View Full Version : Nathan

Lizzie Brookes
22-01-2007, 18:13
I looked and there doesnn't seem to be a thread yet on it - this is not about current storylines, just about him as a charecter. I was reading over the charecter biography. Obviously he is cunning and manipulative and does things which people hate. I hate things he does but I don't hate him personally and I don't think anyone is completely pure evil. So if anyone wants to join me in discussing him from Series 20, Episode 15 onward then we can. I was shocked at what he did to Harry and angry with him for it though I have no problem with him and Selena - I know most would disagree with me on that.

I was surprised to see him in the brothel, but I don't think its like an affair or a one night stand. One ight stands usually happen when the person or people are drunk and sudenly attracted to each other. An affair is of course when you are having a relationship with someone while you are with someone else and it means being romantically and emotionally involved as well as sexually. Will had two one night stands - one with Bex, one with Ellen and lied about being seperated. In Nathan's case I just find it sad that he finds Selena inadequate and is desperate enough to pay someone who is deperate for money to give him his physical needs as thoughits a mechanical process.

Yet despite this I think he does genuinely love Selena. He seemed genuinely touched when she admitted she still cared for him after they split up the first time and then helped him through his HIV scare. I was a bit sorry for him then. I really hope they'll do what they did with Ellen. Ellen started off as a bitch whom we all hated and then after her cancer she became really nice and we all liked her. I hope they'l do the same with Nathan-eventually. I'm not sure if anyone else agrees but I think he is in some ways unwell - that he does have problems of his own. Though I'm certainly not manipulative or cunning as he is I can sometimes see myself in Nathan and that enables me to very occasionally be sorry for him.

So, what d'you all think about Nathan since he first appeared? And don't just say you hate him etc.

22-01-2007, 18:24
I think Nathan has issues. Don't mean that disrespectfully :lol: Just I seriously do think he has some sort of issues. I agree with you that he does genuinely love Selena, or at least as feelings for her. I do also think that he might just want someone to be there, and depends on her slightly.

About the whole brothel thing, I do think it's wrong for him to do it, and to cheat on Selena like that, and yes I do count it as cheating. But again, I personally think he just needs someone there, even if it isn't emotionally aswell as physically.

Lizzie Brookes
22-01-2007, 19:23
I think what's wrong about it is him not telling her/lying to her. If he told her he had a problem, that he really needed it and assured her that he loved her and got her permission to go to the brothel it would be different.

22-01-2007, 19:26
I think Ben Richards plays him fantastically. So different from when he was in footballers wives. I think Nathans great, hes the character that who have to love to hate. I tink that turning up at the brothel was typical nathan and cant wait to see him try and crawl his way out of it. It should be fun. He did draw the line binning Alices plants and now acting like Harry is some sort of Monster. His character is a fab additionm to the cast.

Lizzie Brookes
22-01-2007, 21:42
I agree that the actor portrays him perfectly but though I hate some of the things he does I on't think I could ever really hate him somehow. I think he does have personal conflicts which he hould deal with instead of manipulating people or going to a brothel. By theway was he ever really stalking Selena? Thay had thatstoryline for a time and then forgot. I never thought he was. He did offer an explanation - that he had tighened security since Guppy's attack.

Lizzie Brookes
04-02-2007, 07:17
Though I am hopeful that poor Harry will soon have a chance with Selena and I'm glad he finally got his name cleared, I am sorry Nathan and Selena seperated. Only engaged for a week - what a waste. it's his fault of course for messing things up. Yet despite both Harry and the brothel thing, i's difficult for me not to sympathise with him slightly. I only wish he had been honest with Selena about his problems and not accepted that job even though he said he did it so as to support their relationship.

If I had been straight and it had been my boyfriend/fiancee, I don't think I would have broken off the engagement in a hurry though. I find it amazing that people like Duffy and that nurse woman whose name i don't recall go back to boyfriends who have done even worse things. The other Nathan conned Duffy out of all her money - I admit that would have been the last straw for me - yet she went with him, they must have split up as she was with someone else when Charlie saw her. The nurse was involved in her boyfriend's dodgy dealings and instead of leaving him gallops off to join him when he sends for her - rather stupid - and both those people are much worse than Nathan and that twit Will.

