View Full Version : Bill Spoilers 7th & 8th February 2007

23-01-2007, 08:22
Wednesday 7th February 2007
After another grilling by Jack and Phil, Zain is handed over to the Murder Investigation Team. Under interrogation he changes his story and loses his cool. Jack lets him go home to change - but on the way he calls Kristen to finalise their getaway. Zain tells her she should escape on her own and she pulls a gun on him.

Thursday 8th February 2007
Roger and Dan are called out to an incident - a pupil from Harvey Wallace School has been stabbed and two of his fellow students seem to be in the frame. Gina and Smithy search for Jimmy Collins, an inmate who hasn't returned to his open prison, even though he is due for release in a couple of months. Then DNA evidence on a bloody knife links him to the attack on the schoolboy. June asks Rod if he fancies retiring early with her.

23-01-2007, 10:18
Oh wonder if Zain will live or die then??? I would like them to see them both run off into the sunset though.
And looks like were getting close to Junes last epsiodes.

baby oranges
23-01-2007, 11:40
Oh wonder if Zain will live or die then??? I would like them to see them both run off into the sunset though.
And looks like were getting close to Junes last epsiodes.

yep i agree on both counts - i really want zain and kristen to get away with it, although i suppose they probably shouldn't after what they've done, or will do anyway i.e. killing honey

and i thought june was staying for longer than this, but it sounds like you're right and it is pretty close now!

23-01-2007, 12:00
Oh wonder if Zain will live or die then??? I would like them to see them both run off into the sunset though.
And looks like were getting close to Junes last epsiodes.

yep i agree on both counts - i really want zain and kristen to get away with it, although i suppose they probably shouldn't after what they've done, or will do anyway i.e. killing honey

and i thought june was staying for longer than this, but it sounds like you're right and it is pretty close now!

Oh wonder if Zain will live or die then??? I would like them to see them both run off into the sunset though.
And looks like were getting close to Junes last epsiodes.

Come off it you two. Zain is responsible for Honey's death and that of several others. Why should he get off with it. As Ive stated before ANYONE responsible for the death of a police officer deserves the most severe punishment. Yes of course I know TB is only a TV programme but it should be realistic

23-01-2007, 15:06
I can't believe that anyone would want Kristen and Zain to get away with it. Not only are they responsible for killing Honey and several other people but they are wrecking the lives of countless numbers of people by taking part in massive drug deals and helping to make the scum who live off such misery rich.

What's so good in all that that people want them to get away with it?:angry:

23-01-2007, 15:58
PCs Roger Valentine (John Bowler) and Dan Casper (Chris Jarvis) are called to an incident where Martin Clarke (Oscar Humphreys), a student from Harvey Wallace School has been stabbed and another student was witnessed fleeing the scene. At St Hugh’s hospital, Martin can’t remember anything about the attack on him, much to Sergeant June Ackland (Trudie Goodwin) and PC Tony Stamp’s (Graham Cole) disappointment. Martin’s father Carl (Malcolm Ridley) arrives and angrily announces that the attacker must be Wayne Tindle (Arnold Oceng), as he’s been threatening Martin; Wayne’s sister is pregnant and he believes Martin is the father.

Tony and June speak to Rod Jessop (Richard Hope), the headmaster at Harvey Wallace and ask to interview all the kids who were late to school that morning. June and Tony interrogate Wayne who admits to threatening Martin, but he was at the doctor with his sister at the time of the assault. Next in, is Tom Ryan (Tom Stewart), who, surprisingly, admits to stabbing Martin because he is fed up with his bullying. He intended to scare Martin with the knife, but slipped and stabbed him. Roger and Dan retrieve the blood covered knife and send it to forensics. During a locker search, Tony discovers Wayne’s shoes which are covered in blood and after sending them off for tests, June and Tony take the students back to Sun Hill for further questioning.

