “but I never stopped caring about you Sean. I’ve only done what I’ve done because I care”
Sean struggled with the warmth stinging his own eyes, as he lowered his head and concentrated on breathing.
“Please Sean, don’t keep shutting me out” Stacey watched him carefully as she pleaded, “if there’s something important I need to know – to understand… please talk to me”
“I…” Sean broke off and bit his lip as he squeezed his eyes shut. ‘Don’t cry, don’t let her weaken you’… “I’m”…
He turned his head to look at her. She was looking at with such hope. But how could he tell her? How could he let her cope with knowing she had two relatives that were ill in the head? It would change everything. She’d regard him differently. He didn’t want to be viewed with the same pity and anxiety as people viewed their mum with.
“I’m sorry” he fled out of the back door.

29-01-2007, 03:48
Part 9

Sean was sat, leaning against the wall opposite the train station. He stared through blurry eyes at the sign above the entrance, contemplating the idea of just disappearing again. His tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip before he bit on it hard. He had to squeeze his eyes shut again to suppress another unwanted shed of tears.
Opening his eyes he looked down at his bloodied hand resting on his knee and raised it to examine it. The bleeding had stopped, leaving dried stains on his pale skin. The pain had barely been noticeable, but looking at the blood right then, he felt a strange sense of calm.
For some unknown reason, he took his mobile phone from his pocket and scrolled through the phone book, until it came to the name ‘MAX’. He stared for a long while at the name, debating whether or not to gather up the courage to call it.
‘What are you, some kind of cry baby?’ he asked himself, ‘you can’t run crying to Max of all people. He’ll laugh at you, tell you to shut up and be a man. What kind of 22 year old runs away with fear from his mother and sister?’. He sighed and chewed on his lip. Part of him was saying ‘No, that’s not what Max would do. He’d tell you to be brave and talk to your sister’ Max’s earlier words rang in his head – “you really should tell your family”
As if through some psychic intervention, the phone gave a shrill ring and vibrated, surprising him. The name STACEY flashed up on screen, demanding his attention. He felt his own insides vibrate from anxiety as he let it continue to ring.
Sighing, he braced himself and clicked the green button, before holding the phone to his ear. “Yeah?” he spoke, voice sounding dry.
“Sean, where are you?” his sister sounded very worried, “I’m sorry for upsetting you, I didn’t mean to. I won’t push you anymore I promise. I can call mum and tell her you don’t want to see her, that I made a mistake”-
“Stace” he interrupted, bringing a moment of silence between them. “I’m fine, I’m” he glanced up at the sign again. “I’m coming back home. I’ll be a few minutes… we need to talk”
“Okay… okay, I’ll be waiting for you”

Sean entered the house the same way he had left – through the back door. His sister was sat at the kitchen table, but launched herself from her seat as soon as he had come back. Guilt panged in his chest as she threw her arms around him and sobbed, “I’m so sorry Sean, I always mess things up”
“No, it’s me that should be sorry. You were right – I can’t keep just walking away” he rubbed his hand up and down her back.
“I was so scared that I’d pushed you away for real this time, that you’d leave” Stacey sniffed and pulled away.
“Stace, I won’t lie. I thought about it, but then I realised, we do have to talk”
She nodded slowly to herself then noticed the blood, “Your hand”-
“Leave it, it doesn’t matter” Sean waved off. “… do you want to sit down?”
Stacey immediately returned to the seat she had been sat on when he first entered the room. “So” she breathed out nervously, “where do you want to start?”
Sean remained standing, staring at her. Max’s words rang in his head again – she would find out eventually, no matter how much the truth hurt. “I’m not sure how you’re going to take it”
“What?” Stacey asked staring back at him.
He looked down at the floor, staring at it for a long time. He was amazed how patient she was, silently sitting and waiting for him to continue. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the packet of pills. He sighed before holding them out towards her.
She took them off him carefully and stared at the sticker on the front, absorbing in the familiar words on familiar packaging, except it didn’t have their mum’s name on it, it was her brother’s. “How long?” she asked looking up, “how long have you been on them?”
“A few years” he mumbled, continuing to stare at the floor.
“…Before or after you left?”
“After. I took them after”
The teenage girl swallowed as she continued to hold the packet in her hands and looked up at him. “How… how bad have you gotten?”. He refused to look at her, and was silent. “Please Sean, be honest with me… have you, hurt yourself?”
He bit his lip, struggled to speak. “Yeah” he shifted on his feet.
“Have you tried to…”
He nodded, “that’s why I had to leave the army” he admitted quietly. “and once, just after I had left home, after dad…” he closed his eyes and turned away, leaning against the kitchen counter like he had earlier.
Stacey felt the lump rise in her throat again as her eyes stung. “Why didn’t you call us?”
“How could I have?” Sean snapped, “How could I call to tell you something like that?” he struggled to keep composed. “This… it makes me embarrassed Stace, it makes me ashamed! I don’t want anyone to know, I don’t want them to think I’m a freak. I don’t want to be like…like, this!” he hit the counter with his fist, “You know what it was like being raised by mum, how scary it sometimes was… I didn’t want – I don’t want to be…” he trailed off with a sob.
The chair scraped on the floor when his sister got up and went to him, enveloping her arms around him from behind. She felt his chest heave with another sob. “It’s okay Sean, I’m here”
With those words he turned around to put his arms around her. She was so much smaller and younger, but she felt like a big strong force as she held him and let him sob. “I’m not like her Stace, I’m not!”
She swallowed, and thought she was beginning to understand a bit more now. “I know, I know” she continued to hold onto him as tears escaped her own eyes.
She glanced through the open doorway that led to the hall. Through the gap she could see their uncle Charlie stood at the other end, by the front door, listening and looking at her with concern. She shook her head slightly and he seemed to nod in response and retreat, leaving her to comfort her brother who sobbed freely for the first time like that in a long time.

