View Full Version : boy or girl?

09-05-2005, 23:16
what did you honestly want to have for your first child?

09-05-2005, 23:18
i wanted a boy for my first,and i got one,i know you will all say as long as it's healthy etc which of course is 100% true but which one would you have liked as your first?

10-05-2005, 08:42
i did not know what i was having but i bought loads of boy stuff and no girls stuff!!! very strange!!

10-05-2005, 14:03
our kids are IVF babies and after spending a long time thinking we might not have any children I really didnt care as long as the baby was healthy - would have liked twins though lol

10-05-2005, 23:36
i had a lot of worries throughout my pregnancy!! didnt think ive ever have one so when it atually happened i realy didnt have a preference!! i was convinced i was having a girl though and was so shocked when i was told i had had a boy!!! I would love a daughter one day though

16-05-2005, 11:13
what did you honestly want to have for your first child?

I so wanted a little girl.. I won't not have minded if I got a boy but i wanted a little girl so I could dress her up and put pigtails in her hair... girls clothes are so much cuter than boys.. I think I want a girl for my second too.. I don't know how to relate to a boy.. i never was one

17-05-2005, 09:31
lol.i have two boys and im pregnant with my third,i am honestly not bthered if its a boy or a girl,i am convinced its a boy,but i dont know any different anyway,im so used to boys so i wont be bothered either way,but yes of course i would love to have a girl but i wont be gutted if its not.you loove them no matter what bits they have lol.