At the station, Inspector Gina Gold (Roberta Taylor) is mortified when Sergeant Smithy (Alex Wilkinshaw) disturbs her opening gifts from married lover, Peter Harris (Peter Guinness); an evening dress and ballet tickets, neither of which she appreciates. Gina wipes the smile from Smithy’s face by handing him a file - they must find Jimmy Collins (Leslie Grantham), who hasn’t returned to his open prison, even though he is due for release in a couple of months. Gina and Smithy visit his house to speak to his wife Dawn (Julie Peasgood), who denies any knowledge of his disappearance. Jimmy suddenly appears from the back of the house and drives away in Dawn’s car. Smithy and Gina ask Dawn about where he is going and she says that he told her that he had to sort something out before going back inside.

Meanwhile, Tony and June interview Wayne, after a witness identifies him as seen running from the scene. Eventually, Wayne admits that he was at the scene of the crime, hence his blood-covered shoes but he didn’t stab Martin. Roger confirms this when the knife comes back from forensics with Tom’s prints on it. At St Hugh’s, June picks up on Martin’s unease at hearing of Tom’s arrest when visiting him. She doesn’t believe he’s telling the full story when he says he was stabbed by Tom as revenge for the bullying…

Elsewhere, PCs Diane Noble (Kaye Wragg) and Reg Hollis (Jeff Stewart) are called to a burglary at a chemist. A man ran in, stole some bandages and pushed a woman over in the process. Diane is frustrated with Reg when he suggests ploughing through CCTV tapes, but when Gina asks them to search CCTV for Jimmy Collins’ car – she is pleased it’s a little more exciting. Diane and Reg finally view a CCTV image of Jimmy and Reg remembers he’s also the guy from the robbery at the chemist. After relaying the news, Tony and Smithy find Jimmy’s car covered in blood, which explains the need for bandages – but Jimmy is nowhere to be seen. Gina asks Tony to bring Dawn in for questioning. Dan arrives with the blood results from the knife used to stab Martin and June and Gina are baffled to discover that both types of DNA found on the knife match with Martin and Jimmy. Further investigation reveals that Jimmy and Tom’s dad, Bob, were best mates. Before Bob died, he entrusted Jimmy to look out for Tom. He always sees Tom when he’s on a home visit and this time they went out to lunch together. Gina informs Smithy that’s she’s contacted Tom Ryan’s mum, Maria (Sarah Joseph) to find out where Jimmy is and she is on her way to see her. Diane shows Smithy earlier CCTV footage of Jimmy Collins entering Maria’s house. Smithy immediately gets on the PR to warn Gina, but it’s too late, Jimmy walks in wielding a knife, ordering Gina not to answer the PR…

At the end of the shift Smithy and June share a smile as they notice Gina tottering out of the station in her high heels and evening dress. June meets Rod and shares her thoughts with him; they both work so hard to help other people and receive little reward for it. June is tired of the job. She would love for them to bring the wedding forward and then retire together. But what does Rod think..?

samantha nixon
23-01-2007, 16:27
i'd like to see them run off together aswell, as its a tv pgrammes and would make good watching with them to going of together as you can then see th aftermath of what his colleagues will all think

As Ive stated before ANYONE responsible for the death of a police officer deserves the most severe punishment.

no Alan anyone respansable for the death of ANYONE not just a copper should get severe punishment just cause there a cop there death aint more serious

23-01-2007, 16:50
i'd like to see them run off together aswell, anyone respansable for the death of ANYONE not just a copper should get severe punishment just cause there a cop there death aint more serious
Isn't that a bit contradictory, if you don't mind me saying so.

23-01-2007, 17:36
Zain and Kristen deserve punishment - I don't want to see them head off into the sunset - as ditsy as Honey was, she didn't deserve to be killed by the girlfriend and shoved into the water by a colleague.

Lets hope they get whats coming to them - we've already had Beech disappear into the sunset after the murder of a colleague (ok so he was caught in the end, but still) and I think to repeat this would be wrong. Yes, its a tv show, but some reality should be kept surely?!

samantha nixon
23-01-2007, 18:12
i'd like to see them run off together aswell, anyone respansable for the death of ANYONE not just a copper should get severe punishment just cause there a cop there death aint more serious
Isn't that a bit contradictory, if you don't mind me saying so.

no because like i said the bill is a tv prgramme so it dont matter what hppens with them does it
but alan means proper coppers so why should they be more important than normal people

23-01-2007, 18:18
Of course it matters. You can't just have people going round murdering policemen/women and other people and supplying drugs in huge quantities and getting away with it. It would be as though television was condoning that sort of behaviour and saying it doesn't matter.