I would probably just given the silent treatment for a while because I was angry about what he did to Harry and then insisted he apologise. I wonder what he meant when he said he went to the brothel in order to protect Selena. I can't think that one out. I'm glad nothing happened between him and Kelsey though - that would have been embarrassing. In all fairness Kelsey did blackmail him which is wrong. It was not like he gave her three grand and said "Here's some money,now keep quiet". Iwonder what they will do at work -its difficult if you go out with someone at work and then split up - remain professional I suppose.

04-02-2007, 11:17
he is absolutly hopeless, did he really think that he could get away with not telling Selena and expecting her not to find out. Im glad Kelsey told SElena about him though.

Lizzie Brookes
04-02-2007, 11:44
I suppose he does really love her though and I'm sure her feelings for him won't just vanish overnight. We'll just have to see how things pan out.

04-02-2007, 18:06
Yeah i just hope he doesn't start stalking her again, after the way you saw Selena react last night you can tell she really loved him but you can also tell there's no way she's going to get back with him. Nathan will try and try but i doubt he will win her back.
As for Harry there has been a spark between them since they first started working together and if Harry's wife hadn't have died that night both of them were out for a meal together, they would have been a couple by know.
But as time has gone by more things have got in the way of this happening. It would be nice to see them get together but for the time begin i think Selena will have some time to herself.

Lizzie Brookes
04-02-2007, 18:29
There was no evidence that he was stalking her. hen she taxed him with it he said he was checking CCTV after Guppy's attack and it couldn't be proved.

It may be that Nathandoesn't win her back but its such a shame. Like they say, you don't know what you have till you have lost it. She was the only one he ever really opened up to. Like she said he was gentle and kind outside of work. I don't think that there is absolutely no way though. Maybe years later there might be a chance or if they change the storylines. I meanif they can change Ellen from a bitch into a nice woman they cansurely do the same with Nathan - the scriptwriters, I mean.

I too think Selena should be on her own for a while instead of jumping straight from Nathan to Harry. I can't really imagine Nathan stalking her and i doubt it would be as sinister as Holly and Tom anyhow. With Ellenthere was noexcuse for her web of deciet and bitchiness. With Nathan he does need a lot of help in a way. My mum said Selena didn't want a relationship with a man who was so screwed up. Yet despite greeing his actions as regartds Harry and not telling her about the brothel were appaling I can't help pitying him and I do find his screwed up problems intriguing for some reason.

04-02-2007, 18:36
I do find his screwed up problems intriguing for some reason.

Maybe this will come out in future epsiodes, maybe some kind of psychological problems as he totally freaked when he thought he had HIV, i know most people would but just something about how he reacted made me think. It would make great viewing to see something like this as there is something not quite right with him, it could be his unbringing or to do with an event that has happened but theres something there i can't put my finger on.

Lizzie Brookes
04-02-2007, 18:58
Yeah if only the scriptwriters would do that. Reading the episode comments I saw that some people thought he deserved that needle prick but I can't agree with that. However mean someone is I can never wish them to be ill and nobody deserves to be pricked by a used hypodenermic. Even Selena was sorry for him then and i was touched by that look of fear on his face and all the staff looking shocked. He seemed quite touched when Selena admitted she still caredfor him after he confidedto her about the HIV.

I wonder why he seems so high handed and so rigidy professional. It was that which resulted inhis boss giving him a verbal warning. It's like he's completely suppressed is inner emotions and just become overly professional and a rigid rule follower. He's almost surrounded by isolation in a way though its his manipulativeness that ostacrises him rsther than being surrounded by isolation. Sometimes I can't help sympathising with him but I am also very critical of him and I certainly think he should take responsibility for his actions. He needs someone there even if there is no emotional attachment and they are fulfilling a function. He also seerms to have this lust for power and he seems to want to control people in a way.

When you said something about the way he reacted - how d'youmean? All I saw was him looking frightened and anyone would look frightened.