29-01-2007, 16:22
excellent stuff. looking forward to more.

29-01-2007, 21:51
Ohhhhhh I wnat to read more I love this script and I adore Sean and Stacey so this is brill, still want to know why Max is so wanting to help Sean but I'm sure you will satisfy my curiousity soon *Nudge Nudge Wink Wink* go on please

31-01-2007, 13:23
Heya, just a quick message to say sorry its taking a while to update - lectures have started again this week at Uni, and we've got to sort out student housing for next year. It's been a bit ARGH. More soon though, maybe tonight or tomorrow x

31-01-2007, 20:20
No Probs I remember what it was like when I was at college I felt I would drown in paperwork just post when you can

01-02-2007, 20:27
Heya sorry this is short, more tomorrow xxx

Part 10

He was curled up on the sofa in a foetal position, fast asleep with his face resting on the arm bent beneath his head. Stacey spread the blanket over him and rubbed his shoulder in an oddly maternal gesture before quietly leaving the lounge, clicking the door shut gently behind her.
Uncle Charlie was in the kitchen, still contemplating everything Stacey had told him. She sat back down in the seat next to him and picked up her cup half full of tea. “He’s still asleep”
“So he’s definitely taking these pills then?”
Stacey nodded, “well he picked up the prescription didn’t he? And he’s not been bouncing off the walls – we didn’t suspect anything, not even with mum around”
The old man nodded, rubbing at his chin whilst shaking his head, “I can’t believe he’s kept it a secret for so long. It’s a surprise, but, when you consider the things your mum and your dad… he could have said something a long time ago, rather than running away and not getting any support”
“Can you blame him for being scared Uncle Charlie?” Stacey sighed. “If you’d grown up in the same house as our mum” she sighed, “I don’t think he’d ever be as bad as her, but you never know…?”
“We’re going to have to tell Mo and the rest of the family”-
“Don’t tell anyone else, he wouldn’t handle it if people started asking him about it” Stacey frowned, “and don’t say anything to him either. Don’t start treating him differently”
“Of course I wouldn’t” Charlie defended, “but he should know that his family are there for him”
“He does know” Stacey put down her cup. “But, the thing is, mum doesn’t know yet. I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to her, its bad enough that she was hysterical after Sean took off yesterday”
“What if I came with you?”
“No Uncle Charlie, it would just make her worse. Ideally Sean should come with me, but I don’t see it happening. I don’t want to put him under any more pressure. It’s bad enough what I’ve done already”
“You weren’t to know”-
“I should have listened to him, he was so adamant about not seeing her” Stacey looked away guiltily and shook her head. “He needs time to deal with stuff, I realise that now”
Charlie reached across to put his hand on hers, squeezing it slightly. “You’re a good girl Stacey” he smiled at her, “he’s lucky to have a sister like you”
“Have you been taking something as well?”
“I mean it” he stated, “You’ve handled this well. I’m proud of you, Sean too, for telling you. I know right now things seem really bad, but now it’s all out, I think things are going to get better”
Stacey smiled at him.

The next morning when Sean had woken up, he spent a long time staring at the back of the sofa as he went over the previous day’s events – they knew. It was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, but it just brought on new anxieties. Still, he managed to text Max; ‘I told Stace. It went ok’.
He then joined the others for for the dreaded 'we know but we won't say anything' breakfast, where their encouraging smiles and casual manner unnerved him greatly. “Mo’s done everyone a fry-up, you’re in for a real treat” Charlie said as Sean sat in the available seat next to him.
Stacey was sat opposite her brother and said “Yeah, a trip to the dentist after breaking your teeth on the bacon”
“Oi! Say anything more about my cooking and you’re getting nothing Madame!” Mo waved a kitchen utensil at her dangerously.
“I’m not that hungry”-
“Don’t say that – you’re eating what you’re given. I’m not slaving away cooking for nothing!” Mo interrupted him and flipped over the bacon which sizzled in the pan.
Sean rolled his eyes and got up, “whatever. Is there hot water in the kettle?”
“Yeah I just boiled it. Sorry, I should have asked if you wanted a cuppa” Stacey replied.
“It’s fine, I can make one myself” Sean dumped a teabag into a cup, followed by 2 teaspoons of sugar.
“Got any plans for today Sean?” Charlie asked.
The younger Slater male jumped when his phone went off. He waited until he’d added hot water to the cup before viewing the received text. From Max; ‘That’s good. Text me if you want to go for a drink sometime – non-alcoholic of course’. He smirked.
Sean blinked and put his phone away before shuffling past Mo to get milk from the fridge, “I’m meeting a mate later”
“Lucky for some, I’m going to be freezing my bum off on the stall” Stacey muttered.
“Aww diddums”
Stacey whacked him.

01-02-2007, 22:04
Max is a mate now ohhhhhhh Please post more as an when you can

02-02-2007, 12:19
great as usual. i'm really interested in the max and sean relationship.