23-01-2007, 18:22
Police Officers are employed by society to uphold and enforce the law of the land. In my opinion the killing of a police officer in the execution of their duty is at the most serious end of the scale of Murder. It should be a capital offence. Unarmed Police Officers are called upon day and daily to risk their lives where Joe Public fears to tread.

23-01-2007, 18:26
i'd like to see them run off together aswell, anyone respansable for the death of ANYONE not just a copper should get severe punishment just cause there a cop there death aint more serious
Isn't that a bit contradictory, if you don't mind me saying so.

no because like i said the bill is a tv prgramme so it dont matter what hppens with them does it
but alan means proper coppers so why should they be more important than normal people
The Bill is supposed to be a true life Drama programme. Just because you are happy for Zain and Kristins so called romance is no logical reason for them to waltz off into the sunset scot free and set up an idllylic life on their ill gotten gains. Zain was directly responsible for a colleagues death and I think you are being naive in thinking he should live happily ever after

samantha nixon
23-01-2007, 18:35
Police Officers are employed by society to uphold and enforce the law of the land. In my opinion the killing of a police officer in the execution of their duty is at the most serious end of the scale of Murder. It should be a capital offence. Unarmed Police Officers are called upon day and daily to risk their lives where Joe Public fears to tread.

firemen risk there lives everyday, paramedics do, everyone does you could go to work and get shot but oh, because your not a police officer it doesnt matter! all jobs carries risks and it dont take much to get into the cops these days you ca be as thick as two short planks!
you say im naive, what world areyou living it

23-01-2007, 18:57
firemen risk there lives everyday, paramedics do, everyone does you could go to work and get shot but oh, because your not a police officer it doesnt matter! You are completly missing the point. Firemen are not paid to confront armed criminals nor are paramedics. If you see an armed robbery taking place who do you send for???
Police officers are in the front line against terrorism. I NEVER said it dosent matter if a civilian gets shot. All murders are dispicable.

all jobs carries risks None more so than Police Officers and members of the forces
and it dont take much to get into the cops these days you ca be as thick as two short planks! I take it you have tried the entrance exams and the Psychological profiles then

you say im naive, Yes I think by some of your statements you give that impression
what world areyou living it The REAL world. I have seen numerous deaths at first hand so I feel very well qualified to give my views.

I suggest that if you are in Edinburgh next 30th September you attend the National Police Memorial Day. There you can hear about the over 4000 Police Officers who have lost their lives in the execution of their duty protecting You, me and everyone else in society

Heres the link if you want tickets http://www.policememorial.org.uk/NPMD/National_Police_Memorial_Day.htm

samantha nixon
23-01-2007, 19:26
yh well i was giving my view aswell, i dont think coppers are any more special than anyone else, would you be saying they were if you hadnt been one?
anyway me and you dont ever agree on anything anyway so it dont matter does it

23-01-2007, 19:57
yh well i was giving my view aswell, i dont think coppers are any more special than anyone else, would you be saying they were if you hadnt been one? Yes of course I would. Anyone who is employed by the state to uphold the law deserves better protection.

anyway me and you dont ever agree on anything anyway so it dont matter does it That doesnt make you a bad person:)

23-01-2007, 20:09
Just wanted to say, it takes a fair amount of training to become a police officer these days - physical strength as well as emotional (which goes for army, paramedic etc), which you have to get through, just prior to being accepted for further training (at least thats what my nephew had to go through)

Like I said before though, if Zain and Kristen are able to get away with everything they have done together, to me, it will be like a Don Beech repeat (initally) , so it would be nicer to see them caught and dealt with in the first instance. If Zain changes his story though (according to the spoilers) and with Kristen holding a gun to his head, whats to say Kristen will the one to finish everything maybe?!

samantha nixon
23-01-2007, 22:01
yh well i was giving my view aswell, i dont think coppers are any more special than anyone else, would you be saying they were if you hadnt been one? Yes of course I would. Anyone who is employed by the state to uphold the law deserves better protection.

anyway me and you dont ever agree on anything anyway so it dont matter does it That doesnt make you a bad person:)

sorry:) reading back i sound like a right cow, and i do respect the coppers even after everything i have said as yh i know its a hard job and its a job i would love to go into, its just i feel people should be equal but then like i said to you earlier what world are you living in maybe i should have asnswered my own question
and earlier i didnt put this but im sorry you have seen people killed it must have been hard for you:)

24-01-2007, 15:34
Wednesday 7th February 2007
After another grilling by Jack and Phil, Zain is handed over to the Murder Investigation Team. Under interrogation he changes his story and loses his cool. Jack lets him go home to change - but on the way he calls Kristen to finalise their getaway. Zain tells her she should escape on her own and she pulls a gun on him.

Thursday 8th February 2007
Roger and Dan are called out to an incident - a pupil from Harvey Wallace School has been stabbed and two of his fellow students seem to be in the frame. Gina and Smithy search for Jimmy Collins, an inmate who hasn't returned to his open prison, even though he is due for release in a couple of months. Then DNA evidence on a bloody knife links him to the attack on the schoolboy. June asks Rod if he fancies retiring early with her.

Anyway, back to the topic...
Zain gets handed over to MIT then they let him go home?! They know he's been sleeping with her, she's missing and they let him go home to change his clothes. Where's the logic in that?
Why would Kristen pull a gun on Zain? Does she know that he's been undercover all along?

I think they're picked the right actor for an escaped prisoner. Leslie Grantham should be great in this role.

All in all, looks good. I hope they have some more great storylines coming up like the Zain one (not the same, obviously, but something that isn't over in a few episodes, lasts a few good months).

Oh yeah, I'm on the side of Alan, JoJo and parkerman. Zain and Kristen can't get away with what they've done. Watching them run off into the sunset is hardly entertaining.

samantha nixon
24-01-2007, 16:49
there is meant to be a major storyline coming up in the next few months with a much loved officer or something and i think they said it would be a female one

24-01-2007, 16:54
Well that would either be Sam or Gina. But Sam has had a few big storylines recently. I doubt it would be any of the PC's, none of the female ones are much-loved in my eyes.
Maybe it's to do with Gina and her on/off lover.

samantha nixon
24-01-2007, 17:26
lol im gonna start another thread on this as i have found some more things out about it

24-01-2007, 18:12
there is meant to be a major storyline coming up in the next few months with a much loved officer or something and i think they said it would be a female one
That could be the Blessed St. June's leaving storyline. It wouldnt be TB if they let her retire peacefully

24-01-2007, 19:36
there is meant to be a major storyline coming up in the next few months with a much loved officer or something and i think they said it would be a female one
That could be the Blessed St. June's leaving storyline. It wouldnt be TB if they let her retire peacefully

Oh yeah never thought about her. True, they'll probably kill Rod off or something ridiculous like that.

24-01-2007, 21:18
Isn't ex hubbie Jim winging his way back to Sunhill before June retires might cause a few problems

samantha nixon
24-01-2007, 21:21
it isnt Trudies leaving storyline that has already been filmed, bt that also meant to be a great storyline for her to go out on

25-01-2007, 12:35
it isnt Trudies leaving storyline that has already been filmed, bt that also meant to be a great storyline for her to go out on

That makes a change, letting her go without a major drama.

25-01-2007, 21:45
it isnt Trudies leaving storyline that has already been filmed, bt that also meant to be a great storyline for her to go out on

That makes a change, letting her go without a major drama.
The Blessed St. June gets involved in not one but two gun incidents before she eventually goes. Jim Carver returns and thinks he still has a hope with her after paying back the money he stole/borrowed off her

samantha nixon
25-01-2007, 21:51
yep here you go you might have already read thi then alan but i thought id post if for other people

Jim Carver returns to our screens to try and pay June back the money he gambled away from her, forcing her to return back to work.

In a future episode 489, Jim tries to convince June that Rod isn't the right person for her and tries to win her heart back. The pair find themselves handcuffed together in the company of an armed gunman. Jim makes a move to tackle the gunman while June attempts to reach for the gun. June and Jim are okay, but now will June choose Rod or Jim?

25-01-2007, 21:59
yep here you go you might have already read thi then alan but i thought id post if for other people

Jim Carver returns to our screens to try and pay June back the money he gambled away from her, forcing her to return back to work.

In a future episode 489, Jim tries to convince June that Rod isn't the right person for her and tries to win her heart back. The pair find themselves handcuffed together in the company of an armed gunman. Jim makes a move to tackle the gunman while June attempts to reach for the gun. June and Jim are okay, but now will June choose Rod or Jim?

Episode 488
A gun is drawn on Jim and June and they only just manage to duck in time. Jim admits to Tony that he'd like to think there was a chance he and June could start again. Tony is incredulous and cannot believe what he's hearing. June calls Jim an 'arrogant *******'. Sam declares that noone is going home from an obbo with a bullet in them - only for June to have a gun pulled on her again!

26-01-2007, 15:46
it isnt Trudies leaving storyline that has already been filmed, bt that also meant to be a great storyline for her to go out on

That makes a change, letting her go without a major drama.
The Blessed St. June gets involved in not one but two gun incidents before she eventually goes. Jim Carver returns and thinks he still has a hope with her after paying back the money he stole/borrowed off her

On second thoughts...

samantha nixon
29-01-2007, 21:53
heres some more bits from digital spy
7th feb ep 485

It’s the early hours of the morning and after another grilling by boss, DCI Jack Meadows and DS Phil Hunter, corrupt copper DC Zain Nadir starts to suffer flashbacks of PC Honey Harman being shot dead. As he waits in CID, Superintendent John Heaton tells Jack and Phil that forensic evidence has confirmed that the body which was dragged out of the river was Honey. Jack warns Zain that the Murder Investigation Team are arriving to take over the investigation and gives him one last opportunity to tell the truth but Zain still insists Honey was not at Bonham Wharf the night of the drug deal
DCI Alan Lees from MIT soon arrives and Jack briefs him. Zain is interrogated again and Lees asks him about Kristen Shaw. Zain admits that he and Kristen were close but he didn’t see her leave, as she hit him over the head rendering him unconscious. Lees tells Zain that in his previous statement he admitted to seeing her run away and Zain loses his cool when he then asks why the bullet which killed Honey came from Zain’s gun? Leaving Zain to fester in the interview room, Lees tells Superintendent John Heaton, Jack and DI Neil Manson that Zain is lying through his teeth and his statements are showing anomalies. Jack visits Zain who asks to go home and take a shower – Jack allows him and tells him to come back to work once he has changed
Relieved to have left the station, Zain jumps in his car and starts to drive home. On Jack’s command, Phil and Neil secretly follow. Certain he is being followed, Zain calls Kristen to finalise their getaway plan.
Meanwhile, back at Sun Hill, Inspector Gina Gold briefs the sombre troops about Honey and after giving them their duties for the day, explains that Honey’s mother will be coming in to visit. Gina tells PC Will Fletcher that she is keen to meet Will as she has heard a lot about him.
Upstairs in CID, Jack discovers that Zain’s fingerprints have just been detected on the footbridge on Bonham Wharf despite Zain denying he was there. Jack urgently calls through to Phil and Neil and demand they arrest Zain. Suddenly Zain switches cars and quickly drives away. Neil and Phil are angry as they lose their target who disappears into the distance. Lees and Jack call Chez Williams (Justin Pickett) in as he was Zain’s informant and worked in Kristen’s bar. He is heavily questioned and after being threatened by Jack, eventually gives them some information creating a breakthrough in the case. Jack briefs DC Terry Perkins and DC Mickey Webb who are stunned to hear that they are looking to arrest one of their own.
Elsewhere, Zain meets Kristen at a hotel and they prepare to leave. He is stunned to find a gun in Kristen‘s bag and not wanting to bloody his hands with another murder, secretly takes the bullets out. Zain and Kristen soon arrive at the Docklands where they plan to escape by boat As Kristen boards the boat, armed officers start to surround the area. Kristen loses it when Zain admits that she should go on her own. When he says they should both pay for what they have done, Kristen points her gun at Zain and threatens him. Tears roll down her cheeks as Kristen fires the gun – realising she hasn’t any bullets, Jack, Neil, Phil storm the docks and arrest them both.
